Marvel's Black Steel

Chapter 239: Chapter 237: Returning To Work & School

After Brunch with the Grey family, Sara, Jean, and I left for my house, as we planned to tell my Mom, though I also had some things to give Sara related to her job as a journalist, which I've been doing in her stead for the past four months, and boy was it tedious.

"Yo, Mom, you here?" Asked Tut loudly as he entered his house while Sara and Jean followed behind him, only for Hana's voice to be faintly heard.

"In the living room." Said Hana lightly as she sat on the couch, watching TV while drinking coffee.

"I wonder how Mrs. Kent is going to react. She likes Jean, so maybe she'll be happy." Muttered Sara softly with a curious expression as she tapped her chin while glancing at Jean, who wryly smiled.

Entering the living room, I kissed Mom on the cheek, but since she was watching her weird gameshow, she didn't even bother looking at me and just half-assedly rubbed my head.

"Mom, can we talk to you about something?" "Hmm, yeah, sure, just for the commercial break." Remarked Tut and Hana, respectively, as the former sat down while the latter faintly nodded, her gaze fixed on the TV with rapt attention.

"Is that man wearing a strap-on with a pole attached to it?" Asked Sara in confusion as she stared at the TV, watching the disturbing scene while Tut nodded.

"Oh, it can get WAY weirder than this." Replied Tut lightly as he pulled Jean onto his lap, causing her to faintly blush, while wrapping his arm around Sara, who sat beside him, leaning into his embrace.

Despite our intimacy, Mom didn't question us as she fully invested in the show, though after a few minutes, the commercial break came, and she finally looked at us, only for her to freeze briefly.

"The hell?" Asked Hana in confusion as she stared between Sara, Jean, and Tut.

"Mom, I'm dating Jean and Sara." Stated Tut confidently as he affectionately held Jean and Sara while looking at Hana, who raised an eyebrow.

"You know, this may sound surprising, but I actually dreamed of this happening. Well, you're dating Jean, so I can't say anything negative." Remarked Hana lightly as she looked at the three, only to point at Jean before shrugging her shoulders.

"What about me, Mrs. Kent?" Asked Sara with a faint smirk as she looked at Hana, who snorted in annoyance.

"I want to continue that fight from last year." "Haha, funny, funny. You'd probably lose, though." Remarked Hana and Sara, respectively, as the former dangerously eyed the latter, who awkwardly chuckled while faintly shaking her head.

"Fight?" Asked Jean in confusion as she glanced at Tut, who quickly stood up just as Hana did so.

"Woah! Let's just stay calm." Said Tut softly with a wry expression as he gently pushed Hana onto the couch before massaging her shoulders, easing her annoyance.

While massaging Mom, the commercial break ended, and the weird game show began playing, taking her focus away from us as she watched, prompting me to sigh in relief while narrowing my eyes at Sara.

"Upstairs." Stated Tut firmly as he eyed Sara, who meekly nodded while Jean stayed behind with Hana.

"I wasn't trying to provoke her; I was just trying to warn her; she's nearing 40, and I'm like 60, well, 70 pounds heavier than her." Remarked Sara lightly as she glanced at Tut, who picked her up before tossing her onto his bed while closing the door behind him.

"Oh, are you going to ~punish me~?" Added Sara seductively as she flipped onto her stomach, wiggling her butt at Tut, who gave it an aggressive smack.

"No, I'm here to give you everything I worked on for your job; I figured you should know what I did in case they ask you questions. Heh, and I'm the horny one." Said Tut lightly as he opened his closet before handing Sara a small binder full of pages while softly shaking his head.

"T -This is quite a lot of stuff." "It's four months' worth of work, so yeah, it's quite a lot." Remarked Sara and Tut, respectively, as the former hesitantly flipped through the binder while the latter plopped onto his bed with a nod.

"Oh, I also informed your boss that you'd be returning to work on Monday, so you better get to it." Added Tut with a faint smirk as he glanced at Sara, whose eyes widened in disbelief.

"M-Monday!? T-That's in two days!? You've got to be shitting me! I-I've got to study this then; ugh, I-I'll see you later!" Said Sara anxiously with an ugly expression as she stood up and dashed for the door, only for Tut to suddenly freeze it shut with an ice breath.

"Forgetting something?" Asked Tut with a faint smirk as he pucked his lips, causing Sara to roll her eyes and groan before nodding.

Leaning down, Sara sealed my lips with her own as she aggressively kissed me, prompting me to grab a handful of her ass while she grasped my crotch.

"Love you, Pharaoh." "Heh, love you too, Sara." Said Sara and Tut, respectively, as the former retracted her face, creating a string of saliva between their mouths before removing her hand from his crotch.

Winking at Sara, I unfroze the door and saw her leave my house and run back to her own, which prompted me to stand up, only for Jean to enter with a curious expression.

"Why is Sara in such a hurry?" "Oh, I gave her some work stuff." Said Jean and Tut, respectively, as the former approached the latter, who returned to lying on his bed.

With a nod, Jean got into bed with me and snuggled into my body, causing me to wrap my arm around her waist.

"Sorry about that; that thing is hard to control." Muttered Tut sheepishly as he watched Jean push his erection to the side while she shook her head.

Jean didn't say anything and flipped her position as she stared directly into my eyes, causing me to gulp as I leaned for a kiss, stealing her plump lips for my use.

With Sara being busy for the remaining two days, Jean and I spent it together, mainly enjoying each other's presence, flirting, watching TV, or playing games, though unfortunately, she had school to return to.



"Have a good day at work, okay?" Said Tut with a faint smile as he kissed Sara, who flashed a smile while entering her car before driving off.

Watching Sara drive off, I turned and glanced at Jean, who hugged my waist, causing me to raise an eyebrow.

"Hmm, what? I can just lock away the memory of anyone who sees you. Did you forget your girlfriend is a telepath?" Remarked Jean with a faint smirk as she trailed her finger across Tut's chest, causing him to chuckle.

"And also the strongest person on this planet? No. No, I didn't." Stated Tut with a smirk as he wrapped his arm around Jean's waist before shooting off into the sky, ignoring the several people who saw him.

Arriving at the X-mansion a few seconds later, I gently landed in front of the building, though since it was early morning, it was pretty empty, not to mention quiet.

"Oh, I forgot my purse. Do you think you could get it for me?" Asked Jean with a sheepish smile as she glanced at Tut, who rolled his eyes before nodding.

Flying back to her house, I was required to be stealthy this time since Jean was with me; entering her home, I searched through her room and grabbed her purse before flying back to the X-Mansion, only for my expression to sour when I Scott hugging Jean.

"S-Scott, p-please stop." Said Jean sternly as she looked at Scott while trying to push him away, though her strength wasn't enough.

"Yo, nigga back the fuck up, I'm not going to say it twice." Said Tut with a slight scowl as he forcefully removed Scott from Jean, who flashed him a thankful smile.

"Tch, you don't have the right to do that!" Stated Scott angrily as he stood up and glared at Tut while dusting his clothes off.

"Uh, yeah, I kind of do… She's my girlfriend." Remarked Tut in slight anger as he handed Jean her purse while glaring at Scott, whose eyes widened in disbelief.

"WHAT!? J-Jean, t-this can't be true… R-Right?" Asked Scott in shock as he hesitantly glanced at Jean, who firmly nodded while grabbing Tut's hand.

"Yes. Things happened, and now we're dating, so I would appreciate it if you don't hug me like that again." Replied Jean in mild annoyance as she eyed Scott, who froze in disbelief before shifting her gaze to Tut.

"Sorry about that. Anyway, I've got to check in with Professor, and I'll probably be really busy; you know, I missed four months of school work." Added Jean lightly as she glanced at Tut, who awkwardly rubbed his head before nodding.

"Well, we can always do what you did with Sara. Interacting through our minds while sleeping: two birds with one stone." Said Tut wryly as he flashed a smile, causing Jean to nod slightly while she stood on her toes.

Leaning down, I was about to kiss Jean's sexy, plump lips, but before I could, a reddish beam of energy hit the side of my head, flinging me into the garden and destroying several hidden weapons in the process.

"Tsk, alright, man, I've been nice enough. Ignorance it is." Muttered Tut in anger as he glared at Scott with narrowed eyes.



Okay, so I'd like to make a confession; I'm sure it will be hard for you all to come to terms with it, but here is the truth.

I didn't actually model Tut's sex skills off my mine.

Yes, I know, HUGE shocker, but that's the truth.

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