Marvel: The Journey

[Single? No More!] – The Impending Doom


Val and Storm soared through the sky with the sun casting a golden glow on their joyful faces.

Experiencing the tranquility, Storm began, "I.. um.."

"Hm?", Val squeezed Storm's hand a little, encouraging her to continue.

Although her voice was barely audible over the rush of the winds, he could hear her.

"I usually fly alone, Val.," Storm's voice trembled, "It clears my mind and also helps me to get away from it all. Because my whole life has been like a dark cloud hovering over me. Weighing me down. Sad, depressing, and lonely."

Val saw the pain on her face as she spoke and opened his mouth to comfort her but chose to remain silent.

"But with you..", Ororo said as they sped through the clouds with the warm sun caressing their bodies, "my life will never be cloudy ever again."

Storm stopped flying and said, "You are my sun, Val, and..."

She turned toward Val, locking her eyes onto his, and after a quick exhale, exclaimed with her trembling voice, "I... I... I love you!"

Her heart beat so loudly that she thought she would explode at any moment and she clutched the hem of her dress in anticipation and nervousness.

Val's heart skipped a beat. Even though he knew that she would declare her feelings for him, he didn't know that she would do it this way.

Although her calm nature hid all of her inner turmoil, there was still something that remained visible to him. The fear and uncertainty but also the

Val could see it in her blue eyes and for the first time, she seemed almost fragile to him.

There was nothing sexy about a woman being weak, but in this case, there was something so irresistibly charming about her vulnerability. Like she trusted him so much and had opened up to him to the point that she would show this side to him.

While Val was lost in his thoughts, Storm saw his silence as his rejection and sighed heavily as tears formed in the corners of her eyes, saying, "I-I love you... and I have wanted to tell you that for... quite some time now... but... I don't know why... I-I couldn't. My confession was so sudden to you... and... now I.. I understand if you want to say no. I will b-"

Before she could arrive at the wrong conclusion, Val pulled her close, his hand on her waist and his lips inches away from hers, and replied as he stared at her ocean eyes, "You are my moon, Ororo. My world would be empty without you."

Ororo laughed, and the tears of joy and happiness in her eyes blurred her vision.

"Ororo, I love you! I love you too!", Val replied happily and brought his lips toward hers.

Ororo felt his lips on hers and her body tingled all over. She could feel the heat and smell the luscious scent of his cologne. She felt every single fiber in her body yearning for him and only him.ůOroro hugged his neck and pulled him toward herself as she kissed him more fiercely. Val did the same.

For the next couple of minutes, they tried to eat each other without a care for the world.

After some time, their lips parted with a string of saliva connecting their mouths.

Storm grinned while breathing heavily and said, "That.. was the hottest I've ever felt!"

Val caressed her cheek and whispered seductively, "You're about to get a whole lot hotter!"

Storm's eyes widened and her face reddened. She looked at Val expectantly and waited for him to do what he said.

Right now, in the air, there was no one except for the two of them. No enemies, no students, no X-Men, nobody, and nothing.

It was their moment and theirs alone.



A loud explosion rocked the air and a violent psychic wave burst toward them.

Val narrowed his eyes at the incoming wave of destructive and violent psychic energy and quickly stood before Storm to protect her while quickly creating an energy barrier before them.


The psychic energy clashed with the energy barrier resulting in a shockwave that tore apart the surrounding clouds.

"What happened?", Storm asked Val as she looked around.

"A big problem.", Val replied and frowned when he realized that the psychic energy had cosmic energy intertwined with it.

'Don't tell me...', Val thought as he turned in the direction of the explosion.

Storm's eyes widened in horror as she pointed in the direction of the explosion.

"That's the school!", she exclaimed, her voice trembling, "Let's go! Now!"


Xavier's School,

"AARGH!", Havok screamed as he clutched his head before crumpling on the ground as blood oozed from his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.

His eyes, which were once filled with life, now lay dim as he pleaded for mercy, ""P-Ple... Please... s-stop.."

Jean didn't even spare him a glance and made a sweeping motion with her hand causing Havok to stop moving with his eyes rolled to the back.

Blood continued to run out from his nose and mouth.

Emma, on the other hand, tried to force Jean out of her head.

Witnessing this, Jean smiled evilly and told her telepathically, "It's of no use but try as much as you want. It is so much fun seeing you so desperate."

Emma's gaze locked on to Jean's but instead of her usual mean look, all Jean could see was fear. Seeing this, Jean couldn't help but shake in delight.

The girl who made her life hell was going to get a taste of her own medicine. She wasn't so daring anymore. She had turned into a scared little girl.

Jean closed her eyes and focused, slowly pushing forward the memories of Havok concerning her sister.

Before Jean inserted the new memories, Emma thrashed violently around as waves of pure agony roiled inside her brain. This caused some blood to seep from her nose as tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

As the memories flooded in, Emma's face turned into horror.

Jean crossed her legs and said, "And now I am just going to sit back and relax and watch you suffer.".

Tears fell from her eyes non-stop as she watched Adrienne and her baby get murdered by Magneto while trying to be saved by Val over and over again.

Each memory was like a blade that cut through her sanity making her scream out loud.

"Yes! Yes! YES! Hahahahahaha!", Jean's body shook with laughter as she listened to Emma Frost's screams, "Scream! Cry! How does it feel to be powerless and insignificant? You were always acting high and mighty to everyone and pushed me around just because you were jealous of me! You wanted that idiot Scott to chase after your skirt so much so that you bullied me all the time!"

"No... please...", Emma begged in between her screams. "No..."

"What was that? More?", Jean asked Emma with a devilish smile on her face and said, "Since you asked for more, here you go!"

With a snap of her fingers, Emma was forced to watch more grotesque memories of her sister's death again and again.

Amid the chaos, Charles Xavier attempted to invade Jean's mind to end the mental attack, but he was met with an impenetrable barrier of psychic energy that defied his every attempt to intervene.

"Wha-?! What is this? What's happening?", Charles couldn't believe it when his mental probe got thwarted and he thought, 'How could this be Jean? She shouldn't have so much control over her powers at such a young age. But, she does. Unless... '

His eyes widened as a creeping sense of dread filled him, 'the one who bested me wasn't Jean! But something else! That's right! The strange occurrences, the incident where her powers went berserk in her room.. all of it points out to outside influence. This means that there is a foreign entity in her head making her do all of this by somehow isolating her from the rest of the world and fueling her power..' 

And, he was right.

'Are you alright?', Phoenix asked.

'I've never felt better!', Jean chuckled wickedly.

'Good.', Phoenix sneered as the flames surrounding Jean's body grew brighter and more intense, 'You will have your revenge today!'

Suddenly, the flames around Jean flickered as if anticipating something. It took a brief pause before saying ominously, 'HE'S HERE!'

'Who?', Jean asked but the only response she got was an ominous silence.


In his office, Charles Xavier's gaze was fixed on the unsettling scene unfolding outside. His eyes, filled with a deep sense of regret and concern, watched as Jean's newfound powers ravaged Emma and Havok.

"Professor?!", Hank shouted as he bolted through the doors of the office with a worried expression. Seeing Charles safe and sound, Hank breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Professor! What are we going to do about Jean? This is becoming a serious matter now."

"It already has, Hank.", Charles' eyes never left Jean, his expression grim. He sighed and said in a sad tone, "Do you remember the night Jean's powers almost destroyed the dorms while she slept?"

Hank's eyes widened in realization as the connection clicked into place and he replied "Yes! What about it?"

"You are correct, Hank. There is a connection.", Charles said as he replayed the incident in his head, "We thought it was an isolated episode, a mere lapse in control. Even me. I am ashamed of that. I thought simple mental blocks could be the key to helping her powers not go berserk. But I was wrong, Hank. So wrong."

He clenched his fists in frustration and said, "I must go to her right now and stop this senseless violence!"

"No, Charles! You can't risk it.", Hank quickly replied, "Whatever is driving Jean now is too dangerous, too unpredictable. It could harm you, too." His eyes pleaded with Charles to understand. "Give me a few more minutes, and I'll devise a plan to defeat Jean and..."

As Hank spoke, his gaze drifted outside and a smile formed on his lips, making him say, "Never mind! Val will take care of it."

Charles followed his gaze, his eyes locking onto Val, standing tall before Jean. A sigh of relief escaped his lips, his fists unclenching.

He pleaded in his mind, 'Take care of it, Val. Please! She's just a girl, lost in the darkness. Bring her back to us.'


A few seconds ago,

High above Xavier's school, Val and Storm hovered in the clouds, gazing down at the chaos below. Storm's eyes widened in horror as she took in the destruction and mayhem of the school and her students and colleagues suffering at the hands of her student.

"Jean!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with pain and regret as she gazed upon the wings on Jean's back.

She instinctively moved to fly towards her, but Val's firm grip held her back.

"What are you doing?!", Storm shouted at Val in anger.

"Let me go, Val!" Storm demanded, struggling to break free. "She's my student, my responsibility! I can't stand by and watch her destroy everything!"

Val had a grave expression as he stared at the Phoenix wings blazing on Jean's back and said, "You can't, Ororo."

"What?!", Storm got angry and shouted, "Why?!"

"Because," Val pointed at the flames surrounding Jean and said, "She is not the same Jean that you knew. If you go to her now, she won't hesitate to kill you."

Storm's eyes filled with tears, her face contorted in disbelief. "No, that can't be! Jean would never harm me or anyone else!"

Val had a sad expression when he said, "I know, Ororo."

With a sigh, Val pulled Storm close and said tenderly, "I love you, and I can't lose you. Which is why I want you to get away from her. Preferably, as far away as possible and keep yourself safe."

"B-But I.." Storm tried to speak but Val kissed her and said, "Trust me, Ororo. This situation has gone way beyond anybody's control and we are running out of time."

He looked at Jean and said, "This is not the same Jean that used to study in this school. She is something far greater and worse."

"What do you mean?", Storm asked him in confusion.

"There is an entity inside her that is the cause of all of this. It is unpredictable and too dangerous.", Val revealed the truth with a bitter expression.

"WHAT?!", Storm shouted with a fearful expression.

"That's true.", Val said as he nodded, "We should be grateful that she didn't cause more mayhem because now superior strength is not enough. You can't even fathom the thoughts or calculations that must've happened within Jean's head in these last five minutes. The entity inside her is powerful enough that even if you, Charles, and Erik combined, you probably won't even be a threat to her."

"That is why... I will go."

"What? Why?", Storm's face crumpled, her body trembling with fear and worry, "Why must you go? If the being inside her is too powerful for even Charles and Erik, then you can't go."

Val smiled reassuringly and said, "I have to, Ororo. I might be the only one who can stop her."

Seeing her worried expression, Val smiled and kissed her forehead, saying, "Besides, I have got several tricks up my sleeves that can save my life."

With a deep breath, Storm nodded, her eyes pleading with him to be careful, and said, "Go, save her, and come back to me, please!"

Val's smile widened, his eyes filled with love and confidence, and replied, "I promise, Ororo. I'll be back, and we'll face whatever comes next together."



Jean's sinister laughter echoed through the air as she forced the mental torture on Emma and exclaimed, "Oh! This is so much fun!"

"Is it?"

Suddenly, a calm voice behind her made her spin around only to find Val staring at her with a calm expression with his hands behind his back.

"S-S-STARLANCE?!?!", Jean shouted as she gazed at Val with fear which made the flames around her dance violently.

"What are you doing?", Val asked in a stern voice.

"I... um... I..", Jean struggled to form words before him as she gulped down the fear she felt.

"You know, as well as everybody, we don't use our powers to hurt people. We use them to heal, to nurture good and happiness. What you are doing is the opposite of that!" Val lectured her like a stern teacher.

"I..." Jean hung her head in shame and said, "I... am... "


Phoenix's voice resonated in her mind, its rage almost knocking her out.


With a sudden jerk, Jean's head snapped back, her eyes wide with shock and pain.

"Jean?", Val called her out in concern seeing her stumble.

However, Jean responded with a groan as she clutched her head in agony, "Ughh.."


Phoenix's voice thundered in Jean's mind, filled with rage and disdain.




Jean's response was barely audible, her voice trembling as she answered, "I-I... am.. because he... is.. Starlance.."


"What?!", Jean's eyes widened in shock, her mind reeling from the sheer audacity of Phoenix's statement.

Now, Phoenix quieted down her rage and spoke in a sweet tone.

"Of course, Jean. I thought you knew that already."

"I-I didn't.."

Phoenix's voice turned sinister as it said, "You are powerful. More powerful than you could ever imagine. You could easily kill thousands of Starlances together. "

"Oh...", Jean's eyes grew wide.

Val narrowed his eyes when he saw the fear in his eyes and he realized, 'The Phoenix force! It's influence is consuming her!'

"Look around you, Jean!" Phoenix said in the sweetest tone to further manipulate Jean, "You are far more important than them. These people are insignificant. They deserve nothing. Nobody will miss them. Just one twist and their life is over. Dispensable and replaceable. They mean nothing to you. To me. To us."

As Phoenix's words painted a picture of desolation and despair, Jean looked around her with a strange, empty look.

Seeing that look, Val called out to her, "Jean! Don't listen to it! It wants y-"

But, Phoenix didn't stop burrowing deep into Jean's psyche, "Jean! Remember how these people treated you when they found out about your powers going berserk? How they blamed you for the dorms blowing up! Remember how they bullied you and made your life miserable!"

The memories came flooding back into Jean's mind along with the pain and anguish which were overwhelming for her.

 "I see everything, Jean. Your deepest secrets, your darkest memories. The ones you're too ashamed to share, the ones that make you feel like a burden to those around you."

Phoenix's words were like a dagger that stabbed into Jean's mind.

Jean's breathing grew labored, her voice barely audible as she whispered, "Y-Yeah... t-they..."

"Jean! Don't listen to it! It's using you!", Val continued to call out to her desperately.

But Phoenix's influence was too strong, its power wrapping around Jean like a shroud.

"Look at them, Jean," it cajoled, its voice sweet as honey. "They fear you, all of them. They're cowards, afraid of your power, your existence."

Jean's gaze turned to where Phoenix pointed. She saw a crowd of students and teachers looking at her with fear.

"And, do you know how is the biggest coward of them all?", Phoenix whispered in her ear as it poisoned her mind.


"Starlance!", Phoenix revealed.


"Because he is the one responsible for all of this! He is responsible for those dreams, humiliation, and suffering. If he hadn't been too busy with that other girl, he would've prevented all of it. He discarded you! He discarded me! He discarded us!", Phoenix's voice was full of rage as it spoke.

"Make him pay, Jean. Show him how you are! Show him what it feels like to be discarded. Show him the might of the phoenix!", Phoenix's voice sounded sinister and dangerous.

"Y-Yeah, you are right.", Jean's eyes went vacant as they became colorless and the storm that ravaged the property died down. The clear blue sky gained an orange-red tint and clouds streaked with blood as thunder boomed and lightning cut through the air. Her unblinking stare remained fixed on Val's position.

At that moment, Val shouted angrily "Jean, you don't have to follow her every command. You must remember who you are. Fight it!"

But Jean's response was a mere whisper devoid of emotion, "You have to pay."

At this moment, Phoenix pushed forward more feelings of anger, sadness, guilt, and humiliation and said, "You need to trust me. You need to give in. Give in to this power. Give in to me and let me show you, what you... what I... what us... can achieve TOGETHER!"

Sensing Jean's approval, Phoenix giggled like a child and shouted triumphantly, "YES!"

All of a sudden, Jean felt strength coursing through her body and her flames grew even more intense and powerful. The flames as well as the phoenix wings around her turned blood red and the air hummed at the immense psychic power concentrated all around her.

Val sighed in defeat seeing the inevitable transformation and murmured in resignation, "Here we go again."

He knew the inevitable had arrived, the moment when Phoenix would consume Jean completely.

"Aahhh!", Jean exhaled slowly with a comfortable expression.

Jean glanced at Val and grinned wickedly as it said, "Hello, Starlance or should I say... Ian Westbrook?"

Seeing the anger in Val's eyes, Jean laughed sinisterly, savoring his anger, "Hahaha! I love it! I love that look you have! It gives me goosebumps!"

Everything felt different about her. Almost as if she was a different person.

"Leave the kid alone, Phoenix.", Val said in a serious tone, "Both of us know that there are other candidates who better suit you."

"That's true but," Jean snickered and said, "I prefer this one."

"Her potential and strength are just amazing and our special connection gives me an unbeatable advantage."

Hearing this, Val sighed and thought, 'It's true, anyway. I know my efforts are futile. Her power is too great. She is a goddamn cosmic being. But.. I can't back down. I can't let her kill whoever she wants. Who knows what she would do or who she would kill?'

"I am giving you a last chance to reconsider." Val looked at Jean and warned, "Let the kid go or she will suffer."

Jean couldn't help but burst into laughter when she heard him and said, "It is not in my nature to yield to those weaker than me. You, however, should. You should bow down to our greatness! Bow before your betters!"

Val looked straight into her fiery blood-red eyes and said defiantly, "I don't bow down before anybody!"

Jean's smile grew wider, her eyes gleaming with an otherworldly light.

"Well... that's sad, because... " She stretched her hands out, and the air seemed to vibrate with the concentrated psychic force. "You are about to witness... the RISE OF THE PHOENIX FORCE!"

A/N: 3582 words :)))))))

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