Me, The Sovereign of the World? [Modern Evolution]

0009 – The World Of Adults Is So Dangerous

Following the scent, Zoe Carter arrived at the boy’s residence. The building’s entrance displayed the names and photos of its residents, and Zoe quickly spotted one that bore a resemblance to her quarry. It was a photo of a kindly old woman.

Below the picture was inscribed: 402 · Leonie Honoran.

Zoe knew she had found the right place. Of course she had. With the acute precision of a humanoid bloodhound, Zoe's suspicions were confirmed. Her sense of smell, much like her physical strength, surpassed that of ordinary humans by leaps and bounds. It had reached a level beyond common comprehension.

Pondering her next move, Zoe entered the building and took the lift directly to the fourth floor.

As the elevator doors slid open, the rich aroma of food wafted from the direction of flat 402. Clearly, the household had already started preparing lunch. With a plan firmly etched in her mind, Zoe strode towards the door.

Knock, knock, knock!

Zoe rapped three times on the door with her curled index finger, applying just the right amount of force. Not long after, the distinct sound of a security chain rattling echoed from inside. The door opened slightly, revealing an elderly woman clad in an apron, looking exactly like the photo downstairs.

Zoe’s sharp eyes took in the faint patches on the woman’s apron, and the lingering smell of cooking oil told her all she needed to know: the house lacked a range hood, and this old lady was frugal. That fact alone gave Zoe a quiet sense of assurance.

“May I help you?” Leonie asked with a slightly puzzled expression.

The half-open door and the presence of the security chain indicated that the woman was cautious—a trait no doubt honed by living in a community such as Wingsgone New Village, where residents were bombarded with anti-fraud campaigns daily.

“Good afternoon! My name’s Jenny,” Zoe responded with a cheerful smile. “I’m the business development manager for Leihman Education Institution. We're currently running an initiative to distribute free educational materials.”

Zoe beamed, offering the bundle of materials in her hand to Leonie. After all, most people are drawn to anything labelled ‘free’, and the promise of no financial commitment has a way of softening even the hardest sceptic. It was a strategic starting point for any conversation, and Zoe knew that engaging a frugal person like Leonie with a free offer was the best way forward.

As for using the name Jenny—well, that was simply common sense. No one uses their real name while running these sorts of errands, do they?

“Free, you say?” Leonie’s brow furrowed, suspicion creeping into her voice. “Is this legitimate? Are you trustworthy?”

By 2024, the world had grown wary of anything advertised as free. People no longer let down their guard so easily; they understood all too well that the cost of something free often comes later, hidden in the fine print.

“Absolutely!” Zoe replied brightly. “It’s completely free. These are top-notch teaching materials handpicked by our institution. There’s no need to sign up for anything, no need to add friends on social media—nothing of the sort.”

“All we ask is that you let your grandchild try them out. You know how crucial it is for children to stay sharp, even during the holidays. This is an ideal opportunity to get ahead. With these materials, your grandchild can consolidate the previous semester’s knowledge and get a head start on the next.”

“We can’t let children fall behind, now can we? They need more than just play. If the materials aren’t helpful, you can simply disregard them. But if they work, we can discuss enrolling in additional tutoring sessions later.”

Zoe’s enthusiasm and expertly delivered pitch were designed to melt resistance. She knew this thrifty woman wouldn’t refuse something that came with no strings attached. There was no risk in accepting the materials, and Zoe’s entire approach banked on the human instinct to avoid potential loss.

As expected, after some deliberation, Leonie hesitantly accepted the materials. Zoe’s keen eye caught the subtle shift in her body language, and she knew she had succeeded.

Before leaving, Zoe decided to plant one final seed. She smiled sweetly and said, “Oh, by the way, I saw a lovely little boy at the entrance to the estate. He looked a lot like you! He was nibbling on some spicy crisps—he looked quite clever, I must say.”

Zoe gave a playful thumbs-up, seemingly complimenting the child, but her real intention lay beneath the surface. Over the past few days, she had traced the boy’s scent to various locations, all tinged with the distinct smell of spicy snacks. Yet, curiously, the scent didn’t linger in the Honoran household. It was clear that the boy wasn’t allowed such indulgences at home and was likely sneaking them when outside.

By dropping this hint, Zoe subtly informed Leonie that her grandson wasn’t as obedient as she thought. She knew the impact this revelation would have—grandparents rarely tolerate deception, especially when it comes to unhealthy treats.

As expected, Leonie’s cheerful expression faltered momentarily, replaced by a stern look.

Satisfied, Zoe took her leave, descending the stairs with a spring in her step. Her morning had been a success, not only completing her shopping but also discovering new abilities—her heightened sense of smell—and testing them in the field.

Moreover, she had administered a small but satisfying punishment to a certain boy. The day had indeed been productive.

Just as Zoe was relishing her accomplishment, her enhanced senses caught the faint scent of the boy returning home. Of course, it was nearly lunchtime, and the boy was hurrying back to avoid any scolding.

Zoe slipped into a nearby corner and watched as the boy entered the elevator.

Moments later, the unmistakable sounds of a scolding, punctuated by slaps and confused sobs, echoed from the upper floors.

With her heightened hearing, Zoe could clearly make out the commotion. Her earlier suspicion had been right: Leonie had definitely forbidden the boy from eating spicy snacks. Why else would he return home only to be greeted with punishment?

Zoe couldn’t help but smile. The boy’s mischief had been nipped in the bud, and her sense of smell had proven itself invaluable once again.

"The adult world is a rather wicked place," Zoe murmured to herself with a wry grin. Every boy needs a childhood filled with diligent study, after all. With the task complete and the troublemaker dealt with, she could return home to document her new abilities and plan further experiments.

With these thoughts in mind, Zoe set off.

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