MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 176 Bengal’s relationship with the Orc’s

John soon caught up to Adria before asking.

“You ok?”

Adria smiled before taking his arm and replying.

“Of course, I was just getting revenge on him for interrupting our kiss.”

John raised an eyebrow before pointing out.

“You know it was the female rabbit that made me laugh right.”

Adria smiled sweetly before asking simply.

“Was it?”

John figured it was better to let the matter go so he started to lead her in a specific direction before saying.

“Let’s go find Bengal and see about your blessing.”

“Lead on my prince.” Adria replied happily.

“Prince?” John asked.

“Every princess needs a Prince Charming right?” Adria asked with a giggle.

“Not sure you're going to get that.” John replied as they reached Bengal who looked up at Adria and asked.

“And who do we have here, Vincarna?” 

“Lady Bengal let me introduce the human princess Red Rose, Red Rose this is the white tiger of the West Bengal.” John replied as he introduced the two.

Adria did a professional curtsy as she said.

“A pleasure to meet you, Lady Bengal.”

“The human princess you say.” Bengal replied with slight surprise before continuing in the human tongue which surprised them both.

Bengal chuckled before saying.

“What did you think that succubus whore was the only world boss who could speak the human tongue? I know many languages.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you as well Red Rose, I must say that I’m quite surprised Vincarna is acquainted with the princess of his race, and so intimately too.”

As Bengal said this she noticed Fanya was watching Red Rose closely and her tail was flicking in a far more dangerous way than when she looked at Vincarna.

Adria smiled back before saying.

“Haha then you have a few more surprises to receive today.” 

“Is that right, I look forward to it.” Bengal replied as she continued to look at Adria carefully.

“Speaking off, wasn’t Shi…. I mean Nine Tails supposed to be with you so that I could transport you both together?” John asked before adding sheepishly while scratching the back of his head.

“In the heat of the moment I kind of forgot.”

“So you admit that you forgot about her.” Adria said with a wicked smile.

“She won’t be too happy with you after she hears about this.” 

“Please spare me oh great and noble princess.” John said with a bow.

“Hmm I will consider it, anyway Shizu is stuck in the western continent.” Adria replied, causing Bengal to pay closer attention to their conversation.

“Weston continent? Why is she there?” John asked curiously.

“She went there to help an orc slut, and now that slut won’t let her leave, otherwise she could have used the portal stone to return directly to Waning City.” Adria replied in an annoyed tone.

“I would advise you to be careful how you address this particular orc if it is who I am thinking off.” Bengal suddenly warned before continuing.

“I remember young Eliphas saying that a Kitsune friend was going to help her in a quest, and since your friend is called nine tails I can only assume it’s the same individual.”

“Still I did not realize her friend was the Kitsune princess.”

“It sounds like you're well acquainted with this Eliphas, lady Bengal.” John said.

“I am, the orc leaders of the western continent forbid their people from harming my kin, because of this we have a peaceful friendly relationship where we often help each other.” Bengal began to explain.

“It is customary once a young orc warlock reaches a certain level for their elder to bring them before me and introduce them as they are the future leaders of the orcs who will be interacting with me often.”

“Eliphas is a very promising young warlock, if she keeps up her training she has the chance to fight for the position of chieftess in the future.”

“I see, if Shizu is her friend she must be rather interesting.” John commented before looking at Adria who was pouting before asking.

“So why don’t you like her?” 

“Because she is human.” Bengal replied simply.

“Pardon?” John asked, confused .

“Come now Vincarna, as a human yourself you must be aware of the particularly bad relationship between the human and orc races?” Bengal asked.

John nodded before replying.

“I have ofcourse read and been told about it, however I was under the impression that things had gotten better recently.”

“In a way I suppose they have.” Bengal said before explaining.”

“Both races have shifted their focus to more internal matters since the current rulers came to power.”

“Empress Alexia Bristle is trying to stabilize her country as there are many forces who wish to claim her throne.”

As Bengal said this John saw the sad look on Adria’s face so he put his arm around her and pulled her into a hug to comfort her.

As he did this Fanya’s tail twitched even more before calming down.

“As for Chieftess Mathilde, she has decided to use this opportunity to find and train more warlocks.”

“This however has not cleared up all the bad blood that exists between these two races, while they do not actively try to kill each other every time they meet, they are still aggressive towards each other and often get into verbal confrontations that may sometimes end in physical violence.”

“I see.” John said in reply.

“You don’t seem biased against the orc race like the princess here.” Bengal stated.

John shrugged before saying.

“I learnt the hard way not to take people at first glance or from how other people proclaim them to be.”

“With that said I have never met an orc so they have never done wrong by me.” 

“Then I dare say I think it’s high time you did, especially since you are bonded with my daughter.” Bengal replied before saying.

“You will no doubt need to travel to the western continent in the future, if only to ask me to bless your friends, so it would be a good idea for you to get to know some of the orc’s.”

“With that said I will transport you to the western continent so that you may pick up your friend Nine Tails and return here with her, I would also ask that you return with Eliphas as I would like her to join you on the expedition your about to undertake so that the two of you can get to know each other.” 

“You will transport me there?” John asked, surprised.

“Naturally, as the world boss of the western continent I can transport myself or anyone of my choosing anywhere I wish there.” Bengal replied.

John nodded in understanding before saying.

“While I have no issue with going to collect them both, I will have to refuse on letting this Eliphas join the expedition because it is not mine to lead.” 

“Oh! Then whose is it to lead?” Bengal asked.

“It would be mine, Lady Bengal.” Adria replied.

“I see, while that complicates my plan it does not hinder it, tell me what will it cost to allow Eliphas to join your expedition?” Bengal asked.

“Normally I would not dare to ask anything of lady Bengal.” Adria replied gracefully before adding.

“However the problem lies in the fact that Eliphas is an orc, whilst I may be able to put that aside and get along with her, there is another problem that is not so simple to deal with and because of that I will have to insist on a cost.”

“Oh what is this problem?” Bengal asked with interest.

“The fact that if this orc comes we will no longer be able to have sex there.” Adria replied.

“What?” John asked.

“Pardon?” Bengal asked in confusion before John spoke again.

Fanya let out a small hiss only her mother heard.

“I thought I already said that won't be happening.” John said with a frown.

“That was before Elrinira gave us a solution.” Adria said with a smile.

“Of course she did.” John said with a sigh before saying.

“Ok let's hear it.” 

Adria smiled before telling John about the two bottles Elrinira had given Sarah and how to use them.

“Are you saying that succubus whore actually gave away something for free?” Bengal asked in surprise before asking.

“Why would she do that?”

Adria looked towards John who sighed and just nodded, granting his permission to tell her.

“Because apparently she is testing Vincarna to see if he is worthy to become her bonded partner.”

“WHAT!” Bengal said in a loud voice that shocked them all including Fanya who had only ever heard her mother speak so loudly a few times.

“Is this true Vincarna?” Bengal asked.

“I wouldn’t know, I knew nothing about this until recently.” John replied with a shrug.

“Interesting.” Bengal replied before lapsing into thought.

She was quiet for a few minutes seemingly lost in her own thoughts before she snapped back to attention.

“Putting that aside, mating while Eliphas is there won’t be a problem.” Bengal began.

“As I’m sure your aware orc’s are a lot more open minded about when and where they mate with others than most humanoids, so she wont have a problem if your mating right next to her, she may even wish to join in if she finds Vincarna appealing.” 

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