Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 35 Meat Eaters

Chapter 35 Meat Eaters
The flashy and lively banquet quickly entered the next stage after President Lincoln's toast.

The ladies and ladies still danced, tasted desserts, compared their jewelry, and talked seriously about some words about the war that they heard from their own men.

O'Hara is not used to such an environment. She is a simple country girl. Although she yearns for the hustle and bustle of the city, she also deeply understands what it feels like to be out of place.

Fortunately, the president's wife, Mary, has always brought her by her side, introduced O'Hara to others, and blocked a lot of questioning with bad words, which attracted many ladies with deep backgrounds to be interested in O'Hara.

And the men, the real holders of these powers, moved to the side hall in twos and threes with a tacit understanding. This is not a big hall, but it is very comfortable. There are elegant leather chairs scattered here and there, and the middle is slightly empty. a place.There are not many waiters, but they are all very capable, and the service is particularly appropriate.

President Lincoln patted the chair beside him, motioning for James to sit next to him, and chatted with him in a low voice while the crowd was still a little disturbed.

"I ordered all the troops in the theater to inspect. There was no news of Mr. Logan, and he did not appear on the battlefield. We have a trade office in Kenya. I personally asked the secretary to issue instructions at the White House's order level. They I will take care of your friend, don't worry."

James was silent for a moment, and sincerely said to Lincoln: "Thank you for your help, Abraham, I have to solve the matter of Victor by myself. You have to be more careful on Adam's side. According to the information from the mouth of the blood, sterling silver is not good for him. There is almost no damage. I have fought against him, and he is completely different from ordinary vampires, not to mention the large number of inferior vampires on the battlefield."

Mr. President grinned: "Hehe, don't worry. By the way, how is your factory doing recently? Although you are rising rapidly now, these old guys have been in the industrial field all their lives. You can It is said that the capital industry in the United States was developed by them, and it will not be easy to compete with them in the future."

Lincoln pursed his lips and pointed to a group of bearded and red-faced tycoons. James seemed a lot more relaxed, and said casually: "The main energy and funds are put on the research of some new power machines. In the past two years, the French A scientist named Lenoir and a scientist named Rocha have made great progress and research on this. On this basis, I have recruited a lot of talents in Germany and the United Kingdom. At present, my mechanical experiment factory is very lively. , is burning money.”

"You are in a good direction! Modern industry relies on the continuous updating and progress of technology, there is—"

"Mr. President, everyone is here." The secretary had no choice but to interrupt the conversation between President Lincoln and James, and this somewhat intimate small gathering was about to officially begin.

James nodded at Lincoln, and then looked around the room. There were more than 30 people. Except for the high-level military, all the political and business dignitaries of the American Federation were here.

President Lincoln walked to the open space in the middle, lightly supported a brown and black solid wood antique table with his fingers, and led out today's conversation.

"Gentlemen, there is no need to go into too much detail about the specific developments in the aftermath of this war. At this moment, I would like to hear your views on the rights of black people after the abolition of slavery."

"Abraham, you know why all of us here are fighting this war. What we want in the North is development, and the strength of American industrial capital! South? Oh! Those rich landowners only want to sell their own cotton. This tariff has been dragged on for more than ten years, can it be done without it? As for the matter of black slaves, hey!"

The fat, balding man took a sip of his cigar, shook his finger wearing the golden heraldry ring, and continued in a rough voice: "Everyone knows what's going on, so if you abolish slaves, we all Support, but you want to say that the gang of niggers will eat with me in the room? Hey, don't think about it!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the room was whispering left and right. From time to time, some people voiced their support, and some people frowned and shook their heads.

James silently smoked his cigar, smelling the contagious smell, and looked at the somewhat helpless Mr. President.He was even surprised that Lincoln would bring up such a topic here, a very unpleasant topic.

The Civil War in the United States seemed to be a just battle about the progress of civilization and civilization in human society, but in essence it was nothing more than a struggle between the fundamental interests of two capital groups.

After the independence of the United States, the south and the north began to develop along two different paths. In the north, the capitalist economy developed rapidly. From the 20s, the northern states began the industrial revolution, while the south practiced plantation black slavery. , it seriously suffocated the development of industry and commerce in the north.

The newly included land in the west has become the soil for the growth of conflicts of interest between the North and the South. In addition, one side hopes to raise tariffs in order to compete with the British capital industry.And for the sale of cotton and various planting commodities, the south proposes free competition with low tariffs or even tariffs, completely making each other the biggest enemy.

As for the original sin of black slavery in the south, it was just a nominal means for the north to flaunt its progress and the correctness of the war.These blacks fled to the "free" North, where they would face sweatshops as miserable as the plantations.

In this way, the topic quickly turned into a question about the distribution of benefits after the war. It was nothing more than the easier access of capital from the north to the south, opening factories, selling goods, and the intensity of foreign tariffs.

James also made a point of his own appeal, regarding the sale of land in the south. After his new type of power machine is successfully developed, the resources in the deep land of the south will become the blood of the world.

As for the current rights and interests of black people, James has no idea. What he can do is to give them relatively better treatment in the factories or industries under his command.

In such an era, modern attitudes towards racial equality are a big problem.

In today's world, to be honest, there are all kinds of people, and in addition to the war, it is not uncommon for people with arms and legs to be broken.But it was the first time for people in Jacksonville to see a "human" like a troll in a circus story.

With a height of more than [-] meters and a body like a water tower, the surrounding townspeople consciously made way for him.This man in a huge cloak covered his brows and eyes, only the long brown hair hanging down on both sides.His jaw was wide and his beard was wanton and bushy.Walk towards the edge of the town.

A few clever people rushed to inform the mayor and the police chief that people often disappeared in the town these days, and those who were occasionally found turned into corpses, and they were mummies.

Of course, people don't know who did these terrible disasters, but seeing such an outsider with a terrifying image, they naturally try to put all kinds of bad things on it.

Victor didn't know where Adam was, but he had an instinctive, special sense of Adam's location. He walked southward in a general direction, and the closer he got, the stronger this feeling became.After arriving in this town, Victor could not only feel, but even clearly smell the scent he left behind.

Adam, right here.

 In the past few days, everyone has had a very heated discussion, many of which are concerns about the plate and criticisms and suggestions. In fact, I am very happy.I am happy that everyone has been paying attention to the work, and I want to tell you, don't worry, in just a few chapters, you will be able to uncover all kinds of issues you care about, such as why you have not used wolf claws, developing power, and so on.It can be said that the current predictions for wolves and tigers are only a little bit close, but only a little bit.After the two chapters are published today, there will still be many speculations, which may be overturned tomorrow.

The first volume is coming to an end soon, and a single chapter will be opened to explain in detail.Finally, thank you all again, love you, rub.

(End of this chapter)

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