Chapter 261: Chapter 261. Father vs Daughter
PIn: Violet
Hunter has grown more powerful in the past few months, he grew so fast that I was worried that his soul couldn't keep up and would end up being crushed by his new body.
But it seems that the constant stress he had ever since he came to this world, made his soul strong enough to hold the body of a God.
It's not perfect, but it should be enough to help him in the upcoming fight against Mother.
But that was the problem.
I didn't feel like he would win for certain, but that he had the chance to win.
I've seen the strength of my father, and it's hard for me to see how he could be defeated.
My human right now has the necessary strength to fight with him, but I don't know about Mother.
From what I've seen, artificial gods are always weaker than the ones naturally born.
The System was made, Alexa was made, the Wither was made and even my human was made artificially into a God.
Mother instead, was born from the Void itself, and the whole Void is her playground.
Of course, that doesn't mean that the natural God could not be defeated by an artificial one.
The System managed to do that quite well with the Void.
But the reason it won was because the dragon didn't have enough experience on how to use her energy in a fight, and the System took advantage of that.
Now, she was trapped for hundreds of years and had time to train her energy and herself for revenge.
Not only that, but she had Father by her side. The smartest human there to help her.
So she was ready for what was about to come.
There were too many variables stacked against my human, and I wanted to do something about that.
We were now in the Nether, in the body of Alexa, one of the Gods that I was not getting along with.
But I knew how important its discovery was for Hunter, and it could be the key to our victory.
So I wasn't going to make a problem for them.
The blue ally appeared out of nowhere and spoke out loud, which was a rare sight since it communicated telepathically.
I hid myself through space to be undetectable by anyone, God or man, since I still didn't like Alexa.
But since it wanted to talk with me, I decided to come out.
She already began her attack?!
But Hunter was nowhere near the end of his goal!
He was still in the red mist, trying to harvest the power of the Nether and the Void, he needed absolute focus for this!
"You don't seem that alarmed by this. Is it because the Nether would be spared?"
I didn't really care about the Overworld, but I knew how important it was for my human, so by default, I had to care about it as well.
But Alexa was different, its sole purpose was to make humanity better and not watch it die.
That means, it had a plan, but I don't know if I would like it as well.
I narrowed my eyes in displeasure.
I tried to hide those experiments, but it seems that those gave me out instead.
As for why I tried to change my body?
I realized that I evolved every time I went through something hard and had enough energy around me.
But with each form, I was progressing slower and slower to the point that I didn't think I could evolve for another 10 years.
And my human needed help now, not in 10 years.
So I tried to change my body forcefully with the Crystal, but no matter what I did, everything was worse than the current body that I have.
I don't know if it was from lack of experience or if Father did something to our bodies so they couldn't be changed by Crystals, but I was stuck in place.
"What about it?"
That stunned me for a moment.
Me and Alexa to fight against Father?
"I understand why I would do it, but why should you? Isn't Father your creator and the one who has the most authority over you?"
So, it's still the mission that pushes it to this decision.
How ironic, the tool my Father made to fight the System was now fighting him harder than it did with the System.
"How do you plan on doing that? Aren't you going to quickly switch sides if you're going to meet him?"
I narrowed my eyes in suspicion, but I also knew that it was telling me the truth.
It was just a part of me that didn't want to accept Alexa, but that part had to be moved aside to help my human.
"How do you plan on doing that?"
"Didn't you already give everything to my human? What else is there to give?"
So he was giving me the solution that I was looking for, and I only had to give up my current body.
I believed its intentions were good, but I also felt that I would lose a lot if I was going to switch from this body to Alexa.
Plus, there was also the fact that it would have control over it after this was over, and I wasn't comfortable with that.
"Fine, when do you want to make the transfer?"
Unfortunately, this was the only way I could help my human, so I had to take it.
"Fine, tell me when he's done."
The Allay nodded its head and flew into the red mist, leaving me alone with my thoughts.
I looked at the red mist below me with a lost gaze, when I decided to teleport inside.
I didn't want to disturb my human, so I made myself invisible while looking at him from afar.
He was floating in the middle of the mist with his eyes closed and I could feel that something was moving around him.
Something tried to get inside his body but was blocked right as It was about to reach its skin.
He didn't have his armor on him this time, so it was easier to see the details happening around him.
Not only that, but his presence was heavy in the space, like an Obsidian block that would fall on slime. The space was screaming, trying to hold him in one place.
That was his obsidian form and the only reason I thought he stood a chance against the Void.
It was powerful and heavy.
I just hoped that it was enough for what was about to come.
Hours passed, and he finally opened his eyes.
It's over, I have control over it.
Then he stood in silence for a moment, as his presence grew more.
I see, then it's time for the final battle.
And just like that, he flew deeper into the red mist, bypassing the Bedrock barrier and going into the Void.
A voice echoed throughout the mist, so I made myself visible.
Suddenly a huge body appeared in front of me.
It had a crown made of Nephrite, with one black eye, while the other was golden.
I reached my hand towards it and had a single thought
'What if I absorbed this body?'
I've seen my human do it, so why couldn't I?
Just like that, I felt like something was traveling through my hand and was being absorbed by my body.
The desire to help Hunter grew stronger and stronger, making the pull even more powerful.
The giant opened its eyes in surprise and tried to fight back at first, but slowly it accepted its fate, and everything was now in my body.
For the next few moments, I felt cracks and pain all over my body. I yelled so loud that the whole dimension was trembling.
And the only thing that kept me going was the thought of helping my human, to protect him, and not be a burden.
After everything was done, I was 10 blocks tall, with a crown made of horns, 3 big eyes, one purple, one golden, and the last one black.
I had a skinny body, but more durable than Netherite, and my claws were sharp enough to cut space itself.
I felt powerful, I felt ready!
I said one last message telepathically, then I teleported into The End.
I was surrounded by the Void, and I could feel the difference in the air.
Suddenly, my eyes shifted towards a certain place, and I saw my human, facing Father and the 3-headed dragon.
They were about to get into a fight, but Father seemed hesitant to do that, while the dragon was quite eager.
I think only Father realized how powerful my human has become.
But even with that advantage, I decided to teleport in front of them, taking everyone by surprise.
I could feel him hesitating over letting me on my own, but my decision was made.
So he suddenly teleported away, and nobody could stop him.
"Huh, I guess he was to scared to fight both of us so ge decided to run away."
One of the 3 heads spoke with confidence.
You should go into the Overworld right now. This is not your battle.
"What? Wouldn't be faster to fight this one toghater, then invade the Overworld?"
The middle head asked confused.
But Father looked at it with his huge eye, and it was enough to silence the dragon into obedience.
It turned around, and flew towards the open portal that I could feel far away.
I didn't feel like it was worth for me to stop it, so I let it fly away to ravage the battlefield in the Overworld.
My daughter, its been a long time! And you grew quite well since we last met.
Even the human managed to exceed my expectations!
I was silent the whole time he spoke, and tried to observe him with my new eyes.
He was huge, and the space was heavy around him as well.
His eye was the most powerfully tool he had in his body, and the space was especially bend around it.
I realized that he was a God of knowledge, and not of fighting, so I stood a chance in this battle.
But I had to rember, that even the Void lost the battle with all the power she had, so the winner was not decided with that alone.
I see you're giving me the silent treatment, a wise decision.
But I'm also curios how you manged to grow so fast...let's see...oh wow!
You absorbed the Fake System!
I did not even know that was possible, and your soul was strong enough to hold that power!
I didn't like it when he knew so much, especially when I didn't figure out my full power yet.
So I became invisible and teleported right behind him and slashed him with my powerful claws.
I flet his flesh getting ripped apart,then he suddenly dissolved into the Void.
I can't belive there's something even my eye can't see!
I was lucky that I didn't use my real body, otherwise I would've been really hurt.
A voice spoked from my left, but I knew I was still unseen since he was still looking for me with his big eye.
I teleported once again, still having the same result.
This wasn't his real body, but it felt like it was.
So what was I hitting?
Suddenly he waved his hand, and the whole space trambled around him, making me see how it was sliced all over like a web.
If one of them hit me by chance, I would've certainly died.
He was still powerful in the end, and could kill me of I wasn't careful.
I don't think I got you with that.
Let's see what will end first, your invisibility or my patience.
That man didn't even see me as a threat to him!
I tried to gather some energy around my eyes, in hopes to see where his real body was, only for my leg to be cut off.
I quickly teleported away, as my leg fell into the Void.
Of course, I quickly regrew a new one, and was wondering if he could see my energy.
Looks like a got a leg, but I think I'm getting the hang of this.
He said with a smirk
Then I flet the hole Void trembling with power.
Even with this new body, I felt in danger.
I was starting to get worried for my human at this point.
But Father didn't have that reaction, he even looked proud about something.
That's my love! You don't need anyone to tell you what to do!
But suddenly his smile froze, and his eye was wide open in surprise.
He tried to teleport away, but I sealed the space around us blocking his attempt.
But my responses was to teleport behind him and stab his eye with my energy claw, while wishpering in his ear.
Then the world turned gray, and I died with my Father I'm arms.