Mc’s not part of the story

Chapter 16



-Increase the power of a Skill]

A Skill could get stronger by using it frequently. But Power Stone could make the Skill stronger just by eating them. There were no side effects and it would increase the firepower of a Skill.

"Lane eat this. I don't need power stone right now."

Kyle used a great amount of mana to fire an Orb Beam. If he tried to force his Skill to power up, his body would explode. His body couldn't take the energy and explode inside.

"It's suicide if I try to eat this. Mikael's Skills are already strong he doesn't need any of this. Miriam has a support Skill, our priority is to increase our strength. That's why you're the best candidate, we need your crowd control. Your Skill has great mobility. I'm sure you can control your vines more when you eat this."

Kyle tossed the Power Stone to Lane. He didn't treat it with importance. Lane hesitated for a moment, but she still ate it. Her determination to help them was true.


She closed her eyes and felt that energy was flowing in every part of her body. She needed time to consume the Mana Stone. She wanted to cry but endured the pain that was stabbing her.

"Good. Miriam guard Lane here.  Mikael we need to go, we have something to do."






"So what are we gonna do?"

Mikael and Kyle left the two and walked. They went downstairs the Castle and got outside.  Mikael was skeptical but he decided to follow his boss.

" We need to find more members. You remember what happened last night, you almost died. We need more teammates at least one or two"

Kyle stated.

"... Who the f*ck said that I'll lure the monster?"

Mikael mumbled.

"Hm? Did you say something?"

"I didn't!"

Mikael murmured his words. Well, the past is past, he is alive and nothing bad happened. In fact, he got a good reward in defeating the Minotaur. He understood the greatness of killing a Boss.

[Experience potion 

- When consumes, gives 45% experience points to the user]

Looked like a simple potion, but this potion would surely help him someday. This potion could make him level up if it got hard to gain experience points. Kyle said that finding XP potions was hard.

" This is a treasure"

They got five Items when they killed the Boss and two of those have good effects. The Power Stone and Experience Potion were jackpots. Kyle gave the other three to Miriam. 

"Kyle, why did you give everything to Miriam? I mean, I'm thankful, but why did you not take at least one item? You don't need any of those is that it?"

Mikael asked because he was curious about Kyle's behavior.

" I don't need them, and I can find Power Stones and Experience Potion on my own. I give all of them to Miriam cause there's an Item that I desire to get.  And I want all of you to help me acquire it"

Kyle honestly said, he didn't have any intention of hiding it.

"Oh, so give and take? "

"Yup, I want you to feel indebted. Now, you'll help me to get it right?"

Kyle didn't deny it. Though it was a win-win situation. Mikael knew that he would receive something if he helped him. 

"Tell me first what kind of equipment is it, and is that dangerous? I'll back out if it's dangerous… and please I don't want to be the bait again. That smash nearly killed me."

Mikael recalled how he almost died, facing a Minotaur was like talking to the grim reaper.

"I can't promise that. And as for what monster it is... you will find it out when the time comes."

"... Tch. Okay, let's look for a member now. Where do you think we can find one? Do you have a  preference? Long-range or melee?"

He changed the topic since he knew that Kyle won't talk about anything that he finds annoying.

" I want someone that has physical Skill just like you.  I want a Skill that's related to speed"

"Eh, you don't want an AoE skill"

"Are you an idiot? AoE skill is not a good choice when it comes to a  secluded place like the Rejuvenating Room"

Kyle kicked his tongue.

"... You have a point"

"Physical Skill with a trustworthy personality. I don't want a talkative one.  The secret of Rejuvenating Room should only revolve around us"

Kyle added.

"What will you do if the information leaks out?"

" Did you see what happened to the Minotaur?"







<Mikael PoV>

We find ourselves in the back place in the Castle. There were people cooking and eating monsters.

The food shortage caused them to eat monster meat, but they found their decision as excellent. Now they were skinning the naked wolf to use its fur. Eating food was one of the best things in this place, they were delicious.

My favorite dish was the roasted meat of Orcs. It was juicy and flavorful. It's like premium pork. No, Orc meat was better than premium pork.

Ah, I'm starting to salivate. This fiesta-like atmosphere was tickling my hunger.

This was their everyday life here in the Punishment event. They fight and eat.

I'm starting to adapt to this ecology, it was a good thing. But even so...

"I hope they were okay..."

I've remembered how my family ate. We always eat at one table. My father wanted to eat together whenever its dinner. Evening meal was our only social gathering, now that I realized it. My father wanted us to gather at the table cause that was the only time that we were together. 

We were always busy every day with studies and work, he wanted us to be together… Yes, my parents really loved us.

"I miss them... Hey Kyle, how long are we gonna stay in the Punishment event? You didn't give us an exact date."

I asked him to find if he knew the answer.

"Mm?... One month already passed so I think 5.  We only need 5 more months."

"I see...."

I clenched my fist. FIVE MORE MONTHS!! I will return! I'll do everything to meet them again.

I follow Kyle and went to the secluded part of the Castle. It was near the forest and you could hear a cutting sound.

*slash slash*

Then I found a teenage girl, not that I'm old actually. I guess she was around 17-18 years old. She used a dagger to slash every tree. She was fast and every slash that she made left a deep cut in the trees.

"... What do you think? She got what it takes right? She meets our requirements. "

Kyle asked about my opinion. 

Well, she was fast, but I'm faster than her...

"I'm faster than her."

"Idiot. You're level 60+. Don't compare yourself to a person twice weaker than you. I guess she's around level 27. "

"Eh? Seriously!? 27!? She is too fast!! Level 27 can't run as fast as that. I think she's level 40+. "

I didn't believe his words.

"It's because of her Awakening Skill."


A knife came at us. I blocked it using my spear. I guess she felt our presence, but throwing a knife as a greeting? This kid has a good constitution! 

" Who's there!?

Her voice echoed.

Kyle stepped in.

"Haha, to throw a knife before asking their names is a bad manner kid."

"Who are you!? How did you get here!?"

"Us? We just want to walk around and see some sceneries, you know."

... What a lame excuse! This is a secluded place. An abandoned one, there's no good sceneries here! What reason are you gonna add? Taking sh*t!?... Or perhaps sword fighting! Oh my God! Kyle, I don't swing that way! Kyle, are you actually an idiot?

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