Max Level Miscellaneous Character

Chapter 71: Why They Drift in the Sea

When the ghost ship appeared, the crew was greatly agitated. Sailors are very tough people, but that is when they deal with people, and courage doesn’t rise against the already dead ghosts.

Among sailors, ghost ships were a symbol of fear. How terrifying it is to be devoured by the magic of the sea. And to wander forever without leaving the sea even after death.

As the sailors trembled, the captain clenched his teeth and shouted.

“Ready to fire!”

They were skilled sailors. Although their faces were stiff, their bodies moved accustomed to it. In an instant, the cannon was ready.



The boat shook, and the cannons blew out. Cannonballs flew high in the air and to the enemy. It was almost impossible to hit an enemy with the first bullet. However, the distance to the enemy was very close.


Part of the enemy ship was severely damaged. An old tree burst and the railing tore off.


The faces of the sailors who were shouting hardened all at once. The broken enemy ships were slowly being restored. The enemy was a ghost ship. The cannons didn’t mean much.

This time, the enemy’s cannons were directed at them. Then, along with the explosion, a deafening scream rang out.


Instead of cannonballs, a horde of ghosts flies. Their painful screams penetrated the minds of the people. The sailors covered their ears, but the sound did not diminish at all.



Then something struck the ghost ship. A hole was punctured in the deck, and a few undead pirates disappeared as it was in the dust.

Of course, they were recovering as quickly as when they were struck by cannons. But the arrows just flew at a faster speed than that.

Irene pulled the bowstring expressionlessly. She compressed the air at the tip of her arrow. It was filled with the power of spirits.


The arrow pierced through the ghosts blocking the way and pierced the ghost ship. The compressed air rapidly expanded, creating an explosion. The power of the spirit contained in it swept around, and part of the ghost ship was broken again.

The ghost ship was getting more and more messed up, but those guys didn’t seem to care much. All of a sudden, the guys who came close shouted.

-Plunder! Enslave them!


A hook with a rope flew from the ghost ship. The sailors shook it off to prevent it from capturing their ships, but it didn’t mean much. It was so close now. Soon there was a roar of ships crashing into each other.

The undead pirates on board the ghost ship come over. A guy with only bones left, a guy with a rotting body left, and even ghosts with no bodies at all.

-Make them the prey for the sea… Whoa!


A painful scream emanated from the already dead undead pirate. As soon as they crossed over to this ship, they were purified by the powerful divine power, and their soul was burned.


The stigma of Delfino shone, and the sun made of divine power rose. He pierced through the thick fog and burned the ghosts to protect the ships of his allies.

-Kilkilkil, huh?

The undead pirates who were smiling wickedly felt embarrassed. They didn’t expect such a strong divine power to come out.


Each time Delfino motioned, the light grew stronger and purified the undead. The sinful soul ascended to heaven, and the unclean body was scattered like ashes.

The undead pirates, who had come over with great force, flinched and moved to avoid Delfino. Ferocious Tooth blocked them.

“You can’t pass!”


Ferocious Tooth swung a sword as big as him. The undead pirate could not resist the sword, and his body was split in two and toppled to the floor.

Its rotten body squirmed and crawled on the floor, but Ferocious Tooth kicked and blew him into the sea.

A seemingly obvious advantage. But that wasn’t necessarily the case. Dealing with the undead, even in the sea, because it was a very difficult task. The ghost ship was not the object of fear to sailors for nothing.


The spirits were purified, and the ghosts that soared to the sky fell again in darkness. The rotten body that had been torn to pieces gathered and rose again.

Ghosts appeared from the bottom. They climbed the boat through the sea. Delfino spewed out a powerful divine power to disperse them, but soon they re-emerged.

It was obviously abnormal. It didn’t make sense that the undead could withstand his divine power so well.

Delfino looked at the undead pirate and shouted.

“These souls are under the curse! If we don’t take care of it, they will just revive!”


Ivan’s right eye turned golden. In his eyes, he could see an evil string holding onto their soul. It was all connected to the ghost ship.

He ran and shouted.

“I must go! Cover me!”


Instead of answering, an arrow flew and pierced through all those standing in front of him. Ivan jumped off the railing and jumped into the ghost ship when the road was cleared like that.



Lightning struck with Ivan’s cry. It pushed away the thick fog and set fire to the worn-out sails. The white lightning wrapped around his body and Ivan grabbed the spear.


He took a light step forward and threw down the spear. The undead’s body was pierced at once and fell to the floor. Those whose souls were captured by the ghost ship’s curse will eventually rise again, but Ivan did not wait for it and dug deeper and deeper.

Kung Kung!

Two wolves sprang out of Ivan’s shadow, devouring rotting souls and bodies.

Gary and Freki. Seeing the greedy wolves devouring the corpses of the battlefield, the undead pirates trembled. Even if they were undead, it would not have been a common experience to be eaten.


The undead’s head exploded with Ivan’s axe, and the ghosts burned in Loki’s flames. So crossing the pirate ship, Ivan grabbed the neck of what appeared to be the captain.

“What have you been cursed with?”

No matter how harsh the curse was, Ivan couldn’t understand its persistence. Even the soul that was purified by the divine power and ascended to heaven was captured again and turned into a ghost.

“How did this happen?”

When Ivan asked that question, the undead captain laughed.

-Even if I’ll tell you that… Ouch!

I didn’t even expect him to answer meekly. Ivan’s magic permeated him and seized the weak soul dyed in darkness.

Ivan looked straight into the boy’s eyes and uttered a spell.

“Sanngetall (the seeker of truth).”

The undead captain blankly opened his mouth, whose soul was completely suppressed. He put the truth he knew in his mouth.

-We, We… followed the treasure.

“What kind of treasure?”

-We pursued the treasure that Carly Hawkins…

The undead captain, who had been muttering like that, suddenly began to have a seizure. The body, which had already died a long time ago, trembled, and the soul was crushed by fear. He shouted in a voice full of fear.

-Curse! Curse…….! The Tyrant of the deep sea…….!!


The guy’s soul was suddenly caught by something and sucked into the sea. Ivan stretched out his hand but could not catch it and it disappeared. The body, which had lost its soul, was scattered to dust as it should have been.

When Ivan looked around, the other undead could no longer maintain their bodies and collapsed. All the ghosts disappeared, and the surroundings became quiet again.

He looked at the sea. It was just a blue sea, but now it looked very dark. There is something in it. It was devouring their soul from a very deep depth.

“Ivan! Come back!”

When Ivan woke up after hearing Delfino’s voice, the ghost ship was sinking. Now it had lost all its mystical powers and was just returning to an old, decaying ship and sinking into the sea.

Ivan flew off the creaking deck. A pillar of water rose in front of him. Irene used the water spirit to create a foothold.

Ferocious Tooth snorted as Ivan returned, stepping on the soft but hard footing.

“You had fun alone! I wanted to go too!”

“If that was the case, the damage to our allies would have been greater. We should protect one of them. I’ll give you the lead next time.”

Ferocious Tooth nodded his head as if satisfied with those words.

“I look forward to it.”

It was a short battle. There were not many sailors who lost their lives in the meantime, but for a sudden attack by a ghost ship, it passed easily.

But Ivan had an uncomfortable face.

“I don’t know if the expression of defeating the enemy is correct. They were cursed, and in the end, someone just took their souls, the Tyrant of the deep sea…? What the hell were they trying to say?”

Ivan was muttering like that, and I had a strange feeling. The sailors seemed greatly surprised to hear it. They tried hard to look calm, but it seemed to have failed.

Then Irene spoke softly.

“Tyrant of the deep sea, a name I’ve heard of.”

When Ivan gave a puzzled look, Delfino asked with a frown.

“Where did you hear that name?”

“The undead captain said. You seem to be very afraid.”

“It seems that it was the Tyrant of the deep sea who cursed the pirates and made them wander the sea forever. After all, it must be that much to make such a curse possible.”

Delfino, who nodded his head as if he had realized something, looked around and said.

“Isn’t this a familiar name to all of you?”

Thomas Meyer affirmed those words.

“Yes. How could a local sailor not know his name? It is the name of the God who ruled the western sea back in the day.”

Irene cut those words.

“He’s a monster, not a god. If no living sacrifices are made, how can the one who sealed off the port be called a god? He’s not from the Demon Realm, but he’s like a demon.”

At her cold words, some sailors clenched their fists. And seeing it, Ivan realized what a cult they were serving.

Irene continued her speech, not paying much attention to the anger of her crew.

“The Tyrant of the deep sea was long slain. Surprisingly, there are still those who serve him, but it is even more surprising that you do. How did that happen?”

Thomas Meyer did not answer that question. Just looking at her.

“You don’t have to ask so much. There is no way that you, an elf, would have a bad feeling about our God, even if you were a priest of Sanctus Populi. Tell me what you want instead.”

Irene looked at him intently as she opened her mouth.

“You know what the treasures that Carly Hawkins left behind. Does that have anything to do with the Tyrant of the deep sea?”

Thomas Meyer kept his mouth shut for a while before answering.

“The heart of our father.”

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