Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 110 Moving Mountains (2 in 1)

Chapter 110 Moving Mountains ([-] in [-])

It was the first time for Nizhub to leave his hometown and go to the outside world. This trail hidden in the depths of the jungle did not have too many complicated traps and obstacles. It didn't take long for him to see the scene in Kenya.

To the surprise of Nizhub and the Wakanda tribe, this country, which is extremely poor and backward among the population in its hometown, is unexpectedly lively.

A large number of transport convoys passed by, and there were mechanical vehicles with unique shapes in front of them, while moving forward, leveling the vegetation, soil and rocks, and clearing obstacles that were inconvenient to pass.

They looked at the dozens of trucks equipped with huge off-road tires rumbling past with some strangeness, and finally found that there seemed to be the direction to Wakanda.

Steve and Bucky looked out of the cabin window gradually clear, no longer a blurry flashing scene, it was a vast jungle, and a valley with lush vegetation.

The terrain here is closer to the basin. To the northwest is a continuous mountain range. The mountain is steep and has a great drop from the plain below. However, a towering mountain in the middle seems to be wedged in alone, and it is connected to the entire mountain at a slant. .

In the east is the outlet of the river that runs through the valley of the basin, forming a rather magnificent mountain waterfall downwards, and the river water finally converges into the distant lake.

The dense but well-proportioned low wood and stone structures are distributed in flakes, and more buildings under construction have just been erected.

The transport fleet that arrived first stopped in the waters off the coast of Somalia. Like the airships that have been suspended over Wakanda, they are all part of the secret manufacturing of the Howlett Group over the years.

Especially after solving the energy problem, relying on the energy of the Rubik's Cube, it was designed and appeared in the 30s and [-]s, but because the actual effect should be too ordinary, the floating ship was re-improved and reproduced.

The Wolf Nest [-] and No. [-] supersonic transport aircraft landed in an open space on the mountains, while the "Wolf Seat" on which James Howlett was riding drove directly to the core of the Wakanda Plain.

Colin Pitt led more than a dozen winter wolf warriors, carrying special Rubik's Cube energy guns, and each of them carried two huge boxes on their shoulders. The machines inside were all the remaining machines invested by the research institute over the years Made of vibration gold material.

It is octagonal, about one meter long and wide, and about forty to fifty centimeters thick. It has honeycomb-like dense holes inside, and in the middle is the extracted ice-blue Rubik's Cube energy box, which serves as the energy supply core of this weird machine.

Steve and Bucky are also helping to "unload the cargo". The full acceleration of the Wolf Nest model is not something ordinary people can bear. This era is far from a supersonic aircraft that reaches Mach [-]. Only the Winter Wolf that has been transformed by the evolutionary serum Soldiers can bear it freely.

There are also a large number of non-vibration-made octagonal machines, which arrive by air fleet and are transported overland to the Wakanda border.

The winter wolf warriors carried and put down hundreds of pieces of machinery one after another on the edge of this huge peak that slanted into the mountain range. They randomly took out a vibrating gold dagger in their hands, jumped off the cliff, and fell from the mountain peak that is more than 1000 meters high. The dagger in his hand pierced the cliff, slowed down, and landed on the plain one by one.

"My lord, the border guards have assembled, and the teams from the River Valley and the Merchant Tribe are coming, and the Dora guards are ready to fight!"

T'Chaka slowly put on the Panther helmet. Unlike the half-covered leopard-bite helmet that was relatively simple in his father Azuri's era, Wakanda's manufacturing skills today have been able to cast a full-covered helmet. armor.

"Order the Jabari tribe to gather by the river and prepare for the first charge."

King T'Chaka's deep and solemn voice came from his helmet. He stared at the blue-black aircraft that landed a few hundred meters ahead. He was familiar with the metal material on it. It was the holy gold of Wakanda.

Whoosh whoosh.
The cables on the airship were thrown down, and hundreds of wolf pack warriors slid down carrying Rubik's Cube guns and various combat equipment, and gathered behind the Wolf Seat. They had already learned the operation order and did not stop. Head towards the dense forest.

T'Chaka watched the fighter plane finally crack a gap from the belly, and leaned down the hanging ladder. He was dressed in black close-fitting clothes, half-length black hair, and the tall and burly man slowly walked down.

Every step he took seemed to be slow and fast, and it wasn't until his feet stepped on the land of Wakanda that the Black Panther King saw the whole picture of the person coming.

T'Chaka doesn't need any doubts, because the man's appearance has not changed at all, just like the one he saw from afar when he was a child.

"Hoo ha! Ho ha ha!"


The assembled warriors of the various tribes in Wakanda began to shout the roar of battle. Their king just stood on a bluestone, looking at the four figures walking out of the unknown machine in front of him motionless.

"The environment is very good. It's the first time I saw the African jungle. Dad, is this the origin of Zhenjin?"

Eric Lanshere was wearing a dark red combat uniform and a half-shoulder cloak. He, Emma and Miss Peggy looked around at this fertile land hidden between dense forests and valleys.

They are very curious about the tribal warriors who have been waiting for battle and are still gathering. The architectural style and clothing characteristics here are self-contained.

"The place of origin of Zhenjin is Tianwai."

James Howlett revisited his old place, and mentioned something to Eric with a relaxed expression. He looked at the black panther standing in front of him, and the Wakanda guards who had gathered nearly [-] people, and suddenly smiled.

"Some progress, at least the craftsmanship of equipping weapons is not so rough."


T'Chaka suddenly called his captain of Dora's guards. He took a deep breath, and the vent hole on the face of the helmet blew out a soft whistle. The Black Panther King said strangely:

"An order was given to all the old people, women, and cubs to hide in the cave and prepare to evacuate Wakanda at any time."

"My king! The enemy of invasion is not—"


T'Chaka sighed deeply, and said softly: "You weren't born at that time, he was that demon, the "red and white demon"."

Boom boom boom!
The wolf pack warriors who entered the dense forest had already removed the energy guns they were carrying on their backs, spraying out a steady flow of energy flames, destroying and fusing trees with a lifespan of thousands of years, clearing a path in the dense forest.

The explosion in the forest and the burning smoke startled the tribal warriors who were waiting in line. They shouted the slogan of fighting almost at the same time. Hit the shield and shake out the rumbling drums.

"The man in black armor is here."

Emma reminded aloud, she looked at T'Chaka who jumped off the bluestone, turned around and gestured to the assembled team, and then walked slowly alone, and looked strangely at James, who was also not in a hurry to give orders.

"Azzurri is my father."

T'Chaka came more than ten meters in front of James, speaking quite proficient English with a New York accent.

"Have you seen me?"

"I have seen."

James nodded slightly. This black panther is very different from his father.

"As much as you want, I can trade with you."

T'Chaka's words surprised James even more. This new generation of Panthers is smarter than he thought.

".It's a pity, I'm sorry, I can only take it by myself."

The three of Emma behind him became even more puzzled when they heard some endless conversations. The black panther helmet covered T'Chaka's face, but his clenched fists suddenly showed the incomparable anger in his heart.

"I don't believe it. I have lived in the United States for many years before returning to my hometown. I know very well that for the people there, there is nothing that cannot be discussed, and there is no business that cannot be done."

T'Chaka's tone was a little eager. Judging from the airships covering the sky and the strange planes he had never seen before, King Black Panther knew very well that Wakanda still cannot protect itself.

"You really can't give me what I want, and I'm not a pure American. It's too wasteful for Zhenjin to stay here."

"Then what you will face is the long knife cut by every clansman in Wakanda with their lives!"


T'Chaka's ten fingertips pierced three or four centimeters of sharp leopard claws, and the Black Panther King, who had no room left, finally made a last-ditch fight with his life.


Eric took a step forward, his eyes flashed, he looked at the black panther that was pounced on him, and raised his right fist flatly.

T'Chaka, who leaped forward, was suspended in the air like this, and he still maintained the posture of bending over and stabbing, but no matter how hard he tried, his body was bound by the armor and remained motionless. The black panther armor was like being cast and hardened. average.


T'Chaka roared loudly, and the face under the helmet was covered with tiny blood vessels. Eric split his fists and changed his palms, and the black panther fixed in the air suddenly stretched out its limbs and hung in the shape of a cross.

"Long live Wakanda!"

Sara, the captain of Dora's guard, watched her loyal king being hung in the air strangely, her flat and thick nose flickered, and her eyes were cracked. She threw the spear in her hand first, and many tribal warriors flocked He threw the weapon in his hand, and then charged forward.

James and the others looked at the spears pouring from the sky like rain, and they remained motionless. Even Peggy Rogers was not worried at all. Eric spread his left palm and held it high. fixed in the air.

"Emma, ​​let them all sleep and sleep longer."

Seeing the Wakanda army charging and shouting, James turned and walked away, giving a simple order beside Emma.

Emma Frost was dressed in a white dress, and her strong and hot figure faced thousands of Wakanda warriors who were screaming and charging. It turns into a dazzling diamond shape, shining brilliantly.

"Peace of mind!"

In an instant, the hundreds of warriors who were about to pounce in front of Emma suddenly fell to the ground. The inertia of the charge brought their bodies to a section in the wilderness, and more and more tribal warriors fell to the ground one after another.

They still had breathing and heartbeats, but just passed out and fell asleep. Peggy looked at the two young people standing alone like gods. What is the power that human beings can have?

In the distance, there are many winter wolf warriors in Bucky, looking at the vibrating spears floating in the sky and the fallen warriors like mowing grass, they no longer have any hope of being able to fight this time. up.

"Demon! The leopard god Buster will finally bring divine punishment! Your souls will never rest in peace!"

T'Chaka, who was still hovering in mid-air by Eric, couldn't see the scene behind him, but he could hear the shouting and charging warriors falling down one by one without a sound.

James walked towards the mountains in the northwest, ignoring T'Chaka who kept shouting and cursing. Emma had already penetrated into the center of the plain, and countless people lay down densely in front of her and behind her.

In the end, she folded her arms, like a statue of a goddess made of the most expensive diamonds in the world. She leaned back and spread her arms, centering on herself, faintly radiating a faint white glow to the surroundings, except for Eric and Peggy, there is no longer a standing figure on this vast plain.

Eric lowered his arm, and the swords all over the sky fell ping-pong-pong. He casually threw the black panther, which was also unconscious, into the lying crowd, and followed James' direction.

"Go to work."

James came to the foot of the mountain, looked at the green and black sloping olive-shaped huge mountain, and said to Steve and others that the dense forest surrounding Wakanda in the distance finally cleared a through road, and transport vehicles carrying fuel The roar of the engine came gradually.

"Teacher, what should we do?"

Bucky followed James' gaze, looking at the thousand-meter-high blue-black mountain, and still asked confusedly.

"Move the mountain."

James finally said.

"Hereby invites Professor Charles Francis Xavier, Ph.D. in Genetic Mutation and Genetics, to serve as the Chief Advisor of the Department of Mutant Power Research, Strategic Defense, Attack and Logistics Support Agency."

Charles accepted the letter of commission from Minister Michael Hals and shook hands with him. Those plump palms were warm, and Mr. Hals' eager smile squeezed his small eyes again.

After the Strategic Science Corps was fully reorganized and established as a new institution, the status of the research department of mutants and mutant forces that he was in charge of rose sharply. In addition, Professor Xavier, an extremely outstanding consultant in the academic field and mutant ability, joined, ha Ernes is confident that he can compete with the Scientific Research Department under Howard Stark.

Not many people participated in the appointment ceremony, just a simple cutscene, except for Maura Mark Taggart, who has been transferred from the CIA to the newly established S.H.I.E.L.D., and Hank McCoy , Raven and several staff members of the department to testify.

"Thanks, Mr. Hals, hope I can do something for mutant affairs and development."

Charles was in good spirits, and he accepted the invitation without thinking too long. On the one hand, he had a good impression of this department through previous cooperation.

On the other hand, the young Professor Xavier decided to put it into practice, and worked hard to answer the question raised by Raven, who was regarded as his own sister.

"I have considered Hank's proposal. If we can improve his incomplete brain wave device, it will allow you to truly grasp the dynamics of mutants, so that you can actually discover and help them."

Michael Hals' chubby body was leaning on Charles' shoulders. His weight was indeed heavy, but Naihe was so enthusiastic that Charles couldn't shirk it away for a while.

"Charles, you have also seen some horrific experiments about Sebastian Shaw in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. I promise you that SHIELD will never do such research on anyone."

"Minister Hals, this is one of the reasons why I am willing to help you. I hope that this special group that has emerged among more and more ordinary people can be properly known and understood."


Raven watched Charles deal with all kinds of greetings and conversations in the crowd freely, curled her lips noncommittally, she was wearing the popular stud jacket, jeans, and short boots, which seemed out of place in such a formal occasion.

Hank came over and heard Raven continue:
"Do you think that one day we can really walk on the street openly, go to movie theaters, bars, shopping malls, without being cast a strange look."

"Of course not."

Hank McCoy seemed to feel that his reaction was too direct, and he shrugged his shoulders, explaining the conclusion that sounded too "arbitrary" when he blurted out.

"Well, I mean, think about the blacks in America. It's been almost a century since slavery was abolished, but they still get suspicious eyes when they walk in the white neighborhood. Of course, their crime rate is indeed high, but this Yet another complex social issue”

Raven looked seriously at Hank, who was not very fluent in speech. Although he usually didn't talk much, he thought deeply about many issues.

"From the perspective of the population characteristics of creatures, appearance, breath, color and other external manifestations will affect mutual attraction or repulsion. We instinctively choose to integrate into groups similar to ourselves, so even if mutants are all over the world one day I know, still can't change that a big fluffy man will be surrounded by passers-by on the street, but"

"but what?"

Raven grinned amused by Hank's imitation of a long-haired beast, and hurriedly asked.

Hank pursed his lips, and said with a bit of self-deprecation: "But if possible, I hope that the vision and discussion will be envy and respect, not disgust and contempt."

The two young people were silent at the same time, but Raven didn't stay depressed for too long. She thought of the Mr. Red Devil who "met" with her from time to time these days.

He said he would take himself to a fun place today.

Raven looked forward to it.

Bucky held a beam particle gun that was very similar to the energy guns used by the Hydra troops back then, and a dozen Winter Wolf warriors, including Steve, Colin, and Opper, were constantly bombarding the mountain.

Millions of years ago, a vibranium meteorite fell from the sky and landed on this continent.

The vicissitudes of life, the mountains and rivers are turning, with the changes of the landform and the evolution of the natural environment, this meteorite is gradually connected with the surrounding mountains, becoming a mountain in Wakanda.

According to ancient tribal legends, the leopard god Buster believed by the Wakanda led a warrior to the vicinity of this mountain range, found a strange heart-shaped herb, and gained extraordinary power after taking it, thus ending the war. The surrounding tribes competed for the vibrating gold ore, creating this country.

At this moment, they are using these energy weapons to smash and cut the connection between the Vibrating Gold Meteorite Mountain and the surrounding mountains bit by bit, cleaning up the surrounding rhizomes and veins like digging a sweet potato from the soil, as well as the sticky ones. earth and rocks.

Gradually clearing away the surrounding rocks and vegetation, the vibrating gold meteorites that fell from ancient times have reproduced their original blue and black appearance.

Everyone present, except James and Dr. Anim Zola who had just arrived in a transport vehicle, felt that all this was too incredible.

This meteorite mountain is approximately oval in shape, nearly a kilometer high, and the density and mass of vibrating metal are much greater than ordinary earth and rocks. James' light "move the mountain" really scared everyone.

Dr. Zola crouched on a small instrument crackling and calculating the data. He looked extremely crazy, jumping up and down to let the warriors of the wolf pack take the airship to measure the volume of the vibrating meteorite and the final data.

The boss's crazy idea made Zola's scalp tingle with excitement.

"How about it."

James still asked with some trepidation. After coming to Wakanda for the first time, he had carefully observed this meteorite mountain. The mountain has been continuously excavated by the Wakanda people for generations, and a space has been carved out, but the low productivity primitive What the kingdom can develop is very limited.

After getting the Rubik's Cube, the ridiculous idea that James had flashed in his mind finally became possible.

Through my own rough estimation at the time, and later sneaked into Wakanda several times with Asazzo, observing the position and volume, combined with the density of vibrating gold, under the calculations of Zola and a large number of engineers, I finally decided to promote this The almost crazy plan of "moving mountains".

"Sir! It's doable! But, part of this meteorite mountain is deep underground, and the power will be insufficient at the beginning."

"Try it, let's start to arrange."

With James' order issued, Eric finally understood what a heavy responsibility he was shouldering today. While swearing in his heart that his father thought highly of him, he took control of the eight animals that the Winter Wolf Warrior had unloaded from the Wolf's Nest Transport Plane. Angular machines.

The anti-gravity device developed by Howard Stark in the 40s made up the last link of this "Mountain Moving" operation. Of course, the so-called "anti-gravity" cannot really counteract the gravitational influence of the earth on matter, but a This is an engine device with very advanced ideas and ideas.

Its characteristic is that it can form a small-volume independent engine in the form of a unit module, and the effect is quite good, but the biggest problem is that the demand for high-energy energy is too large. In the era when the internal combustion engine is still powered, it is purely a tasteless technology.

But in the past ten years, the improvement and perfection of the Howlett Advanced Technology Research Institute, as well as the magnificent energy body of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, finally made this technology completely glow.

Only a Rubik's Cube anti-gravity engine made of ordinary alloy can support the weight of a large passenger plane of nearly [-] tons, while the power of an engine made of pure vibrating gold can reach nearly [-] tons.

More and more anti-gravity engines were being unloaded onto this plain, and two wolf nest transport planes were constantly carrying the remaining engines from the freighter in the Somali waters.

Eric and James rose into the sky together. He raised his arms, and tens of thousands of densely packed engines rose into the air like a swarm of bees, sticking to the surface of the meteorite piece by piece.

A huge nearly oval-shaped meteorite mountain, like an olive coated with honey, is covered with ants in black.

Bang bang bang.
There was the knocking sound like raindrops falling on plantains. Dr. Zola saw that all the anti-gravity engines of the Rubik's Cube had been arranged, and turned on the control button.

Immediately, the ice-blue energy flames enveloped the entire Zhenjin Meteorite Mountain, and the earth-shattering rumbling sound was like a violent change in the earth's crust. This million-year-old extraterrestrial meteorite.

"It's here! Finally, I didn't miss it, Falk, the nest!"

Azazzo took Raven's hand and appeared on a newly built building in Wakanda. He looked around, and suddenly saw blue-black meteorite mountains that were cut out by knives and axes, densely covered with patches. Ice blue energy flames.

The earth-shattering power made him swear immediately, and he stared blankly on the spot.

Looking at this scene, the young Miss Raven Duckholme suddenly woke up, cursing firmly in her mind:
"Charles Francis Xavier you bastard! How dare you hallucinate my old lady!"

(End of this chapter)

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