MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 004(Ambush)

Read auxiliary chapter World Info before starting the story.


pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene


Law stood in the hotel room staring out the large windows. Fifteen floors up all he has to do is make one precise shot and this job would be done.

On the bed rests his sword, a sleek 120cm -4ft- long white saber, completely straight and razor-thin, custom made to simulate the feel of a scalpel, a tungsten-carbon alloy perfect for his needs. The hilt was rectangular and matched the blade perfectly, white with black accents.

"You ready?" Kiku asks.

"Of course," Law takes his sword and draws it from the white scabbard.

Lining it up with a painting on the wall he activated his quirk.


A tiny invisible ROOM reaches the painting but no further, just barely touching the ink.

"Injection shot," he says quietly. Lining up the blade to where he wants, a bullet of invisible force slams into the ink but goes no further than his room's limits.

"You really got all the good stuff..." his mom mutters. An invisible and silent bullet, perfect for these types of missions as it can either harm inorganic objects, no matter how physically tough they are, or bypass physical defenses and do exclusively internal damage to organics.

"Your stuff isn't bad mom... I'm just that much better," he says with a cocky grin.

"Oh yeah?"

"Ach-" she smacked Law on the head. "Alright alright."

As Law frowns and rubs his head Kiku looks at the wall clock, "It's almost five, he should be leaving the office soon, get ready."

"Right," Law walks toward the tinted window as she hands him a pair of binoculars. Looking down at the crowded street. Two lanes of light traffic but dozens of people on the sidewalk, either going home or to their evening plans.

Focusing on the door he expects his target to be leaving soon Law keeps his eyes locked, ready to activate his quirk and get another clean job under his belt.

"Breakdown?" Kiku asks over his shoulder, her eyes transformed into high-powered scopes to help locate the target.

"Mom you know tha---"

"Don't care," she cuts him off. "Doesn't matter how many jobs you've done, always good to double-check everything. Breakdown. Now."

Law sighs, "Fine. Early fifties, grey suit, blue tie, has three horns on his head."


"Horns, he has horns," Law says in a bored tone.

Kiku nods, "family?"

"Doesn't matter."

"Reason for the hit?"

"Doesn't matter."


"Three million," Law smiles.

"Good, the only thing that matters is the contract, nothing is more sacred in this life," Kiku smiles, knowing this rule was properly instilled into their son years ago. "Look lively..."

Law spots his target simultaneously, a short and rotund man, barely 150cm -five feet- tall. Wearing a grey suit with his blue tie, and sporting three horns. The face perfectly matches the picture in the request.

Looking at the people walking about Law spots a gap in the foot traffic, the perfect spot for him to get his shot.

"Easy money," Law says.


A massive room, spanning over a hundred meters, invisible and undetectable as always, expands outward from his chest to encompass everything.

Creating his domain, with him at the center of it.

'Shambles,' a butterfly knife appears in his left hand, without needing to swap places with anything. Familiarity with an object or space allows him to warp them without requiring the crutch of a substitution item.

"This would be a lot easier if hotel windows could open," Law sighs as he makes a slicing motion in the air. The lock at the edge of the window is sliced open, a perfect and routine use of Amputate to divide matter.

Law places the tip of his blade just outside the window to prevent any 'bullet holes' when he fires.

'Scan,' his mind is bombarded with information about everything within his room, but he only focuses on his target. Scan gives him a perfect external breakdown of his targets' body and passive awareness of everything within his room to an extent, but the larger the room the easier it is to miss things. And gathering information about a person's internal structure requires him to be in contact with the person, even if it is through gloves.

"Almost there..." Law says as he focuses, aiming his blade directly at the target. "Injection Shot," he mutters.

A silent force bullet rockets from the tip of his blade and crosses the street, clearing the distance in half the time it would take for a standard bullet while remaining completely silently and invisibly.

They both see the target get hit, a direct shot to the side of his head as he's walking. Shattering his brainstem and killing him instantly, the sidewalk at the other end of the man cracks as a bullethole suddenly appears in it. As if it went clean through his head...but without ever breaking the skin. As always, internal damage only to organics.

"Easy jo---" Law celebrations are cut short. As expected the surrounding crowd looks on in horror as the mall falls to the floor.

But both Law and Kiku's eyes widen in surprise as his body shifts and contorts. Transforming back to its original form, a brown blob of flesh, clothes and all shift with it.

A moment later it truly reverts to the original form.

A tall slender man with pale grey skin laying lifeless on the sidewalk.

"Shifter," Kiku's eyes widen in realization, seeing the shapeshifting hero's corpse laying there. His bulletproof skin is obviously assumed to be able to protect him from them, but the hero couldn't have known about Law, about how his quirk worked. "Mask on!" she yells.

Law immediately shuts the window, and runs to the bed. Reaching into his bag he pulls on his ski mask, leaving only his white-blue eyes exposed, his mother wears an identical mask with her brown eyes revealed.

Kiku taps a few buttons on her phone, disabling all the cameras and recordings on their route and prepared exit before throwing the phone onto the bed.

Turning to looks back at her son, she nods.

"Ready?" Law asks.

"Let's go," she reaches into the backpack they brought and clicks a button, leaving it on the bed beside the phone and anything else they brought.

Law grabs his sword and focuses on where they need to go.

"Shambles," he says as they disappear, replaced with two blue marbles that clatter to the floor.

They appear on the roof of the hotel and begin running along the rooftops, understanding that escape was the main priority before they could do anything else.


As they leap off the roof and onto a neighboring building the room they were in seconds ago explodes into a raging inferno, destroying all evidence of anyone being there.

With only their eyes exposed they simply had to escape now and lay low for a while, they were certainly impossible to track.

Running toward nearly the end of the second rooftop Kiku stops and grabs her head, "agh!" she yells in pain, feeling as if her skull was in a vice.

Law stops as he feels a tingling at the back of his mind, but he automatically shrugs it off, the telltale effect of someone trying to use their quirk on him. Thankfully between his ego, willpower, and quirk, it was impossible for any other quirks to tell him what to do.

Kiku however, without such resistance drops to one knee due to the extreme pain, on the empty rooftop Law knows they have no cover and picks her up, thankfully his mother was shorter and lighter than him, he could barely feel her due to how much energy his Quirk gives him.

Scooping her into his arms and handing her his sword he takes off.

"What is it?" he asks.

"They're tracking me," Kiku says. "We need to find the quirk user and kill him, then disappear. And if we can't---"

"We will," Law says. "We'll both get out of this."

"East, he's East," Kiku says as the pain begins fading aware, yet she could feel the established connection tugging her toward the quirk user.

Law turns on his heel and begins running East.

'ROOM,' he creates a room as they arrive at the edge of the roof, quickly scanning for a few rocks on a rooftop across the street in front of him.


They both disappear.

"You can put me down now," Kiku says as they step out of his room, causing it to collapse immediately.

Kiku stands on her own and points to a spot on the floor. "I can feel him down---"

"Move!" Law pulls her out of the way as a sharp feather flies past the spot where she was.


Rooftop rumbles behind them. Turning around they both see a man in an aviator-style getup landing on the rooftop behind them, two wings of red feathers at his back where the lone feather that tried to attack Kiku returns to.

The number three pro hero, Hawk, glares at them, a long feather in each hand acting like a sword.

Standing beside him is a tall hulk of a man, the ground beneath him cracked due to his rough landing earlier, his massive two-meter tall frame was swollen with muscles, and his entirely metal body shone under the sunlight.

Chrome, the number twelve pro hero, his armored skin allows him to handle some of the physically strongest villains, and makes him immune to firearms and even tank shells.

Hawks looks at both targets for a moment before speaking, and Law uses this time to create a room spanning two hundred meters, a tax on his stamina that he could truly feel, but making this room and scanning was essential to expect any more ambushes, he'd barely made a room in time to detect that sneak attack earlier after all.

"Hmm, if you have a sword," he points at Law, "then that must make the woman Arsenal," he levels his feather sword at Kiku.

"Did you find him yet?" Kiku asks quietly, neither side moves their eyes from each other as both her hands morph into swords, confirming Hawk's suspicions.

"Yeah," Law says. "I have his location, plan?"

"Kill them all, they've seen too much."

"Mhm," Law nods in agreement, focusing on the person she pointed at earlier through the floor.

While mother and son were quietly muttering to each other, standing fifteen meters away Hawks and Chrome were creating a simple plan, not expecting the infamous assassin Arsenal to have backup.

With the sensitivity of his feathers, Hawks felt the vibrations their words sent through the air, easily hearing their plan.

"They found Mind-Binder," he tells Chrome in a hushed tone, still staring down the villains. "Don't hesitate to break them, they plan to kill us all. I think the swordsman has heightened senses, you should take him."

"Piece of cake," Chrome says.

"Now!" Arsenal -Kiku- yells.

To the shock of both heroes, Law turns toward her and swings at her neck with his blade, drawing it and attacking before anyone can make sense of this betrayal.

'Shambles,' in Kiku's place an older gentleman with grey hair suddenly appears, eyes closed and hands on his temple as he focuses to maintain his quirk on the woman, keeping his mind connected to the woman.

Before he can open his eyes they've swapped places and a sword slashes through his head.

'Incision,' Law enhances his slash to do more damage, unfortunately, this requires physical contact unlike Amputate, but the results are obvious as he bisects the man's skull.

Before the fresh corpse can hit the floor Kiku is swapped out once more.

"Binder!" Chrome yells out as both parties rush each other, Chrome charges toward Law while Hawks has his sights on Kiku.

Heroes versus Villains, a bloody battle begins...


pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene

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