Melodies Of Power


Lance stepped into his first Force magic class, feeling a nervous flutter in his chest. The room was unlike any other classroom he had seen so far at Arcane University. It was spacious, the floor covered in a spread of colorful cushions instead of rigid chairs. The walls were adorned with diagrams of spell flows, kinetic energies, and the principles of force manipulation. The atmosphere was calm but carried a subtle intensity, as if the very air buzzed with untapped power.

At the front, there was a small, open space, clearly meant for demonstrations. And standing in that space was the professor. He was tall, with sharp features and dark hair streaked with silver, dressed in a simple but immaculate robe. His stance was formal, but there was an underlying sense of control, of sheer power, radiating from him. He didn’t look like someone who had to raise his voice to command attention—his presence alone did the job.

“Welcome to Force Magic,” the professor began, his voice smooth but commanding. “I’m Professor Raelan, and I will be guiding you through this course. Before we get started, I should warn you—this class involves a lot of pushing things around.” He paused, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Both physically and mentally. So, if you don’t like a little movement, you’re in the wrong place.”

A few students chuckled at the dry humor, and Lance relaxed a little.

"For those of you taking Force as a major," Raelan continued, pacing slowly across the front of the room, "you will be required to demonstrate a list of spells by the end of the year. First, a first-tier spell that allows you to pull or push objects, using any school of magic you’re comfortable with—wind, shockwave, whatever fits. Simple, but essential."

He made a sweeping gesture with his hand, and a small object—a piece of chalk, Lance noticed—floated into the air, hovering above his fingers before settling into his palm. He started writing on the black obsidian board behind him.

"Second," he went on, “you will need to demonstrate a lesser levitation spell. How you achieve this is up to you. Wind, force, shockwaves—it’s all valid, as long as you get the object in the air and keep it there.”The professor waved his hand again, and a small stone lifted into the air, spinning slowly.

“And finally,” Raelan said, “you will need to demonstrate a force-based combat spell. This can be anything that incorporates kinetic energy—pushing, pulling, barriers, or direct attacks. Again, the choice of how you apply it is yours.”

“For those of you who have taken this class as a minor,” Raelan added, turning toward a few students in the back, “you won’t be required to demonstrate all of these spells to pass, but you are still encouraged to learn them. My door is always open if you want help. Though,” he said, a mischievous glint in his eye, “I do expect bribes of chocolate or good tea.”

The students laughed, Lance included. It was clear that while Raelan took the magic seriously, he didn’t take himself too seriously.

There were a few more chuckles, and Lance felt himself relax just a little. Professor Raelan was clearly a force to be reckoned with, but he wasn’t unapproachable. The lecture, however, quickly turned more serious as Raelan shifted into an explanation of force and kinetic energy.

"Kinetic energy is the core of what we work with in Force magic. Every motion, every impact, contains energy that can be manipulated. Whether you’re pushing a boulder or levitating a feather, you’re controlling kinetic forces in the world around you."

The explanation made sense, but as Raelan delved deeper into the nuances of spell flows and the precise control required for force magic, Lance felt his attention beginning to wane. The professor had a good sense of humor and was clearly passionate, but there was no denying that he had a tendency to drone when he got deep into technical details.

By the time Raelan moved on to the mechanics of combining force with other magical elements—like wind and shockwaves—Lance was fighting to keep his eyes open. He glanced around and saw several other students in the same condition—half-asleep, heads drooping slightly, struggling to maintain focus.

Raelan wasn’t a bad teacher, but when he got into the nitty-gritty of magic theory, his voice seemed to lull people into a trance. Lance stifled a yawn, trying to keep his eyes on the professor, but the words were starting to blur together.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Raelan brought the lecture to a close. “That’s enough theory for today. Next time, we’ll start practicing. Just remember: kinetic energy is everywhere, and learning to control it will be the foundation of everything you do in this class.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, Lance practically jumped to his feet, grabbing his things. He wasn’t the only one—half the class looked relieved that it was over. With a quick nod to Raelan, Lance dashed for the door, eager to escape before the professor could call them back for any last-minute instructions.

Outside, Lance breathed in the fresh air, grateful to be out of the stuffy classroom. He stretched his arms above his head and let out a long breath.

“Well, that was... something,” he muttered.

William’s voice echoed in his mind. “You mean, ‘that was nap-inducing.’ I thought we were going to practice, not listen to a bedtime story.”

Lance snorted. “Hey, at least we survived it. I bet Raelan’s going to be a good teacher... once we actually start doing things.”

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