Marvel: So I’m a Supreme Being, So What? [Under Edit]

6. A Growing Obsession

As Momonga walked past the hallways of Nazarick whilst reminiscing and hoping for his guildmates to show up one last time before the game's fateful inevitable end, he finally reached the gates of judgement. The Golems of Lemegeton stood as one of the last lines of defence before the gates to 'welcome' any intruders who might trespass upon the guild's grounds. Made from prismatic ores that the guild had acquired from the seven hidden mines. The gates were a majestic set of double doors that were over five meters in height and covered in intricate carvings. The left side was shaped into a beautiful goddess, while the right was made to resemble a cruel demon. So realistic was their design that even from across the room, one felt like they would attack.

With a final sigh, Momonga opened the gates and entered the throne room of Nazarick. Due to the dramatic flair that everyone in the guild possessed as well as the member's knack for roleplaying, the throne room certainly reflected such tastes. Consisting of flags and majestic thrones for each of the members as well as the hard earned world item, the throne of kings that lay at the end of the hall. Beside the throne of kings lay Tabula's masterpiece, the guardian overseer Albedo. The perfection that Albedo embodies was a testament to the crazy amount of dedication and effort Tabula put in order to perfect her.

Momonga took his seat at the throne of kings with the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown hovering beside him, the position reserved for the guild master according to the roleplay the members were gunning for. He opened the flavour text that Tabula had inputted for Albedo, displaying a massive 40 page text. Tabula was always very keen on details. Although there was no harm done, other members felt this was totally unnecessary as, the NPC's were at the end of the day, bits of data. That would not change no matter how much they wished it to.

Upon glossing over the entire text, he came to the final line which said 'Incidentally, she is a slut.' Facepalming at the antics of his friend, having written such a long and detailed flavour text only to reduce her entire being to this one line. Momonga resolved to change this particular line on the last day of YGGDRASIL thinking Tabula would surely forgive him anyway. Deleting this line using his guild master's authority, he started writing, 'She is deeply in love with…'. He was going to add his own username in that space but finally deciding against it as he did not want to desecrate his friend's beloved NPC. Leaning back against the throne, he started loudly reciting the name's associated with each of the flags that represented his guildmates.

"…..Peroronchino, Tabula Smaragdina, BukuBukuchagama, Genjiro and Shiraori. Haa, that's right it was fun. I am sorry Shiraori-san, but I don't think I can stay online until the end with the world ending after all. I guess I have to learn to let go and move on. So on this last day, at least for these final moments, I, appoint Shiraori as the new guild master of Ainz Ooal Gown. I guess this is good bye." Momonga accepted the transfer notification and made one last speech imbued with dramatic flair showcasing his final act as a ruler before accepting the termination of his account. All the items in his inventory, fell to the ground with loud clangs and his player avatar lit up into flames with ashes vanishing into nothingness. The items on the floor as the only testament that proved his prior existence.

The halls that once housed some of the mightiest players in all of YGGDRASIL were left in eerie silence. For now.


Albedo POV-

Albedo's earliest memory was that of her lofty creator, Tabula Smaragdina, bringing her into existence. She watched as he put hours of efforts to make her as immaculate as possible, gifting her with immense intelligence and beauty. She was also filled with joy and a sense of duty upon her appointment as the guardian overseer. As much as she wanted to thank him, she could not do so. She simply accepted this fact as it is. This was because as a NPC and even more so as the guardian overseer, the meaning of her entire existence was to follow the commands of the Supreme Beings, their Gods. If she could not move or talk without her creator's command's, she felt that was entirely natural. As natural as breathing is to a living organism.

She remembered the meeting that the supreme beings held within these glorious and sacred halls where they each unveiled their proud creations to each other. She also shared that pride when she saw the other supreme beings congratulating her creator on his amazing work in creating her. Albedo thus vowed once again to work harder not to let her creator's expectations down.

Then that dreaded day appeared. Her creator had abandoned them. Abandoned her. She truly experienced the feeling abandonment as she heard the conversation between the mighty guild master Momonga and the youngest Supreme Being Shiraori, who is widely considered the younger sister of the supreme beings according to their conversations. It did not end with the disappearance of only her creator, as the other supreme beings disappeared day after day. This continued until only the two aforementioned supreme beings remained.

Lady White routinely came to check up on her and spoke for hours in front of her, which was apparently abnormal as she did not speak normally. (A/N: Lol, that's cuz you can't speak.) As the supreme beings started leaving these periods of conversation were her most precious and treasured times. Albedo also saw lord Momonga, albeit much more rarely. Though, as the supreme beings in all their infinite wisdom said, all good things must come to an end. Albedo was personally a witness to such an end and that was the second time she felt abandonment and experienced true fear.

The great guildmaster of Nazarick had arrived and took his rightful place upon his throne. He fiddled with something while apparently appreciating her before speaking in a solemn and rueful voice. She heard him account the names of all the long departed supreme beings except Lady White, before talking about the end of the world and his resignation as the guild master. He appointed Lady White as the new guildmaster along with apologies for not being able to keep her company on this fateful day before vanishing into flames. The greatest supreme being had died.


As if to allow her to express her emotions of her own will for the first time in the entirety of her existence, she felt the constraints that bound her loosening. She was no longer wearing the mask of an ever smiling face as she screamed and let all the emotions she had felt. She had many questions. Did the supreme beings leave because they were unsatisfied with the NPC's meagre capabilities? Did the loosening of her constraints signify the definite departure of the supreme beings? She did not know. That was until she head the mighty gates of judgement opening for the second time today. As she quickly composed herself in the a split second making herself look like the capable and presentable guardian overseer she was, Albedo tuned around to witness the presence of the last supreme being who had never abandoned her.

Lady White entered along with the Pleiades and the butler Sebas Tian. That split second upon gazing at the spider goddess allowed Albedo to confirm what must be done. She had to make Shiraori-sama the only rightful ruler of Nazarick and keep her beside them or rather beside her. Forever. Lord Momonga might be a traitor for abandoning them, but he made her work a lot more easier by appointing Lady White as the guildmaster before his departure. Although, she did not know when the world was ending, she will find a way to prevent it so she can remain with her lady.


(A/N: So basically, Momonga left the space blank after writing 'she is deeply in love with'. It can be assumed that Albedo was like the other NPC's before Momonga fiddled with her settings, so she was loyal to all the supreme beings. So when the supreme beings abandoned them along with the blank space in that sentence along with Shiraori being the last supreme being, that awakened our natural born yandere that is Albedo)

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