Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 738 The Real Gryffindor

Chapter 738 The Real Gryffindor


After listening to Hermione and Fish's narration, Dumbledore sighed with emotion or relief.

And Hermione asked a little excitedly: "Professor, besides Slytherin's locket and the big snake named Nagini, what would be another Horcrux?"

Riddle's diary, Hufflepuff's gold cup, Ravenclaw's crown, and Gunter's ring, these four Horcruxes have been destroyed, the locket has not been found, and the big snake has remained by Voldemort's side, But other than that, in those memories related to Voldemort, there seems to be no more clues related to Horcruxes.

"Is it Gryffindor's sword?" Hermione exclaimed.

After knowing the carriers of several other Horcruxes, Miss Passer-by would naturally go to the library to look up relevant information, and then knew the existence of the Gryffindor Sword.

Dumbledore shook his head and said, "Gryffindor's sword is fine. It has been kept by me. Voldemort has no chance to touch it. Besides, there should be six Horcruxes instead of seven."

He concealed Harry, the most important Horcrux, explaining: "The seventh part of the soul, however broken, is still in his resurrected body, and it is this part of him that has existed in ghostly form during many years of exile. Without it, he would be without himself. This seventh part of the soul would be the last thing anyone who would kill Voldemort had to attack - the part inside him."

"At present? Should?" Hermione did not breathe a sigh of relief, but was keenly aware of the uncertainty in Dumbledore's words.

"Yes..." Dumbledore sighed again, and said, "Do you think Voldemort will replenish the Horcruxes to six again, knowing that the diary and the Gold Cup have been destroyed?"

"But, but...can't you only make six Horcruxes?" Hermione asked stutteringly, her eyes widened in horror.

"It's not that you can only do six, but Voldemort wants to keep the most magical number 'seven'..." Dumbledore continued to sigh: "Of course, splitting the soul many times is not a good thing for Voldemort." It is a simple matter, so he may not necessarily create new Horcruxes now, but we have to guard against this possibility."

"So after all, it's still impossible to determine the number of Horcruxes, meow? Why don't we follow Fisher's method, capture Voldemort, and give him Veritaserum, meow!"

Mao Mao folded her arms and nodded her head seriously.

"This is indeed a way," Dumbledore said with a chuckle, "The premise is that we can catch him."

"As long as he dares to appear in front of Fish, he will never run away, meow!"

Maomao raised her head confidently.

When Voldemort was resurrected back then, he didn't expect that the other party would escape so decisively, so he didn't give him the wild mark. When he saw Voldemort next time, he would definitely mark the other party immediately.

In this way, no matter how Voldemort escapes, he can be sensed by him.

However, there is still a problem to be solved...

"So, when did Meow teach Fish to Apparate? After learning to Apparate, Fish can catch up with Voldemort who is running away!"

In Maomao's mouth, the so-called Dark Lord seemed to be nothing more than that. The originally heavy atmosphere suddenly became lighter.

"Don't worry, when the holiday is over, the Ministry of Magic will arrange someone to teach you Apparation at Hogwarts." Dumbledore comforted with a smile.

Although he didn't know the specific name and effect of the spell Mark of the Wild, but by following Fish before, Dumbledore also roughly knew that Mao Mao had a spell that sensed a specific target.

"Okay, anyway, this memory has made us great progress, why don't we celebrate with something to drink." Dumbledore no longer entangled with the Horcrux problem, but conjured up a teapot and Three teacups, said to Fish and Hermione.

"Of course, the wine is fine. I don't want to be scolded by Minerva like Horace and can't hold my head up." He smiled and winked at the two, "I know what happened last night, you guys did a good job. good."

However, Fish, who had just eaten and drank, was not interested in having a drink. He propped the table, leaned his whole body towards Dumbledore, and asked with bright eyes: "Albus, what did you just say?" That Gryffindor sword, can you show Fish meow?"

Fish had seen several beautiful swords in Muggle TV shows, but in a school that taught magic and was full of wizards, if he wanted to see cold weapons for melee combat, he could basically only start from Look for those armor statues.

So when Mao Mao heard that there was actually a sword used by the founder of the academy, he immediately became interested.

Dumbledore smiled mysteriously, picked up the Sorting Hat that was put aside, and handed it to Fish.

"Wait a minute, Dumbledore!" The Sorting Hat yelled, "What are you doing? Whether Fish can take out the sword is beyond my control!"

"What do you mean meow? You hid the sword meow?"

Mao Mao grabbed the Sorting Hat, pulled it to both sides and questioned.

"I didn't hide it!" The Sorting Hat argued loudly: "Gryffindor just linked me and his sword with magic. If it is the real Gryffindor, he can draw the sword from me. ! But it's out of my control!"

"Is it meow?"

Fish cast a suspicious look at Dumbledore.

"Of course." Dumbledore nodded with a smile.

"Then prove it to Fish!" Maomao handed over the Sorting Hat.

However, Dumbledore didn't pick it up, "Actually, I'm not a typical Gryffindor, so I can't pull it out through the sorting hat."

He kept a smile on his face as he said this, and seemed quite open about not being a "real Gryffindor".

Of course, judging from Dumbledore's consistent performance, this may also be his lie.

It's just that Fish is not interested in whether Dumbledore is Gryffindor...

"Didn't you say that you have been keeping the sword all this time, meow!"

Fish glared at the bad old man angrily.

She actually wanted to lie to him again!
"I didn't lie to you," Dumbledore didn't lie about the embarrassment of being exposed, he shrugged and explained: "It is true that I can't draw Gryffindor's sword through the sorting hat, but... I know the sword is hidden in the Where."

"...Then you can't give Fish Meow directly?!"

Mao Mao stared dangerously at Dumbledore's hands, and gritted its teeth.

"Ahem..." Dumbledore, who was worried that he would be bitten again, quickly hid his hands behind his back, and apologized with a flattering smile, "I just want to see if you can pull out the sword."

Fish tilted his head and thought for a while, then reached into the Sorting Hat and fumbled around...

The result, of course, was nothing.

Mao Mao, who failed to draw the sword, didn't have any thoughts of loss, after all... He didn't think that a college with a big cat that couldn't climb trees as its logo was anything special.

And Dumbledore, who saw this scene, was also slightly relieved, and at the same time felt a little depressed...

The reason why he lied that he couldn't draw the sword before was because he was worried that Mao Mao would be unhappy if he couldn't draw the sword, but it turned out that he was thinking too much.

Fish didn't care about Gryffindor, he was driven by curiosity to see what the sword looked like.

As a matter of course, Mao Mao, who has already developed curiosity, will not give up so easily.

He grabbed the sorting hat and held it up in front of him, shaking it and threatening viciously: "Quick! Hand over the sword! Otherwise, Fisher will not only wipe the oil stains on you, but also use his claws to hook out all your threads. Meow!"

The Sorting Hat: "..."


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 In the original book, I wondered why Voldemort didn’t increase his Horcruxes after his resurrection. Because Harry Potter was there, his soul was actually divided into eight pieces, so it can only be divided into seven pieces. I don't agree, it's just that Voldemort believed that the number seven has magical powers, so he chose to make only six Horcruxes.

  In addition, according to the description in the original book, there is a high probability that Nagini's horcrux was made after attacking baby Harry. It is not certain whether he made it when he was still half-dead or after he was resurrected.

  As for the fact that Nagini was actually a witch or something, it feels more like a setting that was added later for magical animals.

  But no matter what, the upper limit of Horcruxes must be more than six, so we can only assume that Voldemort's soul has almost reached its limit and cannot support him to continue to split.


  As for whether Dumbledore can draw the Gryffindor sword, I personally tend to be able to, otherwise it is impossible to explain the behavior of Fox throwing the sorting hat to Harry in the Chamber of Secrets. It obviously knows or has seen someone from it. Has drawn a sword.

  It's just that I personally think that Dumbledore was able to draw the sword. It should be because he and Grindelwald broke up and gradually became clear about his own path. Before that, there was a high probability that Dumbledore would not be able to draw the sword.

(End of this chapter)

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