Me and my Goddess

7. Meeting a Leader

I feel like I've been out for days. Longer than I should've been.

I can't remember what happened after the security doors open but now I'm in a new Room a completely different place. Since being reborn in this new body I've mostly felt comfortable. Mostly thanks to Liz but this is on a new level. This is so nice I don't even wanna open my eyes but I guess I have to figure out where I am and what happened back then after the scan. So I guess I had to fully wake up.

This room was definitely completely different than the laboratory we were back in I'm positive we weren't even on campus ground anymore. This reminded me more of a luxury hotel than anything back there. I was currently on a bed, a huge bed I think kingsize on top of it a soft red blanket and pillows. The bed itself was a blinding white like the walls and floor. Also red was a carpet in the middle of the room, and the curtains shutting the room off from sunlight. On both the carpet, as well as the curtains, was some sort of logo but it was too dark for me to identify. Apart from the bed and me, the room was empty and since I didn't want to wait here I guess my best option is to try and leave. I mean who would leave a pet alone in such a luxury room.

As soon as I left the bed the curtains slowly opened illuminating the entire room and I could finally see the logo on the carpet. It depicted a Back hexagon with a white woman from her stomach upwards. Where one would normally expect her breast was a crack going from her bellybutton to her neck with her hands pulling it further apart. The whole ordeal reminded me of superman ripping his shit but she was ripping herself apart. As I noticed her dark red hair I realized what this was. It was Miia as she split herself. I was aware that they knew what she did. Still, the question remains what this place is and what this logo represents. I assume it was some kind of church dedicated to her. After a few minutes, I decided my best shot is still trying to leave. Now that I know that whoever brought me here is devoted to Miia I should probably find them.

As soon as I walked up to the door a new problem unfolded how am I supposed to get out of here. But it resolved faster than I could even think about it as the door was opened from the outside. And an old man followed by 2 young women stepped in. They wore white robes detailed with red stripes all over.

"Ah, Lucy. I'm glad to see you finally being awake. My name is Grand Cardinal Montalto I apologize for how the extraction team handled the situation but we couldn't risk anything getting out. And we didn't expect to find something blessed or should I rather say someone. I would like it if you could enlighten me on the whole situation. I would also be delighted if you have any further questions. But anyway we should probably talk somewhere more comfortable. Also, would you at all mind being carried so not to cause any confusion with other staff?"

A little overwhelmed by everything that happened I only shook my head up and down hoping this form of universal communication would be the same around here. Somehow I got quite used to being carried and began enjoying it.

"Excellent. Bishop Marguez would you be so kind. "

And like that she picked me up. It was somehow completely different than how Liz carried me somehow very respectful but still caring. We walked for about five minutes a few people passing by still took some curious looks at me presumably not seeing animals in the church every day. This building was normal I had no idea how big it was but we walked in one direction nearly all the time. Until we took a corridor to the left and the door at its end which was labeled with the cardinal's name. 

As soon as we enter I realized the view I praised back in Liz's apartment was nothing. "It's quite a sight, isn't it?" The cardinal's words couldn't even distract me from looking outside and over the city. "It's quite something to behold the entire city of Athenes was build around this temple on a hill. Since more and more people came to pray there it the temple was expanded times and times so now it's the widest and tallest buildings ever built. But rather than one building it's a complex of buildings in the middle of it all you can still see parts of the old temples from four thousand years ago when Lady Fystra was still with us."

On the other hand that was enough the get me to turn around did he say four thousand years ago Miia said she was asleep for millions of years. 

"And since this is one of the upper floors you on a sunny day like today you can see incredibly far."

That was true and it was what shocked me how far I could see and It was all city. Sure loots of green around and on top of buildings but I could still see some skyscrapers at the end of the horizon. Just how big is this city.

"Anyway as I said I wanted to talk to you Marguez would you please sit down and keep Lucy on your lap like this it should be easier to talk."


"Thank you. First of all, again I am very sorry for our rude introduction but as you probably know we haven't heard or dealt anything from Lady Fystra in quite some time so when a few of us suddenly noticed some weird magic a few hours ago we were quite shooked. So we followed it and it leads us to you. And the stun spell was just in case it was something dangerous. So foolish of us. But I know her Majesty Lady Fystra won't be mad at us after all non of us alive today have ever directly felt her magic no one ever has at least no one who possessed magic themself. After all, we only have access to mana thanks to her sacrifice. Like I said non of us have ever felt something like this in nearly four thousand years so when we learned it was Her. That she was back we couldn't be happier. The only thing that is weird about the whole situation is you. If Pope Syndol wouldn't suffer from exceedingly bad health he would surely be the one who would want to talk to you. But as it stands I the Grand Cardinal of this planet and his Holyness's most trusted advisor am talking to you. So tell me what happened and don't worry just speak I possess an ability called Universal Comprehension which allows me to understand any intention behind any language and on my Skill level it also applies to sentient animals of which you are one. And by the way, I've never heard of any Fuddle achieving. But I guess it is thanks to the Goddesses blessing you possess.  So just go ahead."

I guess I have nothing to lose and a lot to gain. I just hope Miia stops me if this is a mistake. 

"Woof. Woof."    

I just tried to say one thing: do you understand me? But I had no idea how to speak in barks so I just hope it workes.

"Interesting. It seems like I can't understand you. Maybe it's because you only presently gained sentience?"

I too guessed as much so I agreed by shaking my head. 

"Hmm. If you are only able to agree and disagree that would make telling your story nearly impossible. Unluckily I don't have a lot of time since we planned to attempt and contact Lady Fystra later today and I still need to make some preparations. This means the bishop will take you to Liz thankfully we know her group quite well and trust her not to leave the planet until we had the chance to talk for real. Take care. Bishop, I will send you the Location."

"Thank you Grand Cardinal and Good Luck with the Ritual."

"Thank you"

My only possible response was to bark it felt more appropriate as a goodbye rather than a miau. Honestly, that was quite a lot of information so I am quite glad to return home it looked like the sun was also about to set for the evening. Still, on the Bishops legs, she picked me up and carrier me back outside after excusing herself. We walked about half the corridor back until we reached a door to the left which turned out to be an elevator. It took us to yet another garage. As soon as we entered a familiar voice answered

"Bishop Marguez. Grand Cardinal Montalto has asked you to deliver Lucy so the destination has already been set. Is Lucy the second unrecognized passenger?"

"Yes Lucy is with me"

"Excellent please enjoy the ride." 

"A little after we started I once again drifted off to sleep just laying in her lap."

"Ey, long time not seen."Also, a lovely voice came back


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