Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 3

Chapter 34 Merge

(Chapter 3 is still in the process of lifting the ban on sensitive words, so I will put it into Chapter 4 first)

The next day, Jerry got up early, knowing that Professor McGonagall was coming to visit.

After receiving the admission letter from Hogwarts yesterday, he took a general tour of the entire orphanage.

According to the information provided in my mind, this orphanage called Edward was established twenty years ago by a businessman named Edward before his death.

The original intention of the construction was to rescue those poor orphans who were abandoned for various reasons.

Unfortunately, after the old man died, things changed a little.

However, it’s not particularly bad, it’s just that the orphans’ meals and various treatments have been reduced a lot, and the orphanage’s employees are not as kind and friendly as before.

Jerry felt that this was also human nature. In this day and age, it is not bad that there is no child abuse in places like orphanages.

In his previous life, he had read a piece of news that in some orphanages in the 1980s and 1990s, it was often found that there were corpses of children buried in the courtyards.

Some orphanages are orphanages in name, but behind the scenes they are illegal institutions that do not know what they are doing.

There is a saying: “The world is bustling for profit, and the world is bustling for profit!”

Except for the great saints, no one is absolutely selfless.

He himself is not like this, except for those he cares about. If there is no certain benefit, he will not do some thankless things.

Before, he had been working hard to do good deeds and actively help others. His original intention was just for Little Red Star.

If there is no Little Red Star, presumably he will not take the initiative to help those strangers he does not know.

When he was in school, when he saw someone fell on the road, he would go forward to help him. A few years after he came out to work, when he saw someone fall, he would only choose to take a detour.

After all, the price of stepping forward may be his salary for a year of hard work.

But reliving this life, to be honest, the good deeds he has done to earn Little Red Star did have some impact on him.

Because he found that when he was truly appreciated by others, it did make him feel some inexplicable happiness in his heart, although he didn’t want to admit it.


After queuing for a simple breakfast, Jerry came to the large yard at the front door of the orphanage.

He remembered that Professor McGonagall was an Animagus. When he went out to the Muggle world, he liked to be a tabby cat, so he guarded the front yard, and maybe he could see the magical scene of the cat turning into a human. .

After half an hour, Jerry, who hid in the corner to observe whether there were cats on the surrounding walls, frowned and looked to the right side of the large yard.

There, three teenagers around the age of thirteen or fourteen…

Through memory, Jerry knew that the three thirteen-year-olds were the three oldest children in the orphanage at present, and they liked to bully the younger orphans because of their strength.

If there is any orphan who is unwilling to listen to them, then I am afraid that they will be maliciously bullied for a long time.

Therefore, the children in the orphanage were very afraid of these three teenagers. At this time, seeing the little boy being bullied, they did not dare to step forward.

In fact, there were victims before, who told the staff of the orphanage about this situation, but the staff did not pay attention to it and only warned the three people verbally. Instead, the victim who made the snitch was retaliated by the three teenagers for a long time. .

For the staff of these orphanages, as long as these orphans are not subjected to any serious power, they basically don’t care, and fights between children are nothing.

As for the little boy who was crushed and beaten, he was transferred to the orphanage recently, so he was targeted by these three teenagers.

After thinking about it for a while, Jerry didn’t step forward. He felt that even if he went to help the boy now, when he left the orphanage and went to Hogwarts, the little boy would still be bullied.

Besides, there is no benefit. When the fight starts, the visiting Professor McGonagall may have a bad impression when he sees it.

However, when he heard the arrogant laughter of the three teenagers, he finally stood up with a sigh.

“I’m not soft-hearted, I just want to test if I can do good deeds in this world, will I be able to get the Little Red Star as well. Yes, this is just a necessary experiment!”

Underestimating a few words, Jerry stepped forward and shouted:


Following Jerry’s voice, the three teenagers stopped involuntarily, then turned to look at Jerry who was approaching, showing a surprised look.

They didn’t expect that among the children in the orphanage, someone would dare to yell at them, especially Jerry, who was usually taciturn.

“Looks like you want to be like this newcomer too?”

The three of them temporarily let go of the crying little boy and stood in front of Jerry with bad intentions.

It is understandable for the newcomers to be disobedient, but someone like Jerry who has been in the orphanage for five or six years dares to resist them, so he will be punished.

Otherwise, how can they deter other orphans.

“Everyone is an orphan, and it’s not easy. Why do you need to do such a thing!”

Looking at the three boys who were a full head taller than him, Jerry said lightly.

Most children who grow up in orphanages, except for a few, will have some psychological problems.

Those who just feel inferior are nothing, they are afraid of this psychological inferiority, but they want to gain a sense of accomplishment by abusing and bullying others who are weaker than themselves.

“Wrong, in my eyes, you are all just garbage, and making you happy is your biggest role!”

Among the three teenagers, the one with the fattest body and the tallest looked around, and then showed a mocking look.

“Although I’m not very willing to bully children, but if I don’t teach you a lesson, there may be trouble in the future!”

At this time, Jerry also wanted to understand that he had to stay in the orphanage for a month before school started. With the characters of these three people, even if there is no such thing as today, sooner or later, he would still have a conflict with him.

In this case, it is better to beat them all at once, which can be regarded as reducing some troubles in the future.

Shaking his head, Jerry took off his jacket and T-shirt and put it on the table next to him, revealing a lean body.

Although Jerry was only eleven years old at this time and less than 1.4 meters tall, the muscles on his body were very strong.

And it’s not the kind of big muscles that fitness experts practice, but the kind of small muscle groups that are like steel bars.

So this also made him look a little thin when he was wearing clothes, but after taking off his clothes, he seemed to be a different person.

(Who can say no to a boy with eight pack abs!)


Without the delay of work and the trouble of going to school, he really has a lot of time to exercise in this life.

In fact, he has always been interested in martial arts in his previous life. When he was a child, he could play for a long time with a stick, and he thought he was a peerless master.

When I was older, I fell in love with Jeet Kune Do because of watching Bruce Lee’s movies, and even bought a copy of Jeet Kune Do with my pocket money to practice secretly.

When I was in college, I joined a martial arts club, and I had some relatively orthodox guidance. I even participated in competitions and won awards on behalf of the club.

But after graduation, the work was too busy and it was abandoned.

After being reborn in this life, without the pressure of life, he started exercising his body early, and he has the lean muscles he has now.

Although he couldn’t deal with the big gun robbers in the school bus, he still had no problem dealing with these thirteen or fourteen-year-olds.

Moreover, since he was fused with the blood of a wizard, he felt that his body seemed to have undergone some wonderful changes.

It’s not that the strength has become stronger or the speed has become faster, but a feeling that the essence of life has been sublimated.

Also, although the physical strength of wizards is not much stronger than that of ordinary people, they are very durable.

Missing arms and legs often happen, as long as you don’t die immediately, you can persist until you use magic and potions to get them back.

“Oh, what’s this idiot doing? Did he think he could beat us with his clothes off!”

The leading fat boy sneered.

“I think his small body wants to have a close contact with my fist!”

The other boy flashed his sandbag-sized fist with malicious intent, and then punched Jerry in the stomach.

Obviously, at this age, they still don’t understand what it means to be a boy with eight-pack abs.

“The fourth form of Golden Dragon Fist, Xiaolong asks for directions!”

Jerry slid back to dodge the attack, and then kicked the boy on the waist with a lightning-fast kick, which knocked him to the ground with just one kick.

“The dragon swings its tail!”

After kicking, he didn’t stop at all, followed by a coherent back swing, which slapped the face of the boy on the other side who hadn’t reacted, and knocked one down again.

Although Jerry is only eleven years old, his muscles and strength are much stronger than those of the thirteen or fourteen year olds in front of him.

Coupled with the fact that he has been practicing Jeet Kune Do so hard over the years, many of his moves have been mastered and can no longer be mastered, which is a bit better than when he was playing in the university before.

These few days will only bully weak teenagers, naturally they are not opponents.

Seeing the two younger brothers screaming and falling to the ground, the fat boy in the lead roared and bumped towards Jerry.

He was a head taller than Jerry, and his body was more than twice that of Jerry. He believed that as long as he collided with the opponent, and the other side was pressed on the top, the opponent would definitely not be able to move.

“too naive!”

Facing the leading fat boy who came over, Jerry sneered, but he didn’t dodge, but sneaked forward, cut into the middle line of the fat boy, took a deep breath, kicked his right foot on the ground, twisted his waist, sent his hips, and smoothed Shoulders and punches:

“inch fist!”

The powerful force exploded in an instant, hitting the fat boy’s abdomen directly, knocking him upside down and flying two meters away.

Seeing the trio of orphanages screaming and screaming on the ground by Jerry’s three strikes, the other orphans were immediately stunned.

They didn’t expect that the usual terrifying trio would have such a situation today, and they didn’t expect that Jerry, who was usually taciturn, would be so powerful.

“What are you waiting for, revenge for those who have revenge, revenge for those who have grievances!”

Picking up the clothes and putting them on again, Jerry reminded the other orphans who were still in a daze.

I just took off my clothes just to worry about not getting dirty. After all, Professor McGonagall will come to visit in a while, so I can’t be in ashes.

It’s just that he overestimated the three teenagers.

The three teenagers who rely on bullying the weak to gain pleasure and comfort in their hearts, what kind of blood is there? Just being hit by him makes them sore on the ground that they don’t dare to beat him.

In fact, if the three teenagers were **** and endured the pain and joined forces to besiege him, he would really have to spend some hands and feet.

Hearing Jerry’s reminder, those orphans who were accustomed to being bullied suddenly lit up, looked at each other, and began to cautiously approach the three wailing teenagers on the ground, and then…

Looking at the three teenagers being punched and kicked by the orphans, Jerry couldn’t help but sigh:

“Unity is strength!”

Jerry took a little bit of strength just now. With the fat body of the three teenagers, there shouldn’t be any serious problems at this time.

But in the face of dozens of orphans beating and beating, they are not rivals at all, and they were beaten all over soon.

Two or three orphans are definitely not the opponents of the three teenagers, but with dozens of orphans together, even if the three teenagers are older and dressed up, they will definitely be no match.

Once the fear in your heart is broken, you will find that the guy who is so high and invincible is actually nothing.

When Jerry defeated the orphanage trio, all the orphans’ fear of the trio was also eliminated.

After this round of beatings, I believe that even if Jerry is not in the orphanage in the future, they will no longer be afraid of the trio.

“There really is a little red star in the account!”

After getting dressed, Jerry opened the panel, UU read www.uukanshu. Com was a little surprised to see that the number of little red stars on the panel changed from 1,000 after crossing to 1,005.

Originally, he thought that Little Red Star could only be obtained in the main world, but he did not expect that he could get it after entering the small world.

In this way, it is not bad, at least one more world to obtain Little Red Star.

Closing the panel, when Jerry looked at the school gate again, he found a tabby cat, who had been standing on the wall at some point, leaning his head over to observe something.

“Uh… This one is not the one who changed from Professor McGonagall!”

Jerry pretended to be calm and turned his head, then rolled his eyes and shouted at the group of orphans:

“Okay, you can stop!”

When the orphans heard this, they immediately stopped beating the three teenagers, and they were still very convinced in the face of Jerry who had just easily defeated the three teenagers.

“Cough cough, I, Jerry Carmen, is a person who hates violence very much. I hope that we orphans who are suffering from the same disease can continue to improve themselves, friendship and mutual assistance, and struggle together. In the future, I will be a useful talent to the society and send out a hundred points of enthusiasm. Shine a thousand points of light!”

When the orphans heard the words, although they didn’t quite understand it, they still applauded enthusiastically.

Jerry nodded, then said to the three teenagers with blue noses and swollen faces:

“Before, because you were older, you acted badly in the orphanage and bullied other young orphans. Today is a lesson for you.

Everyone is an orphan. As long as you know your mistakes and correct them, everyone will still accept you in the future, right? ”

Seeing Jerry’s dangerous eyes, the three teenagers with blue noses and swollen faces dared to neglect, and quickly replied:



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