Milk In The Stardust

Chapter 17: Fates Intertwine

Sorry for the late chapter. I watched Netflix's Edgerunners, and it broke me so hard it took me a while to recover and write again.

      All four of her nipples perked up as she felt something grace her ankle while in mid stride. Cool air brushed her bangs as the thrust of her inertia was suddenly halted, and thick beads of sweat were sent flying. Her soft motherly endowments jerked forward hard enough to make Skye feel embarrassingly uncomfortable, and she could even feel a small dab of milk leaking from her overweighted mammary’s.

      A spine chilling tingle crawled down the soft skin of her leg as Skye felt herself being ensnared by the alien creatures grasp. There was nothing she could do as her world was sucked back, the snake woman having caught her prey. A breath was caught in her throat, leaving Skye’s head spinning as she felt the tendril appendage wrapping around her limb tighter.

      Skye yelled in sudden fright. The tail felt slimy, yet smooth even with its scales. As it lashed up her thigh, it seemed to suck in all the moister upon her skin. A strange warming sensation crept up her thigh, tickling the fine hairs between her legs, and making her cheeks fluster.

      Time seemed to freeze, a sense of panic gripped her more tightly than the thing around her leg. Just as the alien began to pull her within its arms reach, Luusti lashed out and grabbed hold of Skye’s wrist.

      “Oh no you don’t!” Luusti seethed as she dug her fingernails into Skye’s forearm. A whip lash narrow tail shot forth, striking the snake woman’s face hard enough for it to scream in outrage. The tail around Skye’s foot loosened, just enough for her to slip free, and fall hard onto the ground.

      “Get up let’s go!” Luusti pulled Skye up to her feet, and forced her run alongside her. Together they ran as fast as they could to the nearest doorway. The slapping of their feet against the cold floor made a distinguishable wet sound as they fled. As they ran through the threshold, Skye noticed the bulkhead panel now lit up as power was restored, and slammed her hand on the large red button on the center of the console. 

      Emergency lights flared overhead, basking her skin in eerie illuminating light, and the sounds of gears turning took her by surprise. The metal bulkhead slammed down not so gracefully, but before it sealed shut Skye noticed the snake woman looking at them with her teeth barred. She had a hand covering her right eye, and the way she glared at Skye with her good eye scared the hell out of her.

      “What…the hell…was that?” Skye fumbled her words while gasping for breath.

      “Does it matter?” Luusti scowled. The lights overhead flickered into silence as the door’s emergency locking mechanism engaged. “Come on.”

      Skye looked down at her thigh, where just moments before a slimy tail was wrapped against her fine smooth skin. Her heart still throbbed in her chest just thinking about it. She rubbed the spot where the alien intruder had touched her, and found her skin still forming goosebumps. 

      Luusti was already half way down the hall before Skye realized she could easily be left behind. She steeled herself, summoning what little courage remained, and tried to catch up. As she made her way down the hallway, cool misty air filled the corridor, and new sounds could be heard coming from the walls.

      “Thanks for saving me back there,” Skye said quietly as she caught up with her companion. 

      Luusti looked over her shoulder, her tail jerked from side to side hinting at her emotions. “I didn’t save you, merely postponed the inevitable.” 

      Skye’s stomach dropped. She had no idea how to respond to that.

      “Don’t take it personal,” Luusti noticed her fright. “You just don’t seem the type to handle stress is all.”

      Skye looked down to the floor. She was right, and Skye knew it. She was always the kind of girl that would rather submit than resist abuse. Had she fought back she doubted she would have survived living on Danicus station for long. Through submission she at least got to enjoy the pleasure, and let life carry her according to its whims. She would never have made it as far as she had had she fought against the life given to her. Likely, she would’ve died, her body broken and left to rot in the gutter, had she tried to fight against fate.

      “Where are we going?” Skye decided to think more on her past later, when they weren’t hiding on some alien ship populated with snake hybrids!

      “Somewhere this ship must have escape pods, or a hanger.” Luusti’s gait stumbled as she slowed her pace. After a few steps she had to lean against the wall to catch her breath. “So, we find a shuttle, and steal it. Can’t see another way out of this mess.” 

      “Sounds like a plan…I guess…” Skye noticed the look of exhaustion in Luusti’s eyes. The Sukleans pink skin seemed pale, and for the first time Skye noticed the same thick globs of sweat hanging onto the alien’s skin as her own. 

      Luusti rubbed her temples for a second, then looked up at her human companion. A look of shame was etched on her face. “Would you mind…if I…had some of your…” her eyes looked up at the lactating buds bestowed upon Skye’s breasts.

      Skye bit her lip and jerked back in surprise. She looked down at her cleavage, realizing she was oozing sustenance like an open faucet. All four of her breasts, even her smaller lower pair, were practically spilling her motherly fluids down her stomach. 

      She wasn’t sure if it was the excitement that got to her, or the thought of being ensnared by an alien’s tail, but for some reason her body responded with fervent arousal. A sigh escaped her lips, realizing Luusti must’ve been just as parched as she was, and clearly her body was ready to provide. 

      “Of course,” Skye knelt down then got on her knees. “To be honest, I’m really sore right now, so don’t worry about drinking too much.” 

      “Thanks…I guess…” Luusti’s dry tongue felt like sandpaper against her skin, but Skye didn’t resist as she helped to nurse the dehydrated alien. Luusti guzzled from Skye’s right breast for several seconds before shifting to another nipple. 

      It took a couple minutes, but Skye sighed with relief feeling the pressure ebb. She looked down, and noticed the Suklean was also starting to lactate from her rather pleasant looking breasts as well. 

      “Hey, when you’re done, would you mind helping me out as well?” Skye’s eyes darted to Luusti’s own chest and the alien froze in between her suckling. 

      When she had her fill, Luusti looked down at her own budding nipples, and instantly regretted it. “What the hell did these people do to us. I’ve never…not like this before.” She mumbled to herself before letting Skye lean in close so that she could sate her own thirst. Luusti then awkwardly tried to milk herself, gently tugging her bright pink nipples to release the dam of white fluids into Skye’s mouth. 

      Skye swallowed it happily, her taste buds singing as she realized the Sukleans sustenance tasted delicious! Her heart began to race again as she reached out to cup the girls soft mounds, and ignored Luusti’s complaints while pressing her pink nipples together so that she could draw from them both. Her fingers sank into the soft giving flesh, and Skye could tell just how pent up Luusti was.

      With each swallow came instant relief, and a surge of refreshment. She couldn’t get enough, Skye pressed herself against the alien’s body as she continued to swallow each mouth full of nectar. Eventually Luusti’s complaints waned as her body convulsed, and Skye realized in amazement that the alien was actually on the brink of an orgasm. 


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