Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 98 Club No. 54 (2 in 1)

Chapter 98 Club No. 54 (Two in One)

After the Second World War, under the crazy expansion and annexation of the "two poles", the international structure is like a strong bow that is fully stretched, tremblingly approaching the moment when the arrows are released.

Captain Steve Rogers, who was supposed to be the image representative of the entire army, was quietly hidden from the headlines of the newspaper propaganda that the United States sent troops to East Asia.

As a World War II hero of the Allied Forces, Rogers' name has a high degree of recognition around the world. The original plan to focus on promoting "Captain America" ​​to join the Korean Peninsula War was completely shelved.

From this day onwards, people will no longer hear stories about Captain Steve Rogers from newspapers and radio, and the children's favorite "Captain America" ​​comic newspaper has also disappeared from the shelves strangely.

Perhaps in a year or two, American citizens will only think of the super soldier who claims that one person can equal an armed infantry regiment in a certain discussion about the US military going to Europe to fight in World War II.

And sneeringly attributed all kinds of impressive deeds and military exploits to the government's exaggerated propaganda methods.

"Sir, the number from the White House."

The housekeeper, Jules Burnham, came to James gently, saw him lying at his desk in the study, and asked in a low voice.

"Forward it to Wallace, just say I'm not here, um, I went to Antarctica to explore."

James Howlett looked down at a letter paper filled with delicate cursive characters and elegant handwriting, and spoke happily.

Butler Jules nodded, remembered something, and reminded again: "Mr. Fox will be here later."

James nodded, put away the envelope and put on an indigo cigar robe embroidered with the Howlett family crest, arranged with the butler and went upstairs to the terrace.

Brian Foss, the son of the old butler Mr. Casper, holds a high position in the group, and Jay Gatsby of the Ministry of Military Industry, as well as Wallace Weddell, the head of foreign business, also called the Howlett Group Troika.

As a young heir to the family, James has continuously left an image of a playboy and a playboy in the outside world.

The top capital tycoons and traditional aristocrats in the United States and Europe are rumored that the inheritance of the Howlett family's heroes from generation to generation will be broken in the hands of James II.

"Have you visited your father recently?"

James sat on the wide terrace on the third floor of the manor, which was covered with various flowers planted by Etty and Ms. Sarah, and even had a fountain and swimming pool.

He heard someone's footsteps, he continued to smoke his cigar without looking back, and asked casually.

Brian Foss is not yet 40 years old. As one of the senior executives of the Howlett Group, he has the air of a superior person who can turn his hands around. He didn't dare to sit down directly, and said apologetically when he stood in front of him.

"I visited the old house three months ago."

"Go and see more, he is old, the affairs of the group are not very important."

James waved his hand, and Mr. Fosse sat down, touched his buttocks a little, pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and agreed seriously.

"What the master said is that next week I plan to take my family back together. This time I plan to leave my daughter and youngest son in the old house to live with my father. I also want them to go that way. You see."

"Would you like it?" James tapped on the cigar and smiled slightly.

"There is nothing to be reluctant about. This is their luck. My father, my grandfather, and I have always been very concerned that the Fox family did not have a member who can join that team. When it comes to me, I have to work harder."

"Let the little ones wait and try. After all, they grew up in New York. It is not easy to survive. I have never suggested that you regulate children like this. The world is big and there are many things worth doing. Don't always Imposing the wishes of an older generation."

Brian Foss nodded hurriedly, but thinking that even Gatsby, an "outsider" who just walked into the master's eyes halfway, had secretly sent the three children to the old house more than a year ago, he really couldn't Let the Fox family's relationship in the entire Howlett family fade away.

The status of the members of the family in the ordinary secular group seems unattainable and the scenery is infinite, but they are the marginal people on the periphery after all.

"What's the matter here?" James casually talked about Mr. Casper's daily life in the old house, put out his cigar, and asked a little more seriously.

"It's still at the White House. Mr. President is very angry that we have blatantly violated the trade ban and cooperated with the East. Now in the entire Western world, we should be the only ones who dare to trade materials and equipment to that country."

Mr. Foss has a very headache. This is the general trend of the confrontation between the two poles. Trade wars, espionage wars, political means, etc. are all used.

Not to mention that the United States had to accept the so-called armistice agreement in disgrace during the just-concluded Korean Peninsula War. Cooperating with that eastern country at this juncture is an act of treason.

"We are businessmen, just doing business." James said casually, he pondered for a moment, and continued.

"Let's do it through the company's channels in Africa. If you go around in circles, the price is still the basic price. Truman has been making trouble for the past two days. Don't worry about him, just save face."

Brian Foss nodded, so at least there was a lot more room for maneuver. He thought of the presidential candidate the group was supporting, and guessed that Mr. Howlett had already made up his mind.

"Are you sure about General Eisenhower's election? If it was him, many things must be more convenient based on our relationship with the military."

James got up and walked towards the edge of the viewing platform, looked far and wide, looked at New York, which seemed to be noisy and flashy even above the city, and shook his head indifferently.

"His election will not be special to us. The basic national policy will not be shaken by any president's coming to power. You can let things take their course in the group. Create more jobs that require a large number of jobs and industries that require people's livelihood. Expand the ecological closed loop."

Brian Foss followed suit, and when Mr. Howlett seemed to want to end the conversation, he took the initiative to leave.

"By the way, arrange one of the best entertainment venues in New York, the kind that young people will like."

When Foss heard Mr. Howlett's last order, he felt a little strange, but he still nodded respectfully. The style of the master's performance has changed a lot in recent years, but it is not very special.

At No. 54, 254th Street, West Manhattan, New York, there is a No. 54 club named after the block and house number.

After the war, many of Europe's great cities were razed to the ground, and New York City took a renewed place globally.

It became home to the headquarters of the United Nations, inherited Paris' role as the center of the art world in the manner of Abstract Expressionism, and became London's rival in the international financial and art markets.

And downtown Manhattan, fueled by the postwar boom, experienced an unprecedented building boom, with new International Style office towers of glass and steel and concrete beginning to replace the Zigura-style towers of the prewar era.

This is how each night at Club 54 begins.

There are crowds of young people from the east end of the block to the gate. They have tried their best to clean up their image. The men will wear their best suits, and it is best to match them with vests, handkerchiefs, bag tie clips, etc. Leather shoes must be reflective patent leather.

In this era of relatively serious and solemn style of dressing, shiny leather shoes are their most shining objects. Of course, this may be because most people are not worthy of a Rolex.

Girls will dress up as brightly as possible, even at the expense of exposing a large area of ​​their snow-white skin and good figure, and try their best to wear tight shorts and revealing skirts in the checkered skirts that fall to the ankles. Wearing shirts on the back and shoulders, so as to fool his parents.

They all stretched their necks and stared at the owner of Club No. 54, Stephen. Every night, Stephen would personally stand at the door of the nightclub and select the guests he thought were eligible to enter.

In addition to competing for the first-line chance to enter the nightclub, people are also very likely to see and even touch the big stars who walk into the nightclub, which can be regarded as an additional benefit of queuing.

But today, until more than nine o'clock in the evening, Stephen only put in a few young people with the most outstanding appearance, suspected to be actors or singers, and even Jane Russell appeared with Veronica Lake on her arm When they were at the door, they all stayed and chatted with Stephen for a long time before going in.

"Stephen, who is here today? Don't keep it a secret."

As the most famous sex icon in Hollywood at the moment, Jane Russell caused a sensation among the crowd when she appeared.

Although her friend Veronica changed her hairstyle and style, her career declined and she was no longer a popular movie actress in the early 40s, but she still has a huge degree of recognition.

"Big man, absolutely big man, I only know that the call is from Howlett Group, Mr. Fox's office. I don't know which gentleman it is for. You should know Howlett Group, right?"

Wearing a fur coat, temporarily covering up the plump and beautiful Miss Russell, she shook her head in doubt. She knows the bosses of major Hollywood film companies and entertainment industry tycoons very well, but she has never heard of this somewhat rare surname. Said.

Veronica Lake's glasses on one side lit up, and it took him more than an hour to make the perfectly curved and fluffy blonde hair. He tugged Russell's palm and motioned to go in.

She recalled the experience of accompanying a son of the Rockefeller family as a female companion to a high-level executive of the Howlett Group when she was popular a few years ago.

"Eric, look! It's Jane, Jane Russell!"

It was obvious at a glance that the beautiful girl was still a student, shaking the arms of the tall and thin boy next to her, and shouting excitedly. They were still wearing prom suits and dresses, and somehow they came to the most difficult place to get into in New York. nightclub.

Eric Lanshel looked down at his watch. They had only arrived for a few minutes, but the crowded line really scared a few students who had just completed their high school graduation ceremony.

"Lanshere, are you sure we can go in? My cousin mentioned this to me. He has connections, but he needs to locate a place a week in advance."

Mike, who was always at odds with Eric when he was still in junior high, yelled out, not forgetting to reflect his relationship and energy in his words. To this day, he and Eric still often bicker, but they always watch them play together and skipping classes.

"Don't worry, my cousin will be there soon, here, this is the car."

The flow of people on 54th Street slowly gave way to a black and elongated luxury car with a unique style, which is different from the current round headlights and classic car models.

The silver statue of the flying goddess at the front of the car, the more streamlined and flatter body and the combined length of two ordinary cars made the young men and women around unanimously give way.

The car slowly stopped at the door of Club No. 54. The boss Stephen's flamboyant quartz glasses flashed, and he hurriedly arranged a few Kong Wu fierce Italian bodyguards to clear the road around the door.

Mr. Barney got out of the driver's seat, stroked the hem of his suit and tie on his chest, and calmly came to the back and opened the car door.

A figure with long shiny white legs, slender red high-heeled shoes and bright red skirt got out of the car sideways.

Standing aside, she flicked her brilliant blond hair without a trace of variegation, revealing her clear shoulders and collarbone, wearing a knee-length red dress, and her white skin formed a huge visual stimulus.

The noisy crowd around became much quieter, and all eyes were focused on this tall and stunning young lady.

James is a lot more casual, wearing a white shirt, black casual trousers, sleeves rolled up, half-length black hair is shiny, tall and burly figure, standing next to Emma who is already over 180 cm tall with high heels Much smaller.

Eric waved his hand in the crowd at the side, squeezed out with his girlfriend and a few classmates, and walked in with James a little unnaturally under the eyes of many onlookers.

"Hello, sir. I'm the boss of No. 54. You can call me Stephen. Over here, watch your step. This is the booth reserved for you."

The owner of the club, Stephen, walked nimbly in small steps in front of him, enthusiastically introduced the characteristics of the club to James, and led them to the central viewing deck with the best view on the second floor, where they could clearly see the dance floor and singers below. Show stage.

He saw that this handsome young man with an oppressive figure and temperament had no intention of introducing himself, and he didn't dare to ask more questions. He just secretly had a headache for the stunning female companion beside this gentleman who was half a head taller than him.

Those two female stars who found out on the wind seemed to have no chance.

"Has there always been so few people? Let some come in, not too many, but a little more lively."

James said casually, and it was a natural arrangement. Stephen nodded repeatedly, calling a group of boys and girls who looked like high school boys and girls to sit down.

"Eric, congratulations on your successful graduation."

James picked up the wine glass, and touched the handsome and lanky Eric Lanshere and Emma symbolically. Several students who came with Eric still shouted excitedly in disbelief. The "cousin" in his mouth was very curious.

"Thank you old, ahem, cousin."

Eric smiled brightly, and excitedly took the female partner of the school prom to the dance floor downstairs to dance.

"How's college life?" James naturally looked at Emma, ​​who had a more elegant and mature temperament, whose cheeks flushed slightly because of drinking a glass of wine.

Emma's eyelashes are very long, they flickered a few times, and she said helplessly: "It's too boring, I should study some science majors like Eric, not psychology, I plan to take another course this semester economics."

A large number of handsome men and beautiful women were put in the club. The excitement and fanatical emotions and thoughts of the crowd touched Emma slightly. She suppressed the thoughts in her mind a little, and shielded the surrounding influences well.

Now she has been able to freely and perfectly master the power of telepathy.

"Did you read the letter I wrote to you?"

Emma no longer blushes as often as before, and she has a more confident and calm temperament.

"Well, you mean that now various universities are starting to study the theory of gene mutation and variant evolution."

"Yes, mutants are no longer a secret in the academic world, but they are far from having a real understanding of the degree of so-called mutations, and they still stay in the category of heterochromatic pupils and atavism."

Emma spoke clearly about the current research on genetic mutations that is constantly being refreshed. As the probability of mutants increasing, scholars and scientists in related fields began to notice.

"This is bound to happen, and as time goes on, it will affect the level of ordinary society. In recent years, the Soviet Union has continuously appeared abnormal intelligence and tactical operations, which are different from the super soldiers of the United States."

James and Emma continued to whisper some secret topics. The two graceful and boldly dressed Hollywood actresses walked upstairs and came to James.

They didn't care about the cold and bright female companion next to the young gentleman, and they introduced themselves under the recommendation of the club owner.

"Hello, I'm Veronica Lake, and this is Jane. Stephen said that you look like an actor I have worked with. I was a little curious, so I came up to say hello. I hope it's not too abrupt."

The female star's slick face overshadowed some sudden contact, and jokingly said that James is more handsome than the male star who has acted in a certain movie together, but Emma smiled and said:
"I have seen your "Golden Powder and Silver Wings", and Miss Russell, I have also collected your posters."

Emma took the initiative to invite the two actresses to sit down, and enthusiastically asked about some Hollywood stories and interesting things behind the movies.

James looked at Emma who seemed to know everything in surprise, glanced briefly at Jane Russell's sensational and unrestrained outfits on the screen, and drank a few sips of wine on his own.

Two days ago, news came back from the military relationship. Thanks to the long-term cooperation of Steve Rogers, the super soldier serum has a certain prospect. Dr. Erskine probably looked at the relevant information, which belongs to a slightly inferior copy , but the difference is not huge.

"Why are there field missions? Hasn't the military been treating you coldly for a long time?"

Peggy Carter put on her clothes with some doubts. Looking at Steve who just answered the phone and got up from the bed and was getting ready to get dressed, she faintly felt that something was wrong.

"Have you ever heard of the 'Paperclip' project? It gathered a large number of nanotron scientists and researchers, many of whom belonged to the Hydra army. Dr. Arnim Zola, the most important of them, disappeared later, but the army Fang still obtained a lot of information.”

"In the Far East, supernatural abnormal forces continue to collide with the special forces of the United States in East Asia and Europe. They suspect that the Soviet Union has inherited part of the remaining research on Hydra, which may be related to the Auschwitz concentration camp."

Steve quickly put on his military uniform and kissed Peggy on the cheek. Although they are not married yet, they have been living together for some time.

The probe opened the closet, took out the Adamantium alloy shield contained in a round leather bag, and carried it behind his back.

"Actually, I'm considering Stark's proposal to form a special force research organization with him, but it's still impossible to completely get rid of the American officials, why not—"

Steve smiled, showing a mouthful of white and neat teeth. He nodded, knowing what Peggy was going to say later.

"Completing this task should completely solve the Hydra problem, and then I will submit a discharge report."

Agent Carter, who had once acted resolutely and broke into Hydra's custody castle alone, nodded gently, jumped out of bed and kissed Steve deeply again, and watched him get into the military vehicle and speed away through the glass window of the room.

Steve arrived at the U.S. military base in West Germany by himself on a military transport plane. He traveled by boat and car for nearly a dozen hours along the way. He simply ate some canned food, drank some water, and closed his eyes to rest in the cabin.

After another day of rest in the U.S.-occupied area, through the secret airport route, he prepared to secretly airborne with the military's special military team into the intelligence, a certain area of ​​Siberia, and attacked a research base in the Soviet Union.

This military airport hidden in a forest in West Germany is exceptionally quiet, with a few sporadic ground crews cleaning the runway.

Two teams of military vehicles drove up, and jumped out of more than a dozen members of the tactical team with strange breaths and physiques, as well as nearly a hundred American soldiers armed to the teeth.

They lined up on both sides, saluting Steve.

"Captain Rogers, I am the leader of this team, Major Bernard Harper, nice to meet you, you have always been a hero in my heart."

Steve shook hands with Major Harper noncommittally. He could feel the major's heart beating a little faster. Although the soldiers lined up around were solemn, they always made small movements with their hands, unconsciously. Feeling the trigger and bolt.

"Major Harper, it seems that this plane can't carry so many people, and such a secret mission is not suitable for sending a company."

"That's right, Captain Rogers." The major cleared his throat and mumbled ominously.

"They are just the support troops. The main task is these twelve elite members. They are all selected through layers of screening. They are the best special warfare soldiers."

Steve grinned, his eyes were complicated, and he said slowly without a smile:
"Guarantee what? It's you, or my 'safety'."

(End of this chapter)

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