As they moved deeper into the ship, Elara's transformation continued to evolve. New sensory inputs flooded her consciousness—the ability to detect electromagnetic fields, to sense vibrations through the ship's structure, to perceive pheromone trails left by the Kh'ryx as clearly as footprints in sand.
The System display in her vision expanded its functionality, offering tactical overlays that showed the positions of nearby Kh'ryx and suggested optimal routes to avoid detection. Through it, the Seedling guided her understanding of the ship's layout and function.
The vessel is semi-organic, it explained as they crept through maintenance tunnels too narrow for the larger warrior drones. Grown rather than constructed. Its systems are biological as much as technological.
"So it's alive?" Chad whispered, ducking to avoid a pulsing conduit overhead.
"Not exactly," Elara translated. "More like... a coral reef. Living components working together as a single structure."
"Like the gym on New Year's Day," Chad nodded sagely. "Lots of parts moving, not much actual progress."
Despite the gravity of their situation, Elara found herself smiling. Chad's ability to relate everything back to fitness was oddly comforting—a reminder that some things hadn't changed, even as her body transformed and the world faced extinction.
The tunnel widened into a junction, multiple paths branching off in different directions. Elara consulted the System, analyzing the routes.
"We need to go through the central processing hub to reach the primary control chamber," she said. "It's the most direct path."
Chad peered down one of the tunnels. "What's the central processing hub?"
The Seedling supplied Elara with information, causing her to hesitate. "It's... where they process the harvested humans."
Chad's expression hardened. "You mean where they eat people."
"It's more clinical than that, but... yes."
"Then that's where we're going." Chad's normally jovial face was set with determination. "If there are people still in there, we're saving them too."
Elara nodded, proud of his instant decision to help others despite the increased risk. "The hub will be heavily guarded. The System is showing at least twenty warrior drones and several higher-ranking Kh'ryx overseers."
"So we need a distraction." Chad looked down at himself, then back at Elara with a mischievous grin. "I have an idea, but you're gonna have to trust me. And also maybe pretend you don't know me for about five minutes."
"What are you planning?"
Instead of answering, Chad began ripping his already damaged shirt into strips. "Remember last Halloween when I went as that wrestler guy? I'm thinking something like that, but with more of an alien twist."
Before Elara could stop him, Chad had tied the fabric strips around his torso in a crude approximation of a gladiatorial costume, highlighting rather than covering his impressive physique. He smeared some of the organic residue from the tunnel walls onto his arms and face like war paint.
"Chad, what are you—"
"If these bugs see humans as food, let's show them that some food bites back." He struck a bodybuilder pose. "Protein Man is ready for action!"
The Seedling's voice in Elara's mind sounded almost amused. Your mate is... unusual.
"You have no idea," Elara muttered.
Using the System, she guided them to an access point overlooking the central processing hub. The space below was vast and nightmarish—a factory floor dedicated to the systematic breakdown of human beings. Pods similar to the ones they'd escaped from were being moved along conveyor systems, their occupants still alive but sedated. Various stations housed equipment that Elara instinctively understood were for extraction, filtration, and storage of specific human tissues and fluids.
The sight should have horrified her, but the Seedling's influence moderated her emotional response, allowing her to analyze rather than panic. Chad, lacking such a buffer, looked physically ill.
"We're stopping this," he whispered, his playful demeanor gone. "All of it."
Elara nodded, focusing on the tactical display. "There's a control station there, near the center. If I can access it, I can halt the processing and potentially release the harvesting pods. But I'll need time."
"Time you shall have, milady." Chad's bravado returned as he prepared for his self-appointed role. "Operation Protein Man is a go. When you see the bugs all looking at the gun show, make your move."
"Chad, wait—"
But he was already moving, dropping from their hiding spot to a lower level, then making his way toward the main floor of the hub. Elara watched through the System's tracking as he positioned himself behind some storage containers, preparing for whatever ridiculous plan he'd concocted.
She didn't have to wait long to find out what it was.
"ATTENTION ALIEN BUG DUDES!" Chad's voice boomed across the processing hub, causing every Kh'ryx in the vicinity to freeze in shock. He stepped out into full view, flexing dramatically. "I am Protein Man, champion of Earth! I've come to challenge your strongest warrior to single combat! Unless you're all too chicken... uh, too insect to face me!"
The Kh'ryx workers scattered in confusion while the warriors immediately moved to surround him, weapons raised. Chad showed no fear, continuing to strike poses and issue challenges.
"Look at these guns!" he shouted, flexing his biceps. "This is what happens when you eat protein the right way! Not by liquefying people, but by having six small meals a day with proper macronutrient balance!"
It was perhaps the strangest distraction in the history of alien invasions, but it was working. Every Kh'ryx in the hub was focused on the bizarre human challenging them to what appeared to be some combination of battle and a bodybuilding competition.
Elara took her opportunity, moving swiftly along the upper level toward the central control station. The few workers still at their posts were too distracted by Chad's performance to notice a pink-hued figure slipping past them.
Reaching the control interface, she connected to it through the System, her transformed hands interfacing directly with the organic technology. Immediately, she began shutting down processing operations, releasing restraints, halting extractors.
Below, Chad's distraction was reaching its climax. One of the larger warrior drones had stepped forward, accepting his challenge. The Kh'ryx was nearly eight feet tall, its carapace scarred from previous battles, its limbs ending in fearsome natural weapons.
"That's more like it!" Chad's voice carried to Elara's position. "Now we're talking! First pose-down: front double bicep!"
The warrior, clearly confused by the concept of a pose-down but unwilling to show weakness, attempted to mimic Chad's stance, raising its upper limbs in a rough approximation of a bodybuilder's pose.
"Not bad, not bad," Chad critiqued, moving to circle his opponent. "But your symmetry needs work. Let me show you a proper lat spread!"
As Chad continued his absurd competition, Elara worked frantically at the control station. The Seedling guided her through the complex systems, helping her identify and override security protocols. One by one, harvesting pods throughout the hub began to open, confused and terrified humans emerging.
Now for the primary objective, the Seedling prompted. Access the Hive-Command network.
Elara delved deeper into the system, searching for the connection point that would give them access to the ship's central command structure. The display in her vision flickered with warnings—her intrusion had been detected. Somewhere, alarms would be sounding.
Below, the situation was deteriorating. The warrior facing Chad had apparently tired of the pose-down and was now advancing with more hostile intent. Other warriors were beginning to round up the escaped humans, herding them back toward containment areas.
"Chad!" Elara called down. "Time to go!"
Chad glanced up, saw her position, and nodded. But he was surrounded, with no clear path to escape.
"Little busy here, babe!" he called back, ducking under a swipe from the warrior's clawed limb. "Got any bug spray up there?"
Elara scanned the control options, searching for something—anything—that could help. The System highlighted a possibility: environmental controls.
The Kh'ryx are sensitive to certain frequencies, the Seedling supplied. Their communication systems can be overloaded.
Understanding immediately, Elara accessed the hub's acoustic systems, originally designed to broadcast calming frequencies to keep harvested humans docile. She reversed the polarity, amplifying the frequency to a range that would be painfully disruptive to Kh'ryx neural systems.
The effect was instantaneous. Throughout the hub, the Kh'ryx clutched at their sensory organs, their movements becoming uncoordinated, their attack on Chad forgotten. Even the warrior he had been facing collapsed to its knees, mandibles chattering in distress.
"Run!" Elara shouted to the freed humans. "Follow the lighted pathway!" Through the System, she illuminated a route that would lead them to the transport bay where more shuttles waited.
Chad seized his moment, vaulting over his disoriented opponent and racing toward Elara's position. The humans who could move were following the path she'd marked, helping those too weak to walk on their own.
As Chad reached her, Elara disconnected from the control interface. "I've set the released pods to auto-pilot to Earth, same coordinates as before. But we need to move—I've been detected in the system."
"What about the main control thing? The one that will stop all this?"
"No access from here. We still need to reach the primary control chamber." Elara consulted the System display. "But now they know we're here. The direct routes will be heavily guarded."
Chad rolled his shoulders, somehow still full of energy despite everything they'd been through. "So we take the scenic route. No big deal. Just your average day—rescue some people, flex on some bugs, save the world. All in a day's work for Protein Man and his amazing bug girlfriend."
Despite everything—the danger, the transformation, the weight of humanity's survival possibly resting on their shoulders—Elara laughed. It came out strange through her altered vocal structures, like crystal wind chimes in a breeze, but it was genuine.
"What?" Chad asked, grinning. "Did I say something funny?"
"Just appreciating that of all the humans on Earth, I ended up with the one crazy enough to challenge alien warriors to a pose-down."
"Lucky you," he winked, then grew more serious. "So what's our next move, Pink Squad Leader?"
Elara consulted the System map once more. "There's a maintenance shaft that runs parallel to the main power conduits. It should take us most of the way to the command level without encountering heavy resistance."
"Lead the way." Chad grabbed what looked like a piece of Kh'ryx technology from a nearby console, wielding it like a club. "Protein Man is locked and loaded."
As they moved toward their exit, a thought occurred to Elara. "Chad?"
"If we survive this... no more leg day jokes. Ever."
Chad clutched his chest in mock horror. "The alien invasion I can handle, but that's just cruel."
The System alerted her to approaching security forces. "Move now, joke later!"
They sprinted from the hub, leaving chaos in their wake—freed humans escaping, disoriented Kh'ryx attempting to restore order, and the first ripples of disruption spreading through the Hive-Command network. The pink human-insect hybrid and her improvised superhero boyfriend might have seemed an unlikely pair to save the world, but they were the only chance Earth had.
And they were just getting started.