Mixed In Africa To Be the European Emperor

Chapter 14

Chapter 14: True African Admiral

What kind of ship do you make?

Of course, it’s not Wang Dajian’s kind of ship girl.


Wang Dajian wants to give African black uncles a special series called African Ship Girl.

Such a bizarre idea, he was too embarrassed to see it.

Wang Dajian doesn’t know what kind of ship girl the African uncle can make, but now, let’s catch this black uncle Vanura first.

“Want to live?”

Wang Dajian looked down at Uncle Hei who was kneeling on the ground.

“Think! Think!”

Wanura kept kowtowing, too frightened, Wang Dajian could destroy his entire team by raising his hand, he had never seen such a ferocious person.

“Fuck with me, I won’t treat you badly, hahaha.”

Patting Uncle Hei on the shoulder, Wang Dajian pulled him onto the boat.

On the shore, Ninghai, Pinghai, and Lafite couldn’t help but ask, “Where are you going!”

“Go home, no one will attack you again for the time being. You can go back to the international port after dawn.”

Taking Uncle Hei onto the boat, Wang Dajian waved goodbye to the three little loli.

These three loli are not so easy to abduct, mainly because Wang Dajian can’t afford to raise so many loli temporarily. Until there is no stable oil income, it is best not to raise too many ships.

Red cheongsam loli Pinghai, trotted to catch up: “How can we meet again!”

“What, are you infatuated with brother?”

Wang Dajian raised his bangs and showed a self-confessed charming smile.

Little Loli blushed, and she shouted proudly: “That’s not it! I’m obsessed with the taste of meat buns! What should I do if I can’t eat such delicious meat buns in the future!”

“Want to eat? Okay, this is my number. If you want to eat anytime, just call me and see you by fate.”

After saying goodbye to the three little loli, Rafi returned to the aircraft carrier in a speedboat.

Not afraid of being followed, there are brilliant planes in the sky investigating.

However, there are still people who are secretly observing Wang Dajian.

A girl floated on the sea, and at first glance she was a ship’s mother.

She observed Wang Dajian’s speedboat with a telescope. In the end, Wang Dajian’s speedboat approached the aircraft carrier and disappeared out of thin air.

“Got you!”

The girl immediately began to contact other ship girls, and then the other 20 ship girls quickly surrounded her.

It is Neon’s support fleet, 20 mass-produced Furutaka ships led by Fuso.

It’s just that they are too naive.

Wang Dajian is not stupid.

After being secretly photographed before, how could he not know that someone was secretly observing him?

By the time Fusang had mobilized the 20 ship girls, Wang Dajian’s aircraft carrier had already left.

“Huh!? Impossible, an hour ago, I clearly saw them parked here and disappeared!”

The 21 ship girls of the Neon Support Fleet were all in vain!

Wang Dajian’s aircraft carrier was already at sea several kilometers away.

The advantage of an aircraft carrier base is that it is different. It is not a port or a fixed base. It is difficult for the enemy to find his specific location.

This is also the reason why Wang Dajian is so turbulent, he is not afraid of being followed.

Hiding on the aircraft carrier behind the optical camouflage, Wang Dajian put down the telescope.

“Fortunately, we invaded their base before, and the number of support fleets that suddenly burst out is quite large.”

“21 humanoid weapons were dispatched at once, and the neon navy is determined to annihilate us.”

Guanghui Niang was standing beside Wang Dajian, Hai Fei was blowing, and her transparent long skirt floated up, revealing some benefits from time to time, especially eye-catching!

This will make Guanghui Niang turn around with a smile: “Commander, do you really want that African to become an admiral?”

“Why not? When I saw the construction factory in the base before, I was thinking, can I get a little brother, get more fleets or something.”

After all, in this world, Wang Dajian is weak.

Every country has a ship girl, and it is impossible for him to fight against the whole world, at least not for the time being.

Wang Dajian felt that he could start with Africa, and whether he could occupy an area to exploit oil, so that Wang Dajian would have enough oil to support the ship’s mother.

Then the first step!

It is to support a local younger brother in Africa.

This Vanura is just right.

At this time, Vanura was arranged to wait in the lounge. He was shivering and eating dry food, and Rafi was guarding him next to him.

He lowered his voice and said to Raffi: “Miss, I… I’ll be fine, right?”

Lafite didn’t say a word and didn’t communicate with strangers at all.

Except for Wang Dajian, she rarely speaks to others.

The iron door was pushed open, Wang Dajian strode in, smiled and patted Vanula, which made him stand up with a squeak.

“Don’t kill me! Don’t kill me!!!”

“No, no, I’ll take you to see a baby.”

Wang Dajian pulled Vanula with his shoulders on his back, and his dark face showed despair: “I…I’m not going!”

He is afraid!

In case Wang Dajian took him somewhere and killed him.

“I said, I can kill you by pulling out a pistol now, try beep again!”

As soon as Wang Dajian took out his gun, Vanula’s legs were soft, and he followed Wang Dajian out.

“What’s your name, little friend.”

Wang Dajian showed a kind smile, but in the east of Vanura’s eyes, it was a devilish smile.


“Okay, Vanura.”

Wang Dajian sat in front of the computer, typed in Vanula’s name, and drew some of his blood for verification.

Then Wang Dajian began to give Vanula some authority.

[Permission: Off. This admiral is nothing more than a regular ship girl. Is it based on the African admiral to make an African ship girl? 】

【Yes. 】

To put it bluntly, Wang Dajian is to let this black uncle have a little ability to make a ship girl, but not much, and there is no way to create a ship girl like Glory.

Just a follower.

But it was enough, enough to let him run amok in Africa.

[Confirmation is complete, follow Admiral Vanura, Admiral of Africa. 】

“Come on, go to this construction platform, put something in there, and see what you can make.”

“oh oh……”

Vanula is like a good boy. According to Wang Dajian’s instructions, he put some materials into the Jianniang manufacturing factory, and the blind chickens are scattered around.

“Then press confirm with your hand.”


The African Admiral pressed his hand, and the whole machine started to run.

This kind of ship girl has no mental core, and it is fast to manufacture. To put it bluntly, it is an ordinary robot without a brain.

【Ding! After the manufacture was completed, the African Admiral Vanura obtained the Numbani-type ship girl, the African God of War. 】


Really made it, 666, big brother, this African ship girl is so funny!

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