Me, The Sovereign of the World? [Modern Evolution]

0023 – The Linkage Between Vision, Hearing and Smell – A Transparent World!

Awakening from the secondary sleep, Zoe felt the significant changes in her body but remained still for a long time, comparing and verifying various alterations.

She wanted to confirm a speculation first, whether her terrifying vision and hearing, acquired after the secondary change, could be coordinated with the already existing super olfaction.

No human sense operates alone; their coordinated cooperation constitutes the current human understanding of the world.

Solely relying on Zoe's olfaction, she could roughly form a map of scent traces within a small neighborhood in her mind over the past few days.

Now, although Zoe's hearing wasn't as far-reaching as her olfaction, she could still hear sounds within a radius of seventy to eighty meters, and even roughly judge the situation at the sound source based on the sound.

As for vision, she could stand on the sixth-floor balcony and see pedestrians looking at specific content on their phones below, as well as the TV programs people across several buildings were watching.

What would happen when these three senses combined?

Zoe was quite eager to find out, so she immediately began to experiment. Focusing her attention and activating the three senses at extremely high power, the world changed.

It was as if she had activated a game modifier called "Wind Spirit Moon Shadow," the world changed!

The multitude of information gathered from vision, hearing, and olfaction converged in her mind, bringing Zoe a completely new perceptual experience. They coordinated and communicated with each other, forming a perspective akin to cheating.

Standing on the balcony and looking towards the opposite building, she should only see walls wet from the drizzle. But at this moment, her hearing told her that someone on the other side of the wall was making a phone call in the stairwell, pacing back and forth while talking.

Their exact position was accurately exposed by the sound they emitted. Her olfaction told her that this was a male smoker, and his sympathetic nervous system excitement caused bronchial smooth muscle contraction, resulting in narrowed airways and a certain odor when airflow passed through.

This confirmed to Zoe that the man was in an anxious and nervous state. Thus, under the coordination of the three senses, Zoe's perception became like activating Wind Spirit Moon Shadow.

Through the rain curtain, through the walls, her mind automatically marked a glowing figure on the opposite wall. It looked no different from the perspective of cheating in games, where one starts aiming through walls.

Even more so, Zoe's "cheat" was even more outrageous.

Not only could she roughly judge movements, positions, and numbers through the wall with her hearing and olfaction, but at this moment, the man making a phone call in the opposite building's stairwell was not only accurately located and monitored by Zoe through the wall, but she also listened in real-time to the conversation on the phone.

This was equivalent to hearing the voice chat of the enemy team in games directly and in real-time.

This operation was not just about seeing through walls anymore. Apart from the appearance of the man, everything, including voice, actions, and behavior, was clearly "seen" by her.

In this way, Zoe silently watched the man pacing anxiously in the stairwell, pleading with his boss on the phone not to fire him, and finally looking dejected as he took the elevator home.

Zoe sighed slightly at the diverse fates of countless people in the world, then shifted her gaze away and began to focus on the entire building opposite the window.

The next moment, numerous figures doing various activities appeared before Zoe. They were sitting or standing, doing their own things at home or in the hallway. The various states of the myriad of beings were displayed before her.

Despite the obstacle of the walls, Zoe could "see" these figures highlighted in her mind. With a little concentration, she could even judge the itinerary of a certain figure based on scent traces, and discern their current mood and physical condition.

These figures were like the silhouettes of puppets behind a cloth in a shadow play. Although obstructed by the "cloth," the actions of these puppet silhouettes were still clearly visible to her.

Everything was so clear. She felt like a deity, silently and loftily observing these mortals. This made her somewhat lofty.

Of course, Zoe, who had been doing psychological construction for herself since the beginning of the changes, quickly restrained her lofty thoughts. She had vaguely realized that there might be an inevitable gap between her and ordinary humans in the future.

In her eyes, humans in the future might only be considered a noisy group of monkeys. But no matter what the future holds, she would try her best to adhere to her original personality.

She didn't want her worldview to be changed or shaken by any disturbances arising from the evolutionary process. Perhaps there would inevitably be some changes, but she would persist.

Having set this tone shortly after the initial change, she now retracted the idea of considering herself a deity. She continued to carefully feel this "cheating" perspective.

Zoe felt that calling this perspective "perspective" was somewhat unfair to this ability.

She felt it should have a more advanced name. Wind Spirit Moon Shadow? Heavenly Eye? Or Omnisensory Perception? Just for a moment, Zoe dismissed these fleeting options in her mind.

Wind Spirit Moon Shadow sounded too much like a joke. Heavenly Eye and omnisensory perception felt inappropriate for the current ability. Looking at the world gradually clearing up after the rain, Zoe pondered. Under the influence of this ability, the entire world before her became unprecedentedly clear.

So perhaps the name could be... Transparent World!

This name seemed quite fitting. She remembered a similar ability in a popular work.

Once activated, it could significantly improve the user's prediction and evasion speeds, allowing them to clearly see the opponent's lung movements and the flow and contraction of blood vessels, thus allowing them to clearly see the opponent's actions and weaknesses.

For her, all these functions were also possessed by her Transparent World. With a casual glance at the pedestrians on the wet street, she confirmed that she could also judge anyone's weaknesses by observing lung movements, vessel contractions, and other characteristics while they moved.

And with the assistance of super hearing and olfaction, she could only excel in this aspect. Therefore, naming this comprehensive visual, auditory, and olfactory ability Transparent World was extremely appropriate.

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