Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 786 Tomb Raiders

Chapter 786 Tomb Raiders
After the funeral, the white grave was moved to a hill outside Hogsmeade.

After all, even the headmaster of Hogwarts is not suitable to keep his own grave in the school, let alone the person buried in this tomb is not the real headmaster.

And many tombstones have already been erected on this hillside. Some people who have worked in Hogwarts and have no other relatives, or those who have a bad relationship with their relatives will choose to place their graves here.

Fish, who came with Professor McGonagall and Hagrid who were in charge of moving the grave, shook his ears, and suddenly turned to look at a pine tree next to him.Behind the pine tree, there was a tall man hiding. The tree trunk about one person's width couldn't completely cover his figure, revealing a small corner of his clothes.

However, Fish had already identified that person through smell.

"Aberforth, you're here too, meow!"


Mao Mao beckoned to the man hiding behind the tree.

Aberforth Dumbledore came out from behind the tree helplessly, with a sad and awkward expression on his face.

When Hogwarts held the funeral before, he didn't participate. Aberforth still couldn't forgive his brother, but after all, he was his only relative, so he thought of mourning alone in private. Fan.

Unexpectedly, he was directly called out by Fisher.

Professor McGonagall froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "If Albus knows that you came to see him, he will be very happy."

"Hmph! I didn't forgive him!" Aberforth sneered at first, then heaved a long sigh, and said sadly: "However, there is no point in saying this now."

Fish scratched his head, hesitant to speak.


He felt that it would be even more difficult to ask Aberforth to forgive Albus in the future.

Professor McGonagall didn't stay long, because Hogwarts still had a lot of things to deal with.In addition, the Ministry of Magic has forcibly withheld Dumbledore's estate in accordance with the regulations of the "Justice Confiscated Materials Act", and Professor McGonagall must fight to get them back.

Although they can only detain it for 31 days, even though Professor McGonagall knows that the important things have been hidden by Dumbledore long ago, she must make an argument in front of people from the Ministry of Magic, to be precise, people from Voldemort attitude.

So after a brief conversation with Aberforth, Professor McGonagall took Fish and left, and by the way, Hagrid who had been blowing his nose with a handkerchief and making a sound like a trumpet.

After the three left, Aberforth stood in front of the white grave for a long time, and did not leave until night fell.

And Professor McGonagall, who returned to Hogwarts, was very busy in the following days. In addition to constantly arguing with the Ministry of Magic, she also had to approve written test papers for the transformation class and arrange for the distribution of students' final grades. Prepare for the annual end-of-term dinner and a series of questions.

Soon, the time came to the last day of this semester, and Hogwarts held the end-of-term banquet as usual, but compared to the bustle of previous years, this year's banquet seemed very deserted.

Everyone ate the food in front of them silently. Even when talking to each other, they kept their voices down as much as possible. Even Fish was affected by the surrounding atmosphere, so he didn't enjoy his meal very much.

The next day, the Hogwarts students boarded the Hogwarts Express, and Professor McGonagall brought Fish and Hermione to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix after quickly finishing the work at hand.

Along with them came a tall figure who hid his whole body in a black cloak.

"You're finally here!" Sirius and Lupine greeted him together. "The meeting is about to begin."

With Dumbledore's "death," the rest of the Order of the Phoenix had to figure out what to do next.

Then, Lupine noticed the black robed figure behind McGonagall and Hermione.

"This is...?" Lupine asked curiously.

Of course he didn't think Professor McGonagall would bring anyone here who had nothing to do with him, but he certainly couldn't think of anyone who hadn't arrived... except Snape.

But Snape should be collecting information from Voldemort now, so it is impossible to come here, and in terms of size, this person doesn't look like him, but there is someone whose size fits him well, but he is already dead...

Just when Lupine was depressed, the man lifted the hood on his head, revealing a face he thought was absolutely impossible to appear.

"Long time no see, Remus." Dumbledore greeted him with a smile.

"Deng Deng Deng... Dumbledore?!"

Lupine was uncharacteristically stable, and he let out an exclamation that made Sirius look sideways.

And his voice also attracted other members of the Order of the Phoenix. After a burst of chaotic footsteps, Mad-Eye Moody, the Weasleys, Tonks, Kingsley, Hagrid and others all appeared. In the hall, they were all stunned when they saw Dumbledore.

"Dumbledore?! You're not dead?!"

Hagrid was the first to come to his senses. He rushed forward in surprise and hugged Dumbledore.

"Cough cough cough... If you don't let go, I will really die... Hagrid." Dumbledore cried out in pain.

Hagrid quickly put him down, and then asked again in disbelief: "Are you really not dead?"

"Sorry for worrying everyone." Dumbledore first bowed to apologize to everyone, and then explained as he walked in: "The reason why I faked my death is to lure Voldemort to the stage..."

At this time, the others finally came to their senses. They were first surprised that Dumbledore was not dead, and then they were attracted by Dumbledore's next words.

"According to what Snape heard, Voldemort and his minions have controlled a large number of members of the Ministry of Magic, including Sinix. Therefore, we must strive to completely eliminate Voldemort during this summer vacation!"

After Dumbledore threw out this heavy news, he successfully made everyone not bothered to pursue his previous deception.

Fish looked at him with contempt, but because he was also involved in the deception, Maomao wisely chose to remain silent.

And when Dumbledore told everything except Harry's situation, everyone understood Dumbledore's reason for not telling them...

At least Hagrid isn't that good at acting.


While Dumbledore was arranging the next work of the Order of the Phoenix, Voldemort also came to the white tomb alone. He lightly waved his wand in his hand, and the tomb immediately split open from the middle, revealing the body sealed inside. The table and the remains of "Dumbledore", and the Elder Wand next to the remains.

Voldemort picked up the wand, swung it towards the empty space, and chopped off a tree not far away.

"Strange..." He frowned displeased.

The power of the Elder Wand is not much better than that of his own yew wood wand, and it is completely unworthy of its legendary reputation.

Voldemort did not suspect that the wand in his hand was a fake. After all, this wand had been in Dumbledore's hands for so long, and he was still very impressed.

Moreover, making a magic wand is not an easy task. If there is a slight difference, the power of the magic wand will be greatly reduced. It is even more difficult to imitate an old wand while maintaining its power.

The famous wandmaker Gregorovich has owned the Elder Wand for so many years and has not been able to imitate one, so Voldemort absolutely does not believe that Dumbledore can do it in such a short time.

Is it because he didn't beat Dumbledore in front of the Elder Wand?

Thinking of this, Voldemort raised the Elder Wand again, pointed at "Dumbledore" in front of him, the body burned instantly, and soon turned into a mass of ashes, then he waved his wand again, and broke another tree thick trees.

It's just...the power of the spell still hasn't changed.

Is it because he didn't "really" beat Dumbledore?Or was it because...Dumbledore deliberately lost to someone before he died?

This possibility is not impossible, but Voldemort is puzzled, since Dumbledore has transferred the ownership of the Elder Wand, why should he bury the wand in the grave?


The person who submitted the ownership was a wizard who didn't rely on the magic wand very much.That way, Dumbledore could safely take it to his grave when he handed over his ownership of the Elder Wand.

Moreover, if someone... such as myself, uses the Elder Wand to deal with a little wizard who doesn't need a wand, he will suffer backlash...


Voldemort, who consciously saw through Dumbledore's trick, sneered, then turned around and disappeared into the air.


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 The original book does not say where Dumbledore’s tomb is, but I think no matter what, it is impossible to put a tombstone on the Black Lake. No matter how great Dumbledore is, he is only a headmaster, and even the tombs of the Big Four None at Hogwarts, I don't think he's an exception.

  In the original book, Harry didn't see his grave in Dumbledore's hometown, Godric's Hollow cemetery. Voldemort also went to Dumbledore's grave to get the old wand during the final battle, so he His tomb should be near Hogwarts. Both the Forbidden Forest and Hogsmeade are eligible, but the centaurs probably won't agree, otherwise the funeral will be held directly in the Forbidden Forest.


  Originally, I wanted to let the cat club participate in the decisive battle like the original book, but after thinking about it carefully, Dumbledore probably would not choose to let the students take risks, so he chose the time during the summer vacation. Or leave it to the adults of the Order of the Phoenix.


  In the original book, Voldemort killed Snape because the power of the Elder Wand was wrong, and then he didn't realize that even though he killed Snape, the power was still wrong?

  From this point of view, Snape's plot killing was a bit deliberate, or in other words, after killing Snape, at least he should describe his doubts, but Voldemort just took it so carelessly. There's absolutely no Elder Wand that has grown stronger to deal with Harry.

(End of this chapter)

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