Marvel: So I’m a Supreme Being, So What? [Under Edit]

8. Ruler

This story will have a mixture of marvel comics and movies concepts. It might also be AU to certain extents.


Upon sending Albedo to call all the guardians, I handed the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown to Aureole Omega and tasked her with protecting it in the cherry blossom sanctuary, while keeping an eye outside Nazarick for the foreseeable future. The rest of the Pleiades were also very efficient in their work as they cleaned up Ainz's massive inventory in 20 minutes. He was a collector after all. I commanded them, 'Place all of the items in Momonga's room. I will hand them to Pandora's actor later.' They bowed and left the throne room, leaving me and Sebas waiting alone until the guardians arrive in a few minutes. I am certain they won't be late as they may see it as blasphemy to deny the supreme being's call, not that I personally care so much though.

I also won't be following Ainz's plan of covering up Nazarick with dirt and surrounding it with dummy hills. Not that is was a bad plan, but all the changes that are happening is making me insecure. Hopefully, nothing much will go off the rails in the new world. Finger's crossed.

Sebas started walking towards the gates of judgement to open them. I guess the guardians had already arrived while I was preoccupied in my thought process. Albedo entered first while leading the rest of the floor guardians, by order of the floors they are in charge of. I used the chat software to immediately address the NPC's present, who were kneeling on the floor before me:

'Thank you for assembling here on my call. All of Nazarick has been affected by dimensional magic even beyond my capabilities. I don't know who or what is responsible for this. As you may have also heard, Momonga has departed from our midst during such a perilous situation where we have no knowledge of what is  going on. So, I require your assistance more than ever right now.'

I may have added a bit of dramatic flair to my little speech but it looks like I managed to get the point across. Albedo spoke on behalf of Sebas as well as all the guardian's present in the throne room:

"While all of us are very sad that lord Momonga has left us, we vow to work even harder for the last remaining supreme being despite our meagre capabilities. After all, there is no reason for us to continue living without a supreme being to serve. This we swear."

"This we swear." All the floor guardian's repeated after her.

While what she said was very touching, it just gave me more chill's considering it is Albedo who spoke. I will check up on her settings after the chaos of transmigration settles down and I have everything in order. Haa, to think I naively and happily believed my long awaited slacker life had finally arrived. Well, no matter. I'll just settle the affairs of transmigrating into the new world before handing my work to the NPC's and relax until I get information of any events that are not in overlord light novels. Everything is still fine. My slacker life is delayed that's all.

"Lady White, we have already been informed of what has happened. While I do wish lord Momonga was here with us right now, Albedo is right. We need a supreme being to lead us. As the last remaining supreme being and the one that lord Momonga passed on right of regency to, please take your rightful place upon the throne." It was Demiurge who spoke this time.

I was going to try and delay this as much as possible to live my happy slacker life within my dreams at the very least, but there's no more time left to deny the current situation. The troubles of having fanatic subordinates. Letting out an audible sigh, I climbed up the stairs slowly. Fluoroscopy showed me the magnificently dreadful throne of kings even with my eyes closed. I was so tempted to open my eyes and use my evil eye skills on this throne. Shaking my head to remove unnecessary thoughts, I sat down on the throne of kings. The cheers from the NPC's were making things difficult to forget though as the "All hail Lady White! All hail the supreme one!" hammered reality into my skull. Even skill, escapism LV Max. could not help me in this situation.

I raised my hand to stop their chants before the situation got out of control and wrote-

'Firstly, as I said earlier, Nazarick might be transported to some other place. Raise the security by two levels. Guardian overseer Albedo and defense commander Demiurge, create a better communication system between the different floors of Nazarick.' I'll just pillage this idea from Momonga.

"As you command, my lady" Both of them replied.

'As we don't know what is out there right now, I plan to hide Nazarick inside my pocket dimension.'

Imagine I was alone inside enemy territory and surrounded by enemies on all sides. Now, suddenly I pull out Nazarick and all the NPC's from my pocket dimension. This could be a game changer. My pocket dimension already contained multiple clones of myself right now.

'After that, we…' I started typing but was interrupted by a message from Aureole Omega. 'What happened' I questioned.

"My lady, I can see some humans approaching Nazarick's location carrying some unknown devices. Should we attack them?"

Humans with strange devices? Maybe some magic items of the new world? Aah, I don't know what kind of changes have taken place anymore. I'll just bring those humans here and figure everything out.

'No, don't do anything yet. Send the Pleiades to guard the first floor.'

"As you wish." With that she cut off the message.

"Is everything alright, my lady?" Albedo asked with some concern evident on her face. The same was true for the other guardians. Not in the mood to check if Albedo's behaviour was fake right now, I spoke calmly.

'I just got a message from Aureole Omega. Apparently some humans with strange devices are making their way towards Nazarick.'

"Humans? Maybe they are the ones that brought us here and are planning to use those devices to attack us?" Aura asked with a confused expression.

"There's no way that mere humans are capable of using magic even beyond our lady's abilities to summon us here." Shalltear immediately denied this, her disdain for humans evident in her voice.

"Whatever. The. Reason. May. Be. They . Might . Be. Trying. To. Invade. Nazarick." Cocytus spoke up while spewing out cold air. His weapon clenched tightly in case he had to be prepared for a battle. Battling any invaders was one of the reasons he was created for after all.

'We will get to know everything after we meet these humans. Demiurge, invite our guests to the throne room. You can use force if they refuse to comply."

"As you wish, my lady" Demiurge spoke up with glee in his voice. Oh poor human's, whoever you are. For your own safety, you should come here quietly without a fuss. The reason I sent Demiurge is that he is careful and prepared even if he is not the most powerful guardian. I can't guarantee the results if I send someone like Shalltear after all.

'Demiurge, take this ring of Ainz Ooal Gown.' As I passed on the ring to him, he was even more happier at my words with his tail swishing around. Demiurge did not get the ring from Ainz until the volume I had read. I'll just count it as giving it in his place as it was long overdue in the novels. He will also be able to return quickly to the throne room.

Although Demiurge happily took the ring and left the throne room in a hurry, not everyone was so happy. Well, everyone except me was not happy. All of them were struck with envy. Sophia had the ruler of envy class so it was understandable. It was understandable even for the other guardians except Albedo. Why did she give that split second glare towards the ring as I passed it on? Maybe she wanted Ainz to give it to her. I'll make sure to give her one, once I change her settings back to normal in a few days' time. Let's just hope those humans give me the answers I need right now.

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