Mommy Will Help You!

15. You Did? With Whom?

After breakfast, they went sightseeing around the local landmarks. It had been a long time since Mia visited this city, so she was happy to explore it once again. However, her main purpose for coming here was to spend quality time with her family, which she did.

They walked hand-in-hand as they strolled down the streets of the city. Occasionally, they would stop at various shops and stores to buy some souvenirs or look around at the various merchandise that was being sold.

It was nice having someone who loved you and cared about your well-being by your side. It made you feel safe and secure in this cruel world. That's why Mia cherished every moment she spent with her husband and son. They were her whole life, and she would do anything for them.

The same was true for them as well. They both loved Mia more than anything else in the world. And because of that love, they were willing to do anything for her happiness. Even if it meant sharing her with others.

They didn't care about jealousy or competition between them because, at the end of the day, they knew that no one could ever take their place in her heart.

However, Mia didn't have any intention of being with other men besides her husband and son. She wanted to be faithful to them alone. After all, she had never felt the need to seek out anyone else before. So why should she start now?

But at the same time, she also felt like she needed more than just a sexual relationship with Oliver. She wanted him to be her boyfriend and treat her like a woman instead of a mother.

She wanted to date him and have fun with him, like a normal couple would. Of course, that didn't mean she wanted to ignore his need for pleasure.

On the contrary, she planned on giving him everything he could ever ask for whenever possible. But at least she hoped that their relationship could evolve into something more than just incestuous fucking between mother and son.

"Mom," Oliver spoke up, breaking her train of thought and causing Mia to turn her head towards him, giving him her full undivided attention. "I was wondering something."

"Hmmm? What is it, Ollie?" Mia tilted her head sideways and asked.

"How did dad propose to you?"

“Hahaha….” Adam laughed at the question and answered it before Mia had a chance to say anything.

"It was nothing spectacular. We had a nice dinner date, went for a walk in the park, and ended up sitting under the stars, gazing at the night sky. Then, out of nowhere, I asked her to marry me. She accepted my proposal without hesitation, and we kissed." Adam recalled with fond memories. "Of course, we had to keep it a secret from everyone else because your mom was dating someone else at that time."

"Oh yeah! I forgot about that." Mia nodded as she remembered her previous lover. He was such a nice guy, too. He really treated her well, but unfortunately, things didn't work out in his favor since Adam came along.

"Huh? You had another boyfriend?" Oliver raised an eyebrow at her in surprise.

"Yeah. His name was Mark, and he was a very kind man. But I fell in love with your father and decided to be with him instead." Mia sighed sadly. "I still feel bad for breaking up with him though, because he took it hard and blamed himself for losing me."

Upon hearing this, Oliver couldn't help but feel a little jealous. He wondered if there was anyone else besides him and his dad that his mom had feelings for.

"Did you love any other guys besides Dad and Mark?"

Mia shook her head. "Not really. I mean, I did have crushes on other men when I was younger, but they weren't serious relationships or anything. Most of them didn't even know about my feelings towards them because I never acted upon them. Besides..."

She paused for a moment before continuing.

"Besides, the way your father loved me was different from anyone else's. He made me feel special and unique. He gave me hope that there could be someone out there for me who would accept me the way I am and love me with all their heart. That is why I chose him over all others."

Mia finished explaining her thoughts on relationships while looking directly into Oliver's eyes. She wanted him to understand how much Adam meant to her and how much he changed her life for the better.

He smiled at her words and wrapped an arm around her waist before whispering into her ear.

"Mom, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure. Go ahead, baby." Mia gave him permission to ask whatever he wanted to know, so he took a deep breath and asked her his question.

"How many people have you slept with before?"

This question caught her off guard, but she managed to compose herself before responding.

"Why do you ask that, sweetheart?"

"I don't know. I just felt curious, that's all. Because you were talking about loving dad and all, but you said he was just one of several men that you had a crush on but didn't pursue the relationship."

Oliver pointed out and quickly added, "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked you that question..."

"No, no, it's okay. I am not mad." Mia replied in a soft voice as she placed her hand over Oliver's cheek before saying, "Well, to answer your question, I think I have had sex with maybe seven or eight men? Most of them were boyfriends I had during my high school years and college days, but a couple of them were one-night stands. But, as for your father, we got married just before I graduated from university."

"Oh..." Oliver nodded in understanding before asking another question. "Have you ever slept with any girls?"

This time, Mia's cheeks flushed red as she averted her gaze away from Oliver.


"You did? With whom?" Oliver pressed on.

Seeing his wife's reaction, Adam stepped into their conversation with an amused grin on his face.

"Oh, she definitely did. Rather, she still does, right, honey?"

Hearing this made Mia's face turn even brighter as she covered her blushing cheeks with both palms.

Adam laughed at his wife's embarrassment before continuing with his explanation.

"You see, my dear boy, your mom is bisexual. Which means she enjoys the company of males as well as females, although she does seem to prefer the latter more than the former."

"Really? That's cool, mom." Oliver said in admiration while looking at Mia.

However, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of person she was attracted to. Did he know the person already? How did she meet the woman?

These kinds of questions kept running through his mind as he gazed at her beautiful face. He wanted to find out more about this woman who was sleeping with his mother.

"Do I know the woman you sleep with?" Oliver decided to ask her.

Mia shook her head and explained. "No, you don't know her. But she lives close by."

"Is she your girlfriend now?"

Mia giggled at his question. "I don't think I would call her that. But we do go on dates sometimes. We go for dinner and spend the night in a hotel room, enjoying each other's bodies."

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