Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 750 Gold Cup and Locket

Chapter 750 Gold Cup and Locket
"God god god god... the mysterious man!"

When he saw that the person standing outside the door was actually Riddle, Ron was so surprised that his tongue got stuck.

The expression on his face was very complicated, including surprise, fear, confusion, and... absurdity.

Hermione and Harry also had similar expressions, because they still remembered what Fish said just now...

"He should be waiting for his boyfriend, right?"

Of course, they also know that this kind of thing is mostly impossible.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it is not surprising that Voldemort will appear here. After all, it is the memory collected by Dumbledore when he was looking for Horcruxes. It is reasonable for him to appear here.

But when they thought that Voldemort was once favored by a fat and ugly old lady, they still couldn't help a little bit of banter.

"It's really unexpected..." Harry also said with a smirk, "Voldemort's emotional life is so rich."

"True love knows no age," even Hermione quipped in all seriousness.

Only Fish had an inexplicable meow on his face, unable to understand why these three people looked weird.


But Mao Mao didn't have time to ask them, because at this time Voldemort had followed Hao Qi back to the original living room. On the way here, he walked carefully through the crowded room, looking very skilled, as if Been here many times.

This made Harry's faces even weirder.

"Your Ann, Mrs. Smith." Voldemort greeted the old lady gracefully, bent down low, and touched her chubby hand lightly with his lips.

"I've said it many times," said the old lady feigning anger, with a voice as sweet as Umbridge's, "you can just call me Hepzibah."

Voldemort smiled stiffly, turned his wrist, and conjured a bouquet of roses, "I brought you flowers," he said softly.

"You naughty boy, you shouldn't!" screamed old Hepzibah.

But in the next second, she inserted the bouquet of roses into an empty vase that had been prepared on a small table next to her. Obviously, this was not the first time Voldemort had done this.

"You're spoiling my old lady, Tom... sit down, sit down... where's Hotie... ah..." Hepzibah finished arranging the flowers, and quickly called the house-elf.

Hao Qi rushed into the room carrying a plate of small pastries, and placed the plate at the elbow of the hostess.

"Eat all you want, Tom," said Hepzibah, "I know you like my cakes. How are you? You're a little pale. You've been used too hard in the store, I've said it a hundred times... ..."

Hepzibah giggled, and Voldemort smiled mechanically.

At this time, the expressions on the faces of Harry, Ron, and Hermione could not hold back anymore. They really did not expect to see such a dark history as Voldemort today.

But while it was funny, they also took it more seriously. After all, he must be planning something to make Voldemort suffer so much.

Fish didn't think about it that much, he bit his index finger lightly, his eyes fixed on the plate of pastries that Hao Qi brought.

"Hey, what's your excuse for coming to see me this time?" Hepzibah asked ignorantly, while she kept blinking her eyelashes at Voldemort in a girlish gesture.

Seeing her pretentious appearance, Ron covered his mouth with one hand and his belly with the other, his whole face twisted up, half crying, half smiling...

Because he suddenly thought of his girlfriend Lavender, who often looked similar when she was with him.Originally, Ron thought she was cute like that, but now...

Ron pressed hard on his stomach that kept churning, and quickly shook off the two overlapping figures in his mind.

"Mr. Burke wanted to offer a higher price for the armor made of goblins, five hundred galleons. He thought it was fair enough..." Voldemort still maintained his elegance and explained his reason for coming.

"Mr. Bork!" Harry immediately caught the point of his words, "The boss who bought Slytherin's locket!"

After flirting with Voldemort for a while, Hepziba revealed to him that he had hidden a treasure that even Mr. Bork didn't know.

"...he'd never let me go if he knew I showed you. I'm not selling this, not to Bock, not to anybody! But you, Tom, you'll appreciate its history, Instead of just thinking about how many Galleons you can earn..." She said excitedly, but she didn't notice the greedy red light flashing in Voldemort's eyes after hearing this.

"I'd be happy to look at anything Miss Hepzibah showed me." Voldemort lowered his eyes, restrained his greedy gaze, and whispered more intimately.

No matter how much Hepziba emphasized before, he only called the other party "Madam".

Hepzibah, who finally got a response, giggled like a little girl, and immediately asked the house elf Hao Qi to fetch two leather boxes in a happy mood.

The first box was opened, and what was inside was not Slytherin's locket as Harry had guessed, but a small gold cup with two delicate ear handles.

Voldemort picked up the cup, and a red light flashed in his eyes, showing his greed again, but Hepzibah just looked at Voldemort's handsome face and couldn't notice it at all.

"Do you know what this is, Tom?" she asked softly.

"Badger," murmured Voldemort, recognizing the carving on the cup, "this is..."

"Helga Hufflepuff's, you're very good at it, clever boy!" Hepzibah said, leaning over and pinching his sunken cheek, his corset creaked loudly, and then showed triumphantly His identity as a descendant of Hufflepuff.

She hooked the cup back from Voldemort's lanky forefinger, and was so intent on fitting it back in place that she didn't notice the shadow that flitted across Voldemort's face as the cup was retrieved.

"Dumbledore seems to have found this cup, right?" Harry confirmed to Hermione.

"Yes, representatives of the four founders, Gryffindor's sword is kept by Professor Dumbledore, Slytherin's locket has not been found, and Hufflepuff's gold cup and Ravenclaw's The crown has already been found and destroyed by the professor." Hermione said with a sigh and a sigh of relief: "The rest of the box is probably Slytherin's locket."

Just as they guessed, after putting away Hufflepuff's gold cup, Hepzibah opened the second leather box, which contained the Slytherin pendant once hung around Voldemort's mother's neck. Locket.

"Of course, Bock knows I have this, I bought it from him. I bet he'll want it back when I die..." Hepzibah said, turning the box towards Voldemort.

This time Voldemort reached out and picked up the small locket without waiting for the invitation, and held it up to the light to examine it carefully.

"Slytherin's Mark," he whispered, a gorgeous serpentine S shining in the light.

Hepzibah was clearly pleased to see Voldemort staring intently at her locket, and she went on and on about how she and Bock had come to get the locket.

"Bock bought it from a shabby woman who probably stole it and didn't know its real value..."

Voldemort's eyes glowed red as she spoke, and his knuckles turned white from the locket chain.

However, when Hepzibah reached for the locket back, Voldemort let go without hesitation.

However, when facing the locket that "should belong to him", Voldemort still failed to completely suppress his emotions. The red light in his eyes was finally noticed by Hepzibah, and the old lady seemed to be taken aback. .

Unfortunately, Hepzibah liked Voldemort so much that she quickly convinced herself it was the light.

After asking Hao Qi to put the two leather boxes back, everything around her began to become unreal, and everyone and things except Fish and the others dissipated like smoke and gradually faded away, finally becoming the swirling darkness...

"Don't panic, this is the memory switching." Harry whispered to comfort Ron who had never seen this scene.

After a while, the scene switched to a place that both Fish and Harry were very familiar with - the Wizengamot courtroom on the tenth floor of the Ministry of Magic. The thin and old Hao Qi was standing on the dock, crying with her face covered, From time to time, he used his head to hit the table in front of him.

The wizards in the trial seat and jury seat had no intention of stopping her, but just looked at her coldly.

The presiding judge was a strange middle-aged wizard. He stood up and pronounced Hao Qi's crime with a deadpan expression: mistakenly putting poison in her hostess' evening cocoa tea.

"That's impossible!" Hermione screamed angrily.

Harry and Ron also questioned: "This is obviously Voldemort's conspiracy, just like Morfin back then!"

However, their righteous words cannot change the trial of the Ministry of Magic, let alone the past. The house-elf Hao Qi thus became Voldemort's scapegoat.

As Hao Qi was dragged away by the guards of the Ministry of Magic, the surroundings became dark again, and the four of Fish returned to the principal's office after a familiar twirl.


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(End of this chapter)

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