Marvel: The Journey

[Single? No More!] – Starlance’s Return I

April 1983,

In the Xavier Institute, New York,

A girl with a revolted expression stood before a boy who wore a horny expression while grasping her shoulders on the top of one of the school's buildings.

"I'm telling you, Jessica! We are meant for each other! We'll be the perfect match! Just one date!", The horny guy named Richard pleaded with his classmate, Jessica.

"How many times should I repeat myself to you? I don't like you." Jessica repeated while frowning.

"C-Come on, babe. Stop resisting and give in to the charms of my handsome and good-looking self!"

"Forget about that. I'm telling you I'm not interested!" Jessica pulled away and walked away from Richard. However, he caught her wrist and pulled her back before she could walk away.

She glanced back and saw him saying, "Please, babe! Please, for me! I love you. Just say yes once, and we can have fun together for the rest of our lives. Come on!"

Jessica flinched at his statement and said, while shaking his hands off of her, "Stop calling me that!"

"No, tell me! Just one chance. One. I'm begging you, baby!" He once again grasped her shoulders and tried to give her a kiss on the lips.

The veins on her forehead bulged in anger as she looked at his idiotic and pitiful face.

"Let's skip the date part and head straight for the sex, huh?" Richard asked in a tone full of lust.

Her skin was about to turn glowing red when she spotted something in the sky behind him.

"Huh? What?" She narrowed her eyes at the figure flying toward the school.

Richard noticed her frozen and snickered inwardly, 'Did my looks stun you that hard? Hahahah! Don't be shy! Just say the word, and you shall have my cock!'

His lips moved forward when Jessica's eyes widened in shock.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" She shouted while pointing behind him in the sky.

'That's it, bitch! Admit defeat and let the fun begin! Ahahaha!' He laughed mentally.

However, instead of getting a look of horror, he noticed an expression full of joy across her face.

Jessica shouted with excitement, amazement, and joy pouring out of her eyes, "Look! It's Starlance! It's fucking Starlance!"

'Hah! That good 'ole trick won't work on me!' Richard thought when Jessica glanced back at his face, raised her hand, which turned into rock, and smacked his face.

* WHAM *

Blood and teeth flew out of Richard's mouth, and he instantly dropped to the floor with his unconscious body.

Jessica spat at him and murmured, "FILTHY PIECE OF SHIT!"

She glanced up again and watched in excitement as the hero she idolized with all her heart floated in the air above the school, and she murmured, "Starlance's back!"

Val's eyes roamed around the school while he hovered above it. He sighed happily and murmured, "Everybody seems to be doing fine, and everything's going well. No idiot has attacked the school while I was gone. Good."

He spotted a few students in the garden looking up at him, making him smile and think, 'Let's meet the children! It's been quite some time, hasn't it?'


He landed in the garden where the students were and glanced around at everyone. They stood frozen with a few mouths hung open.

'Is there something on my face?' Val wondered and cleared his throat before shouting, "Hi, kids! I apologize for my late—"

Before he could finish his sentence, somebody shouted, "HOLY SHITTT! IT'S STARLANCE!!"


Instantly, the students in the garden exploded with shouts and roars of excitement, ecstasy, and euphoria.

Val looked at everyone with a smile as the girls, in particular, screamed with joy while many of the boys had excited expressions on their faces, unable to contain themselves.

He was quickly surrounded by a few who pushed the others aside, their faces full of expressions expressing excitement. They asked several questions, which he only replied with, "Umm... Well...."

"Ahhh! I can't handle it anymore! Can we have your autograph?"

One student pulled out a notebook and pen, shoved it into his hands, and made him write his name. Then, someone handed their hands, and Val wrote his name in it, followed by a girl asking him to sign his autograph on the inner thigh of her skirt.

At first, he hesitated a bit but soon agreed to it, making the girls blush and smile. He got mobbed by more and more people asking him questions, getting his autograph, having him sign their belongings, and taking pictures.

This continued for a few minutes until somebody shouted, "Where have you been, Professor Haller? The whole world thought that you were injured."

Immediately, Val looked over at the person who shouted and answered, "I apologize to everyone for being gone for a while."

However, he glanced around and said while smirking, "The whole world's talking about me, right? How about all of you be the first to know where I've been?"

Seeing the students' eager faces, he smiled and ordered, "Come to my class tomorrow at 2 P.M."




The students started talking to each other about his class, and using that distraction, Val quickly paced away from the excited crowd.

He walked toward the school's main door and opened it when he accidentally collided with someone.


Papers flew around, and Val saw the person wobble and fall back. However, he quickly put his arms around the person's waist, steadied them, and prevented them from falling.

He glimpsed at her face, and only then did he realize that the person he collided with was...


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