Maxing out my luck in a cultivation world

Getting a Skill

Shrouding herself in an illusion of power, Byron acts as intimidating as possible. Making sure she puts as much fear as possible in both of these demon lions.

The weaker demon lion turns around and sprints away, but the enraged one stands its ground. Byron takes a step forward, making it look as if the footstep bent every tree in the area away from her. She is trying her absolute best to be intimidating.

With each step, it looks as if the ground is destroyed and trees go flying. Finally the demon lion and Byron are face to face. Full of both fear and confidence this demon lion is staring back and snarling. It just doesn't know when to give up does it?

Before it could react, Byron equipped the bronze gauntlets and smashed its eyes out. The mirage of all that destruction fades and everything looks normal once more. Byron doesn't go invisible as there is no need to when her opponent is blinded.

Even with its bravery and power, this demon lion was just like the others. Unable to stand up to Byron in a one on one battle. Byron goes to snap this creature's neck.... but is unable to. It's body and bones are too durable.

Byron slams her gauntlet into its spine, piercing skin 'This creature must have cultivated somehow... how do I kill this thing?! maybe there is a weak spot' leaping off of the creature, she looks around its body while keeping quiet and staying distant. The demon lion obviously wasn't waiting for her to just kill it. It was focusing and doing its best to kill her.

Byron was dodging its attacks, which were accurate despite the demon lion's lack of eyes. It truly was a formidable foe. While Byron respected the struggle she thought it should just give up now as it can't win.

Well.... its not like she can win either because she can't injure it badly.

'hold on.... what if I use this beast to help me cultivate my body? if I can concentrate and cultivate in a fight that would be good'

After this thought, Byron starts to both dodge and concentrate on gathering yin energy. At first it's an issue, she can barely keep up the cultivation roughly when dodging. But the beast, still swinging at her with all its might, is being used as a punching bag and training machine.

Around an hour later, Byron breaks through into Muscle refinement 6.

[(Repeat) Break through bone refinement stage +20 achievement points]

[Str (Strength) - 5 --> 6]

[Agi (Agility) - 5 --> 6]

[Unused Stat Points - 0 --> 2]

Byron is gradually improving her cultivation, at a much faster pace then before because she is in "combat" but the problem is, she might have a hell of a lot of stamina but the demon lion doesn't. The demon lion, is slowing down and along with it so is Byron's body cultivation speed.

The night is still young, so Byron will continue to train. With all of her pummeling finally building up in time, Byron gets a new achievement.

[Killed Elite Demon Lion +300 achievement points]

'elite? that explains a lot.... great for training though hahaha'

Knowing that creatures can have elite versions is quite good to know. Moving to the creature she wonders about the crystal that should be inside it 'the creature is elite so the crystal has to be better right?' thinking to herself, she concludes that it must be the case

Butchering its corpse Byron find the core, this time the core is a deep shade of orange. Unlike the rabbit's dark red and the demon lion's light red. 'I wonder if the colors mean anything.....' pondering what they could mean, Byron just stops thinking too much about it and just keeps the crystal in her hand.

'God damn it why don't I have any pockets, this is just annoying at this point' spitting on the ground out of annoyance, Byron searches for an open spot to place her house. After finding a decently open area, she gets out the house card and places it down.

After the house appears, Byron walks inside the house. Suddenly she realizes that the monster crystals she placed in the house actually stayed there, even though they weren't system items. 'hooooh, this means the house can be used as dimensional storage! ahahaha this is amazing!'

Once discovered, Byron knows she'll abuse this until she gets the ability to store non system items in her inventory. With this good news, she sits down and examines the orange crystal. Out of nowhere a system popup appears.


System has sensed special Monster core

User, would you like to absorb the skill within the Monster core?

[Yes] [No]


'Skill? I can gain a skill from the monster core? that sounds awesome!!' selecting the yes option, she feels a very strange energy flowing around her. It settles inside her mind then disappears. There was no special flow of information or anything, she just.... can instinctively use the skill?

[New Achievement! Learned first skill +100 achievement points]

[Skill learned!

(Passive) Hardening Rage (A tier common)

When enraged, overall durability is increased by 100%

(stat boost limit: 100)]

'oooh this seems like a good skill, even with its restriction this can help me a lot! only issue is the anger part..... ehh I'll solve that later' happy with the new skill, Byron decides to rest for a little while before training. in her opinion 3/10 demon lion kills is enough for the first night.

After taking a 20-30 minute break of just lying down, Byron realized that her schedule of always sleeping during the day and staying awake all night basically made her nocturnal. She doesn't even feel sleepy in the slightest.

Getting up from her break she starts to spend the rest of the night training without the help of a disabled demon lion.

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