Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

Inside the train compartment are the last batch of high-energy modules, and the factories and strongholds arranged outside Hydra have been pulled out.

According to Dr. Zola, the Red Skull's final trump card is to use concentrated energy bombs and assemble more than a dozen suicide aircraft to carry out extermination strikes on the capitals and cities of important countries of the Allies.

Shaw is waiting here under Schmidt's proposal, and Steve Rogers is the biggest obstacle affecting Hydra Valkyrie's plan.

Red Skull knew that he was not capable of dealing with Captain America. Judging from his past battles, how many ordinary soldiers he sent was cannon fodder, and Xiao had enough ability to solve the problem.

Steve and Bucky inspected the compartments one by one. Except for the equipment and materials, they didn't see a single soldier. They walked to the first section of the front of the car and looked at the open compartment door. The interior was empty, except for a man in black long A brown-haired white man in a windbreaker sits in the center.

Xiao clapped his hands, stood up exaggeratedly, and looked at the tall and burly Captain America who was guarding with a shield. Bucky picked up a large-caliber automatic rifle and hid behind Steve.

"Mr. Steve Rogers, and this unknown gentleman, let me introduce myself, Sebastian Shaw, I've been waiting for a long time."

Xiao bowed slightly, trying to look more gentlemanly, but his words were exaggerated, like a common nouveau riche in Europe.

Steve didn't speak. In such a weird situation, the opponent couldn't be just an ordinary person. He remembered what his teacher had always told him. In battle, even a lion will go all out when facing a rabbit.

chug chug
Bucky saw Steve nod slightly to hint, and pulled the trigger without hesitation, and all the 12.7mm extra-large caliber bullets in the magazine poured on Shaw's head.

The words in Xiao's mouth were blocked abruptly, his head and body trembled a little blurry, and the bullets fell on the steel floor of the truck with crackling and crisp sounds.

Bucky stared blankly at the unscathed Xiao, and stopped unconsciously after changing half of the magazines.

"It's not good, it's not good, I haven't finished my words before—"

Xiao shook his head unhappily, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Steve rushing up.

He and Bucky didn't hesitate too much. The steel plate on the ground that Steve was stepping on was deeply dented, and he slammed his shield at Shaw. Bucky quickly finished reloading, walked to the side in the small space of the car, and shot the bullet precisely. poured on Xiao's body.

The two of them fought hand-to-hand with each other at close range, and the other with long-distance output. They cooperated very well.

"My words, not yet, finished!"

Xiao paused every word, and roared angrily, bursting out like a substantial energy impact. Steve held a shield in front of his chest, and was blasted aside heavily, his body deeply embedded in the twisted steel wall that was hit.

"You should be gentlemen, at least we have to do a good job in the foreplay of the battle."

Xiao straightened his clothes, as if to cover up his gaffe.

He even put on a presbyopic silk scarf on his neckline a little flirtatiously. Since his second awakening, Xiao, whose temperament and style have changed drastically, has become more concerned about his own image.

Steve shook his body and got out of the severely deformed steel plate. He looked at this man with an exaggerated attitude very cautiously. The attacks he hit on Xiao, whether it was piercing or bursting two-stage force damage, were like mud bulls entering the sea. , without a trace.

Even when he was fighting with the teacher, his punches and feet would be easily moved and removed, but at least he had a basic sense of contact and impact, and facing this strange young man, he didn't put any effort into his punches at all, as if, His body was like a bottomless abyss, sucking all his strength into it.

"Mr. Xiao, you are waiting here specially, you better have something important to say."

"Of course! That's fine, respect for each other is what gentlemen do."

Xiao was obviously much happier, he grinned and continued.

"Personally, I am more interested in the power beyond mortals, and I have done a lot of research on this. Mr. Rogers and Schmidt also injected super soldier serum, but the gap between the two of you, hehe, is a bit big, if possible -"

Xiao rubbed his hands excitedly and laughed innocently.

"—I hope to do some experiments with you."

Steve looked at the mad Xiao with a blank expression, and the compartment that had already been blasted into several holes by the battle just now became hotter and hotter.

Xiao, who is extremely sensitive to energy, looked at Steve, who was slightly distorted in the air around him, and became more and more sure that the strength of Captain Rogers was beyond the reach of ordinary people who had been injected with serum.

He has experienced the fighting power of the Red Skull, even if it is pure physical strength, it is not as good, not to mention Steve's strange and peculiar blow effect.

Steve took two steps forward, raised his shield violently, and slammed it heavily under his feet. The ground structure of the train car was smashed, and the iron hub smashed the wooden sleeper of the rail under the huge inertial impact force, half Flames splattered on the mountainside, and all the carriages behind were stopped.

Sections of carriages were twisted and squeezed together, and only the front of the car was left to continue driving forward.

Xiao looked at Steve with a broken car, laughed a few times, and jumped off the front of the other car that was still rumbling forward, holding two energy boxes in his hand, drawing the Rubik's Cube to transform energy.

"Bucky, run away, this guy is very strong, I can't care about you."

Sergeant Barnes nodded approvingly. He didn't think being a hero would help him here: "Be careful, I observed it just now, and the bullets that hit him all—"

Thirty meters away, the blue light on Xiao's body was victorious, and he pushed his hands forward, and a stream of energy as thick as the mouth of a bowl shot out. Steve quickly set up a shield to protect Bucky beside him, but the lumps lifted up under his feet Huge boulders and pieces of railroad tracks hit the two of them head-on and face-to-face.


Xiao didn't pause any longer, and he could let out a lot of energy for a while. Even Steve Rogers didn't dare to fight against such a high-energy annihilation energy flow.


Both Steve and Bucky were blown away and crashed into the twisted and deformed car behind. Bucky's left shoulder hit the torn sharp steel plate, and his left arm was cut off on the spot. The blood gurgled and melted the snow and ice on the mountain road.

The continuous attacks made the mountain gradually unstable, and Bucky lay unconscious on the rock, crackling, crackling, crackling, and the rock was about to fall down the mountain road.

While resisting with his shield, Steve ejected streams of ice-blue energy from Xiao's hand, and approached Bucky step by step, but seeing the boulder breaking apart with a bang, Bucky's body was covered with snow and gravel that kept rolling down. The bloody, fainted figure disappeared before Steve's eyes.
The landslide in the distance finally caused Asazzo, who was constantly searching in the Alps, James asked him to take care of Steve, and the attack on Hydra's headquarters would not be as smooth as before, especially if he brought the Rubik's Cube back.

But the vast and far-reaching Alps are an uninhabited land, and Hydra's deep mountain base is also very hidden. After hearing the news of Steve's departure, Asazo rushed over, and kept teleporting and searching deep in the mountains.

He saw a figure among the falling rocks, and teleported to the side for a look. It looked familiar, and he put his arm around Bucky's intact shoulder, and disappeared without a trace at the last moment when he fell to the ground.

Dr. Erskine in Howlett's old house just came up from the underground palace, leaning against the towering ancient European-style fireplace in the century-old house, holding a glass of wine.

He found a bottle of good brandy, and was about to have a drink or two, when a bloody figure with a severed arm appeared in front of him.

The doctor sighed, put the cap on the bottle, thought about where he seemed to have seen this handsome black-haired young man, and called out the name of the black giant Kofi in a hurry.

He is not a doctor, let that big guy do the job of saving people.

Steve's eyes were shattered, watching his best brother fall off the cliff and die in front of him with a broken arm, his breath permeated his whole body, scorching body temperature escaped, and the snow under his burning feet melted rapidly and spread out in a radiant shape.

Xiao pushed his palm, and there was no more energy to spew out. He sighed, he was too excited to play just now, and the battery ran out.

He laughed at himself, and walked towards Steve. Anyway, the result was the same for him. After taking two steps, he suddenly froze in place, looking at the ghostly red-skinned long tail that appeared beside Steve. devil.

Shaw remembered something.

"Boy, you are very energetic now."

Azazzo's sharp voice was joking, and he couldn't help but be speechless when he looked at the furious, frenzied and energetic Steve.

"Father's stuff is the one you practice the most. The wolves have been practicing it for generations. That's what Remus means."

Steve was stunned, he seemed to think of something, looked at Asazo with hope in his eyes, and just opened his mouth.

"Yes Yes"

Before Steve could speak, Asazo continued.

"Just now I caught someone down here and sent him back to the old house. I flashed it more than a dozen times. Alas, it's still far away from Canada."

Steve nodded heavily and looked at the Red Devil gratefully.

"This man's name is Xiao, he's very strong and weird."

The two shifted their gazes to Sebastian Xiao who was standing there in a daze. His expression was weird and sometimes grinning and sometimes gloomy, and his breath became hurried.

Azazuo scratched his head strangely, slowly drew out the Edman dagger, touched it staggeredly, and wiped out clusters of sparks.

"Isn't this a fool?"

Steve looked at the look of contempt on the Red Devil's face, and reminded cautiously: "He can release energy shocks from the body. His body is very, very strong, no matter how hard he fights, it won't work."

"Hey! Isn't that similar to Dad?"

The Red Devil was in high spirits, and it was a rare opportunity to meet a good opponent.

Xiao stared at Asazo for a moment, gritted his teeth, and said in a low voice: "It's you, in Oss—"

Asazo disappeared, and Xiao's words had no target. He was ignored and interrupted for the third time today.

Suddenly, Xiao's neck trembled, and he felt that he might have been stabbed.

The superimposed high-speed strobe and teleportation sound became one piece, and Xiao was completely surrounded by a red and black fuzzy figure.

The frequency of teleporting three times in 24/[-]th of a second made Asazo's figure become a constant visual stop like a stop-motion animation, covered layer by layer, and even the misty black smoke caused by the teleportation was dense and lingering.

Sebastian Xiao was instantly hacked into pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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