Marvel: The DnD Game Master in the Shadows

Chapter 14: Clean-Up Crew

As Robert emerged from his hiding spot, a whistle escaped his lips at the sight that greeted him. There was Larry, a mess of vomit and blood covering him. Unconscious men were scattered around, coated in grease, and bloodied thugs lay on the ground, thoroughly beaten.

“You guys made a mess,” Robert sighed, his gaze shifting to the stack of bills he had managed to gather amid the chaos. With a dismissive gesture, he let the bag drop to the ground. “Here's our money.”

“You've been there the entire time?” Raul's brow arched as exhaustion weighed him down, causing him to slump to the ground. “A little help wouldn't hurt.”

“My job isn't fighting,” Robert shrugged, his eyes narrowing. “But how are we going to clean all of this up? They'll come after us once they wake up.”

“We'll use the money to get out of this city,” Manny replied, also showing signs of fatigue. “The sooner, the better.”

“Hold on, we're leaving New York?” Robert's frown deepened. “Nobody told me about this.”

“What else would you suggest? Stay here? We just took down almost all of Tombstone's entire gang members on his only base, including Tombstone himself! The others will be looking for us!” Manny's frustration was palpable.

Robert grunted, scanning the area for one missing member: Tommie. “Wait, where's Tommie?”

Manny's eyes widened at Robert's words, and he swiftly turned toward the private garage. Rushing inside, he was confronted with a shocking scene.

Tommie stood before a defeated Tombstone, her face battered and swollen. Her hands, still glowing yellow from her Monk abilities, were covered in blood. “That's payback for your thugs attacking me, dipshit,” she spat, the glow fading as her hands lowered.

“Tommie,” Manny called, and she tensed. “Are you alright?”

She turned to face him and let out a sigh. “Yeah, I'm fine,” she replied, walking past Manny and out of the room. “Any ideas for getting out of this mess?”

Larry, who had remained quiet until now, finally spoke up. “We could just kill them.”

“Don't be an idiot,” Dick scoffed. “Killing them would bring not only more gang members but the police as well. Escaping the city would become impossible. This is what happens when we half-ass things.”

“Well, at least we've got the money,” Robert mused. “Maybe we're heading to Maine?”

“Or maybe Boston, that sounds good,” Tommie added.

But silence fell upon them for a moment. Each one knew that leaving the city wasn't what they truly desired. They were, after all, just teenagers and kids struggling to survive after their families' deaths or disappearances. New York was the only home they had ever known, however harsh it might be.

Suddenly, footsteps echoed at the garage entrance.

“Well, well, well. Quite the spectacle,” a boyish voice broke the silence, a familiar voice.

“Jason,” Manny's brows furrowed. “What do you want?”

“I'm here to be your plot armor,” Jason announced with a nonchalant shrug. “Your Level 20 Paladin, so to speak.”

“What's that supposed to mean?” Robert snorted.

“Need help cleaning this up?” Jason finally extended an offer. “I could make them vanish from this place, if you wish.”

Manny's eyes widened once more. “And what would you do with them?”

“Do you really want to know?” Jason chuckled. “Let's just say they'll be part of a hardcore campaign.”

“Why are you helping us?” Dick questioned. “This must be the second or third time now.”

“I don't want to lose my first true players,” Jason answered simply.

“You say it like we're going back to your... whatever that was,” Manny retorted.

“Well, you are using the power I gave you, aren't you?” Jason smiled. “Experience points don't come automatically in this world, so I'm manually awarding them. I'll count these thugs as bandits.”

With a snap of his fingers, Jason summoned a screen before them once again.


All party members gained 88 xp.

"Why is it so little?" Larry gruffed in annoyance.

"What? You expect me to hand you a plethora of experience points for just thrashing a bunch of ordinary dudes?" Jason's eyebrow arched as he responded to Larry's outburst, his tone carrying a mix of condescension and exasperation. "If you're aiming for greater rewards, then enter the campaign. Simple as that."

Manny, his weariness evident, let out a heavy sigh. "Okay, fine. But I'm telling you, we're not revisiting that... world."

Jason's expression turned serious as he looked at each member of the group. "Listen," he began, his voice taking on a stern tone. "I'm doing this for all of you. The world is on the brink of a transformation, a fact the sorcerer made clear to me. But do you honestly believe that the alien invasion will be the only one? Can you imagine surviving on that dirty money indefinitely? No chance."

Manny interjected, his skepticism lingering. "At least we won't be battling monsters and constantly fearing for our lives."

A dismissive shrug from Jason. "And what's the alternative? Would you prefer a life of homelessness on the streets, with no purpose?"

Larry's voice cut through the tension. "I'm heading back to that world to become stronger. The choice is yours whether you guys follow me or not."

Manny's raised eyebrow communicated disbelief. "Seriously?"

“I’m tired, Manny.” Larry grunted. “I’m tired of running and being helpless. Besides, you won’t let us be killed in that world, right? Jason?”

Jason cleared his throat, his gaze steady. "Yes, up to a certain point. But let's get one thing straight. I'll tidy up this mess whether you decide to continue our session or not. Refuse however, and I'll strip away your power."

With a snap of his fingers, Jason's power surged, and all the unconscious gang members vanished in an instant. A scanning light washed over the room, erasing every trace that might lead to Jason or expose his involvement.

"Done," Jason mused, satisfaction evident in his tone.  “I suggest you don’t use that dirty money too often, unless you can launder it, of course.” he turned away from the group, exiting the place. “If you want to find me, again, Tommie will know, and if I’m not in that place, go to the other joint.”

As Jason left the place, the group could only look each other in the eyes, slowly voting/agreeing on something. Finally, Manny could only sigh, as it seems the group had reached a decision.

The boy glanced around the room, allowing his friend to rest. His gaze shifted towards a specific drawer nestled in the corner, revealing an array of guns, pistols, and their accompanying ammunition. The sight before him was enough to make his throat tighten, yet he steeled himself, inhaling a deep breath before gingerly reaching out. With a careful grip, he retrieved one of the firearms and discreetly stashed it in the same bag that safeguarded the money.

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