Marvel's Explosive Fruit

Chapter 47 Battle with Team America

Steve had just acted impulsively and knocked Rhaegar far away. After such a pause, shung's mind was much clearer and he quickly said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Rega.

"Stop talking nonsense, fight first and then talk."

Before he finished speaking, Rhaegar exerted force on his legs and appeared in front of Steve in the blink of an eye, then punched him hard in the face.

Steve's eyes blurred, and his body flew backwards involuntarily.

Of course, Rhaegar's punch did not use any abilities, and even suppressed some of his physical strength. After all, he has already transcended the category of ordinary humans. Although Steve is a super soldier, he is still a human.

The punch was successful, and Rhaegar was unforgiving. He moved his body to keep up, and threw out another punch. Steve had just been hit on the left side of the face, but before his body could recover, he felt another heavy blow on the right side of his face. He staggered and fell to his knees.

Steve was attacked twice in succession and was a little confused for a moment.

He shook his head, put one hand on the ground, and looked at Rhaegar angrily.

Rhaegar moved his shoulders and said expressionlessly, "Don't you want to know how Bucky is doing? Fight with me and I'll tell you if you win."

After saying that, he punched the captain who was half kneeling on the ground again.

But the punch did not hit the opponent.

Seeing Rega punch again, Steve saw the opportunity and took action quickly, grabbing Rega's right arm directly with his hands like pliers. Then he exerted force on his waist, turned around, and threw Rhaegar out with an over-the-shoulder throw, slamming him into the wall behind him.

Steve knew that this battle was inevitable, and the man in front of him came to fight with him. In this case, he will accompany him to the end, and when it comes to fighting, Steve has never retreated.

Although Steve is kind-hearted, it does not mean that he is a good man. Countless people died at his hands back then, and he even did many shady things. In the final analysis, he is a warrior and a true of powerful warriors.

Steve stood up slowly, exhaled a breath, stared at Rhaegar, and said word by word, "Do you want to have a fight? Come on."

After saying that, he quickly ran towards Rhaegar.

The entire basement is only a few dozen meters wide, and the distance between the two is now less than ten meters. This distance is nothing to Steve. Before he has finished breathing, he is in front of Rhaegar, Then came a straight right punch that had been charged for a long time.

Rhaegar stretched out his left arm and blocked Steve's fist.

But Steve's attack didn't end there, as a left punch followed. Not to mention this, there was another fierce whip kick, which went straight to Rhaegar's waist.

Rhaegar didn't expect Steve's attack to come so suddenly and violently. He blocked it once, twice, but couldn't block the third one. Steve's whip leg had the power to break stones and crack gold. Kicked Rhaegar hard in the waist.

Under the influence of inertia, Rega felt his body tilt to the left involuntarily, then flew rapidly to the right and hit the fence of the boxing ring nearby. The elastic fence was instantly pulled into a V shape.

Although Rhaegar was hit hard by Steve one after another, his physical fitness was extremely strong, and this attack was nothing to him.

He used the elasticity of the fence to attack Steve at a much faster speed than before.

Steve succeeded with one blow and did not relax. He was always prepared for Rhaegar's counterattack. He had a feeling that this battle would not end so easily.

Sure enough, when he saw Rega continuing to attack him as if nothing was wrong, Steve became more certain of his thoughts. However, he was not in the mood to think about this at the moment. Faced with Rega's attack, he did not dodge and faced him directly.

Rhaegar was born in the Winter Soldier, and Steve is a fighting master. After the trial just now, the two of them have a certain understanding of each other's strength. Therefore, only now can they really let go and concentrate on fighting.

Steve's moves are very subtle, and his movements are as smooth as water. They are not only powerful, but also very beautiful.

Rhaegar has a different style. His experience with Hydra caused him to be very vicious in his attacks. Even though he has now broken away from his original sinister style, that habit is still rooted in his flesh and blood, which makes Steve need to be cautious. face.

When the two of them meet their opponents in chess, they will meet good talents, and their fists will go to the flesh, and the tiger and the tiger will become fierce. You come and I go, and it is a joy.

Both of them were very fast, and for a while, their figures were everywhere in the basement. The two of them bumped into walls or pillars from time to time. The huge force caused the already mottled wall to crack in many places. There were holes made by fists everywhere, and deep cracks appeared on several pillars.

In the process of showing off his tricks, Rhaegar clearly felt that his fighting skills were constantly improving, and he gradually found the tricks that originally belonged to the Winter Soldier. His movements in shooting and raising his legs became more and more smooth, and he was able to fight more and more smoothly. Captain America on the opposite side was very surprised.

But since it was purely technical fighting now, and he was no better than the American team in this aspect, after a while, Rhaegar felt that his disadvantage became more and more obvious, and if he continued like this, he would definitely lose.

Thinking of this, Rega feinted, took a few steps back, dodged Steve's attack, and took the opportunity to jump out of the fighting circle.

Steve still clenched his fists and looked at Rhaegar across from him with some doubt.

Rhaegar smiled slightly and said, "As expected of Captain America, his fighting skills are indeed at their peak."

"Thank you," Steve said calmly, "I've been beaten, but now can you tell me Bucky's whereabouts?"

Rhaegar shook his head, "Our condition just now was that if you beat me, I would tell you, but now you haven't won yet."

"It's just a matter of time, you know it very well," Steve advised, "Although your skills are also very good, you are no match for me."

"It's a little early to say that, captain, don't say I'm bullying you." Rhaegar laughed and rushed towards Steve.

Looking at Rhaegar's slightly crazy look, Steve frowned. However, as a qualified warrior, he immediately took a stance to face the enemy and responded to Rhaegar's attack with a vigilant expression.

Like before, Rhaegar punched with his right again, and Steve immediately raised his arm, preparing to block the blow.

However, when his left arm came into contact with Rhaegar's fist, his expression suddenly changed.

A huge force came from Rhaegar's fist, and Steve even heard the rattling sound from his own bones. Then, his body was like a cannonball, smashing directly into the wall next to him. A big hole was opened in the entire wall in an instant.

Steve coughed a few times and walked out of the dusty brick remnants, the shocked expression on his face still lingering.

Rhaegar grinned, "Look, didn't I say it? It was a bit early."

Then, without waiting for Steve to react, Rhaegar moved his feet and appeared in front of Steve again.

Oops! Steve yelled secretly and defended instinctively.

But Rega, who had basically let go, was not something Steve could resist. Before he could see Rega's movements clearly, he felt himself flying up again, and then slammed into the boxing ring nearby.

Rhaegar didn't care about Steve's situation. Just now he was competing in fighting skills and was beaten by the opponent. Now he finally had such an opportunity. Taking the opportunity to torture the legendary American team was good for his body and mind.

Due to the huge gap in strength, Steve could only passively withstand Rhaegar's violent attacks, unable to even basic block.

As Rhaegar hit Steve's abdomen with a heavy right hook from bottom to top, Steve flew up into the air and hit the ceiling hard, smashing the ceiling into pieces, and then again Fell to the ground.

Rhaegar stopped, almost done.

Steve pushed away the rocks pressing on him and stood up with difficulty.

His clothes were in tatters, his nose was bruised and his eyes were swollen, and there was a stream of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth. His abdomen was turbulent, and it felt like all his organs were twisted together, and a few of his ribs were probably broken. His originally strong legs could no longer support his body. His whole body was swaying and he was panting heavily, as if he might fall down at any time.

But he didn't.

Steve raised his arms again, in a fighting stance, even though he could no longer clench his fists.

Rhaegar looked at Steve across from him silently and said, "You are no match for me."

Steve didn't even have the strength to laugh. Although he was very weak at the moment, he still said firmly, "If you come again, I can keep fighting."

I could go on and on, this sentence seems to have become Steve's label.

As a superhero, compared to others, Steve does not have any magical abilities, and his physical fitness is at a mid-level level, far from outstanding, but he is still a powerful superhero. The key is It lies in his heart that never gives up.

This spirit of never giving up did not appear after becoming Captain America, but had already taken root when he was still very thin. Even at that time, he still clenched his fists when facing many opponents who were bigger than himself. Fight back resolutely.

Later, the Super Soldier Serum strengthened his character and made him more tenacious. Giving up was never a word in his dictionary.

Rega was in awe. Hearing this sentence in real life was a completely different feeling than seeing it in the movie, especially after he experienced it personally.

He nodded and saluted the captain, "You are a respectable warrior."

Steve forced a smile.

"Since you are a true warrior, I will give you the respect you deserve."

Steve clenched his fists hard.

Then, he felt a powerful blow, and then his vision went black and he fainted.

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