Marvel reverses Wolverine

Chapter 108 Feed him an atomic bomb

Chapter 108 Feed him an atomic bomb
All the way north from New York, passing through Hartford and Albany, you will soon reach Canada, where there are vast no-man's land and mountain wilderness, and you will never be disturbed.

Asazo has already found the best sightseeing location. He found a basalt column in this unnamed valley. The top is flat and stands tall. He can see two figures in the distant mountains.

Sebastian Xiao was not in a hurry, stood up slowly, patted the elegant silver-gray suit jacket, shook off a lot of dirt, and said slowly:
"Sir, I still prefer the atmosphere of sitting down and talking together just now. We are all a few compatriots living in a world of billions of human beings. I think that if there are inconsistent ideas, they can be resolved through communication."

James still looked down at Xiao, his long hair danced vigorously, and a faint blood-colored energy flow lingered around his body.

The white shirt he was originally wearing had already been turned into dust under the torrent of turbulence around him, and the black combat trousers and boots he wore on his lower body were all custom-made from high-resistant materials specially researched by the Howlett Research Institute. Maximum resistance to the damage of the body's dissipated energy.

"Over the years, I have gradually improved my strength to today, and established this family and power, so that I can show my claws directly when I don't want to talk nonsense."

Bang, boom, boom, boom!
The bloody flames around James exploded one after another, and the bone blades and shield spines on his arms instantly proliferated and spurted out. The spurting bioenergy flow rubbed against the air to create fine sparks, crackling on his body.

In the short period of time that came here, Xiao kept thinking about what kind of mutant ability this "young man" who has not even bothered to reveal his name to him so far has.

What made Xiao desperate was that this majestic man seemed to have perfect power without loopholes that was beyond the reach of ordinary mutants.

He can release a certain kind of energy, which is stronger than any mutant of the same type he has ever seen. It is not comparable to his "perpetual motion machine" Andre.

His body is extremely solid and strong, and he can also produce bone weapons. Judging from Xiao's experience, this type of mutants often has a certain self-healing ability, and the most frightening thing is that this man's spiritual consciousness even Nina There is nothing they can do.

But Sebastian Xiao cheered up, with a narrow smile on his thin face, he was least afraid of this kind of simple and rude power.

A sound barrier exploded behind James, and he shot at Xiao with a bang. The bone blades in both hands pressed against Xiao's chest, breaking through the blue-gray rocks behind him, and smashing into a deep pit of more than ten meters.

Sebastian Xiao's figure continued to blur, and James' bone blade pierced it felt particularly strange, not solid, as if it had hit a non-Newtonian fluid at high speed.

Just like the feeling when flying with Xiao Pokong before, all the strength and energy blows of James have been absorbed, and the seemingly exaggerated destructive power is only left in superficial movements, and all the energy in it has been absorbed. Eliminate all.

Xiao stretched out his fingertips and touched the opponent's shoulder lightly. Suddenly, the strong light raged. James instantly accepted all the energy currently stored in Xiao's body, and was blasted out of the deep pit and blasted to a distance of [-] meters.

Thick smoke and dust billowed down, and Xiao walked out of the hole in disgrace. His clothes were pierced a few times, and a few rips were cut. Everything else was as usual. He felt at ease temporarily. As long as this The man has no other weird abilities, so Xiao can be confident and invincible.

Gradually falling dust reveals the vision ahead, centered on James who was deeply sunken on a cliff by the bombardment, the broken wall of the canyon was cracked with cobweb cracks with a radius of more than ten meters, and at the same time it was still constantly falling apart.

smack. smack.
The sound of falling gravel echoed in the empty valley. James jumped out of the three-meter-deep pit. He intentionally controlled the self-healing ability of his body and did not recover immediately. Looking at the broken skin and parts from his left shoulder to his abdomen The fascia tissue, curled his lips, and blinked his eyes to heal as before.

Xiao let out a long sigh. This gentleman's physical strength and self-healing ability were even beyond his imagination. Xiao, who had done thousands of experiments on mutants, was very puzzled. Mutants who often have energy released , Physical strength is relatively limited, if neither side can do anything to the other, this will be a protracted and protracted battle.

"Not bad, you are tough enough."

Xiao was thinking about how to speak, but it was James who had a strong body like gold and jade, showing four sharp canine teeth, and said softly in satisfaction.

He was floating in mid-air, and the blades of his claws gleamed coldly, not like bones, but more like a hundred-smelt steel knife.

"Sir, I think there will be no results if we continue fighting like this. I, Sebastian Shaw, the mutant black emperor, would like to talk to you again."


Asazuo teleported closer, hugged his stomach and laughed harshly. He really felt that Xiao was too neurotic. The word that the old man sometimes said about himself, the second, might be more suitable for Xiao.

James restrained his stance and fell to the ground, but what he said was not what Xiao was willing to listen to.

"I have two guesses about your strength. One is the upper limit of your energy absorption, and the other is the absorption speed."

He walked forward at a leisurely pace, and as he approached step by step, a faint sense of panic and oppression rose in Sebastian Xiao's heart.

"Your absorption speed is not fast, and the nerve and body reactions are also very average. As for the upper limit——"

James' eyes were fixed, and he gathered the energy in his body without dispersing it. As if the most basic fist attack, he dodged in and slashed on Xiao's shoulder with a claw.

Immediately, countless double images superimposed, Xiao was like a sponge that could absorb water stains, and was suddenly thrown into the pool. The power poured into him instantly by that claw made him immediately lose all mobility, and he had to concentrate on absorbing it. stand up.

Xiao's energy absorption process is a one-way line, absorption and release cannot be carried out at the same time, but in most cases, especially during World War II, Xiao entered the second mutation awakening through the energy stimulation of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

Even if it is the energy of more than a dozen grenades exploding at the same time, he can store it in his body instantly. As for the upper limit, he has not tested it himself.

Punches or bone blades didn't have much effect on James' attack release. What he did was extremely compress his own strength, and the energy positions in his body continued to gather, like nuclear fission, this body with infinite life energy, Played to the extreme.

"Atomic Claw"

This is the energy utilization move learned that day in the capital of the neon country, completely exposed to the central area of ​​the atomic bomb, and it is also the strongest blow that James can do now.

Xiao was hit into the air by the bone claws picked up by flipping his hands. James' figure instantly turned into a blurred streamer in this space, and the explosions in the air were superimposed. Constantly bombarding him, the body's trembling and absorbing load gradually reached the extreme.

The short tens of seconds made Xiao feel as long as eternity. He had already lost consciousness, and the bone claws stabbed by James stopped suddenly and did not strike again.

Xiao's skin was chapped inch by inch, but there was no trace of blood flowing out. An extremely unstable stream of energy surged through the gaps, and it became like a broken doll, even suspended in the air in such a strange way.

James stepped back slowly. From the depths of his heart, even every cell felt a sense of fatigue that he had never felt before. This was the first time he felt empty and tired in his body, and it was the strongest feeling hundreds of times. The blow also made James understand the upper limit of his destructive power.

Almost equal to the explosion energy of an atomic bomb.

James stopped the final blow. He knew that Xiao at this moment had completely reached the critical point of bursting. Maybe it only needed a light touch, and even the slightest force could destroy his weakest balance.

Xiao "eat" an atomic bomb-level energy attack in a very short period of time, and finally came to the abyss of death.

Asazo teleported below the two of them, looking at Xiao who was floating out of thin air like magma surging with energy flames, he was amazed.

"Go and bring Eric."

James' voice was faintly tired, and his eyes did not leave, still staring at him firmly.

He could feel that Xiao was not dead yet, and maybe if he just left it alone, this talented mutant might really survive again, and even reach the critical point of dying by energy absorption, and go one step further.

The two brothers Nina Ivanovna and Goncharov passed out on the ground, blood flowed from the corners of their eyes, and they were still alive, but they could basically be declared brain dead.

Emma followed Nina's mind, coupled with the mental storm that she broke through to the limit, and swallowed back the spiritual power that Nina had invaded in one fell swoop. Out of the "backside" world.

Eric looked at Emma, ​​who had been transformed into a diamond and returned to her original appearance, and was more and more shocked by the power of the mutant group. The transformation into a diamond-like life form was really shocking.

With a puff, the black and red smoke gathered and scattered out of thin air. Asazo looked at the ruined golf course, put his waist in and smiled and said, "You two are making a lot of noise. Let's go, Dad is looking for you."

"Did Xiao get killed by Dad?"

Eric asked eagerly, they had made a plan to deal with Xiao from the beginning, if James couldn't solve Xiao in the end, then Emma still needed to take action.

"Well, that's right, it's mainly for you to make up the knife."

Asazo flashed his fangs, Eric and Emma put his shoulders on the left and right, and the three of them disappeared in a flash.

Almost at the front and rear feet, a military off-road vehicle drove up, and Charles Xavier finally arrived with Raven, Hank McCoy, Agent Mora and Mr. Hals.

They were stunned for a while looking at the suburban ruins that seemed to have been ravaged by a category ten hurricane, and all the traces of Charles' mind in the brain wave instrument had completely disappeared.

In the desolate canyon of Canada, Asazo appeared again. Eric looked at the two figures floating in the sky, and then leveled his arms and floated up.

"I'll leave it to you for the last time, it's all one thought."

James looked at Eric, who had grown into a man, and returned the last knife of revenge to his hand.

Eric stared coldly at this "Klaus Schmidt" doctor who had appeared in his nightmares countless times when he was young. After a long time, a coin floated out of his pocket, which was the time of Deutschner. Minted eagle coins.

He took a last deep look at Sebastian Shaw, who had been torn apart and barely maintained his human form. As James slowly flew back to the mountain, standing side by side with Asazzo and Emma, ​​the coin slowly moved in his palm. Slow rotation, faster and faster.

It gradually accelerated into a blur, and even faintly flashed electromagnetic sparks. Accelerated by the high-speed electromagnetic force, the coin burst into Xiao in mid-air in an instant, sending the last straw that overwhelmed the camel's camel.

The extreme light engulfed the brilliance of the sun, and the nearby mountain peaks, whether they were rocks or vegetation, were all crumbled into pieces. Hundreds of meters above the sky, that spot of ever-expanding and magnifying light swallowed everything in this space.

At the moment when the white light was about to overwhelm everyone, the four figures turned into black and red smoke and disappeared.

Charles and the others seem to have taken on the job of cleaning up the battlefield, and found six bodies in total. The faces that Agent Mora Mark Taggart saw in the secret room of the Atomic Nightclub, except for Sebastian Shaw, Everyone is here.

Strategic Science Corps, Michael Hals of the Mutation Force Research Department is talking on a military vehicle mobile phone, reporting the situation here to the peak.


Raven endured the nausea, looking at the steel spears piercing through the tattered corpse. The long-haired man's body was pierced on the ground and strung up, criss-crossing through the wounds, opening his entire chest and abdomen. The internal organs fell out piece by piece.

Hank came to Raven and pulled her away. Charles was examining a pair of twins and a young woman with albinism. Their eyes were crying blood, their hearts were still beating weakly, but their brains were dead.

As for Colonel Bob Hendry, he was found in the ruins of a collapsed building, and he should be a pond fish that was affected.

"This way the problem is solved, and all the black hands behind the scenes are dead."

Raven swayed around for the last time, speaking innocently, Mora and Charles did not relax. On the one hand, the most important leader is still dead, and on the other hand
It is even more of a problem who made such a big battle and wiped out such a powerful team of mutants.

"Charles, do you have any clues? What else did you see through that brainwave device?"

Mo La looked at the scene of Shura in a complicated manner, and lost her mind for a moment.

Of course, Charles Xavier knew in his heart that there were two other mutants discovered through the brain wave machine, an unknown woman with extremely strong psychic power, and one who was a mutant.
Asazo brought James and the three of them back here in a flash. After the void flashed, they looked at a few strangers who appeared suddenly. The two groups were a little stunned by each other, but Eric grinned, his eyes were burning, and the meaning was unclear. Said to James:

"Father, this is the colleague I mentioned to you, Professor Charles Xavier."

 Last night, I couldn’t sleep well because of being upstairs. In the morning, I thought about agreeing to everyone’s additions. I forced myself to wake up early and take some time to finish writing, but the backlash came at night. Now my mind is in a mess, and I can’t do this vicious circle anymore.
Sorry everyone, today's update is a little less. It's very sad.
(End of this chapter)

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