Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 40 Return (2 in 1)

Chapter 40 Return ([-] in [-])

The salty sea breeze was blowing on Daniel Ferente's tanned, red and rough face. This was the first time he stood on the deck looking at the sea like this, but it was the first time he was so eagerly waiting for the coastline to emerge. fundus.

For seven years, Daniel did not expect the last expedition in his life. After going through such a long time and suffering, he felt deeply exhausted.In the past 20 years of exploration, he has seen enough rich and magnificent and mysterious world, but every inch of the road he walked is full of youth and enthusiasm.

Daniel Ferente is really tired. He wants to sink into the leather-tanned sofa in front of the manor fireplace, drink the best gin, find a gentle and beautiful woman to serve him for the rest of his life, or It is not impossible to find a few more.

Jack had been waiting at Victoria Harbor two days in advance. Although according to the news that came back continuously, everything went smoothly for Daniel and the others, but this matter is the only thing that James pays attention to recently, and he also expects well-informed Mr. Ferrante can help Master James, after all, his recent situation is not very good.

"What did you say? James locked himself up!"

After hugging and exchanging greetings with Jack and others, Daniel couldn't wait to open a bottle of juniper in the carriage back to the manor. He swallowed the wine in his glass while asking Jack in a puzzled way.

Jack said slowly and carefully: "A lot has happened in the past few years. Maybe you don't know it. There are many things in this world that we can't imagine. Some people even exceed our understanding of 'people'."

"Hey!" Daniel continued to refill half a glass, and said in a strange tone: "Boy, what I have seen and experienced is far more complicated than you imagined. I am surprised that you will mention these."

Daniel was suddenly a little uncertain about what had happened during the years he had been away. He thought that the news he brought back would shock everyone, or make people sneer at it.

But looking at the current situation, he might be the one who needs to be mentally prepared first. He drank another sip of juniper berries and listened to Jack talk about the events of the American Civil War.
Edmund, Underground Castle, Howlett Manor.

In the deepest part of the underground palace, the light of the lighting fire in the quiet stone room flickered slightly. James looked at the slightly caramel-colored pink and tender meat steak fried on the plate in front of him, and forced himself to take the last bite.

The taste I used to like the most is now so difficult to swallow. The half-rare top-notch filet is the rib part of the Simmental beef that I choose for myself on the ranch of Howlett’s family. The cupboard is kept in the manor. A French chef who has worked for many years, he has always understood James' taste best.

But at this moment, James frowned like chewing wax, chewed hard mouthful after mouthful, stretched his neck, pressed the base of his tongue, and swallowed hard.

How much he wanted this steak to be raw, regenerated, and even full of fresh blood, so that it would taste good.

Months had passed and James had locked himself underground since the town of Joliet had returned to the Manor Castle to bury Victor.I just told Butler Wayne and Jack some things at a distance of more than ten meters, and then ordered people to deliver food and news on a regular basis every day.

James' appearance has changed a lot now, and the few people who have seen him are too horrified to speak.

This is why Jack is extremely worried. He is worried that Master James was influenced by those vampires, and Victor's death can only be explained in this way. everyone.

He forced himself to eat like this every day with great will, and he had to eat cleanly.James accidentally "looted" all of Victor's power that day, including Adam's blood that Victor absorbed.

The power of Victor's saber-toothed tiger and the mutant gene in James' body were perfectly integrated, as if they were originally one, which allowed James' bone claws to grow into a new form.

And his body shape has also become as tall as Victor, and his height has increased by nearly [-] centimeters. From the original height of less than two meters, he has grown into the appearance of a giant now, and he is as strong as Victor. .

In addition to the complete bone replacement of the whole body, James' skin, fascia, and muscle tissue have also been replaced again. The original body has undergone years of training and improvement after entering into the strength. Although it is extremely strong, its ability to resist blows and stress is completely beyond that of ordinary humans. , but it has not yet reached the category of extraordinary ability.

Now, although James hasn't done a detailed test, he can feel that the gun bullets of the current era may have the ability to damage his own skin and flesh.

His beast perception, sense of smell, and multiple sensory abilities have been further improved, and he even has a hidden ability to perceive things that have positive or negative crises for him.

Judging from his martial arts practice in his previous life, this is the magical state of the so-called "seeing but not hearing, and avoiding danger" because of the spiritual cultivation of human beings. He didn't know whether this ability was true or not, but now he has passed the mutant gene instead. ability to acquire this similar perception.

And Adam's source blood, after Victor's absorption and his own reabsorption, has reduced a certain amount of blood traits and strength, and he has become a little disgusted with sunlight, and he will feel a little tingling when touching pure silver, like a slight metal allergy.

His speed and nerve response have improved significantly, and he has some instincts to hide his body. At the same time, he also feels that he has the ability to transform vampires through biting
But the most troublesome thing is the bloodthirsty darkness of the vampire power and the savagery of the saber-toothed tiger, which split James' spiritual consciousness a little. He kept controlling the violent thoughts in his mind, as well as his physiological instinct for blood.

Since he and Victor have strong mutant abilities, neither of their bodies has been changed into a vampire structure, that is, internal organs that can only absorb blood, but they both have an extreme desire for blood and a desire for normal blood. Aversion to human food.

This means that he and Victor can eat food normally and absorb energy from it.

It's just that from the spiritual to the physical senses, every bite will make them disgusted like rotten rotten meat, while the fresh blood looks so delicious and sweet, which makes people full of appetite.

Victor did not reject this desire, and even condoned it. It was precisely because of this that it greatly encouraged Victor's animal nature, and he fought James frantically for the final battle.

James tried his best to control himself, and tried to solve the disadvantages of the blood power in his body, so he sealed himself in the underground stone room, trying not to meet anyone, so as to control his bloodthirsty desire.

James' soaring strength and unstable mental awareness at the moment made him fall into the realm of strength cultivation at the end of the battle. He can no longer control his strength freely. These days, he often accidentally loses Tear or break the special steel equipment in the underground training room.

After entering the dark energy, James began to work hard on his body. At that time, his basic strength was only about five times his own weight. After practicing all the way to Huajin and the changes in his body after the transformation, he already had the strength measured in tons. and fist power.

But now the many training equipment in this underground space have completely lost their effect on him. He doesn't know how strong his body is now. The heaviest special barbell weighs two tons, but he can only do simple arm curls. Lift to feel some weight.

The huge iron piles that used to require a minimum impact force of three tons to move slowly, are now beaten like ordinary boxers practicing hitting wooden piles.

The heaviest three-ton hollow mercury lead can also be handled at will with pure physical strength, and it doesn't even require the cooperation of full concentration, and these two are the only things he can still play with now. toys.

He didn't know why there was such a weird connection and change between himself and Victor, and his understanding of the abilities brought about by the so-called X gene of mutants was too limited.

In such an era when modern science is still in its infancy, everything is crossing the river by feeling the stones. He can only use the capital he accumulated during this period as soon as possible to consciously promote the progress of some scientific research.

What needs to be solved immediately is the problem of vampire power entrenched in the body, and the root of James' confidence that he can solve it is his own control and induction of the blood in the body.

Now he can no longer perfectly control the qi and blood, stimulate the heart, and burst out a huge amount of strength out of the body, but he can still clearly feel the cold blood entangled in his body. As long as his skill can be refined again and control the body, he will Can control this blood origin blood, and even completely solve it.

James doesn't even bother to have this inferior and extremely side-effect power.

bell bell bell.
The bell hanging in front of the quiet room rang coldly. It was a way James specially used to let people in the manor contact him when they were in a hurry.He got up slowly, and that terrifying figure slowly stepped forward, shaking the other iron handle, indicating that he knew.

This is the first time for Daniel to enter the underground corridor of Howlett Manor. When he came back last time, the renovation project of the manor was in full swing. Although he had observed it many times, he had not seen the completed appearance.

At this moment, he has the feeling of entering the archaeological exploration of the pharaoh's tomb again. This deep corridor and underground space are extremely exquisite, which is the embodiment of the highest level of architectural skills in the current era. The air is fresh, there is no dirty smell, and the lighting combination of oil lamps Also very reasonable.

However, seeing James in such an environment still made him a little creepy. Butler Wayne also told him helplessly that he had to go in to see the young master by himself, and told him in a way that made people dare not think about it: "No matter what you see ,Do not be afraid."

"Jane, James, it's me, Daniel, are you there?"

Mr. Daniel tremblingly walked deeper into the stone chamber, his voice trembling uncontrollably, after entering the ground, it seemed that there was a cold and terrible breath blowing at the base of his neck, he felt Like a little white rabbit strayed into a lion's den.

"Okay. Just come here. I haven't seen you for a long time, Mr. Daniel. Thanks for your hard work." James' voice came from the stone room. Daniel could still recognize that it was James' voice, but it became hoarse. It was low and deep, as if resonating with a faint whistling in the chest.

He stopped abruptly, looked inside with his head poking around, and vaguely saw a figure sitting there cross-legged, dimly illuminated by the fire, but that figure was too huge, even more exaggerated than Victor's size when he left.

"James! You, what's the matter with you?"

Daniel asked anxiously, he couldn't figure out if this person was James, what made him like this.

"That's right, Jack should have told you about the American Civil War and vampires. I'm a little affected now, but don't worry, I know it well."

James' voice became hoarse. He could smell the smell of a living person. He could even feel the slight rhythmic beating of Daniel's carotid artery. He tried his best to control his physical desire for flesh and blood, but the four fangs instinctively grow out.

He seized the time, and hurriedly asked: "Tell me about Wakanda, pick up the most important ones, don't stay here for too long!"

"Oh! Good." Daniel was excited, and hurriedly talked about his experience of looking for the Wakanda tribe in Africa at a slightly faster pace.

“.Jason and Blake were killed on the spot, and the rest of us were caught and locked up, and they marked us with a red-hot branding iron.”

"It was only later that I found out that the marks of thieves and trespassers have been closed for more than three years. The dark mining as a slave is thanks to Kenyala, a black slave in your manor, who took advantage of the night of the sacrificial ceremony of the entire tribe Get the other three of us out"

"Have you memorized the route and location there?" James seemed to be suppressing something, gritting his teeth and said every word.

Daniel hurriedly took out the inner pocket of his jacket, and took out a roll of leather and a flat and long black metal wrapped in the middle: "Write it down! I also secretly hid a piece of metal mineral that they regard as life. I'll give it to you and I'll put it on the ground for you."

He flusteredly put the leather roll in his hand on the ground, not knowing what to do for a while, and a little bit at a loss.

"Thank you, Mr. Daniel. You can stay in the manor from now on. You can do whatever you want, and Wayne will arrange for you. Let's go. I will talk to you more when I feel better."

Daniel nodded silently, and slowly walked up the corridor.

When he was about to come out, Daniel faintly heard a heart-throbbing roar coming from the depths of the ground. The sound was full of pain and horror.

He suddenly felt that the powerful god-like guardian in the Wakanda tribe was not so terrible.

In the underground space, James slowly picked up the leather map left by Daniel, looked at the black and somewhat uneven metal ore, and wondered what he was thinking.

 Today's chapters are published ahead of time, and I sorted out my thoughts, but it was still affected, and the rhythm and plot were not handled well.What you can see is that all the stories in the first volume are earlier than the earliest main plot of the Marvel or mutant movie universe, so I originally wrote this paragraph to lay a foundation for the protagonist, which is a very small "map" ", but I didn't expect that the short content would make everyone have such deep thoughts and understanding of some characters.

I didn't handle it well, and I do have a lot to learn.But the story has just begun, so I will continue to work hard, and some pitfalls will be explained more reasonably when the plot advances to a certain point.

(End of this chapter)

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