Marvel: The DnD Game Master in the Shadows

Chapter 4: Messy First Encounter

Amidst the uproarious cheers of the crowd, the heavy iron door creaked open, revealing the spectacle that was about to unfold. The onlookers were a sea of frenzied faces, their jubilation turning into jeers and taunts directed towards the party. Rotten food sailed through the air, aimed at the coliseum grounds below, a futile attempt to reach the contestants who stood at the center. The party members could feel their nerves gnawing at them, every implication leading to an imminent clash of skills. They now bore the weight of their newly acquired powers, pitted against an adversary shrouded in unfamiliarity.

With a final metallic groan, the massive iron door swung wide, unveiling the ominous sight before them. Emerging from the shadows were five figures, their steps deliberate and menacing, accompanied by low guttural growls that resonated in the air. These were no human forms; they resembled more of a bipedal canine nature, draped in worn leather armor that spoke of battles past. Among them, spears and bows were clutched in hands, each figure emanating a predatory hunger that sent a chill down the party's spines. The collective tension was palpable, as their eyes locked onto these formidable adversaries.

A voice cut through the silence, breaking the tension. "Those are… Gnolls," declared one of the boys, the words escaping the lips of Dick, his tone a mix of realization and apprehension.

Larry, gripping his axe with a mixture of resolve and anxiety, couldn't help but inquire, "How'd you come to that conclusion?"

A pause hung in the air before Dick's response came, an air of quiet knowing about him. "I just knew," he responded cryptically, his voice carrying a hint of uncertainty. "A screen appeared in front of me."

Intelligence Check

Difficulty: 5

Rolled: 6

Proficiency Modifier: +2

History Proficiency: +3

Total: 11




“Gnolls are feral, hyena-headed humanoids that attack without warning, slaughtering their victims and devouring their flesh.”

Hit Points: 22


14 (+2)


12 (+1)


11 (+0)


6 (-2)


10 (+0)


7 (-2)

Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10

Available Actions: Bite, Spear/Longbow, Rampage

“Does it tell you how to kill it or something?!” Larry's voice echoed, his frantic shout cutting through the tense air. The Gnolls were encroaching, their menacing forms drawing closer.

"No, but they've got bows for ranged attacks!" The reply came swiftly, a tense retort to Larry's outburst.

"No kidding, I'm not blind!" Larry's response dripped with frustration and exasperation. The fact that two of the Gnolls were armed with bows was painfully obvious, a threat looming to be dealt with sooner or later.

“Well, you guys got the power he gave you, right? Then use it!” Tommie shouted, without a moment's notice, she darted away from the group, charging headlong towards one of the Gnolls.

"Wait!" Manny's plea fell on deaf ears as Tommie continued her reckless charge. All he could manage was a resigned sigh, his gaze locked on the unfolding scene. But he couldn't just remain idle – reluctantly, he followed her lead.

It was too late; the group's formation shattered as nearly half of them followed Tommie's audacious charge. Only Dick and Robert remained stationary, while the others rushed toward the advancing Gnolls.

Tommie drew nearer to a towering Gnoll, its grip firm on a menacing spear. With uncanny swiftness, the gnoll struck first, thrusting the spear towards Tommie in an attempt to skewer her. Yet, she deftly sidestepped the attack. Somehow, as if by magic, the memories of a martial arts master seemed to have transferred into her mind the moment she embraced her chosen class, the Monk. Despite her affinity for showy powers and the enchantment of magic, the Monk's path had beckoned her. Perhaps it was her inclination to punch things, or maybe some mysterious influence, but she found solace in this class. Who knew, perhaps the allure of flashy abilities would also come her way someday.

But today, her role was to punch.

She unleashed a fierce hook towards the Gnoll, its spittle scattering in all directions. Ignoring the repulsive sensation, she triggered her newfound ability.

[Flurry of Blows]

Her hands glowed faintly for an instant, followed by another punch, aimed at the creature's abdomen. The Gnoll faltered, dazed by the assault. Tommie struck again, this time landing a blow squarely on its face, sending a spray of teeth flying.

Before she could collect herself and retreat, the Gnoll's hand shot forward, its spear piercing through Tommie's shoulder. She winced, the pain searing through her.

"Tommie!" A voice cried out, laden with concern.

Gritting her teeth against the agony, Tommie yanked the spear from her shoulder with sheer determination. Summoning her strength, she pushed the Gnoll away, sending it tumbling a few feet. Blood stained her form as she fought on.

The Gnoll rallied quicker than she expected, offering her no respite. She wasn't allowed a moment to recover, her adversary rising swiftly to its feet, poised to strike. With a burst of speed, the Gnoll charged towards her, closing the distance, only to be interrupted...


A surge of verdant energy streaked through the air, crashing into the Gnoll's skull with abrupt force. The creature crumpled, its fate uncertain – unconscious, or worse. She recognized the incantation, the same one that had saved her when Jason intervened. Only this time, it wasn't Jason wielding the magic, but Manny. As Tommie’s friends gathered around her, the crowd cheered loudly, already loving that one of the Gnolls was already incapacitated.

"You okay?" Manny's concern resonated in his voice.

"Just bleeding," Tommie responded, her grip on her wounded shoulder.

"I can heal that." Raul's firm declaration prompted him to push Manny aside, his hands reaching out to touch Tommie's injury.

"Te curo."

A turquoise luminescence blossomed from Raul's palm, the wound gradually sealing, though not entirely erased.

"Wow, you can heal?" Tommie's amazement was palpable.

"Yeah, I'm a bard. I opted for a healing skill," Raul acknowledged, a touch of pride in his tone.

"That was reckless, Tommie." Manny's reproach was heavy. "You could've lost your life, you know?"

“We can’t actually die here, right?” Raul frowned.

“I don’t know.” Manny looked grim. “Ask Tommie’s new friend.”

However, their conversation was abruptly halted as another blood-curdling scream reverberated through the area. Heads turned, gazes locking onto Larry, an arrow lodged deep within his thigh. From a distance, a crimson aura enveloped him, an ominous energy causing the very ground around him to splinter and crack. In an astonishing display, the young boy lunged towards the nearest Gnoll with a furious swing of his axe, obliterating the creature's head in a single, devastating blow that screamed of critical damage.

"Holy shit," Tommie whispered, her voice laced with awe.

Yet, a second arrow soared through the air, piercing Larry's right shoulder this time. Droplets of blood cascaded to the earth, a testament to the toll the battle was exacting upon him. His strength waned visibly. Witnessing his weakened state, Raul wasted no precious moments. He sprinted towards Larry, Manny and Tommie close on his heels.

Three more Gnolls came into view, two armed with bows, and one brandishing a spear. Raul reached Larry, hands working deftly on the wound, even as the other Gnolls skulked closer, their predatory intent palpable.

"Macte virtute!" Manny's voice rang out, his hand firmly gripping the hilt of his longsword. A protective incantation formed a shimmering armor around him, his readiness for battle evident. The spear-wielding Gnoll drew near, yet its advance was abruptly halted as an unexpected assault materialized from behind.

"Tormentum!" Three scarlet magic missiles slammed into the creature's vulnerable back, an arcane onslaught unleashed by Dick's practiced hands. However, death did not arrive through the arcane barrage. It was Robert's arrow, loosed from afar, that punctured the creature's skull, bringing about its demise.

As Dick and Robert provided a crucial diversion, Raul completed his work on Larry, allowing the boy to rise once more. "Damn, that was quick!" Larry's voice held a grin, his body still tense from the lingering effects of his [Rage] skill. Without hesitation, he hoisted his axe, embarking on another reckless charge towards the two remaining Gnolls, strategy forsaken in the face of pure instinct.

Manny's pent-up frustration simmered beneath the surface, a brewing storm, but now was not the time for discord. The urgent need was to conclude the battle.

Two arrows sliced through the fray, one narrowly missing Larry, the other lodging itself in the soil. Seizing the moment, Larry lunged, his elbow colliding with the Gnoll's form, toppling it onto the ground. With [Reckless Attack] engaged, his axe cleaved the creature's skull in a reckless, unforgiving arc.

Simultaneously, the other Gnoll drew its bowstring, its aim fixated on the barbarian. But a sudden percussive rhythm reverberated, originating from Raul who chanted an incantation, his gaze unwavering on the last Gnoll.

"Rezum teniates," his voice murmured, a scarlet mist weaving through the air, ensnaring the last Gnoll. In the blink of an eye, the creature erupted into manic laughter, unable to control itself.

"Ignis!" Another incantation, this time a fire bolt conjured by Dick, struck the Gnoll's skull, scorching a portion of its flesh. The creature teetered on the brink of death, awaiting the final blow.

"Dolor!" Manny's voice resounded, a viridescent streak of energy slamming into the Gnoll's form, obliterating its head. The battle drew to a close.

A unified cheer erupted from the crowd, thoroughly entertained by the spectacle. Their voices resonated so profoundly that the very ground seemed to tremble, suffused with an infectious sense of jubilation.

But among the party members, it was only Larry who wore a triumphant grin. The others appeared distant, weariness etched into their features. Reflection and contemplation colored their expressions, as the euphoria of victory ebbed away.


All party members gained 167 xp.

Without affording them a moment's respite, the iron door swung open once more. Every gaze swiftly shifted towards it, the hushed murmurs of the crowd tapering into silence. Manny, still grappling with the aftermath of the recent skirmish, found himself transfixed as the door glided open, unveiling their latest adversary.

Emerging from within was a monstrosity, an aberration of form. A creature bearing the head of a human, a body reminiscent of a lion, and wings that bore a striking resemblance to those of a dragon.

"What on earth is that?" Larry's voice held a note of incredulity, his attention swiveling towards Dick, the one who had previously divulged the creature's name.

"I'm not sure," Dick admitted, a hint of uncertainty in his tone. "The information screen hasn't reappeared."

Raul clenched his drumsticks. “Well, whatever it is, doesn’t look friendly at all.”

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