Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 783 Minister Goes to Prison

Chapter 783 Minister Goes to Prison
In the past year, there have been many major events in the magic world in England.

Before that, Cornelius Fudge was impeached and stepped down, and then there were dementors who stopped cooperating with the Ministry of Magic and left Azkaban without a trace.

Just when everyone was panicking, those prisoners who disappeared with the dementors suddenly appeared inside Hogwarts, and united with the notorious werewolf Fenrir Greyback, and launched an attack on the students in the school. attack.

Fortunately, the Hogwarts professors responded in time and no one was harmed.

The next day, the Daily Prophet carried the news, along with the testimony of Dolores Umbridge, who claimed that she and the other prisoners were murdered by former Minister for Magic Cornell. He was rescued by Leigh Fudge, and the attack on the students was also instigated by him. Greyback was also introduced to him by him, and even the method for them to invade Hogwarts was provided by Fudge.

As for the Dark Mark that appeared above the school, the newspaper didn't even mention it.


Fudge, who was at home at home, was eating breakfast while watching today's "Daily Prophet". When he saw this report, the porridge spewed out of his mouth.

He didn't even bother to clean it up for himself, so he grabbed the newspaper and put it under his nose, read it three times in a row, and after confirming that he read it correctly, Fudge knew...he was in big trouble.

The "Daily Prophet" had suspected that the dementor's departure was related to him before, and the Ministry of Magic even sent people to investigate him, but in the end he was not tried because of insufficient evidence, but now there is a black According to the confession provided by Mr. Sinnix, the newly appointed Minister of Magic will never let him go easily!

Although Fudge's mana and ability to handle affairs are not very good, he is very talented in fighting for power and profit.

Sinex had just taken office not long ago, and he was not a popular candidate at the time. He was able to take office purely because of Amelia Bones' giving way, so if he can pull down the former minister, he will definitely be able to Improve the prestige and voice in the ministry.

It's just that what Fudge didn't understand was...why did that vicious woman Umbridge pin this matter on her own head, just because she sent her to Azkaban?But she herself was caught again, what was she trying to do?Is it necessary to die with myself?
"No! Even if Umbridge wants to die with her, she can't command other fugitives, even werewolves to die with her!"

After Fudge panicked, he gradually calmed down, and soon realized the irrationality in it.

He took out his handkerchief to wipe the cold sweat that kept oozing from his forehead, and suddenly had a very bad guess in his heart...

"What Dumbledore said is true... The Mysterious Man has really returned..." Until this time, Fudge really began to face up to Dumbledore's warning, "Only that person can command werewolves and dementors... "

Fudge, who finally figured it out, stumbled towards his fireplace, intending to go to Hogwarts to discuss countermeasures with Dumbledore.

However, he just ran to the fireplace, and before he had time to throw floo powder into it, a green flame automatically lit up in the fireplace, and a group of Aurors came out of the flame.

"Honor Mr Cornelius Oswald Fudge, on behalf of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, we have come to take you to the Ministry of Magic for trial."

The leading Auror took out a roll of parchment and unfolded it in front of Fudge, on which was written the reason for his trial, Pierce Thinnix's signature, and Fudge's all-too-familiar seal of the minister's office.

"Wait, wait a minute! Savage!" Fudge yelled in shock: "The procedure shouldn't be like this!"

"Sorry, Mr. Fudge, the matter is very important. Minister Sinix hopes to give an explanation to the public as soon as possible." The Auror named Savage said sternly.

"No! I was wronged! I never ordered Umbridge to harm Harry Potter! The one who can't even mention his name! Umbridge is working for You-Know-Who!"

Cornelius Fudge still wanted to struggle. He found his most trusted guard among the Aurors, "Dawlish! You should know! I've never done that! We should contact Dumbledore as soon as possible! Only he can deal with the mysterious man!"

However, he didn't get any response to his request for help. Dawlish just looked at him indifferently, not the taciturn one before, but a cold and ruthless rejection.

This is also a matter of course. The Aurors sent by Thickness this time are all controlled by the Imperius Curse. Naturally, they will not let Fudge have the opportunity to contact Dumbledore.

"Last year, didn't you keep saying that Dumbledore was stupid, and he wanted to control the Ministry of Magic by saying that?" Savage sarcastically grabbed Fudge's arm.

Fudge ignored his sarcasm, but looked at the very strange John Dawlish not far away.

As an Auror promoted by Fudge, Dawlish has always had a good relationship with him in private. Even if he stepped down before, the other party still kept in touch with him. At Christmas, the other party sent him a copy Gift.

Therefore, when Fudge found Dawlish showing such an indifferent attitude, his heart sank.

But before he could say anything more, Savage sealed his mouth with a spell, and tied his hands behind his back with a rope.

"If you have anything to say, let's leave it to the Wizengamot." Savage poked Fudge in the back with his wand, and pushed him roughly towards the fireplace.

Fudge, who had already guessed something, didn't resist, lowered his head dejectedly, and obediently walked into the green flames.

The subsequent development was as Fudge had expected. Thickness and a member of the Legal Enforcement Department whose name he had never remembered before presided over the trial when the jury was not complete.

And the absurdity of the trial process this time is not inferior to the accusations he made against Harry at the beginning, but this time, Fudge didn't have a Dumbledore to defend him, and the final result was naturally no surprise—— Fudge was found guilty, and was imprisoned by Savage and Dawlish in the dungeon next door to the Inquisition.

"Cough, cough." Umbridge looked at Cornelius Fudge, who was locked up opposite him, with a smile, coughed twice habitually, and then choked his throat and laughed, "This isn't Fudge 'before' Minister? Didn’t expect you to condescend to come here too.”

Fudge looked at Umbridge and other prisoners' clean cells with brand new quilts and pillows, and looked at his own messy cell with only a musty blanket, and became more certain made my own guess...

Not only was Voldemort resurrected, he even controlled a large number of members of the Ministry of Magic, including Shinkness.

Thinking of this, Fudge sat down on the ground dejectedly, hugged his head with his hands, and his heart was full of remorse.

If he hadn't been blinded by his desire for power and kept denying Dumbledore's warnings, the Ministry of Magic would not have fallen into Voldemort's hands so easily.

Despair flowed through Fudge's body like poison at the thought that Dumbledore might not know what was going on in the Ministry of Magic.


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 When looking through the materials today, I suddenly saw that the translation of the traditional version of Auror is called "Righteous Master", and the translation of the Auror Office is "Righteous Master Bureau".

  Then I looked up the original meaning of Auror out of curiosity.

  Auror itself should be Rowling's self-made word, and there are two possibilities for the etymology:

  One is from "Aurora", which means dawn, and is responsible for fighting against dark wizards and dark creatures that represent darkness.

  Another possibility is derived from the Latin "ear" (auris), because Aurors also have the function of listening and receiving information.

  From Rowling's personal habits, Latin seems to be more likely, but I think it is more likely to be both, fighting against dark wizards and being responsible for monitoring without conflicting.


  My legs, male, don't wear black silk...

  Speaking of which, my legs should be quite normal... Your reactions are a bit exaggerated...

(End of this chapter)

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