Marvel: The Strongest Villain

Chapter 49

Chapter 49 Paradise Island

“Done?” After listening to Sarah Lance quietly, Su Sheng leaned on the console and smiled and raised his finger. “I have two questions.”

“You said.” Sarah Lance said.

“The first question, why didn’t you go to the point in time when I kidnapped Laurel? Since the time deviation can be inferred, wouldn’t it be better to solve it from the source?” If the legendary team came to Su Sheng at that time, he really might not If Laurel will be trained to become Black Canary in advance, there will be no follow-ups.

“It’s too late.” Lip Hunt shook his head. “When we noticed something was wrong, that period of history had already been fixed.”

“OK, second question. You…why do you stop me?” Su Sheng asked with a smile.

His question made the legendary team nervous in an instant. According to the few experiences, every mission will not go so smoothly, and this time I am afraid it will be the same.

Sarah Lance squeezed the club.

Captain Cold and Heatwave also raised the cryogun and flamethrower, and Heatwave pointed at Su Sheng and said grimly. “Only I can burn you to ashes.”

Su Sheng looked at the heat wave and said seriously. “Trust me, you can’t do it.”

“Then try!” Heat wave followed.

Seeing that a conflict was about to occur, Lip Hunt hurriedly stopped the heat wave and said to Su Sheng. “I don’t think it is a wise choice to get my ex-girlfriends together. You only need to not introduce them to solve this problem.”

“One, only Felicity is my ex-girlfriend, and we haven’t broken up yet. Two, why don’t I ask about force.” Su Sheng raised two fingers and looked at Lip Hunt. “In order to save your family, you formed a legendary team to deal with the immortal tyrant Vandal Savage. Although you are shamelessly involved in saving the world, don’t you travel through time and change history? It’s just you to correct the time deviation. Personal behavior, what position do you have to stop me?”

Rip Hunt was silent, and the others who had originally wanted to refute were also silent.

“But we are saving the world.” Atom explained in a low voice without confidence.

But obviously this explanation was ignored by everyone.

“I admit that we have no position to demand you, but we must do this. If you don’t stop you, Sarah Lance will not only remember that there will be problems, she will also disappear from our team, so…” Lip Hunt suddenly shouted. “Gideon, immediately jump at random points in time.”

“Okay, Captain Hunter.”

Gideon’s voice sounded, and the next moment the wave rider suddenly lifted off and accelerated.

The strong wind Roar screamed, and the propeller glowed blue.

With a swish, the wave rider disappeared.

The violent vibration made everyone who fell instantly turned their backs on their backs, and the pressure caused by the time jump made people dizzy and tinnitus, as if the heart was about to jump out, it was very uncomfortable. I don’t know how long it took, as if a few hours and only a few minutes, the shaking finally slowly stopped, and the Waverider landed.

“Enter invisible mode and report time and place.”

Rip Hunter, who had not had time to get up from the ground, hurriedly gave instructions to Gideon.

“It has entered invisible mode, in 1917, in the waters near Paradise Island.”

Everyone groaned and got up one after another in pain. Martin Stein found his glasses again and asked subconsciously. “In 1917, the year before the end of the First World War? Where is Paradise Island?”

“Damn, I hate to travel through time.” Relang cursed uncomfortably with the nausea of ​​vomiting. “It’s better to let me burn him to death.”

Lip Hunter straightened the collar of the trench coat and explained. “Paradise Island is an island isolated from the world, where only Amazonians live.”

“And, only women!”

“It sounds like a very suitable place for him to stay.” Sarah Lance was teasing but staring at Su Sheng lying on the ground to prevent him from getting up.

Rip Hunter’s original intention was to temporarily take Su Sheng away and find a place to settle. As long as he did not pick up the Laurel Raptor team, he would not know each other and would not affect Sarah Lance, and wait for the time deviation to be corrected. Just delete his memory and send it back, but Paradise Island…

He hesitation said. “It’s not friendly to outsiders, especially men.”

“There will be danger?”

“If he is careful not to be found out by the Amazons on the island, there should be no problem, as long as the time deviation is corrected, we will come and pick him up.” Lip Hunter thought for a while and said.

Captain Cold asked. “Leaving him here won’t cause any more time deviations, will it?”

“Probably not, Amazonians are not that easy to mess with.” Lip Hunt shook his head.

Sarah Lance walked to Su Sheng’s side and squatted down, watching him silently for a long while and said. “Although it hasn’t happened to you yet, Laurel loves you very much in my memory. You got tired of playing but dumped her. So I hope you can die on Paradise Island, but… you let her live after all. Even if it’s just a time lag when I get down, find a place to hide and we will pick you up.”

“It sounds like something I would do, so…I’m still green with Oliver Quinn?” Su Sheng grinned lightly.

“Her first man is you.” Sarah Lance snarled angrily. “Why do you think I would be with Oliver? I just want to beat her, in the matter of going to bed, bastard!”

PS: I recommend my old books “Marvel: The Advent of the King”, “Marvel: The Immortal Throne”, and “The Deadly Covenant: The Strongest Death God”, which have been completed and will soon be completed.

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