Modern Age Online

Chapter 93 - Burning Bridges

The ride through the tunnel was uneventful, after a long ride they arrived at Under-Town. Kaleb paid and dropped off Vlad and the others while he and Shaggy took the dumpster truck to the surface. It took some explaining, but Kaleb just didn’t want another group of players know the location of his and his friend’s lair. It was also his way of showing a little trust in Shaggy. As the two of them followed a map to one of the vehicle exits, Kaleb asked.

“Is Slink going to make a fuss about being killed?”

Shaggy shrugged his shoulders as he drove. “I’m not sure. The kid may whine a bit and try to get some equipment off you. But it won’t be that bad.”

“Yeah, I can see that. What about the rest of you? What are you all going to be doing?” Kaleb asked genuinely curious.

“Not real sure. Tinsel said he would be down for any more work we could find for him. Me and Ren got an affinity of Friendly with him. Did you?”

“No, but I didn’t really spend much time with him, neither did Vlad.”

“Guess that makes sense.” Shaggy said turning the truck around a small corner. “What are you doing after this?”

“Sleeping.” Kaleb said smiling. “After that, I have to inventory everything we got and see what I can make for it. Thanks to Ren and Tinsel I should have more than enough spare metal. The real trick is specialized equipment.”

“Like what?”

Kaleb scratched his head in thought. “Like an actual smelter or forge, decent communications equipment, computers, things like that.”

Shaggy grinned. “You know, there is an easier way to get those things. There’s a computer store a few blocks from where the tunnel lets out.”

“I’m trying to avoid overt theft from legal stores.”

“HA! But you're more than ok with stealing from a massive corporation?”

Kaleb shifted in his seat. “Hey, we stole their junk. Nothing wrong with that. It’s not our fault their security forces extort prices from criminal gangs to shop there. We just circumvented all that.”

“So stealing from criminals is fine?” Shaggy said thoughtfully.

Kaleb nodded. “I think at this point it’s almost mandatory for me. Got to fund me vigilantism somehow and who better to help me than some local criminals.”

“I think we can help you there.” Shaggy said glancing over at Kaleb.

“Haha, I was hoping you would say that. Just don’t mess with the Brute Clan or the Quinica and we’ll be fine.”

Shaggy nodded. “That’s fair. But make us that equipment you promised, keep making us credits, and keep Vlad full of blood. He really got a massive boost from that cat-woman.”

“Yeah, he told me. But, how does that work for you and Ren?”

Shaggy shook his head. “No idea about Ren, I think he is an Alien. But for me, I gain Evolution points when I’m using my werewolf abilities in combat.”

Kaleb smacked his forehead with his hand. “That’s right you’re a Mutant. I forgot about that.”

“Yeah, but something cool happened when we fought that cat bitch.” Shaggy intoned.

“You mean when you partially transformed your hands?”

“Yeah, after the fight was over I got a notification saying: Partial Transformation Unlocked. It makes it easier for me to transform parts of my body.”

Kaleb nodded. “Okay, doesn’t sound to ground breaking.”

“It’s not.” Shaggy agreed. “But I also got a huge bonus to my stats for unlocking Partial Transformation first. Apparently werewolves should get the full transformation down before they try a partial transformation.”

Kaleb’s face scrunched up in confusion. “How were you supposed to know that?”

“I checked online and apparently there are Natural and Mutant werewolf packs in the game. Normally one is supposed to approach you shortly after you start, but there was a bug and a lot of Therianthropes missed out. Then when they got it patched, I was in prison and then in Under-Town. So I’m expecting a werewolf Sensei to show up any time now.” Shaggy explained.

“Damn, that sucks. But, hey, you got a decent bonus from their screw up.” Kaleb said.

Shaggy nodded saying excitedly. “Yeah, but it’s so sweet how in-depth they made this game. I mean there’s even a lot of shit going on with the two werewolf factions. Natural werewolves dislike Mutant ones, they call us mutts. They just went so deep with this stuff.”

Kaleb just smiled and nodded along as Shaggy explained about how Natural and Mutant wolves differed. He brought up the different factions online players had found and even talked about creating a pack with other players. Kaleb listened happily, glad to see another gamer enjoying a game so much. He had gotten used to players gushing about a game in the early days and even with a few technical hiccups; it looked like MAO was doing fine.

They approached what looked to be a dead-end. But as Shaggy drove closer, the wall of dirt in front of them slid upward. Once they drove through, they found themselves in an underground parking structure. Shaggy followed the arrows on the ground leading up to the main floor of what was a decently sized parking structure. As they moved to the exit, two large wheeled trucks moved to block their way.

Kaleb peered at the drivers of both vehicles as Shaggy looked on confused. “Shit! Back up!”

Shaggy threw the large dumpster truck into reverse asking. “Who are they?”

“The Quinica.” Kaleb said as their truck backed up and turned toward another exit.

“I thought they were your friends. Fuck!” Shaggy said as another truck moved to block their path.

“Eh, friends is a bit much. But that was their tunnel we used to get to their dump site. So they might lay claim to some junk.” Kaleb said as he looked down at Daivor who was sleeping on the cab’s large seat.

“Wake up!” Kaleb said poking Daivor on his side.

Daivor merely grumbled and swatted at his hand. Shaggy tried to move the truck into reverse again but the other trucks had moved to block them in. A crisp voice echoed loudly throughout the parking garage.

“Hallo, mein Freund der Eidechse. May I have a word?”

Kaleb head snapped up at the sound of Blutschläger’s voice. The older space vampire was standing by the truck blocking their way to the front. Next to him were three other Quinica, including Deiter. Kaleb could see another three exiting one truck behind him. Shaggy reached down for the rifle he had stolen from the K-Tech security.

“I’ve got two on this side.” Shaggy said setting his gun on his lap.

“Three on this side and four ahead.” Kaleb said tapping Daivor on the face.

The Gnome grouchily roused himself as Blutschläger shouting again, sounding annoyed. “Please, professor, spare us any attempts at heroics. We just want to talk with you. The help can stay where he is, though.”

“Help?” Shaggy asked angrily. “I’ll show you help, asshole.”

Daivor smacked his lips loudly and looked up at Kaleb in annoyance, Kaleb shrugged and whispered. “Can you fly to the hangar and get help?”

Daivor activated his chariot and flew above the dashboard to get a look at the situation. “Maybe, but I don’t know where we are or how far we are from the base. On top of that, no one there can understand me.”

Kaleb grit his teeth and glanced around the cab. Soon Blutschläger would stop asking and they would be drag them from the car. They had Vlad’s rifle, Kaleb’s guns and Shaggy’s own rifle. Daivor had his chariot but no weapons. They had a truck full of tech but no way to reach it or time to build anything.

“I will count down from 10, Professor!” Blutschläger yelled.

A sudden idea popped into Kaleb’s head and he rummaged in his pockets. As Blutschläger counted, Kaleb felt the thin pen-like object in his pocket and passed it to Daivor. “Use that to cut into the truck and find the repulsors. You know what to do with them. I’ll buy us some time.”

Shaggy waved his hand at Kaleb as Blutschläger got to 7. “Plan?”

Kaleb nodded and moved to his door. “Daivor will hand you something. When shit goes south, you throw it and shield your eyes.”

Kaleb quickly threw himself from the truck as Blutschläger got to 4. Putting his hands up in defeat, the three Quinica on his side rushed him and shoved him toward their leader. Blutschläger sighed contentedly and placed both hands on his black cane in front of him. Kaleb was made to stand in front of the shorter man and surrounded by the six other Quinica.

Blutschläger shook his head in mock sadness. “Oh Mein Freund, why did you have to steal from me?”

Kaleb’s eyes widened in his own mock surprise. “From you? I don’t think I stole from you tonight. I stole from the Phreaks, stole from K-Tech, I might have gotten a steal on some rat burgers earlier tonight. But I did not steal from you.”

Deiter hissed at Kaleb angrily, But Kaleb continued to pretend confusion. Blutschläger for his part, just shook his head regretfully. He nodded to a Quinica behind Kaleb and Kaleb felt a hard punch smack into his back armor. Surprisingly, the blow wasn’t too bad, but Kaleb squinted in pain and sucked in a breath.

*Cough* “Whoa, Blutschläger.” Kaleb said, pretending to groan. “You brought the big boys out with you today, huh?”

Kaleb could see the smirks on the other Quinica’s faces, But Blutschläger just sighed. “Sadly, no. you don’t warrant such attention and the sun will soon be up. So I called upon the younger generation. They haven’t been a part of us for long and they haven’t adjusted to a completely nocturnal lifestyle. Not like poor Deiter here. He gets so angry when he doesn’t get his sleep.”

Kaleb glanced into the anger eyes of the tall, bald Quinica. They were blood-shot, and he looked aggravated.

“Well, we all need our beauty sleep.” Kaleb joked, adding quietly. “Some more than others.”

Deiter hissed louder, showing off his large fangs that seemed to lengthen the longer he hissed. Blutschläger put a hand on his larger friend’s shoulder saying a few words in German. After he had calmed his friend down, Blutschläger turned to Kaleb again and sighed loudly.

“Listen, we know of what you did. You stole a truck from those loathsome lab experiments, used OUR tunnel to travel to OUR salvaging grounds, came back and dropped off the hired help and then came to the surface. Now how is that fair to us?”

Kaleb pretended to mull it over, playing for time. Another sudden punch to his kidney’s jolted him into speaking. “Well, I was unaware that you had such an arrangement with the K-Tech salvage yard. Seeing how last time we went there you and yours were all chased off.”

Blutschläger grit his teeth audibly. “That was an oversight. Some jumped up security captain trying to double her bribe. I will deal her with in time. However, that site is ours! It has always been ours! And we will not let some lizard with an inflated ego take and profit from what is ours!”

Blutschläger had started at a normal volume but by the end he was shouting in Kaleb’s face. Kaleb attempted to look cowed. “Well, I was unaware that was the case. How would you like to solve it?”

Blutschläger smiled for the first time, nodding amicably. “Good, professor. Now you understand how things will be working. We will take 50% of your salvage.”

Kaleb couldn’t help himself as his eyes almost bulged out of his skull. “50!?” He shouted in surprise.

Blutschläger narrowed his eyes at Kaleb. “Yes, 50% that will our standing going rate whenever we work with you from now on.”

Kaleb bit the inside of his cheek as he tried to bargain. “Come on! Give us a break. We almost died tonight. How about 25%?”

Blutschläger sighed loudly again and placed a hand on Kaleb shoulder, mumbling. “Now it’s 60% and we leave those giant lizard friends of yours alone.”

Kaleb stiffened and stared into the grinning face of the old Quinica. There must have been a change in his posture cause the other Quinica seemed to grow extra quiet. Kaleb could almost feel the atmosphere grow much more tense as he leaned forward with his metal hand and placed it on Blutschläger’s own shoulder. Matching the older man’s tone Kaleb whispered.

“5% and I let you live.”

Blutschläger’s eyes widened in surprise before the old man laughed loudly in Kaleb’s face. Kaleb just calmly watched and smiled back at the laughing man’s. Blutschläger tried to say something multiple times but he couldn’t keep himself from laughing. The other Quinica all stared at them, confused as their boss laughed into Kaleb’s face.


Suddenly a loud honk came from the dumpster truck. Blutschläger stopped laughing and looked at a grinning Kaleb. Before the old man could do anything Kaleb shifted his metal arm and fired his Spike Launcher sending a railroad spike into the center of Blutschläger’s head. The old man’s head jerked backward from the impact and he crumpled to the parking garage floor. Most of the Quinica stared on shocked, But not Deiter.


The large space vampire shouted angrily at Kaleb and shoved him hard. The blow lifted Kaleb off his feet and sent him into a younger Quinica, but Kaleb didn’t stop. The force of the blow carried the two of them and sent them careening into a concrete wall. Kaleb moved so fast he didn’t have time to close his eyes from the oncoming repulsor flash grenade.

He heard it go off as he and the unfortunate Quinica slammed into the wall. Luckily for Kaleb the other man cushioned the blow a little. But his metal arm still smacked into his upper body and his head snapped harshly into the wall. Should have kept the helmet on. Kaleb thought as he fell to the floor.

“HAHAHAHAHA! Come get some, motherfuckers!”

Kaleb snapped out of his stupor to the sound of Shaggy cackling madly over the sounds of his energy rifle firing. Shaking his head and rubbing his ribs over his armor Kaleb stood and took the situation in. Shaggy had left the truck and was wielding an energy rifle in each hand as he cut down the Quinica that had surrounded Kaleb. Deiter however had moved out of the line of fire and was crouched down behind some cars across from Kaleb.

The energy weapons seemed effective against the Quinica. It burned through them leaving large round holes in their bodies. But Kaleb could see that Shaggy wasn’t giving the guns enough time to cool down between shots. They would overheat any minute now.


Sure enough, the sounds of gun firing cut off and was replaced by the sound of the barrels hissing with heat. Shaggy stared down at his guns then looked up at the remaining two Quinica that had somehow survived his onslaught. Dropping the guns Shaggy grinned wide and shrugged his shoulders. Kaleb drew his gun and moved to help the werewolf but Deiter moved too.

The older Quinica made a beeline for Kaleb and tackled him to the ground. Kaleb lifted his metal arm to guard his face as Deiter moved into a mounted position and punched down into Kaleb’s stomach and body. Raising his Sun Gun Kaleb sent two shots into Deiter stomach before the large man swatted at Kaleb’s hand sending the gun flying out of his grip.

Taking more heavy blows to his armored midsection Kaleb switched arms guarding his face and tried to shoot with his other gun. But Deiter was ready for it, as soon as Kaleb tried to switch arms Deiter grabbed onto his lab coat lapels and slammed his head down into Kaleb’s. Kaleb’s head slammed back down hard onto the concrete floor and for a moment he saw stars. Deiter said nothing as he leaned his head back and prepared to headbutt Kaleb again.

Kaleb shook his head to clear it and slammed his metal arm down hard on Dieter’s elbows. The blow brought Dieter’s head closer and Kaleb reached up and poked the man in the eye with his free hand. Deiter howled in pain and Kaleb wriggled out from under him. Once he was back on his feet Kaleb turned and fired his Cybar into Dieter’s body as he clutched at his eye.

Kaleb fired all nine shots into Dieter’s upper body and face. But when he stopped to vent his pistol, he saw that all he had done was leave large red burn marks on Dieter’s body. The large man glared up at Kaleb with murder in his eyes and tried to stand up. Kaleb quickly vented his gun and stomped down on Dieter’s face. The blow caught the man off guard and Kaleb swapped his gun to his free hand.

Kaleb lined up his metal arm with Dieter’s head and fired a spike. The spike jammed itself into the back of Dieter’s head and the man fell to the floor. But to Kaleb’s surprise the large man started to get up again with the black spike sticking out from his skull. Kaleb jolted in surprise and fired another three spikes into Dieter’s head until his Cybar had vented, then he emptied another nine shots into the space vampire.

Kaleb panted loudly as he stood over Dieter’s body. He let his gun vent and waited to see if the big man would move again. Kaleb glanced around real quick to see if Shaggy needed his help. But the werewolf was doing fine. He had crushed the head of one of his adversaries in the wheel well of a nearby car. The other one he had lifted above his head and Shaggy was repeatedly slamming him down on the hood of another car.

Kaleb shook his head in wonder and looked down at Dieter. The pale man had four spikes sticking out of his head and severe burns marks on his skull. Kaleb could just see the white of the other man’s skull. Getting closer and aiming carefully Kaleb put another spike straight into the spot where he could see the skull. The spike jammed down further into the skull and, Kaleb hoped, punctured the bastard’s brain.

Kaleb collected his Sun Gun and looked around. The two Quinica on Shaggy’s side were by his door large holes in their bodies, one was crushed into the wall, and Shaggy had cut the others down with his rifles. The werewolf finished pummeling his opponent and joined Kaleb, panting and smiling widely.

“Dude, it is never a dull moment with you around.” Shaggy said scratching behind his ear.

Kaleb exhaled loudly and nodded. “Yeah, I’m lucky like that. But, seriously if these guys had been older they would have killed us.”

Shaggy waved him off and went to collect the rifles he had dropped. “Not if these babies had kept working. What the hell happened.”

Kaleb snorted and shook his head. “Dude, they overheated. You have to-”

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

“HA HA HA HA HA! Du bist gut, kleine Eidechse. Ohhhh, I was not expecting that.” Blutschläger’s voice echoed from where his body lay.

Kaleb and Shaggy snapped their attention over to where the smaller man’s body had fallen. He was still there, but he had his hands clasp over his stomach. Slowly Blutschläger rose to his feet like a vampire rising from his coffin. Kaleb flinched as he stared into the eyes of the older man. They had turned bright red with deep black slit irises, like a cat. As he stood Kaleb watched the spike he had launched into the man’s forehead push its way out and fall to the floor.

“You will wish you did not do that.” Blutschläger said smiling and showing off his growing sharp white fangs.

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