Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 33 Parties

Chapter 33 Parties
July 1863, [-].

The Confederate Army and the Confederate Army fought a decisive battle at Gettysburg. The South was defeated and nearly 3 people were killed.The initiative of the war was completely transferred to the North, which has since become a turning point for the entire Civil War.

"The young master sent a telegram saying that he can't come to celebrate the victory with you for the time being. He has something important to go back to Edmond. The victory in Gettysburg almost laid the foundation for the entire war. If it doesn't have much effect, I will go to Washington to meet with you when the young master handles his affairs." Jack Pete said to President Lincoln.

"Is there anything wrong with James? Is he injured?" Lincoln asked eagerly.

Jack smiled, signaled Mr. President to feel at ease, and said relaxedly: "The young master is very good. He has other problems that need to be solved, and I don't know the details. Also, the young master asked me to tell you that Adam escaped, and he suffered a lot. It may take a long time to fully recover from the injury, but be careful, it may do something secretly."

Lincoln nodded slowly. There was no suspense in the war, but the revenge of the stubborn enemies and the remaining vampires still had to be guarded against.

"Give my regards to James," Abraham Lincoln said solemnly.

"The help to the Howlett family will not only be remembered by me personally, but by the entire United States. The history and people of the United States will never forget the hope and support you brought during these cruel years. Words to express my gratitude and look forward to meeting Mr Howlett soon."

Edmund, ground floor of Howlett Manor.

"Are you really okay?" James looked at Victor who was devouring himself with weird eyes, but couldn't help but say.

After Victor swallowed the last bite of the steak, he growled annoyedly: "What nonsense are you talking about!" He carelessly picked up a tablecloth on the tray and wiped a few handfuls, and said bitterly: "The war is not over yet. There are so many battles to fight, but you have to run back now! You want to come back to accompany the woman, why are you dragging me!"

"You were bitten." James stared at Victor seriously, carefully looking at the whites of his eyes and skin.

"I've been bitten many times!"

"Adam is different."

"Tch!" Victor sneered disdainfully, and continued, "So you locked me underground and sealed the stone gate?"

James put away Victor's finished tableware with a bit of apology, and said softly: "It's not locking you up, it's a kind of partition. For the safety of you and everyone in the manor."

"Oh! Who knows what kind of nonsense you are talking about." Victor cursed in a rough voice.He strode to the side of the clear water pool, grabbed the bucket and poured it.

After the night of fighting, Adam barely escaped in a broken body. Judging from his state at the time, such injuries could no longer be easily recovered by the vampire's self-healing ability.

After seeing Victor was bitten, James was extremely worried that his body and spirit would undergo unpredictable changes.

He couldn't help but forcibly brought Victor back, and fought several times for this. Victor, who was beaten to the brink of death several times, finally couldn't turn him around, and returned to the manor, where he stayed underground for many days.

What surprised James was that Victor was not unusual. He also asked the vampire Marcus, who was imprisoned in the dungeon, about the process of transforming blood after being bitten.But Victor had neither an aversion to normal food nor symptoms of extreme thirst for blood.There is no change in physical characteristics, no blood red eyes, sharp teeth and nails. Teeth and nails have always been there.

Looking at the claw marks and torn steel training equipment everywhere in the training room, he couldn't help but sighed, and said with a relaxed look: "It should be fine, let's go."

Victor glanced at James in surprise, grunted a few times, and strode away.Victor, who turned his back, had a flash of red light in his eyes, which flickered away.

"Jack! Come! And O'Hara? O'Hara! Where has this girl gone?" The butler, Wayne, held a telegram in his hand, and hurriedly buckled his monocle, Anxiously calling out to Jack Pete and O'Hara.

"Jack, you organize your people now and send Lauren and Chris to Victoria Port O'Hara in Vancouver!"

"Come on, come on, Uncle Wayne." O'Hara yawned, and now James's daily life does not need O'Hara's care at all, mainly because of his unusual sleep habits and the fact that he often trains underground in the manor. Because, so O'Hara is getting up later and later.

"Where is the young master? Hurry up and invite the young master!" Mr. Wayne said to O'Hara angrily.Looking at her curious eyes with her head tilted, she said seriously, "Daniel has a message."

James looked at the telegram in his hand from the British Resource Port in Kenya, Africa. The content of the telegram was not long, but he read it carefully for a long time, then raised his head and asked Butler Wayne, "Has anyone been sent to Victoria Harbor?"

"Yes, when I saw the telegram, I arranged for Jack to take someone there first."

James thought for a while, and said seriously: "It's not enough, say hello to the Governor's Office, ask the British government to send a letter, send local people to protect them, and then send a telegram to the White House, directly to the government in my name Mr. Lincoln asked for help to ask the U.S. government to strengthen contact with relevant local government organizations in Kenya through diplomatic channels, and if Washington has local resources in Africa, ask them to send someone to escort Daniel."

Butler Wayne quickly left the room after hearing this. James glanced at O'Hara and said to himself, "Mr. Daniel's return journey must not be missed."

Mrs. Elizabeth has been in good health these years, but her mental state has been up and down. As the old lady of the Howlett family, she is just over [-] years old. But many outsiders don't even know that Mr. James Howlett's mother is still alive after staying in the inspection for many years.

The Howlett family was originally one of the largest manor owners in Canada. Since James laid industry, manufacturing, and real estate and minerals in North America, and took advantage of the Civil War, this colonial land started from William Howlett. The rich family has faintly become a giant across North America.

But the most honorable wife of such a family only goes in and out of churches and orphanages every now and then to do some charitable deeds.And when she is not in good spirits, she can only rely on a few maids to serve her and lock her in the room.
Mrs. Elizabeth is not living with James and the others in the original old house of the manor. James built a separate house for her on the side of the newly expanded manor castle a few years ago. Since leaving the old house, her mood has stabilized a lot .

It's raining a lot tonight, she hates rainy nights, it reminds her of bad things.

Elizabeth did not sleep for a long time, tossing and turning in the velvet four-poster bed.Faintly hearing some noises from the French windows on the balcony, she wondered if the maid hadn't closed the windows properly, so she lifted the quilt and looked sideways.

A giant who was too tall, as if his head was about to touch the ceiling, stood on the balcony. He stepped into the room, wearing a coat, and the rain wet his messy long hair, dripping down from him.

A flash of lightning flashed by, and that light illuminated the giant for a moment, it was Victor.

(End of this chapter)

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