MHA: Slipstream

Chapter 18 – USJ Incident Part I


'This will not end well...' Lena thought suppressing her fear as she looked at the villains, more specifically at four of them who stood out above the others.

The one who seemed to be the Leader, was a tall thin man, he had light blue hair and hands all over his body, if you looked closely you could see red eyes full of madness. He walked arrogantly among the hundreds of villains looking at them all with contempt.

The second one was a... butler, he seemed to be one, except that his body was covered with a big dark purple mist and he had big yellow eyes, obviously this was the one who had created the portal. He walked quietly behind the light blue-haired villain.

The third one who looked like a bodyguard or something, is a very tall and muscular man with a bird's beak, his brain was exposed, the worst thing was that his eyes were lifeless and he was looking everywhere but without moving an inch of his body. The strangest thing was that its body was completely dark purple, almost like fog and it didn't seem to be breathing...

The last one, Lena wouldn't know how to describe. He was dressed from head to toe in a black colored robe with strange designs, he was wearing a bone colored mask reminiscent of a skull and a bird. He emitted a lethal and murderous aura indiscriminately around him causing many villains to turn away from him.

Lena reminded him of death itself.

Oddly enough that was the feeling she felt on her shoulders when she looked at him.


'This... will definitely not end well...'



"So... where is All Might, he was supposed to be here...". Said the Leader as he looked around the USJ for any sign of All Might, but found absolutely nothing.

"According to the teachers' curriculum plan that's how it should be..." Explained the fog man, as he kindly calmed his leader down. "Maybe he hasn't arrived yet..."

"I see, how troublesome... we set all this up and in the end the boss isn't in the final dungeon..." Shigaraki said annoyed with the current situation, he put his hands to his neck and started scratching himself as if telling himself that everything is under control. "What to do, what to do, what to do..."

Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder, as he turned to see the cause he saw death himself staring at him. Shigaraki almost activated his Quirk to assassinate him.

'How dare he touch me... you're lucky Master made a deal... otherwise you'd be dust right now' Shigaraki thought with a maniacal look on his face and a creepy smile. "What do you want Shinigami?"

"You remember the deal... don't you?" a harsh voice sounded through the mask, though Shigaraki wouldn't say it the feeling of Death emitting from Reaper unconsciously put him on guard. "Isn't that so?"

"Yeah, yeah, you can take the guys you find interesting? I don't know what your boss wants them for, as long as you help me in this raid you can do whatever you want... " Shigaraki replied as he removed his hand from Reaper, Reaper just nodded and turned his gaze back to the students.

"STAND TOGETHER WITH THIRTEEN!" shouted Eraser as he dove headlong towards the lowly villains.

"So confident are you, Hero?" Said one Villain as he pointed his fingers at him... but nothing came out of them "Huh?!"

Before he could ask Eraser kicked him in the head knocking him unconscious.

Taking advantage of the momentum he had with his run he quickly moved towards two other Villains, the larger of them tried to hit him with the spikes coming out of his forearms, while the other took a deep breath preparing his attack.

But it never came, Eraser erased the breathing Villain's Quirk and dodging the spiked Villain's punch, he quickly stepped over them and moved towards a third Villain who was looking at him dumbfounded, he tied him up with his scarf before slamming him to the ground to knock him unconscious.

"Why didn't my Quirk activate?!"

"Idiot! That Eraserhead!" Spiked Villain warned as he took a defensive stance.

Quickly the villains snapped out of their initial daze and started coming in waves towards Eraser....



<Meanwhile on the stairs>

"Quickly while Eraser fights we must go!" shouted Thirteen as he shook the students out of their stupor and directed them towards the exit... only to be blocked by a large dark fog.

"I'm afraid that won't be possible" Replied a polite, deep voice as it glared its gloomy yellow eyes at the students.

The faces of some students paled while others, though nervous, took a stance to defend themselves from the villain. Lena stared into the mist with a serious look but her breaths were rapidly quickening as her mind panicked.

"Greetings Heroes, we are the League of Villains, a humble group of villains whose goal in the annihilation of the Hero known as All Might" Mist politely explained as he gazed happily at the pale faces of the students. "I know it's impolite to ask, but by any chance has anything been altered in the teachers program? From what I understand All Might would be here..."

'Kill All Might... can they do that...?' thought Lena fearfully as she started to sweat but still kept her brave face and didn't move an inch, even if her heart was pounding hard.

"Oh well, in the end it doesn't matter..." Said the mist as it expanded around the students.


"You're nothing but a talking piece of shit!" shouted Bakugo as he looked at the mist that was dispersed a bit by his explosion. "You like that you piece of shit?!"

"We won't go down that easy you hear me?!" Kirishima exclaimed stiffening his arms.

"That was dangerous" Said the mist calmly, surprising both students as it seemed their attacks did nothing to him. "They are aspiring UA heroes after all, of course they would be strong. Too bad they're just that, wannabes, anyway-

Just then the mist expanded and before anyone could react it sucked them inward....

"See ya."



Moments after a silence that seemed eternal, Lena found herself falling towards a rocky area, reacting quickly she used her legs to cushion on impact, looking up she could see a vortex of purple mist from which two more students came out.

Kyoka and Momo.

Seeing that Momo created a parachute to cushion her fall, she quickly moved towards Kyoka and caught her before she hit the ground.

Kyoka's eyes widened in fright looking around before looking at Lena in confusion.

"Are you okay?" asked Lena as she placed Lena on the ground.

The latter just nodded as she looked around. "Y-Yes thanks, where are we?"

"Looks like the Landslide Zone..." Momo muttered looking around. "There's the square... it's not too far."

Lena looked around, they weren't too far from the Central Zone where Eraser was apparently still actively fighting with the villains.

"Hey, hey, what do we have here..."

"They look like nice damsels..."

"Hehehe, I wonder if we can have some fun with them?"


Suddenly several voices were heard around them, suddenly as if they were surrounding their prey several Villains surrounded them from all directions.

Quickly Lena pulled out her phone and went to turn on Slipstream invisibility... but something interrupted the app.

"Don't even try to call the Heroes girl" Villain exclaimed as he smirked with a mocking look on his face. "One of us has a Quirk capable of blocking phone waves! Hahaha!"

'Crap!' Lena thought as she quickly put her phone away, she looked at her visor and to her relief the basic functions still worked.

Lena looked around as she took a breath to calm her pounding heart. 'We are outnumbered and you possibly have more experience fighting than we do-'

Lena suddenly moved to the left, narrowly dodging a wire sticking out of the floor.

"Next time you won't be so lucky" Turning her head Lena saw a villain with punk hair glaring at her lustfully. "How about you give up and let us have a taste of you?"

All three girls' breath caught in their throats as they visibly paled.

Shaking her head Lena trying to shake off the shock as she broke out in a cold sweat.

Taking advantage of the situation a villain approached her from behind with a smile and threw a punch which was lined with a silver colored cape. "Take this bitch!"


Momo reacted quickly and created a shield that deflected the villain's strong punch but ruined her shield. 'Destroyed my shield?!'

Lena turned around alarmed by the sudden noise but before she could do anything, a loud sound sent the villain flying away.

Looking to her side she saw Kyoka with her Jacks outstretched pointing to where the villain was standing.

'I didn't know Kyoka's Quirk will be able to be so strong...' Suddenly an idea formed in Lena's head. 'That's it!'

"Momo!" Lena shouted as she looked vigilantly at the Villains. "Create a guitar with sound amplifiers and give it to Kyoka! Kyoka protects Momo!"

Momo gave Lena a confused look before a look of understanding enlightened her.

"Understood! It'll take a few seconds!"

Lena nodded as she struck a pose before using an Acceleration.

The world went grey as Lena ran up to the nearest villain's face and kicked him, taking advantage of the fact that the Acceleration hadn't ended yet she ran up to another and just as she was about to kick him in the belly the world returned to its normal colors.



Lena took a breath before dodging the kick coming from her side, without giving her a break another Villain shot some kind of yellow gas at her, but Lena using another Acceleration dodged and hit the yellow gas Villain in the chest.


"Watch out she has a Superspeed Quirk!"

Taking some distance from the villains to catch her breath and calm her nerves, Lena looked around, she had only managed to knock out one villain, the others, although she managed to take them out of the fight it was only for a short time.

Suddenly sharp wires came out of the ground and grabbed her wrist. "Son of a bitch!"

The punk villain laughed as one of his hands was sunk into the ground. "She can't run if you're grabbed right?"

"She's ready!" Momo exclaimed as she handed the guitar to Kyoka who was pushing the villains away from Momo.

"Kyoka! Use the guitar!!" Lena shouted with a shit eating grin before disappearing using Recoil and appearing next to Momo.

Kyoka nodded and quickly connected her two Jacks to the guitar as she smiled. "Let the concert begin!"

Without further ado, Kyoka quickly started playing the guitar by soloing on the guitar. The floor of the Zone began to crack and quickly break into pieces.

The villains started grabbing their heads from the loud sounds, some tried to move towards Kyoka but quickly fell down fainting with their eyes rolling and blood pouring out of their ears.

Momo had given Lena some earplugs to muffle the sound, but they could still clearly hear the rocking sounds of Kyoka's guitar.

The latter seemed to be having fun as she continued to play as if possessed.

Finally after a few minutes all the villains fell to the ground passed out and possibly deaf for life.

'Serves them right...' Momo thought mockingly.


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