Chapter 82: Healing flower pt.2
Arriving in front of Emion's house, Marina stopped for a moment. She bowed her head and slightly bent her knees in a small bow, a gesture of respect towards the house and its illustrious owner. Her face, illuminated by the sun, showed a serene reverence.
Once the gesture was completed, she continued her walk with a light step. The demigoddess passed the first house, heading with determination towards a side alley that led to the home of Cragar's children.
"Marina!" Mardi's daughter called, raising her voice and taking a step forward, her hand reaching upward as if to signal her presence to her friend.
The blonde, however, didn't seem to hear her voice and, after gracefully moving a lock of golden hair behind her ear, disappeared beyond the house to continue on her way.
Celio turned to his companion, one eyebrow raised. "I don't think she heard you."
Elaine sighed, lowering her hand and shoulders. "I think so too, okay I'll say hello to her later."
Her tone was resigned, but a light smile played on her lips.
Caelius, intrigued, scratched his chin. "Where is she headed?"
"Certainly the house of Cragar's children, it's back here," she nodded beyond Emion's house.
Celio's eyes narrowed slightly. "Why would she?"
Elaine hesitated for a moment, "For her best friend, in fact I haven't seen her around for a while…" Her voice trailed off, as if she was thinking about something.
Mardi's daughter crossed her arms over her chest. "Also because, without Shirei, I don't see any other reason to go to the thirteenth."
"Shirei… is he her boyfriend or something?"
Elaine whirled around to face him, a mischievous smile lighting up her face. "That's why you're asking me all these questions!"
Her tone became more serious, almost warning. "Keep your eyes away from Marina, there's too long a line of suitors for her hand."
Celio shrugged nonchalantly. "Will do…"
"Then you're serious." She paused, then added gravely, "Before you do something you shouldn't, I have to warn you of something."
The demigod smiled slyly. "Does she kill everyone who hits on her?"
"No," the girl replied, shaking her head. "Marina is very sweet, but she's not interested in a little story here and there to fill the time."
"Of course, it's the stereotype of: I'm not the classic pretty blonde girl."
Elaine laughed, the crystal clear sound filling the air.
Her face became serious again. "No, really, Marina has a family behind her who wouldn't let her do it."
She approached Celio, lowering her voice as if she was sharing a secret. "Her house is the last surviving noble family from the third era."
Celio looked at her confused, scratching his head. "I don't understand anything about it, but it seems like something important."
"It is, believe me."
Celio sighed theatrically, placing his hands behind him in surrender. "Okay, case closed with the little blonde."
At least for now, he thought to himself.
"Come on, I can't wait any longer" Elaine urged him not to delay the ritual anymore.
The two demigods crossed the threshold of Emion's house, and were immediately surrounded by an atmosphere of royalty and magic. The interior was even more impressive than the exterior. A large atrium opened before them, the floor a mosaic of fine marbles forming intricate geometric designs. The walls were paneled in dark oak, delicately inlaid with mythological scenes and Latin words.
A large crystal chandelier hung from the vaulted ceiling, casting a soft, warm light. Ancient tapestries, still vivid in color, adorned the walls, telling stories of how Emion's sons had achieved greatness. The air was filled with a subtle aroma of incense.
"Yes, this smell is really disgusting" commented Celio before moving forward.
The demigod led her through a corridor, past shelves filled with books and mysterious artifacts, until she reached the stairs to the upper floors. The two reached the third, the most modest and intimate of the three. The room was circular, with a colored glass dome that filtered the sunlight in a thousand shades. In the center, a solid oak table, surrounded by comfortable leather armchairs.
They sat facing each other, the table between them. Elaine, with almost reverential movements, opened the book she had brought with her. The cover was made of worn leather, decorated with golden runes that seemed to shine with their own light.
Celio leaned forward, his night-dark eyes shining with curiosity. "So, can you explain to me what this magical thing is?"
Elaine, her face focused on the pages, murmured, "Hold on... let me read what's written here."
Her fingers delicately skimmed the words on the page.
"Didn't you already read it?!" he exclaimed in disbelief. Then, theatrically raising his hands to the sky, he shouted: "O most holy divinities! Protect me from any magical explosion, please!"
Elaine smiled, without looking up from her book. An amused light danced in her eyes.
"Stop it, come on," she scolded him gently, trying to maintain a serious tone but betrayed by the smile painted on her lips.
"Let me concentrate."
Caelius, still standing, bowed deeply, "At your orders!" he said with a smile, sitting back down and crossing his arms over his chest, waiting.
Elaine bent over the book, her eyes quickly scanning the yellowed pages.
"Okay so it's an evocative ritual that requires specific ingredients," she thought to himself, a slight relief in her voice. "Thank goodness, I was expecting who knows what."
As she continued reading, however, her fingers began to tremble slightly. Her face grew pale as she realized the risks she was about to willingly expose herself to.
Caelius, noticing the change in her demeanor, leaned forward with a worried expression.
"Everything is fine?" He asked, his voice full of apprehension.
Without waiting for a response, he quickly snatched the book from Elaine's hands. His eyes fell on the page, where a figure was drawn, presumably the god of the heavens. Time had not been kind to the image, making it almost indistinguishable. The letters around the illustration were faded and in a language Caelius couldn't understand.
After a few seconds of confused scrutiny, the boy shook his head. "I don't understand anything," he admitted, handing the book back to Elaine. "All yours."
Mardi's daughter took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves, before responding with a forced smile.
"This is Latin, the native language of the Celestials and supposedly also of all the gods before them." Then she added, trying to lighten the mood, "Don't worry, Lyceum will teach you to read it in ancient literature lessons."
"Which I will certainly follow."
"You should," insisted Elaine. "They are very helpful."
"What you say," conceded Caelius, then became serious again.
"But why were you shaking?"
Elaine hesitated for a moment before answering. "I read the wrong ritual, it's not the correct one", she stopped, trying to keep her voice steady. "I got scared for a moment, that's all."
Caelius looked at her for a long moment, then nodded. "All right. I don't want to know. I trust you."
He quickly changed the subject. "Rather, what should we really do?"
Elaine flipped through the pages until she found the correct ritual.
She cleared her throat and began to read: "Rite of passage of the divine paths. Go to a place sacred to the designated god and sing a song in his name. Have the reasons for this request firmly in mind and wait for the manifestation of the divinity. If the god reveals himself, wait for his decision without interrupting the prayer in his name. To proceed to the next step, let the god infuse pure mana into the god particle. If the deity refuses, do not attempt the ritual again."
Celio nodded passively. "Great, already done in practice."
Elaine glared at him, then added, "It also says here that channeling the ritual requires a lot of mana. Can you help me by passing me some if necessary?"
"Always ready to help a damsel in distress."
Elaine laughed, a helpful and spontaneous gesture to dispel some of the tension in the air. She made sure her partner was ready, then knelt on the ground, closing her eyes in concentration.
The book was open before her eyes, as she repeated the steps necessary for the correct processing of the ritual.
Suddenly, a radiant light began to spread from her body, enveloping her in a golden aura.
Mardi's daughter took a deep breath and began to recite in a clear, powerful voice:
"O Emion Omnipotens, Rex Deorum, (O Emion Almighty, King of the Gods)
Fulgurante caelo tonans, (Thundering in the blazing sky)
Audi meum, exaudi preces meis. (Hear me, hear my prayers)
Tua potentia invoco, (I invoke your power)
Tua sapientia imploro. (I implore your wisdom)
Pater Divum hominumque, (Father of Gods and men)
Numen supremum, virtutis fons, (The supreme deity, source of power)
Descende de Rakion alto, (Descends from the high deity, Rakion)
Manifestare meis, o magne Emion. (Manifest to me, O great Emion.)"
A gust of wind suddenly rose, blowing in every direction and making the hair of the two demigods wave.
The air was charged with static electricity. Small bolts of electricity began to shoot out from every corner of the room, crackling and dancing around them. The floor beneath their feet seemed to vibrate slightly, as if responding to the power of the invocation.
"Per fulmina tua tremenda, (By your terrible lightning)
Per accipitrem tuam regiam, (By your royal hawk)
Ostende meis viam divinam, (Show me the divine way)
Concede meis potentiam caelestem. (Grant me heavenly power)"
Celio felt Elaine's mana flow powerfully, but he also noticed that it was beginning to weaken. Without hesitation, he channeled some of his energy into the girl, feeling it flow through his hands into Elaine's shoulders.
"Emion Optimus Maximus,
Tuum numen veneramur, (Let us worship you, god)
Tuum auxilium petimus. (We ask for your help)
Appare meis, o Deus Deorum! (Appear to me, O God of Gods)"
The light around them intensified, becoming almost dazzling. The electrical discharges became more frequent and intense, forming a luminous lattice in the air. The girl's voice rang through the room as she continued to recite the invocation, her determination driving every word.
Celio approached Elaine, placing his hands delicately on Mardi's daughter's shoulders. Immediately, he felt a rush of energy flow through him, like a river of pure magic flowing from his hands into Elaine's body.
He had studied with his mother how to use his powers and, with Aena's explanations, he had managed to understand what the energy collected in his body was.
The mana was moving to enter the girl, like a constant supply.
For a few seconds, nothing seemed to change in the room, then, suddenly, the air crackled with static.
In front of them, a mask made of lightning was created, floating in mid-air in the center of the room. His presence filled the room with palpable tension.
It's working! Elaine thought as she saw a strange light illuminate her closed eyelids, her heart pounding in her chest with excitement and hope.
She remained still and continued to channel the mana away from her body, hoping to keep the ritual active long enough.
With a trembling voice, Elaine called, "Divine King of the Gods!"
Her eyes were still closed in concentration so she couldn't understand what was happening.
Silence was the only response. The mask remained motionless, watching them with blue eyes made of pure electrical energy.
Elaine swallowed and tried again, her voice louder this time: "Lord Emion!"
Once again, only silence responded. The mask seemed to analyze Elaine, scrutinizing her with an unfathomable gaze.
With a last, desperate attempt, Elaine pleaded, "Please! Grant me your power!"
Her mana was running out, a sign that time was running out.
The mask shifted its attention to Celio. The young demigod, with a gentle smile, raised his middle finger towards the entity.
Finally, without warning, the mask vanished into thin air.
Elaine, overcome with disappointment, leaned forward until her forehead touched the soft carpet. She didn't say a word, but her body trembled slightly.
She had failed.
Once again, she would have to give in to watch her friends protect her.
Caelius, noticing her anguish, knelt beside her. Gently, he placed a hand on her shoulder in a comforting gesture. "Well, we couldn't be so lucky right away, but it's a start, right?" He said, trying to inject some optimism into his voice.
Slowly, Mardi's daughter raised her head. Her eyes, bright with unshed tears, met Celio's blue and compassionate ones.
She didn't want to admit it but not being sent on a mission to support Shirei had been a hard blow.
She desperately wanted to be at her comrades' side, even if it would one day lead to their deaths.
If they had done it together, Elaine would have accepted eternal rest without regrets.
"You're right," she admitted after closing the book, her voice a little hoarse.
Celio's face lit up with an encouraging smile. "Cheer up! Shall we try again?"
His enthusiasm was contagious, and Elaine felt a small smile forming on her lips despite the disappointment.
Maybe the boy was right, she shouldn't give up right away.