MHA: A Cat’s Way

Welcome to the Dorms

The last few days have gone by relatively quietly. Though there was an issue when I forgot that I lent one of my cats to Eraserhead and dispelled it to help with my training.

But now I know better. Always keep one cat slot open for the scary hobo hero, and don’t dispel it unless I want to be hung by my tail. Between him and Coach, I’m not sure who’s scarier. Ignoring my near loss of my first life though-

Today is the day.

The school year has officially ended, and today they’re letting the others move into the dorms. So, me being me, I wait for everyone at the doors. Outside, I can hear Eraserhead’s tired voice addressing my new nyabors.

“This is the Heights Alliance dorm for class 1-A. Boy’s rooms are on the left, girls on the right. Yours, not mine. Any questions?” There’s a moment of silence as I imagine people raising their hands.

“Well that’s not my problem until school starts. One of your classmates is already living here due to special circumstances, so ask them about the layout.” At the obvious complaints, he sighs. I can’t believe how loud this guy sighs.

“Fine, I’ll allow two questions. You.” I’m assuming he points to someone because I hear a girl speak up.

“Why do you have a glowing blue cat in your scarf?”

“Because I can. Next.” I hold a hand to my mouth to quiet my chuckle at his response before frowning as I hear a familiar voice.

“Are they a hot girl?” I hear a meaty smack followed by a yelp of pain and can’t help but nod in approval.

“I won’t count that one, but know that this is your last chance.” I can picture his glare after experiencing it back in Principal Nezu’s office.

“HOW THE HELL DID SHITTY DEKU GET INTO UA!?” That shouting sounds pretty familiar…

“He got in by passing the entrance exam, same as most of you. That’s all for questions. Go inside, get unpacked, and don’t break anything. I don't care if you get to know each other, but don’t start fights or else I’ll have to get involved. And none of us will like that.” There’s silence as I assume he walks away.

Then after a few moments of them speaking quietly to each other, the door opens and the first person walks in. It’s Midorinya! He’s looking around a bit, as if he’s confused, and I hold back my chuckle. It’s too soon.

Slowly, the rest of the students trickle in. There are a few people with interesting appearances: a cute pink girl with horns, or maybe antennae? A guy who’s easily as tall as Eraserhead wearing a mask and with multiple arms. There’s also a plain looking guy with a large tail, and a guy with a bird head. I wonder if he’s tasty… I watch as he shudders and looks around warily.

Most of the others have mostly normal appearances, though I smirk when I see Soft Cheeks is in our class. But my eyes really light up when I see that ephemeral, kind of sparkly girl! She’s standing next to a blonde boy who’s sparkles are more pronounced. Maybe they’re siblings?

Nineteen people have entered the building, each of them holding a small box of personal things to make their rooms homelier until the rest of their stuff gets here. Unless they’re like me and decided to do something completely new with their room.

Anyways, everyone is looking around and I hear one of them ask where their guide is. Taking that as my cue, I choose my target, shake my tail, and pounce!

The person I jumped down on lets out a squeal of surprise as I wrap my arms around them, taking the both of us to the floor. The others scramble back in surprise, with a few readying themselves to attack. I’m happy to note that Midorinya is one of them. Another is that blonde spiky haired guy who shouted at me at the entrance exam.

Before I can see who else wants to fight me, the person I’m on top of starts to squirm. “Um, can someone explain what just happened!? Where did this girl come from!? And why is she cuddling with me!? Though it does feel nice~.”

The ephemeral girl’s voice starts out panicked, goes to confused, and finally finishes at relaxed. The fact that she’s so accepting of my affection makes my tail swish happily as I smile. But I mentally sigh as I reluctantly get off of her. Need to tell them about the building, after all…

I cough lightly into my hand after helping the girl up. “Sorry about that. Nyai couldn’t resist the temptation to surprise nya all.”

She nods at me. “That’s fair. I really like making people jump too!” She gives a little hop to emphasize, but I can’t help but doubt her words. Unless she can get rid of her sparkles, I don’t think that she’d be very good at sneaking up on people. Though I guess that would make successful attacks all the more worthwhile.

Shrugging it off, I turn to everyone else who’s giving me wary looks, making my ears and head tilt. But I shrug my confusion off. “I’m Catia. Just Catia, so go ahead and call meow that! Like the hobo said, tomcats are on that side, queens on this side.” I point to their respective sides, seeing a few nod in understanding while the queens preen at my choice of words.

The reason I called Eraserhead a hobo is because he doesn’t want them to know who he is yet. Something about intimidation tactics or something, I dunno.

“Any questions?” The first person to raise their hand is a guy with yellow hair and a black lightning streak.

“Are you single?”

“Yep.” I nod. “Nyaxt.”

The pink girl raises her hand, her yellow eyes standing out against the black sclera. “Why’d ya choose to jump on Ms. Invisible? Why not me!?”

I tilt my head as my ears twitch. Invisible? Oh, so she can turn invisible! Now that I think of it, her appearance must help her do that somehow. Midorinya will probably have an anyalysis about her pretty quick when he sees it in action. I’ll have to ask for it then.

“There’s nyat any particular reason.” I shrug. “She’s just the one I felt like pouncing on. Though,” I smirk, “I really wanted to pounce on you too, nya~.”

She smirks back. “Oh~? We’ll see who’s the one pouncing on who~!”

While everyone else looks between the two of us with complicated gazes -other than the shouty guy- Midorinya sighs.

“Catia. You didn’t happen to eat more catnip, did you?” Now the pink girl has joined everyone else in giving the two of us weird looks!

My determined eyes meet his exasperated ones. “Yep~, but it’s ok! Nyamuri was the one who gave it to me, and the teachers nyaow best, right?” Nyaow they do anyway.

His eyes narrow in suspicion before letting out a breath and rubbing his temples. “As long as they know now, I guess it’s ok.” He gives me a warning look. “But if I find any around the dorms, I'll tell the principal about the incident.”

I smirk back. “Hah! I doubt that he’ll care too much after I hunted him around nya campus.”

“”WHAT!?!?””” The sound of everyone’s shouts of shock reverberates throughout the building.

I sweatdrop as I back towards the stairs. “Nya… No quirks indoors, rooms are nyat assigned, so whisker among yourselves to figure it out. Pizza will be here in nyane hour, so purrt your things away before then so we can meowtroduce ourselves properly over nyaunch.. Clawstionscanwaituntilthenbye!”

I rush out the last of my words as I retreat to my room before they can ask me any more about what I said.

In the silence of the foyer, everyone looks to the fleeing catgirl in confused surprise. Though a few have thoughts other than wondering what just happened.

“That was adorable, kero.” The blank faced girl says with a finger on her cheek.

“Totally cute.” The pink girl agrees with a smirk.

The contrastingly ephemeral and sparkly girl just nods her head rapidly, though the others don’t comment on it.

Soft Cheeks is wondering if she should feel sad or relieved that she wasn’t the one who got pounced on.

Half of the guys think she’s weird, the other half are curious. Shouty wants to show her that he’s better than her. Midoriya is contemplating writing a note to the principal to ensure that she can’t get more catnip.

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