Marvel: Silver Superman, Starts with Mutant Academy

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 The Chaotic World

Because of the bombing of special effects movies for many years, Chen Tian has some understanding of DC and Marvel universes, such as Superman.

From the timeline, power level, and limit, the Superman of the DC Universe can be divided into Bronze Age, Silver Age, and Golden Age.

This bronze, silver, and gold does not refer to rank, but a state of Superman. At the same time, bronze, silver and gold are not the relationship between superiors and inferiors.

It is the strength of Superman in the three comics periods.

In the original setting, the Silver Age Dachao was stronger than the Golden Dachao in some respects.

And the strength of the golden super super can blast the multi-universe with one punch, create five-dimensional people at will, reverse time and space, and modify the rules of the universe.

Likewise, even in the weakest Bronze Age, the peak Superman’s power reached millions of tons and moved hundreds of times faster than the speed of sound.

There are also indestructible, can withstand nuclear weapons, the steel body, and the super Heat ray stronger than Cyclops.

In addition, there are X-eyes that can see through matter, listening all over the world without a medium, Roar suction to form a tornado and other abilities, comparable to the gods on earth.

Definitely, Superman also has obvious weaknesses, in the Bronze Age, Superman’s magic defense is very low.

Although it can be quickly evaded, it cannot defend against some powerful magics such as directional, locking, and even curses that directly act on the body.

As for kryptonite, this thing can be ignored.

Time passed in Chen Tian’s thoughts.

“Okay, let’s talk about it here today, and then everyone can move freely.” Storm Orolo clapped his hands and announced the end of the interactive class.

“goodbye teacher.”

“Hot, let’s go play basketball, but don’t use Ability.”

“Lanster, I just learned about butter bread yesterday, would you like to try it?”


With Orolo’s announcement of disbandment, the students suddenly became noisy, and those who met to play went to play, and those who made snacks together made snacks.

Just as Chen Tian also stood up and was about to find a place to continue basking in the sun, he saw Storm walking towards him.

Looking at Chen Tian who was still childish on his face, Storm smiled: “You are West, I heard about you from Coster.”

Chen Tian was a little surprised, and then politely said: “Hello, Teacher Orolo.”

“Let’s walk together?” Orolo who approached sent an invitation to Chen Tian.

Chen Tian nodded: “It’s an honor.”

Walking on the campus, Orolo said first: “West, are you used to spending the past few days at school?”

Facing Storm’s concern, Chen Tian said politely, “Thank you teacher for your concern. The past few days have been very good at school, and everyone is very enthusiastic.”

“That’s good.”

Orolo nodded and said with a smile, “This is our Mutant’s home. Don’t feel restrained here, or it will be our teachers’ dereliction of duty.”

“By the way, West, I heard that you not only Awakening the ability of energy explosion, but also derived the effect of body strengthening, and the fist power has reached a ton?”

“Yes teacher.” Chen Tian nodded without denying it.

Or rather, these are what he showed on purpose.

Although it was cool to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and at the same time, the wood show was in the forest, and the wind would destroy it, but Chen Tian did not fully agree with these words.

Because pretending to be a pig for a long time can easily become a pig.

And a person, mediocre, no one will pay attention to you, but you will not get enough attention, and you will lose a lot of opportunities.

Therefore, it is necessary to properly show a certain value and ability in order to gain more attention and the right to speak.

For example, now, if it wasn’t for Chen Tian’s extraordinary ability the day before yesterday, would Storm just come back to school and chat with him? Think more.

So Chen Tian’s face showed a touch of ‘worry’: “Teacher, I found that my strength is still getting stronger, will there be any bad mutation?”

Noticing the ‘worry’ on Chen Tian’s face, Storm gently comforted: “West, don’t be afraid and fear your own strength, strength growth is actually a good thing.”

“The principal of our school is a global authority in the field of genetics and Mutant changes. If you have any questions, or if there is an unknown change in your body, you can go to him.”

“In normal times, you can tell the teachers if you have any requirements, don’t be afraid.”

“Thank you, teacher.”

Storm’s comforting words seemed to have played a role, and the ‘worry’ on Chen Tian’s face slowly disappeared.

At this moment, Chen Tian’s voice changed: “Teacher, can I apply to live alone?”

“Recently, I feel that my strength is getting stronger and stronger. I’m afraid that if I don’t control my strength one day, it will be bad to hurt a few classmates who live with me.” Chen Tian explained.

Xavier School is a comprehensive school that integrates primary school, junior high school, high school, teaching and accommodation.

Except for teachers and a small number of students, most of the dormitories are shared by several peers.

For example, Chen Tian lives in a dormitory with three junior high school students in their teens, which makes him a little unaccustomed to having an adult consciousness.

Plus some personal secrets, so wanted to change to a single room.

Facing Chen Tian’s question, Orolo pondered slightly: “Your concern is not unreasonable, if the power runs rampant, it is indeed dangerous to other people.”

“I’ll ask the professor about this, and then I’ll answer you.”

Without a clear refusal, it means almost agreeing, so Chen Tian showed a grateful smile on his face: “Trouble teacher.”

“No, it’s just a small matter.”

“But West, the original intention of the professor to let everyone live together is to let you know more about each other and not feel lonely and lonely.”

“So even if you change dormitories and live alone, remember to communicate more with everyone.”

“Well, thank you teacher for reminding me.”

During the conversation between the two, on the grass not far away, some of those playing students disappeared in a flash and appeared a few meters away, and some ran and ran across the water.

In addition, some people suddenly became like snakes in their lower bodies, growing tails and slid past quickly.

Some of them also had a red halo around them, causing the surrounding classmates to startle Roar.

This scene, in the eyes of ordinary people, is completely a dance of demons. It is no wonder that ordinary people are feared, feared, and then repelled from them.

After telling Chen Tian, Storm was called away by a teacher, saying that he was looking for her for something.

Soon, Chen Tian received the notice to change the dormitory, and then two female nurses appeared, helped him pack his things, and came to a single dormitory.

When the nurse left, Chen Tian looked at the small room with the bed, desk, bookshelf, and wardrobe in front of him, with a satisfied smile on his face.

This is the treatment after showing some potential.

If he was just the one who entered the school, the registered ability was a Mutant with ordinary energy control, and it was impossible to live in a single dormitory.

After arranging his things, Chen Tian came to the window.

Looking at the figures on the playground outside, showing various abilities like magic, Chen Tian pondered, thinking about the future.

While X-Men doesn’t have Marvel fire, he does have some knowledge of Mutant.

For example, among the current Mutants, the strongest are the pacifist leader Professor X, the rebel leader Magneto, followed by Cyclops, Storm and others.

As for Phoenix force Qin. Grey, it has been ‘dead’ a few years ago.

According to Chen Tian’s observations in the past few days, the information collected shows that the current world time is 2006, which is in the old timeline of X-Men.

At this time, several years have passed since the second battle of X-Men, and the third battle is about to break out.

During this time period, the existence of Mutant has long been known to the world and rejected by ordinary people. Many countries and forces are secretly studying Mutant.

However, because of fear of the Mutant Brotherhood led by Magneto, and some Mutant rebel groups, these studies are carried out in secret.

But Chen Tian knew that the United States’ secret research on Sentry had entered the late stage.

If nothing else, in 2013, seven years later, the Mutant extermination plan will be launched. In just one year, most of the Mutants in the world will be killed by Sentry.

A handful of powerful Mutants linger, hiding until 2023, then relying on Shadowcat Katie’s Ability to teleport Wolverine consciousness back to 1973.

In the end, he successfully prevented the shapeshifting female assassination incident that year, allowing the United States to cancel the Sentry plan and reverse the future.

Thinking of this, Chen Tian thought thoughtfully: “That is to say, do I still have seven years of development time?”

Although he has integrated the Krypton Superman template, he still has the X gene, so he still belongs to Mutant.

At least in the eyes of others.

Therefore, in the innate, Chen Tian’s position is opposed to those in power in various countries.

Chen Tian knew this very well, so he had already put Sentry, the robot that killed Mutant, in his heart.

In seven years, Chen Tian was confident enough to reach the peak of Superman in the Bronze Age. Don’t say anything about Sentry, even the Hulk is just a punch.

Yes, Hulk.

In terms of setting, X-Men and Marvel belong to the same universe, which means that this world is not only a powerful Mutant such as Phoenix force and Magneto.

There are also Iron Man, Hulk, Captain, Thor and others exist.

Even Thanos squatting in a corner of the universe, preparing to plan his family.

Thinking of this, the lightness that had just been born in Chen Tian’s heart suddenly disappeared, and he rubbed his eyebrows with a headache: “Why is this world so chaotic, everyone has it.”

If this is just an ordinary world, with the power of his Superman, it is not about the wind and the rain, and it is above hundreds of millions of people.

At that time, no one dares to have any opinion on marrying hundreds of beautiful women as wives.

But it is a pity that this is a coexistence of gods and demons, and all kinds of aliens have entered.

The Marvel world where Mutant, superhero, and super-ability all have.

“Forget it, it’s useless to think about it now, let’s talk about everything when the strength is strong.”

Saying that, Chen Tian shook his head, turned around and went out to eat. *

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