MHA: Undying

Unforeseen Events

“Ok, is everyone settled?” Soahc asks after allowing everyone to move around before the next series of clips. Though he has to admit, the new seats everyone has taken are… interesting.

Toga and Mina have claimed the front seats closest to the screen, both excited to see what’s next for Midori. Aizawa and Tsukauchi are in the center, where they can listen in on everyone’s conversations, along with Todoroki who decided against changing seats. All Might and Bakugou are in the back, trying to avoid everyone else’s disappointed, or in some cases angry, gazes. And the final members of the audience, Tomura and Nezu, sit on the far left and right of the theater, respectively.

Seeing everybody is as comfortable as he doesn’t care they can be, he presses a big red button on a remote he pulls out of his sleeve, ignoring the questions as to where both it and his new outfit came from.

Izuku and Toga are in an alley, Izuku looking extremely nervous while Toga has a look of excitement on her face as she pulls him along. “But… it will be my first time. I don’t think I’m ready!”

The natural sounds of fidgeting and muttering die immediately at those words, and Mina spits out her drink in surprise. Toga starts laughing uncontrollably, which only intensifies when Vampy responds.

“Just make sure you stay relaxed and follow what your body wants to do. It will know how to react. Mine did the first time!”

She ignores the jaw-dropped stares she gets, just continuing to laugh. Though she does reach out to tap her palm against Mina’s when she tentatively extends it.

Aizawa just sighs, fully aware that he’s going to be getting a headache from what they’re about to see. Good thing Mineta isn’t here…

Rounding a corner, the two of them see a well-dressed man  with a speaker for a mouth. After bonking him on the head with one of her knives, Toga gives Izuku a pep-talk?

“If Midori is Bi, I wonder if ours is too…?” Mina’s whispered musing can still be heard in the silence, and it sets everyone else to wondering. Wondering that’s abruptly cut short at Midori’s next words.

“So I just stab ‘em?


There’s a creaking sound as everyone turns their heads towards Toga, who’s laughter returns with a vengeance after having finally died down.

“Hahahahaha! Y-You pervs totally thought it was something dirty, d-didn’t you! Hahahaha!”

They look away in embarrassment, unable to refuse her claim. Except for Mina, who nods emphatically. “But do you have experience in… that?”

The question causes Toga’s laughter to fall silent as she blushes. “Oh look, stuff is happening.”

Smirking at her, Mina lets her avoid the subject. For now. She’ll absolutely be texting her about it when they get back.

After approaching the man, Izuku strikes. Or at least he tries.

Seeing Midori fumble the knife, the audience can’t help but facepalm, not yet coming to terms with what they’re about to witness.

“Figures,” Bakugou snorts. “Damn nerd can’t even kill someone right.” He promptly gets smacked on the head by All Might.

“If I do get him to join my party, maybe I should keep him as support…” Tomura mutters to himself at the sad display.

But he doesn’t let his initial failure stop him. Turning his mistake into an opportunity, he gets the man to let down his guard. Which is quickly followed by a quick but bloody struggle. But he doesn’t stop after the man is dead. Instead, he stabs him again. Over and over until Toga wraps him in her arms.

The silence returns, the sight of the nicest person any of them have ever met (except Toga) putting them into a daze. They understood what he was trying to accomplish. But they never actually thought that he would succeed!

“Maybe I won’t keep him as support.”

“So, Cinnamon Roll. How does it feel to take someone’s life?”

As Midori looks Vampy in the eyes, the heroes shudder at the gleam shining from his eyes. It’s one they’ve only seen on the most unstable of villains. Ones that are so far gone in their path of villainy that they no longer perceive the world the same way.

It’s unhinged.




“SO CUTE!!!”

“It feels amazing.”


The heroes watching don’t know what to say as they watch the boy jump into villainy headfirst, with just as much enthusiasm as their own does with hero-ing.

The screen fades to black, the next scene preparing to appear. But only a single image of Izuku sitting across from a woman in a suit appears before the darkness surrounding them stretches. Their forms are quickly obscured, and the screen starts to glitch.

“Uh-oh.” Not letting his panic show, Soahc summons a keyboard that his hands fly across, faster than many speed quirks. The audience looks on in confusion, not understanding what happened.

Eventually, he lets out a sigh of relief and wipes his sleeve across his forehead. He looks back at them with a strained smile. “Sorry about that. Apparently Midori’s quirk works a bit differently than I thought in this world.”

At their inquisitive looks, he explains. “See, while I have jurisdiction over three worlds, that’s only for the living in those worlds. I have no power over the dead. That falls under someone else’s domain.”

They jolt. “Are you claiming that there is an afterlife?”

He waves his hand in a so-and-so gesture at Nezu’s question. “Sort of. It depends on who’s in charge. Maybe they decide your world gets an afterlife, maybe they decide you immediately get reincarnated. Or maybe they turn your souls into meals.” They shrug disinterestedly.

“It’s entirely up to them what to do with your souls after you die. So long as your world doesn’t get overrun with free-floating souls. Or as they’re commonly called; ghosts.” He glances back at the screen. “Though it seems like they don’t want us seeing what they do in this world.”

It takes a bit of time before the screen goes back to normal, but it passes quickly for them while discussing what the ‘afterlife’ in their world might be like.

Izuku wakes up to Himiko leaning over him while drinking a blood milkshake.

“Why didn’t I think of that?”

“Just make sure you get a second blender and label which you use for blood. Not everyone wants to have blood in their shakes.”

Aizawa starts getting a cold sweat while listening to the two girls in front of him. This friendship sounds like a bad idea.

After talking a bit about how his quirk works, along with a bit of flirting, Himiko suggests that they go out to eat at a bar recommended by the information broker she recently got in contact with.

Tomura’s eyes narrow at the word ‘bar’. He knows that his Master and Kurogiri had discussed letting people in and treating it like an actual bar, but he’d managed to convince them that they shouldn’t. (Read: threw a fit because he’s an introvert and didn’t want random people in his secret base.)

Seeing the route the two on screen take to their destination, he can’t help but get a bit worried. It looks like the other me failed to stop our base from getting swarmed by randoms…

By the time they encounter Bakubitch, he’s starting to internally panic. The heroes will definitely check the location when everyone gets back. But I don’t want to change bases, I like the bar!

After encountering Bakugou, who doesn’t see through Izuku’s flimsy disguise, the two hurry away. To calm down Izuku’s panic attack, Himiko starts to suck his blood, reassuring him that she’s there for him.

“You’re a good friend, Himiko.”

“EEHH!” Toga makes a buzzing sound while crossing her arms in an ‘X’. “Wrong! I’m the best friend!”

Mina laughs, and Aizawa opens his mouth to say something. But…


Everyone suddenly hears screaming. It starts out faint, but steadily grows louder, confusing them. But none as much as Soahc, who knows only another administrator is supposed to be able to enter this space. And even then he’d be aware of someone approaching. But this screaming is completely unexpected. So much so that he doesn’t react in time to prevent disaster.

The screaming is suddenly right next to them, and they can hear that it’s not just one, but two. Both filled with incredible rage and a desire for death. And ‘death’ is what they get, though not from the one they want to die.

Two behemoths crash through the room from above, their flailing limbs striking many of those who were lucky enough to avoid being crushed. There’s no blood, for their real bodies are safely back on their world, but they vanish from sight all the same.

Then, just as quickly as they appeared, they’re gone, the floor having given way under their fighting. Leaving behind a trashed room, a baffled administrator, and two shell shocked girls. One of whom is having flashbacks back to a certain incident back in middle school.

Soahc works furiously to keep the rest of the room from collapsing. Not an easy feat considering all the damage. But he manages after condensing the room into a smaller and more reinforced form. Finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, he turns his attention to his two remaining guests, who are both freaking out in their own ways.


“Him…it was him again…why was he here…?” Mina’s freak out is quieter, more afraid, but perhaps more noteworthy. It seems that she recognized one of the giants.

“Both of you calm down, have some Apple Blood.” Bottles of the named drink appear in their hands, and Mina uncorks it immediately and downs half the bottle as she tries to calm herself. Toga quickly follows suit.

While they do that, Soahc goes through the logs he has access to in order to determine what happened, and why people are suddenly crashing through a space they shouldn’t be able to get to. Eventually, after the girls have drunk another two bottles of Apple Blood, he finds the answer. He can only shake his head in bemusement.

“I really should have paid more attention to that third world.” He mutters to himself, but is still heard by the only other two still around.

“Wh…what do you mean? Are you saying those two came from the third world you have?”

He looks at Mina with a complicated expression on his face before nodding. “Correct. Let’s just say that a quirk that should have been long gone activated, and your world will have company.”

It takes a few seconds before they realize what he means, but when they do their eyes widen. “You mean our Japan is getting actual Kaiju!?!?”

Soahc shakes his head at Toga. “They aren’t Kaiju, just two people with strong quirks. Though one of them was being enhanced when they passed through.” He shrugs. “And while I know that they will show up on your world, I can’t tell when it will happen. Might be the moment I send you two back, it might be in a thousand years.”

“Are you sending us back right now?” Mina asks, finally calm. They aren’t dead, just back in Japan.

Another shrug. “That will be up to the two of you. I’ll allow you to stay and watch if you want. Don’t worry, I’ve reinforced this space so we shouldn’t have to worry about another ‘incident’. Or I could send you both back right now, with your memories intact. Just know that whatever happens, it will happen to both of you.” He looks around sadly. “Too bad the others lost their memories of all this, but at least their subconscious’ will remember. I was looking forward to how things would change.”

After exchanging looks, Toga nods and Mina takes a deep breath. Getting their answer, Soahc smiles. “Well then, back to the show.”

AN: In case you were unsure, this is the end of reactions. Just lost my enthusiasm for them, and ended up taking two weeks to get them done. Might replace them with something 'in universe' going on or something. We'll see.

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