Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 23

Chapter 22 Where did Mosik go?

Within a 20-meter radius with the magic plant as the center, in areas shrouded in light green smoke, the bushes have completely disappeared, and the soil surface has become pitted!

Many shrubs disappeared in their entirety, even the main stems were invisible. There was only a large amount of black residue left on the ground, and some shrubs only partially disappeared. The entire shrub looked as if it had been cut off in a large piece, which looked very strange.

Where the distant breeze drives a large swath of poisonous fog, most of the bushes are also mutilated.

Obviously, the light green smoke is extremely corrosive, and almost nothing does not rot. In a very short period of time, not only the bushes are completely melted, but the soil is also melted away.

Moose saw this scene as well, and he immediately felt a strong fear. The poisonous insects occupying this area were so insidious that they even arranged such a terrible trap around the magic plant!

He glanced at Renault gratefully. If Renault hadn’t stopped him in time, he might not even be able to find the bones at this moment!

It turned out that when Renault observed the ground near the magic plant, he found that the soil looked strange, obviously there was a feeling of being compacted, and it was not in a fluffy state like the soil in other places.

At first he thought it was because poisonous insects often moved around the magic plant and compacted the soil, but he immediately discovered that it was wrong, because the surface of the soil was so neat that there were hardly any traces.

So there is only one reason, the soil is deliberately compacted.

So the question is, why did that poisonous insect do this?

For aesthetics? Don’t be kidding, there is no such concept in poisonous insects.

Poisonous insects bury something in the soil and then cover their tracks? Probably!

Considering that it is impossible for poisonous insects to stay in front of the magic plant all the time, it needs to go out hunting from time to time. In order to prevent other animals from the magic plant from stealing away, it has a great motivation to do so.

Then a series of questions popped up in his mind.

What would this guy bury in the dirt? A word suddenly popped out of Renault’s mind-poison!

The corrosive substances on the leaves have proved that this guy is a big poisonous insect, so the things in the mud must also be some kind of highly toxic substances!

Since poisonous insects can synthesize highly toxic substances, it means that there must be some organ in their body that can contain highly toxic substances, that is to say, they have the ability to secrete a substance that is not afraid of highly toxic substances, and only need to use this substance to make a soft sac. , It’s enough to put the poison into it.

This made Renault immediately think of landmines, this kind of soft bag can use the principle of landmines.

As long as the poison in the soft capsule is sensitive enough, once it is under pressure, the poison will become very unstable, and its volume will expand rapidly, and finally burst out of the soft capsule, killing the enemies who intruded here.

So, relying only on clues and the logical thinking of engineering men, Renault deduced a series of conclusions and saw through this trap.

Then he thought of the last question: how to break this deadly trap?

Reynolds first thought of [Reverse Heat Conduction], that pressure can destroy the stability of the poison, and most of it can be done at high temperature. In the case of heat, the volume of the poison will also violently expand.

So he simply used his power to heat the ground, and he successfully cracked the trap.

After the poisonous mist completely dissipated, Renault looked at the place where Demon Plant was, and the sight of his eyes surprised him again.

Mo Zhi disappeared without a trace, and there was only a large hemispherical pit left on the spot, the surface also became uneven, and it was obviously corroded by the poisonous fog!

Angela exclaimed in surprise: “Why is the magic plant missing? Is it dissolved by the poisonous mist?”

Renault and Moose looked at each other, not knowing how to answer this question.

However, the girl’s guess is probably the only explanation, because even the surrounding bushes can be completely melted by the poisonous fog, and the magic plant is also a kind of plant, and it is very likely that it will also be corroded by the poisonous fog.

At this moment, the hearts of the three of them were a little depressed, and they finally found a rare magic plant. They didn’t expect that the magic plant was gone without even touching it.

After a moment of contemplation, a trace of doubt suddenly appeared in Renault’s mind. Didn’t that poisonous insect know the power of poisonous fog?

No, it must know!

Otherwise, a wild beast inadvertently breaks into this place, if the trap is triggered, wouldn’t it even be killed by the beast with Mozhi? Wasn’t the poisonous insect busy?

That being the case, why did it set up poison mist traps near the magic plant?

Is this poisonous insect a fool? Definitely not, how could a fool know to set up a trap.

Therefore, there is only one conclusion: Mo Zhi was actually not dissolved by the poisonous mist!

So where did Mosik go? Did it run away with long feet?

When thinking of this, Renault showed a smile on his face, he understood where Mozhi was!

He pulled out the dagger inserted in his waist, cautiously walked to the big pit left by Mozhi, carefully inserted it into the mud in the pit, and quickly dug up, a large amount of mud was picked up by the dagger.

Angela couldn’t help asking: “What are you doing Renault?”

Renault replied without looking back: “Dig Demon Plant!”

The girl suddenly realized: “You mean that the magic plant has not been dissolved, but has shrunk to the ground?”

Renault smiled and nodded, and the girl ran over immediately and joined the excavation.

After Loosening the soil at the bottom of the pit, Renault quickly inserted his hands into the soil and fumbled inside. He soon felt a hard ball.

He shouted with excitement: “I guess it is true, Mozhi is hiding under the soil!”

While asking “where and where”, the girl searched in the mud with her delicate white hands. After touching the ball, her pretty face burst into a surprise smile, and her beautiful eyes stared at Renault in admiration!

Moose also showed a hint of joy. He also gathered around to help dig out the magic plant. After the three of them joined hands to clean up the dirt at the bottom of the pit, a black wooden ball was revealed, only slightly larger than Moose’s fist.

There are also many rhizomes entwined on the surface of the wooden ball, but the diameter of the rhizome has become much thinner, less than 1/3 of the original, and it is extremely tightly wound, and there is almost no gap in sight.

Although compared with the previous magic plant, the volume of the wooden ball is many times smaller and there are no leaves on the surface, but the appearance of the two is extremely similar. The three of them only glanced at it and confirmed that the wooden ball must be the magic plant!

In addition to joy, the three of them are more incredible. If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, it would be hard for them to believe that the original big guy with a diameter of half a meter could turn into a fist-sized ball!

No wonder they couldn’t find the magic plant, it turned out that it just suddenly shrunk in size and dived under the dirt.

As expected of Mozhi, it is amazing enough!

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