Milk In The Stardust

Chapter 9: Little Comfort

      “So, I never got your name.” Skye addressed the Suklea while leaning against the hard glass window overlooking the nebula. She knew that if she spread her arms wide, she could make a lube angel with all the sticky goo still covering her skin. She long gave up trying to wipe it off, instead letting it glaze over her naked body without complaint. At least it soothe her skin, acting almost like some kind of balm.

      The glossy sheen of stasis vat fluid coated the aliens pink skin as well, and no matter how hard she slammed her rear cheeks against the chair, none of the sticky substances seemed to drip off. Skye wasn’t sure what was more impressive, the aliens wide hips or her soft swollen breasts. Never before had she seen a woman so well endowed, at least not an alien with such exquisite breasts.

      Just looking at her made Skye feel frisky. She had a hand on her soaking lower lips, and couldn’t remove her fingers from the swollen pearl nestled between her tender folds. Whenever she wasn’t rubbing herself, her loins ached something fierce, and it was driving her crazy. 

      Her new alien friend, meanwhile, was busy grinding on the phallus installed onto the chair, and just like before, it wasn’t long before bright blue fluids began spilling out from the instruments silicone shaft. Skye watched as the glowing syrup leaked from the aliens pink vagina. It seemed to be soothing the alien girl much the same way as it helped to cool her own sensitive nerves.

      “I’m a Luusti,” She answered with a squeal. It was a high pitched noise that was almost too cute for words. Luusti wasn’t willing to elaborate any further, she was too busy sating her own lust on the chair to concern herself with Skye’s curiosity.

      For several minutes Luusti continued, while Skye looked up to the giant statues with her arms crossed over her top pair of giving breasts. Her nipples poked sharply against her arms, and a small puddle of sweat collected in the curvature of her cleavage. 

      It took some convincing, but once Luusti realized that Skye wasn’t one of her captors, the alien relaxed a bit. While she still kept her at arms length, the girl was no longer trying to bull rush her with her rather sharp looking horns. It was interesting, seeing the protrusions perking out from the carpet of curly dark hair. Her lashing tail looked thin and elegant, it was quite reflexive as it wrapped around her torso. The tip of the tail was a pointed spike with several other orb like coils close to the edge. From a certain angle, the tip of the aliens tail could almost be mistaken for a sex toy. Skye wondered if that was some kind of evolutionary trait, or a mutation of some kind.

      “Ok, now that’s better,” Luusti gasped when she finally finished, her body spasming as the last jolts of orgasm took its toll. When her body finally stopped twitching, her tail relaxed, and she slowly lifted herself from the seat. “So who are you supposed to be?”

      “What?” Skye’s lips quivered in thought. “You want to know my name?”

      “Yeah, your name? Don’t tell me you forgot?” Luusti noticed her confusion.

      Skye cleared her throat, then rubbed the back of her neck until the name came to the forefront of her thoughts. “Skye…Skye Kimble,” The name felt wrong on her tongue, as if it didn’t belong. It wasn’t the name she wanted to say, but Skye wasn’t sure why. 

      “You a stripper?” Luusti asked sardonically.

      “Not…usually,” Skye rolled her eyes, and looked away. It embarrassed her to admit it, but stripping was one of the least shameful things she had to do for clits. 

      Luusti looked her over, shrugged her shoulders, and offered a brief sigh. “Hmm, could’ve fooled me. I bet this is your first kidnapping as well.”

      Skye twitched at the thought. “And just how many times have you waken up naked in a stasis pod?”

      “Twice…I think? Can’t say for sure.” Luusti sighed, “Oh well, it would’ve been nice if you were something more useful than a bimbo pole dancer.”

      Bimbo pole dancer…? Skye’s hands balled into fists. “Why you! And what exactly are you supposed to be?” There weren’t many Suklean’s living in human society that managed to claw up the social ladder. Most sadly were slaves, or menial workers. Judging by how well the alien spoke common, Skye guessed she had either been born in human captivity, or had been living among them for some time.

      “I’m the…” Luusti paused a moment in thought. She then planted a hand on her hip, and tried to present herself as someone of authority. “I was an ensign navigating officer aboard the Silent Star.” Luusti noticed Skye’s expression, and decided to elaborate further. “It was an exploratory vessel from the S’Hykri War Clans.”

      What? Skye couldn’t help but tense. She never heard of a ship called the Silent Star, but she had heard of the S’Hykri. It was one of the more powerful human colonies, and it was one that valued strength of will above everything else. Its warriors were said to be second to none. It was a misfortune that they joined the wrong side of the Great War, siding with the Tyrian Republics against the Empire of Sihnon Ariel. Skye wasn’t a student of history, but everyone knew of the Great War, and its outcome. 

      S’Hykri was still a major player on the galactic stage, but this was the first Skye ever heard of them exploring the Silent Marches. The fact they would keep Sukleans around, and train them for essential duties was also surprising.

      “I’ve never heard of that ship?” Skye stepped toward one of the statues carved into the walls. The feminine beauty was almost too intimidating to look at, the dangling gentiles between their legs not withstanding. They were each strikingly tall, with heavy breasts, and thick layers of muscle. They were each oozing with femininity, and a controlled strength reserved for champions. To gaze at them too long was to embrace a jealousy the likes of which Skye had never known.

      “Anyway,” Luusti walked over alongside her. “We were raided by pirates. I was their personal plaything for a while, until they got bored, and sold me to these assholes.”

      “Just who are these assholes anyway?” Skye could only wonder. One of the statues seemed to be looking down at her with piercing onyx eyes. They seemed to be judging her very soul.

      “No idea, last thing I remember was…” Luusti froze with panic, her tail standing straight in the air. “Shit, I don’t remember.”

      “Me neither,” Skye murmured. Some of her memories had returned, but as to anything that could provide her with answers, there was nothing. 

      The two stood in silence for a moment, trying to gather their thoughts. The lights flickered in silence, and Skye didn’t feel like it was safe to stay in one place for very long. The only reason she hadn’t tried venturing any further was simply that she didn’t want to go alone. Now that Luusti was pleasantly relieved, she hoped they could try to find some answers, and hopefully not end up captured once again.

      “Lets get out of here, and find some clothes.” Luusti finally broke the silence. 

      The mention of clothes sent a tingle down Skye’s spine, and she looked down at the strange substance coating her skin. Somehow she knew there was nothing she could wear that would prove the least bit comfortable. Not with her skin so sensitive, at least. 

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