Marvel: The Journey

[Single? No More!] – There’s Something Wrong Within Jean

Hearing Val, Storm's eyes widened in shock, and a smile formed on her lips. At the moment, she couldn't believe her ears. Feeling genuinely happy, her heart skipped a beat while an uncontrollable excitement surged out of it and flowed through her body.

"R... R-Really?!" She tried her best to hide her enthusiasm but failed miserably as the happiness overflowed in her body and heart.

"Yeah!" Seeing Storm's cute and lovely reaction, Val chuckled and considered, 'I shouldn't just randomly date her, right? I'm unsure whether I would develop feelings towards her, but the possibility exists! Maybe I'll fall for her at some point, and then it would be fine, but if that's not the case... She may be better off without me...'

"Great!" Storm happily cheered as her eyes shone excitedly and said, "Tomorrow. 8 o'clock. At Flamingo's."

"Well, then... See you tomorrow." She hurriedly said and excitedly jogged back inside the school while mentally cheering, 'Eeeeeh!! I'm going on a date! A DATE!! With Starlance! STAR-FUCKING-LANCE!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! I can't believe Starlance agreed to go on a date with ME!! ME!!! Oh My GOD!!'

Val smiled and chuckled as he watched Storm return to the school with a spring in her step.

Suddenly, he remembered, 'Oh, right! I almost forgot Jean!'

He turned around, hoping to find her, but...

"Where did she go? She was right here before Storm came and spoke to me. Now, where is she?" Val muttered to himself as he looked around but still found no sign of Jean.

* * *

A few moments ago,

Jean saw Storm tap Val on his shoulder, drawing his attention toward her. Instantly, she felt a pang in her heart, which made her frown in confusion. She found it weird when she could not make out her emotions clearly. She didn't understand how, what, where, and why, but she understood that her heart started acting out right then.

Even though the situation was a little weird for her, she could sense an extreme awkwardness looming above her when she tried to read their conversation to distract her and pull herself out of her stupefaction, but it didn't work as her head throbbed.

She saw Storm stand before Starlance and say a few words while fidgeting. Seeing the beautiful Storm's tinted cheeks turn red as rubies and the broad smile that adorned her face as she finished speaking made Jean furrow her brows as an unrecognizable emotion rose within her.

'What's happening? My heart and this body are...reacting strangely, and I don't know what this new feeling is. Am I jealous?!

Why am I even jealous, though? Why? What's happening to me?'

At that moment, Jean could hear the frantic sound of her racing heartbeat beating in her eardrums. Suddenly, a sense of danger overwhelmed her, and at the next moment, her body trembled while her internal organs froze, as if a liquid ice bucket was thrown on her when she heard Storm asking him out.

"How about I thank you over dinner?"

Time stood still for Jean, and everything was silent, apart from the heavy pounding of her heartbeat. Her heart began pounding faster and faster, getting louder every second. Her knees started weakening as her mind slowly entered the abyss of emptiness. She was trying desperately to hold her emotions and feelings, which had threatened to explode by now, in.

She clenched her fists so tightly that blood seeped through them due to her digging her fingernails deep into her hands.

Something erupted in her mind instantly, causing her head to throb heavily in pain as strange visions popped up. She tried to comprehend the scenes she witnessed in the form of her memories or a nightmare? She didn't even know.

She saw the same fiery woman kissing the golden-white man on his lips. After breaking the kiss, the man whispered something to the woman that she couldn't hear and then...


It all suddenly ended with Jean gasping for breath. She took a sharp breath and tried to steady her breathing. She put both hands on the bench to support herself as the strength in her knees had dissipated. Even so, she continued panting heavily.


Looking at Starlance's back, she noticed the unease on Storm's face, which made her calm down quickly.

However, something inside her head began thrashing around like earlier when she heard Val's response.

"Sure, why not?"

'He agreed. H-He AGREED! He agreed to go out on a da-d-date!!'

Instantly, she felt her emotions surge and rush forward without being contained anymore. Jean gritted her teeth and thought, 'Fuck! What is happening to me? Why am I getting affected by Miss Monroe and Starlance going out together? Why am I reacting so weirdly and emotionally all of a sudden?

No, no, no. I've seen people date, kiss, and sleep together ever since middle school, yet why do I feel nauseated just thinking of him going out with her?

I can't. I don't know why I'm acting so illogically at the thought of two people going on a date. What's the reason for me to be so angry, emotional, and distraught over it?

Who is that fiery woman? Who is that man? Why do they keep appearing in my dreams? Why am I experiencing those same reactions and feeling jealous and angered at their interactions like a fool while totally losing control over my thoughts and feelings? What's the truth behind all of this?'

'I need to leave! I feel like my powers could go berserk at any moment. It's more important to control myself before they affect everyone else.' Jean thought, got up from the bench, and quietly walked away without anyone knowing.

* * *

Back to the present,

Val sighed and thought, 'Well... I guess I would teach her some other time.'

He shook his head and walked away while pondering, 'Who would have thought that Storm would ask me out? Sigh! Life is pretty random in a weird and strange but funny way. I never saw this coming!'

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