Mercenaries and Adventurers

Chapter 11: , wooden bridge - once the flood

"Praise be to the noble **** of water," Jamura echoed.


After walking along the river bank for most of the morning, there are more and more fields on the other side of the river. The scattered farms are no longer isolated, but gathered together in twos and threes.

Finally, a large animal appeared in the field, and the people in the distance looked at the small one, leading the animal to plow the field. What puzzled Zhao Ji was that there were obviously big animals, so why didn't they think of a way to get rid of the huge rocks in the field?

Outside the farm on the other side of the river, farmers gathered together to plow the fields. Zhao Ji could tell from a distance that they were probably all men. The farm is still firmly surrounded by a solid wooden wall, as if the outside of the wall is full of flood beasts.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ji felt that the enclosure of these farms might really be a factor to prevent floods. There are many hills on this side of the big river, but on the other side there are mostly plains, and there are huge boulders on the plains, all of which are the result of flooding.

The flood flooded and washed away the hills on the opposite bank. By the way, the soil of the hills was blown away, filling up the ditches and ridges, and turning them into flat floodplains.

By the way, the flood also washed the rocks in the upstream mountains to the downstream. After the rocks rushed here, the flood weakened, and the huge rocks stayed here.

Zhao Ji nodded, feeling that he must be right. Straighten up and look towards the upper reaches of the river. Under the bright sunlight, the mountains in the distance look like giant beasts prostrated on the ground, quite powerful, and part of the top of the mountain is covered with white, like the white ears on the head of a black giant beast, which is a little cute.

Zhao Ji nodded again with certainty. There are mountains upstream, and this big river also originates from the mountains. His deduction is correct. It's a pity that he can't speak the local language, so he can't tell the people in the caravan his reasoning.

It's a pity that no one can listen to his bragging.


The sun was approaching noon, and a wooden bridge connecting the two banks of the river appeared in the distance.

Seeing the wooden bridge, the caravan and farmers breathed a sigh of relief, and their spirits became active. Farmers are even happier.

After walking in, Zhao Ji found that there were two stone houses on the other side of the wooden bridge. The two stone houses are guarded on the opposite side of the wooden bridge, one on the left and the other on the right. One stone house is larger and larger, and there is actually a small stone pool in front of the door. The other stone house is very ordinary, and the smoke is coming out of the chimney at this time, it seems that it should be a living house.

I just don't know what the taller stone houses are for. Zhao Ji speculated that it might be the outpost of the garrison guarding the wooden bridge, or it might be the place where taxes were collected.

The donkey carts of the caravan drove onto the wooden bridge one by one.

At the head of the bridge, Zhao Ji found a square-shaped obelisk standing about one and a half meters high. Something was engraved on the obelisk in local characters. It might be the name of the wooden bridge, or the name of the big river, or the name of this territory. Zhao Ji guessed that these are all possible.

The wooden bridge is much larger than the river under the bridge, and Zhao Ji thinks it must be designed to prevent floods.

When the flood comes, a smaller flood will not submerge the wooden bridge.

Needless to say about the great flood, it would be better for people to use boats instead of bridges.

As he got closer to the other end of the bridge, Zhao Ji discovered that the stone house at the head of the bridge was not a post or a tax collection place.

This is a small temple.

It is not appropriate to say that it is a temple. After all, there is only one room, a pool at the door, and there is not even a wall. It is too shabby to say that it is a temple.

The whole body of the temple is built with large long strips of rock. It does not look high, and its volume is very limited. Because it is close to the river, there should be no basement, so the interior is estimated to only have one floor.

Some patterns were painted with colorful paints on the outer wall. Zhao Ji couldn't see clearly when he was sitting on the donkey cart, so he could only guess that it was a picture of awe of the flood. UU reading

This is also normal. Zhao Ji speculated based on the situation on both sides of the river along the way that seasonal floods often broke out in the local area, so it is normal for temples related to this to appear.

It has the same meaning as the Dragon King Temple was built beside the great river in the previous life.


Mr. Wolf turned his head and said a few words to Jamura, and Jamura agreed.

Then the caravan's donkey cart stopped in front of this small temple. The farmers from Wumihu Village put their farm tools on the carts and got off the donkey carts.

The wooden door of another stone house was opened at this time, and two middle-aged people in robes, a man and a woman, came out from inside. They saw the farmers in Wumihu Village very happy, stepped forward to talk, and patted each other kindly. After patting Mr. Wolf's arm, the farmers also spoke respectfully.

In the small pool in front of the temple, there are two or three children playing there, all wearing simple clothes made of big sacks. Children waved twigs and played around the pool with flowers and grass crowns.

At this time, several donkey carts of the caravan stopped here, and the children also stopped playing and looked at the convoy. When they saw Jamla, they all shouted: "Jamla, Jamla, you Here you come, Uncle Cullen, come and help us! This stinky thing has fallen into the holy pool!"

Originally, Cullen Jamura didn't plan to get off the car. After all, the work of the caravan is about to be completed halfway, and the rest will be taken care of by others. He just wants to go back and take a good shower. There seems to be fleas in his clothes. Biting him, making him itchy all over.

But since the children were calling him, he got out of the car to see what was going on. After all, his children and these children in the temple were "good partners" who were mischievous all day long.

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