MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 180 Kneel

John, Shizu and Shelur appeared back in the emerald enclave in front of Bengal, Fanya and Adria.

“Welcome back, I trust everything went ok?” Adria asked.

“For the most part.” John replied before saying.

“Wild Morph Human.”

After saying so the black shroud that covered him started to regress back as his armor returned to normal both in shape and color.

Shizu and Shelur watched with interest before Shelur asked in surprise.

“You're a human?”

John nodded before saying.

“That’s right, it’s a pleasure to meet you, my name is Vincarna.” 

“Why would Lady Bengal make a request of a human?” Shelur asked.

Adria snorted before saying.

“Is there something wrong with that orc slut?”

Shelur turned to Adria as her face showed displeasure before she replied.

“Oh you're here as well bitchy human princess, well I wasn't asking you.”

Shizu sighed and rubbed her forehead while Bengal chuckled in amusement.

Fanya looked between the two women who were staring daggers at each other before she lost interest and turned to John before saying.

“Welcome back Vincarna, I want more belly rubs from you.” 

John chuckled before walking towards Fanya and saying.

“As you wish, princess.”

He then started to stroke Fanya again who started to purr.

“Errrr.” Shelur said as she saw this scene.

It was common knowledge on the western continent that white tigers were not to be touched without permission since it could lead to receiving Bengal’s rage, in fact she had never met anyone who was allowed to touch a white tiger like this Vincarna was.

“Is there something wrong orc slut? Adria asked with a smug grin.

Shelur frowned when she saw the look on Adria’s face before asking.

“What’s with that smug look bitchy princess?”

Adria’s smug look grew as she folded her arms under her chest, making her already ample breasts raise even higher before she proclaimed smugly.

“I’m sure you're jealous that my lover here is able to pet a white tiger anytime he wishes.” 

Surprise appeared on Shelur’s face as she said.

“He can pet one of Lady Bengal’s pack whenever she wishes?”

“Perhaps I should explain.” Bengal suddenly said.

“Lady Bengal forgive me for not greeting you sooner.” Shelur said as she gave an orc greeting of holding her hand over her heart.

“Don’t worry about it, after all it was I that requested that Vincarna collect you.”

“Might I ask why you made an agreement with the bitchy princess for me to join them?” Shelur asked.

“I made the agreement with Red Rose here because I believe it would be beneficial for you to form a connection with Vincarna.” Bengal replied.

“Why? Is there something special about this human Lady Bengal?” Shelur asked.

Bengal chuckled before saying.

“Well if you count the fact that he is the first human Druid and was also able to earn the trust of my daughter here so as to form a bond with her, then yes I would say there is something special about him.”

Shelur’s mouth opened in shock as her eyes widened before she said in shock.

“Wait, he's a Druid and also managed to earn your daughters favor enough to form a bond with her.”

“And furthermore you allowed this Lady Bengal?”

“Why would I not? Vincarna not only saved my daughter from bandits, but also many other animals as well.” Bengal replied.

“Hehe, see how great my lover is now? Even Lady Bengal recognises his greatness.” Adria said smugly.

John, Shizu and Bengal all rolled their eyes at Adria’s boasting.

“So you're no longer the virgin bitchy princess, but just the bitchy princess instead? Shelur spat back before adding.

“If he agreed to be your lover, he is either foolish or desperate.”

At this commont Shizu narrowed her eyes slightly while Fanya who had been enjoying John’s pets opened hers with a slight hiss.

“I wouldn’t speak so badly of Nine Tails lover if you don’t want to lose her as a friend.” Adria replied smugly.

Shelur raised an eyebrow in confusion before saying.

“Are you deranged? You just said he was your lover but now you are saying he is Nine Tails, which is it?”

“It’s both.” Shizu replied simply before adding.

“And not only the two of us.”

Shelur gaped at Shizu before asking.

“You, an impossible princess, actually became interested in a man?” 

“Red Rose was also an impossible princess before John stole our chastity.” Shizu replied.

“Hey hey, what do you mean stole?” John asked defensively.

“Do you deny it?” Shizu asked John with a smirk.

“While I don’t deny that you both gave your first times to me, I do deny the fact that I stole them, I seem to remember it was you five who insisted and wouldn’t give me a choice.” John replied back.

“Wait, five?” Shelur asked in surprise before asking.

“Who else’s chastity did you steal?” 

“I told you I stole no one’s chastity.” John defended himself however the girls ignored his protests as Shizu replied.

“Along with myself and Red Rose, he stole Silver Oracle’s and Black Dragoons, while Ice Blue Queen also became his lover though of course he could not steal from her what she had already lost.”

“Wait, the elven princess is also your lover?” Bengal suddenly asked in surprise as she turned to John.

John nodded in reply before saying.

“That’s correct, I plan to bring her here to claim your blessing later.”

“Blessing?” Shelur asked, still in shock at the list of names she had just heard.

While she did not know who this Black Dragoon was, she knew of the elven princess Silver Oracle and the first player to achieve rebirth, Ice Blue Queen.

“Wait, now I remember, are you the human who attended the banquet as the date of those three the other day?” Shelur asked as if she just remembered some interesting gossip.

“That would be me.” John replied before he continued to pet Fanya.

“Doesn't that also mean you're the player who was the first to gain a class that was before now race exclusive?” Shelur further asked.

“Correct again.” John replied simply.

Shelur eyed John up for a second before turning to Adria and Shizu and saying.

“I appear to have been mistaken and apologize, if he managed all that he can’t be foolish, also how could a man like that be desperate for women, he must have them fawning over him.” 

“Fawning over? No thanks, these five are enough trouble.” John replied absentmindedly before realizing what he just said and slowly turned his head with a panicked expression to see Adria and Shizu smiling at him in a way that made him think their smile wasn’t actually a smile.

“Honey, would you kindly repeat what you just said?” Adria asked in a sweet tone as Bengal chuckled in amusement as she watched the show.

“Hhaha, a slip of the tongue, sorry.” John replied while laughing nervously.

“Oh really?” Shizu asked in a similar sweet voice before saying.

“I think the others would be interested to hear your comment just now.”

Before John could reply another voice interrupted asking.

“What comment would that be?”

They all looked in the direction of the voice and saw two women approaching, Sarah and Vulxis had arrived at the worst time for John.

“Ah you're both here, good.” Shizu said before turning back to John and asking.

“Darling, would you mind repeating what you just said for your other lovers?” 

Shelur and Bengal watched on in amusement wondering how John would get out of this.

“Did I say something?.” John replied in a weak voice.

“You most certainly did.” Adria answered him.

“Oh look at the time, since you're all here perhaps I should go collect Silver Oracle.” John replied as he slowly started to back away.

“Hold it.” Adria and Shizu said in commanding tones, making John freeze.

“Kneel they both instructed.” 

However when everyone expected John to kneel his face suddenly hardened before saying.


“Excuse me?” Adria asked in surprise.

“I may have said something wrong, and for that I apologize.” John replied in a hard voice before adding in a cold tone.

“However, never expect me to kneel in front of you like any of your subjects, there is no one who has earned my respect enough to get that privilege.” 

After saying such he turned to Lady Bengal and said.

“Lady Bengal please bestow your blessing on them, I need to go collect Silver Oracle.”

After which he pulled out the portal stone for Thamethalas and soon vanished.

There was silence for a while as everyone processed what had just happened and what John had Just said.

Eventually it was Shelur who spoke first.

“I must say Nine Tails, you certainly found yourself a gutsy man, it takes guts to do what he just did.”

Shizu sighed before turning to look at Shelur and saying.

“That wasn't guts, it was anger.”

Shelur raised an eyebrow in surprise before Vulxis suddenly asked in an accusing tone.

“What did you two do?”

“They were foolish and misspoke.” Sarah said with a sigh before looking at Adria with a judgmental look and adding.

“You of all people should have known what would happen if you tried to command him like you command other humans as a princess.”

“Just look how he responded to your mother before.”

As Adria and Shizu heard this they both slumped their shoulders at realizing their mistake.

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