Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 16

Chapter 15 Super rice bucket

At noon the next day, hundreds of black orcs were resting in the shade of the trees on the shore at the lower reaches of the stream. At this moment, a black orc suddenly yelled in orc language, and his voice was full of surprise.

The black beasts became agitated. They rushed to the bank of the stream and looked upstream, only to see a huge block of ice floating on the river several hundred meters away.

This strange scene immediately caught the attention of all the black orcs, and they couldn’t help but talk loudly, and from time to time they pointed at the ice cubes.

It was midsummer at this time, even in the shady black forest, the temperature exceeded 25 degrees, it is impossible to freeze naturally at this temperature, so this ice block can only be artificially made.

And in this world, who has the ability to make such a huge piece of floating ice?

As long as it is a black orc with a normal mind, a word comes to mind in an instant-extraordinary!

This can only be the effect of extraordinary power!

After the floating ice floated to a closer position, the black orcs found something even more amazing. Some black orcs’ corpses were actually frozen in the ice!

After the ice cubes floated to them, a group of black orcs quickly jumped into the water, intercepted the ice cubes, and then worked together to push them to the shore.

After counting, they noticed that a total of 6 black orc corpses were frozen in the ice cube, among which there was still an awakened one! According to the scars on the bodies, the fatal injuries of these dead were all located on the neck.

Obviously, that powerful transcendent was still a master of swordsmanship. He first used transcendent power to freeze all the black orcs, and then easily killed them with his sword!

Everyone suddenly realized that something big had happened!

A powerful human transcendent appeared in the Black Forest! Because the transcendents who are enemies of the black orcs can only be humans!

An extraordinary person’s destructive power far exceeds that of ordinary people. If he is allowed to continue wandering nearby, he does not know how many of his clan will be killed by him.

The commotion among the black orcs became even greater, and many people shouted loudly, and some black orcs ran directly into the forest.

Soon, several tall Black Orcs Awakened, surrounded by a gorgeously armored Black Orc walked over.

The black orc’s physique is a little thicker than the awakened one, and there is a faint red color on his skin, which is obviously different from the dark complexion of others. The armor on his body is also more delicate, and the surface is engraved with many patterns.

At this time, the ice cube was carried to the shore by the black orcs, and the black orcs headed straight to the ice cube. He didn’t even look at the corpse of the same race in the ice cube. Instead, he directly stretched out his right hand to press on the surface of the ice cube, and closed his eyes. Feel it.

Soon he opened his eyes again, with obvious confusion on his face. He hesitated for a moment. He turned his head and ordered a few words to the awakened person beside him. The black beasts immediately moved.

Soon a huge team of more than 300 people was formed. The gorgeously armored black orc leader personally led the team, and there were as many as 8 Awakeners. A stalker appeared in the team again!

The black orc leader gave an order, and the team set off along the stream.

At this time, the Renault trio were slowly advancing in the depths of the Black Forest. After solving the chase, the trio had no sense of imminent urgency, and even the speed of their marching slowed down a lot.

They didn’t know that in this remote black forest, that piece of ice that they hadn’t had time to deal with under their carelessness, happened to hit another group of black orcs in the process of downstream.

This group of black orcs also mistakenly believed that the ice cube was made by an extraordinary person, so they dispatched a larger and more powerful pursuit team!

The crisis has come quietly again!

“Guru… Guru…”

There was another tweet in Renault’s stomach. He felt more and more hunger, and smiled awkwardly: “I seem to be hungry again…”

Angela looked at him in surprise: “Gosh, you just ate it an hour ago! In this half a day, you alone ate our three-day ration!”

Renault wanted to say something, his lips moved, and finally he chose to shut up.

In fact, he really wanted to tell Angela that even if he filled his stomach after eating, he still didn’t feel full or even faintly hungry. But when he thought of the surprised eyes of the blonde girl, he felt I couldn’t help but feel a sense of shame.

His own share of food has been consumed. At this time, driven by hunger, his eyes have been uncontrollably fixed on the package behind the girl, and the saliva in his mouth has begun to secrete rapidly.

Since the level of mana in his body has increased by leaps and bounds, Renault has found that he can eat more and more, and his appetite has directly increased by three times. Not only is it far surpassing the more burly Muss, but the hungry speed is getting faster and faster.

In the beginning, Renault could have a full meal for half a day, but now it has been shortened to one hour. His amazing appetite has scared both Angela.

The girl looked at him helplessly, and simply stuffed him all the dried meat left in her backpack: “This is our last bit of food…”

As soon as Renault got the jerky, he couldn’t wait to gobble it up.

Renault’s situation made the well-informed Moose also a little surprised. According to his guess, this should be a sequelae after the surge of Renault’s magical power.

Because under normal circumstances, when practising the magic resonance technique, the free magic energy is introduced into the body mainly through the resonance between one’s own magic energy and the free magic energy of the outside world.

In the process of magical energy entering the body, the free magical energy will wash the body and soul at the same time in a unique way of “washing”. In the accumulation of washing, the body’s strength will gradually increase, and the upper limit of the magical energy will be equal to Spiritual power will gradually improve.

In other words, the upper limit of mana will increase in tandem with the strength of the body. After the physical fitness is strengthened, the appetite will gradually increase. Therefore, this is a gradual process.

However, the level of magic energy in Renault’s body has far exceeded the strength of the body. If the magic energy continues to increase, it will even exceed the upper limit of the body.

But mana is really a kind of extremely magical energy. It seems to have some kind of consciousness, and it automatically perceives Renault’s hidden worries and begins to spontaneously strengthen his body.

The strengthening of the body requires a lot of energy, which can only be obtained from food, so Renault’s digestive ability and appetite are completely activated, he began to crave food very much, and his stomach has become a bottomless pit that can’t be filled. .

As a result, Renault became a super rice bucket.

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