Marvel's Explosive Fruit

Chapter 42 Entering the Base

After feeling herself recovered, Natasha immediately found Rhaegar, eager to begin her next step. .1kanshu

Rhaegar was very cautious about this. After all, this was genetic fusion, and something might go wrong if he was not careful. Therefore, he first had to ensure that Natasha's body could withstand the various risks brought about by the transformation.

After a comprehensive and detailed examination of Natasha, Rega took Natasha into a secret base in Canada.

Looking at the soldiers with live ammunition and the huge construction work around her, Natasha was a little surprised.

"What is this place?" Natasha asked while looking around.

"This is where your wishes come true," Rhaegar said. "I'm sorry it doesn't look as good as I imagined."

"It's okay, I don't care about this." Natasha shook her head.

"This way please." Stryker led the way.

"I didn't know you had such a secret base." Natasha said as she walked.

"This is not mine, but his." Rhaegar pointed to Stryker, who was leading the way. "I will tell you this story later."

Natasha nodded and asked no more questions.

The two passed through a dark corridor and after descending a step, Natasha's eyes were caught by a groove.

"what is that?"

Rhaegar looked in the direction of Natasha's finger and saw a rusty groove filled with green pool water.

"That's where a legend begins." Rhaegar sighed.

Speaking of which, the legend of Wolverine began in this humble pool.

It was here that his whole body was filled with Adamantium metal, and his original bone claws turned into sharp metal claws.

It was after this transformation that his combat effectiveness was greatly improved. Super-speed regeneration and the invincible Adamantium metal are a perfect match. With this attribute, Wolverine began to write his own legend.

Natasha touched the three claw marks on the pillar and asked, "Is this the mark he left?"


Closing her eyes and feeling the unevenness where her fingers touched, Natasha seemed to hear Wolverine's roar when he was being transformed here. She felt his pain and confusion, and she suddenly retracted her fingers.

Rhaegar gently pressed her shoulders and said slowly, "It's not too late to regret now."

Natasha swallowed, gritted her teeth, and said, "No, I want to continue looking."

Rhaegar nodded.

Afterwards, Stryker took them to a place similar to an operating room.

The whole place is very spacious, and a group of medical staff are busy making preparations inside.

There was an operating table in the middle of the house, and various surgical instruments were placed on the table next to it, but these seemed to be ignored by Natasha.

She walked straight to a table. On the table was a heavy box. Inside the box were three tubes of serums of different colors, which shone charmingly under the light.

Natasha picked up a tube of blue and asked, "What is this?"

Rhaegar sighed and said, "This is what I have prepared for you."

After Natasha heard this, she picked up two more tubes of serum, one was transparent and the other was light yellow.

Rhaegar walked over slowly, leaned on the table, looked at Natasha and said, "Before we start, I have something to tell you."

Natasha turned her head when she heard this.

Looking into those lake-green eyes, Rhaegar sighed, "Natasha, you know, the world we live in is not simple."

"Well, you already told me."

Rhaegar continued, "We humans are not the only intelligent species on this planet, or in other words, we Homo sapiens are not the only intelligent species."

Natasha was a little puzzled.

"In addition to us, there is another group of people. Most of them look the same as us, but they have a gene in their bodies, a unique gene. It is thanks to this gene that they have all kinds of strange traits. The ability to go to heaven and earth, to be invisible through walls, to read minds and control objects, to be omnipotent, this gene is called the x gene."

"You mean, this?" Natasha's eyes widened, and her hand holding the serum trembled.

Rhaegar nodded.

"The tube of light yellow serum you are holding now belongs to the owner of the paw print you just saw in that room. His name is Wolverine, and his ability is super-speed regeneration."

"Super-speed regeneration?" Natasha was a little surprised.

"That's right, as long as you successfully fuse, you can find what you lost." Rega smiled, "Moreover, you won't be afraid of any swords, guns or bombs in the future. No matter what the damage is, you can heal completely, and you can even stay young forever. oh."

"Really?" Natasha felt her throat dry after hearing everything Rhaegar said. Natasha's eyes suddenly became moist at the thought that she would be able to return to normal soon.

"Of course, this is the method I originally prepared for you."

"And this one," Rhaegar pointed to another tube of serum in Natasha's hand, "this tube of transparent serum comes from Nightcrawler."

After speaking, Rhaegar raised his arm to signal.

After Stryker saw it from the side, he immediately summoned Nightcrawler.

Natasha was startled when she saw the devil-like blue monster with a patterned face suddenly appearing in front of her.

"This is Nightcrawler, and his ability is teleportation," Rhaegar said.

Natasha looked at the other person carefully and nodded.

"There is also this tube of blue serum. It comes from a very powerful mutant, nicknamed Iceman. His ability is, of course, ice."

"Why are you telling me this?" Natasha asked.

"Because I want you to understand where your abilities come from if you succeed."

After Rhaegar finished speaking, he pointed to Stryker next to him, "Didn't you ask who he was just now?"

Natasha nodded.

"He is an expert on mutants and a colonel in the military. It can be said that no one is more proficient in the field of genetic fusion than him."

Natasha looked at the fat, gray-haired man in front of her with some surprise.

"But what you don't know is that his son is also a mutant."

Without pausing, Rhaegar continued in a deep voice, "Besides, he hates mutants very much."

"What?!" Natasha was stunned, "How could that happen?"

"This is a long story," Rhaegar sighed, "You don't have to worry about these things for now. All you need to know now is that the source of power for the transformation that will be carried out on you is these mutants. Our society is too It’s too narrow-minded to tolerate them, but we can’t be like that.”

Natasha nodded, "I understand."

"They are hated and detested by ordinary people because of the power they have. In fact, ordinary people are jealous of them. After all, they have all kinds of strange abilities. They can even move mountains and fill seas, and even kill all humans on the earth."

Natasha exclaimed, "Is anyone really that powerful?"

Rhaegar nodded silently, "But fortunately that man is a pacifist, otherwise, mankind would have been extinct long ago."

Natasha opened her mouth with difficulty, but nothing came out.

"You see, it is because of this terrifying ability that ordinary people are afraid of them. Fear then develops into rejection and disgust, followed by oppression and even massacre. In this regard, we humans are not only for They do the same to themselves."

Natasha nodded. There were too many examples of genocide in the world.

"But, who says the world must be ruled by humans." Rega shook his head. "We are still too self-righteous. The Industrial Revolution gave humans the power to tame nature, and we began to become confident and even arrogant. However, life has evolved for four billion years, and human history is only a few million years in total. This It’s just the history of life on Earth, and if it’s placed in the entire universe, it’s nothing.”

"Technology has made us too arrogant and lost our sense of awe. Until one day, mutants suddenly appeared, and we felt the fear that we had long forgotten." Rhaegar chuckled, "How ironic."

Natasha watched Rhaegar's long sighs quietly, with a different brilliance shining in her beautiful eyes.

"Sorry, I always talk too much when talking about them. Okay, I won't talk anymore. If you are interested, I can tell you more in the future." Rega turned his head, "Now, let me ask you again, are you really Are you ready? This transformation cannot guarantee % success."

Natasha looked down at the serum in her hand, then held it tightly and nodded heavily.

"Then which one do you choose?" Rhaegar asked.

"I want it all!"

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