Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy

Chapter 1

Chapter: 1

As I opened my eyes, clutching my head that felt like it was about to explode, a message window greeted me.

[Please enroll in the Academy.]

[If successful: ??]

[If failed: Game Over]

I haven’t forgotten. I didn’t forget it at all.

So don’t come out and nag me. Just give me some time to calm my troubled mind.

Closing the message window and getting up, the room’s scenery came into view.

A dazzling room decked out in frills everywhere, it felt like it could drive anyone mad.

I wanted to rip off all those frills and toss them away, but I was holding back, knowing the folks in the mansion would say things like, “Our young lady must have completely lost her mind.”

My reputation was already in the gutter, and I had no desire to explore how much worse it could get.

“Excuse me, young lady.”

As I rang the bell next to the bed, the door swung open as if eagerly awaited, and a maid entered, dragging a tray along.

When I first got possessed, I didn’t know any better and just flung the door open to step outside.

I still vividly remember the maid’s shocked face from that time.

I was so flustered and clueless, I ended up banging my own head, wondering why on earth I was doing that.

Today, the maid’s face was clearly marked with tension.

She approached me, trembling hands in front of her, with her head bowed down.

“Did you cough, my lady?”


“Sloppy maid! Can’t you behave properly?”

I tried to soften my voice to reassure her, but the body I inhabited moved its mouth on its own, producing a sharp voice.

I could see the maid’s shoulders flinch under her bowed head.

Damn that [Mesugaki] skill. Here we go again.

When I chose the [Mesugaki] skill, I had no idea it came with a hidden special side effect.

It forced the user to speak and act all Mesugaki-like, whether I liked it or not.

So, no matter my intentions, I could only speak with a cocky tone and behave in an overbearing manner.

“It’s alright. Raise your head.”

“Heh. Are you intending to keep staring at the ground?”

“No! So…”

I observed the flustered maid, her eyes darting nervously.

I probably should’ve just said nothing.

“I’m sorry! I’ll start by brushing your hair!”

Her voice came out in a rush, as if she’d misconstrued my unsaid thoughts as a reprimand.

Wanting to respond reflexively, I quickly clapped my hand over my mouth and plopped down in front of the vanity.

In the mirror, the character I created, Lucy Allen, stared back at me.

With long, dark pink hair and playful eyes, the cute little girl sporting a provocative smile looked even more beautiful than what I had seen in the customization window.

If she weren’t me, I would’ve admired her beauty purely.

But now that I am her, all I can think is how fucked up this is.

Three days have passed since I became the girl named Lucy Allen.

Initially, I was so flabbergasted that I pulled all kinds of bizarre stunts. But after a few days, I’ve somewhat calmed down.

Along the way, I’ve learned several key facts.

First, the truth that the brat called Lucy Allen had already become a public enemy in the mansion before my possession.

While I had no choice but to act high-handed due to my [Mesugaki] skill, our Countess Allen, a spoiled brat, mistook her father’s power for her own and behaved like a tyrant in the mansion.

The number of personal servants who had been replaced exceeds ten, and dozens of people fled the mansion due to her bullying.

Her teacher had already changed four times, and the current one always has a resignation letter tucked in her pocket.

At this point, calling her a “troublemaker” is a polite understatement. “Crazy psycho bitch” might suit her better.

If Lucy’s parents had been normal, they would’ve ensured their child was educated before matters got this bad. Yet, Lucy’s father, who dotes on his only daughter, was far from normal.

Did I mention how I engaged in various strange acts on the first day?

He watched it unfold in person and chuckled, saying, “Oh, how precious!”

No matter how much he loves his daughter, that’s still outrageous!

The more I ponder about it, the more it seems like Lucy’s Mesugaki tendencies stemmed from Daddy’s spoiling.

A brat raised selfishly under lenient parents.

Truly disgusting. If I met them in real life, I’d unleash some harsh words on them.

But here I am? Damn. Life is truly unfair.

Regardless, my reputation is in tatters because of my original body’s antics.

Without the noble title, it wouldn’t be surprising if a witch hunt flared up at any moment.

Given the circumstances, my reputation must have plummeted, not just in the mansion but everywhere else as well.

I haven’t mingled in high society yet, but aren’t there whispers criticizing Young Lady Lucy Allen’s misdeeds floating around?

Over eighty percent of the reason nobles start at Soul Academy is due to the reputation benefit, and I’m kicking off with a rock-bottom reputation?

I’m not usually a tearful person, but I might just shed a few now.

I’ll probably face all kinds of criticism once I enter the academy, right?

Most characters in Soul Academy prioritize good virtues and noble duties.

The scornful gazes of various heroines…

That might even be somewhat enjoyable?

No. No way. It might seem fine on screen, but in reality, it’s bound to sting.

In fact, there was an even weightier issue to tackle.

Whether I could even enter the academy was uncertain.

While I could cope with matters like reputation, when it comes to actual admission, that could be a different story altogether.

Soul Academy starts as a student, meaning I had zero clue how the entrance exam worked.

Thus, the moment that message popped up, I immediately set out to investigate the entrance exam.

Soul Academy’s entrance examination consists of written and practical tests.

There’s a total of 400 points for the written exam and 200 points for the practical.

Adding it all up gives a total score of 600 points; usually, the cutoff for passing hovers around 427 points, and the highest cutoff score in history reached 453 points.

But guess what? In the dialogue, it’s mentioned that the protagonist’s class was the best class ever, smashing the highest cutoff score!

So, that implies a minimum score of 453 or higher.

Considering all the commotion they stirred in the game, it’s safe to assume they probably scored above 460.

People might think it’s alright as long as they perform well regardless of the high cutoff.

I thought so too at first.

Knowing all the ins and outs of the Soul Academy, I figured no matter how tough the written exam was, some studying would allow me to sail through.

That was my mistake.

All I was aware of was the game’s setup. It had nothing to do with the actual subjects taught at the academy.

How could I possibly know the achievements of the third king of the Soladin Kingdom?

What else? The Meskedina Fire Magic Equations? How on earth am I supposed to know that?!

There were other subjects appearing on the academy exam, but each made my head spin.

I never imagined I’d be relieved to see math formulas in my life. At least that was a bit familiar.

Of course, familiarity still doesn’t mean I could solve any of it. I was in the liberal arts lane for ten years now!

I had no clue what they were even talking about.

One thing was very clear:

This is not something someone like me, a possessed person, could handle by cramming for the academy entrance exam in the last three months.

If I had the brain for that, would I have spent ten thousand hours glued to a game that has no sequel news?

On the other hand, the practicals felt somewhat familiar.

There were two subjects: duels and exploring the dungeons created by the academy.

I had done plenty of those in Soul Academy already.

That doesn’t mean it would be a walk in the park, though.

I’m just an ordinary person who’s never thrown a proper punch.

How good do they expect me to be in a fight?

I was scared stiff when it came to even catching chickens, and now I’m expected to face other people wielding weapons and dive into dungeons to hunt monsters?

Easier said than done. It’s all too clear that I’d freeze up and do nothing in real combat.


Truth is, if it hadn’t been for that pesky message window, I wouldn’t even have this sense of urgency hanging over me.

Being a noble girl means I could find plenty of ways to live well without needing to enter the academy.

But that message, specifically that line about “game over if I fail,” was the real kicker.

In a game, a “game over” usually spells impending doom.

I say “usually” so I can cling to a shred of denial; in actuality, game over means death.

Getting possessed by a Mesugaki was rough enough, and now I’m expected to live like this and then perish pitifully after three months?

Not happening. Absolutely not.

No matter how pressing the situation is, the simple fact remains that it’s impossible to pass through any conventional means.

So, I frantically searched for a way to survive, and in the end, I discovered one option.

A special admission program for outstanding practical candidates.

This program allows three individuals who excel in the Soul Academy practical exam to pass, regardless of their written scores.

Though even that is a nearly impossible feat.

Those applying for the academy exam have been preparing for years.

Naturally, they’d be far more seasoned in combat than I am.

Still, there’s one area where I carry a confidence that surpasses anyone else’s.

Dungeon exploration.

Who exactly am I? A seasoned vet with over 13,000 hours in Soul Academy!

I can name all the types of dungeons that appear in the academy exam by heart.

I could draw maps with my eyes closed!

As long as I can secure the bare minimum for combat ability, I’m confident about outperforming everyone else when it comes to dungeon exploration.

Now it’s clear what I need to do in the remaining three months until the academy exam.

Level up.

Despite my lack of skill in fighting, I must attain overwhelmingly high stats to make up for it.

And this? This is an area I excel in.

What do you think I focused on the most during my long gaming sessions with Soul Academy?

Here comes the spoiler: it’s all about leveling up.

Regardless of the character or gameplay style, leveling up is necessary to beat the game.

Even though I haven’t entered the academy yet, my resources are limited, but that doesn’t matter.

There are still plenty of opportunities to enhance my stats.

“Miss, we’re done.”

Snapping back to reality, I realized my hair had already been taken care of.

Wait, what?! Already?

Lucy Allen’s hair is incredibly long.

Even though Lucy is petite, her waist-length hair is quite the task.

Yet, the maid managed to tidy it up in no time.

How could she pull that off? I couldn’t even think of touching my own hair!

Seriously impressive.

“Not bad. For a sloppy maid.”

I let that slip out unconsciously and thought, “Oh no!” but thankfully, it came out softer than what might be expected from a Mesugaki.

She didn’t look terrified this time, right? I checked behind me, and the maid was looking at my back with a stiff expression.

What’s up with her? Did I come off a bit too strong again?

My worries turned out to be unfounded.

The maid quickly regained her composure and bowed deeply.

“Thank you, my lady!”


After finishing my meal, I quickly positioned myself in front of my father’s office door to initiate the first step of my grand plan.

With the weight of this critical and challenging task hanging over me, I felt a bit uneasy.

However, I had no choice. This was the easiest and most effective way for me to level up.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the office door.

“Stupid father~”

Operation: commence the Mesugaki-style cuteness!

Crap. Just saying that makes me feel like I might hurl.

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