Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 725 Mission

Chapter 725 Mission
"that's it?"

Harry, who had returned to the principal's office, asked blankly. Ron and Fish had similar expressions.

Dumbledore had said before that this was the most important memory he had acquired, but they couldn't see the importance of this memory.

Especially Fish, let alone the fights in this memory, even the conversations were completely uninteresting to him. Maomao felt that he had been deceived by the bad old man again, so he glared at Dumbledore unhappily.

Of course, the sudden white mist and the reactions of those people behind the white mist were indeed very strange, but other than that, nothing seemed to happen, except that Riddle asked Professor Slughorn a question about Horcruxes , but he got no answer.

Only Hermione guessed uncertainly: "This memory has been tampered with?"

Although the white mist appeared this time, from the effect point of view, it was not much different from the darkness at the end of Morfin's memory, so Hermione guessed like this.

"I have to say it again," said Dumbledore, clapping his hands, "you are definitely one of the smartest students I have ever taught."

Hermione smiled triumphantly and shyly, and then asked, "So, who tampered with Professor Slughorn's memory? Was it Voldemort?"

Because of the precedent of Morfin before, Hermione naturally also guessed at Voldemort.

"No, Professor Slughorn's Occlumency is much better than Morfin's. Even the current Voldemort may not be able to tamper with his memory." Dumbledore didn't make a fool of himself, and said the answer directly, " He falsified it himself."

"But why would he do that?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"Because, I think, he was ashamed of the memory, so he falsified it to make himself more respectable, to erase the parts he didn't want me to see. You saw, too, that the falsification was botched, which is true. Good thing, it means that the real memory is still underneath."

"So he actually answered Voldemort's question about Horcruxes, right meow?"

Mao Mao, who had already noticed something was wrong before, tilted his head and asked.

"I think so," Dumbledore nodded, and then explained: "This memory is after Riddle released the basilisk and obtained the ring of the Gaunt family. At this time, he has probably made One or more Horcruxes, but he still found Professor Slughorn to ask related questions... Maybe in this hidden memory, we can find clues about the number of Horcruxes, which is why I said It's the most important memory I've ever had."

"Oh... I would have known that Fish would not have made friends with Horace, meow..."


Mao Mao scratched his head in distress, and muttered, "Isn't it easy to force him to tell the truth now, meow?"

Compared to side-firing inquiries, Fish still prefers to use simple and rude interrogation.

"As I said before, Slughorn's Occlumency is very good, especially after I forced him to hand over this distorted memory, he must have been on guard." Dumbledore shook his head and said : "So, you should continue to build a good relationship with him, and then find a way to make Professor Slughorn reveal his true memory. This will undoubtedly be our most critical information."

"Severus's heart-wrenching potion doesn't work, either?"

Fish had a deep memory of the tragedy of Sirius back then, and he always subconsciously felt that there was no potion of heartbreak.

"I don't want to turn against Horace yet..." Dumbledore said with a wry smile: "And, don't forget, he is also a potions professor, and he was once Severus' teacher, and a potions master, usually They are all used to keeping all kinds of antidote on their bodies, so even if they really give him medicine, whether it will be effective or not is still a matter of opinion."

"Speaking of...why is Horace not willing to give you the real memory?"

Maomao tilted her head suspiciously, "Horace shouldn't like Voldemort now, right? Just tell him that we are looking for Horcruxes, there is no reason for him not to help. Even this altered memory needs to be forced by you." It’s only because I’m willing to take it out... Isn’t it weird meow?”

"I don't think there's anything strange about this..." Ron still had a lot of resentment towards Professor Slughorn, and he muttered angrily, "With his vain personality, he probably doesn't want me to help The matter of Voldemort has been exposed, right? Naturally, this matter must be hidden."

"Mr. Weasley is right," Dumbledore nodded in agreement, "Professor Slughorn attaches great importance to his reputation, and he uses his own reputation and ability to maintain the Slug Club. If Voldemort obtained the knowledge of Horcruxes from him, it would definitely be a fatal blow to him. I think this is also one of the main reasons why he refused to tell me the truth. In addition... "

He let out a long sigh and said, "Actually, I'm not sure whether Voldemort ever made Horcruxes at this time, or even...he got the instructions for making Horcruxes from Professor Slughorn." method, then it is not difficult to understand that Slughorn wanted to conceal this past."

"All right……"

Maomao sighed, "I always feel that things are getting troublesome meow..."

"Can we really get the truth out of Professor Slughorn?" Harry wasn't confident either.

What Dumbledore can't do, can you really do it yourself?

"The two of you are different from me," Dumbledore said confidently, "Professor Slughorn is always very tolerant when facing the students he likes, just like he was when he was facing Riddle, and..." He looked at Harry kindly, with a little apology in his tone, "He should feel guilty towards your mother, I think you can start from this aspect."

Harry nodded silently.

Dumbledore glanced back and forth between Fish and Harry a few times, and then said firmly: "I believe you two are the ones who can break through his defense. It is very important to get real memories... …how important the specifics are, you can only know after seeing the real thing.”

"Of course, you probably won't be able to get the truth out of Professor Slughorn immediately, so you still have to be prepared for a protracted battle." Dumbledore gave them another vaccination.

"Hey—why is it so troublesome meow..."

It can't be solved by fighting, and it has to continue if it fails... Fisher's interest in this matter plummeted immediately.

"This is just the worst possibility. Maybe Professor Slughorn will tell the truth when you ask." Dumbledore said relaxedly, "It's getting late now... So, good luck to you... good night."

"Good night, Professor." ×3
Harry, Ron, and Hermione all stood up, ready to leave.

But Fish was very dissatisfied with today's story.

It's okay to assign tasks to yourself, and the two stories are nothing to watch.

Although Fisher's own transformation energy was unexpectedly increased by the black gemstone, Maomao's transformation this time was originally to heal Dumbledore, so it couldn't be counted!
"No! These two stories are not funny at all this year! You have to show Fish an interesting story, meow!"

Maomao puffed up her cheeks like a frog, and yelled at Dumbledore angrily.


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 The plot in the original book was after the Christmas holiday, and it dragged on for nearly three months, but later Dumbledore urged Harry to get news from Slughorn as soon as possible. It seems a bit conflicted. Since it is so urgent, why did it take so long?
  Or did Dumbledore not extract the false memory from Slughorn until after Christmas?But with Dumbledore's ability, would it take so long?

  The most reasonable explanation is probably that Dumbledore was too busy at that time. After all, Voldemort had already shown his card at this time in the original book.

(End of this chapter)

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